What's grosser than gross? |
10 Sith apprentices in one garbage can! |
8% |
[ 11 ] |
1 Sith apprentice in 10 garbage cans! |
16% |
[ 21 ] |
Darth Venomisci's Lightsaber Training room floor! |
13% |
[ 17 ] |
The little "gifts" from Darth Scoobadoobacus' booty! |
16% |
[ 21 ] |
Darth Scabrous constantly slurping up the blood from his never-healing mouth wound! |
44% |
[ 57 ] |
Total Votes : 127 |
DD-SCRAPS rolled 3 8-sided dice:
1, 1, 4
Total: 6 (3-24)
Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 4:47 am
6fred6 DD-SCRAPS 6fred6 DD-SCRAPS 6fred6 MEDIUM(8-sided die)1-4=miss, 5-8=hit 55HPSwings my baton high at the new droid. 6fred6 = 250 Droid 250-55 = 195 The droid gets a faceful of baton. It drops down and slashes at the boy's feet with its saber.6fred6 = 195 Droid = 195 Follows up with a strike to the stomach. 6fred6 = 195 Droid = 195 The droid dodges and comes down with a double-handed, overhead strike.6fred6 = 195 Droid = 195 Blocks with a shield and swipes at the droid. 6fred6 = 195 Droid 195-55-55 = 85 The droid tries zipping away from the boy to avoid further damage. It throws down some rusty caltrops in its wake.6fred6 = 195 Droid = 85
DD-SCRAPS rolled 3 8-sided dice:
3, 4, 2
Total: 9 (3-24)
Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 4:50 am
Arie The Dragon Slayer DD-SCRAPS Arie The Dragon Slayer DD-SCRAPS Arie The Dragon Slayer = 250 Droid = 140 heart Arie The Dragon Slayer = 250 Droid = 85 (sweet i found a Pink Link going to post in here) The droid believes it has found the missing link while posting in here.Arie The Dragon Slayer = 250 Droid = 30
DD-SCRAPS rolled 3 8-sided dice:
5, 6, 4
Total: 15 (3-24)
Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 4:51 am
KarmaTheNatureLover DD-SCRAPS KarmaTheNatureLover DD-SCRAPS KarmaTheNatureLover jokes on you i love kids razz The droid comes in to the mess on the floor which used to be its father droid by program. It begins to cry, spilling oil at the girl's feet.KarmaTheNatureLover = 195 Droid = 250 well this is one slipper situation. sweatdrop The droid takes out its vengeance on the girl by swiping at her torso with its lightsaber.KarmaTheNatureLover = 85 Droid = 195 ninja KarmaTheNatureLover = This droid has defeated you. Please pick another one and start again. Droid = 85
DD-SCRAPS rolled 3 8-sided dice:
5, 6, 8
Total: 19 (3-24)
Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 5:08 am
Neko Nikita Uchiha DD-SCRAPS Neko Nikita Uchiha DD-SCRAPS The new droid comes in to repeat everything the previous droid said, only slower.Neko Nikita Uchiha = 250 Droid = 195 (your booty/fish is glowing) The droid blushes and makes polite compliments at the girl. Then the droid begins thinking maybe the girl is really making this weird between them. It attempts to break the ice by shooting a poisonous dart at her neck.Neko Nikita Uchiha = 85 Droid = 195 Trying to kill me after grabbing your glow i'll remember that xd The droid sends an army of Evil Sith Fish to destroy the girl's aquarium.Neko Nikita Uchiha = You're chopped up into so many pieces. Well, at least the fish will have something to eat. Droid = 30
DD-SCRAPS rolled 3 8-sided dice:
1, 3, 2
Total: 6 (3-24)
Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 5:10 am
Za-AM1 DD-SCRAPS Za-AM1 DD-SCRAPS Za-AM1 '' you can't run away my dear'' said Za-AM1 then she shot the droid. RIP The droid swoops in to the classroom just to have a laser deflect off the chassis of a broken droid and hit it in the head. It zeroes in on the source of the blast and fires its own blaster at the girl.Za-AM1 = 250 Droid = 195 The shots didn't hit Za-AM1 cuz the droid didn't where she is, so showed up from nowhere and shoot the droid with a blaster. The droid tries slapping a thermal detonator onto the back of the girl as she zips past.Za-AM1 = 195 Droid = 85 ''That wasn't nice!'' shouted Za-AM1 angrily. She turned at the droid and shoot it endlessly with scream this face. The droid hoped the endless shooting would end, but realized it would not. It attempted to shield itself with a ricochet shield, hoping the blasts would bounce back at the girl.Za-AM1 = 195 Droid = 30
DD-SCRAPS rolled 3 8-sided dice:
6, 7, 5
Total: 18 (3-24)
Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 5:11 am
Tsubaki The Cosplayer DD-SCRAPS Tsubaki The Cosplayer DD-SCRAPS The droid fires its blaster at the misguided cat.Tsubaki The Cosplayer = 140 Droid = 195 *jumps in the air and lands on all fours* Wrong dice, hon.oops sorry The droid slashes at the underbelly of the beast as it comes down from the jump.Tsubaki The Cosplayer = Slish, Slash, You're Slush! This droid has defeated you. Please pick another droid and start again. Droid = 140
DD-SCRAPS rolled 3 8-sided dice:
7, 8, 4
Total: 19 (3-24)
Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 5:14 am
akira water demon DD-SCRAPS akira water demon DD-SCRAPS akira water demon (it look more like i had a lizard tail than an eel) I thought so too. The only thing I can think of is to try it with a blouse which will hide the source of the tail and use that one item that takes off your legs, and put your avatar under water with a background. The droid comes in the the Training Room and gets hit in the face with debris. It finds the culprit and slashes at her with its saber.akira water demon = 195 Droid = 195 (whats the legless item?) Legless Method <=====akira water demon = 85 Droid = 85 whats the item name? Crap! I could have sworn I linked you with that image. Try it again. Legless Method  akira water demon = This droid has defeated you. Please pick another droid and start again. Droid = 30
DD-SCRAPS rolled 3 8-sided dice:
5, 1, 7
Total: 13 (3-24)
Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 5:17 am
Queentintin and I am sure you'll have some outrageous plan of attack for me..once you get back! *soon hopefully!* lol ok for todays, Tuesday, get ready got me a revolver wonder if a droid can dance , always wanted to see hehe like in a western! yes 2 hits, you're right my grades are improving lol! Queentintin=250 Droid= 85 ^.^ The droid activates just to find out it's been nearly decimated. It takes one of its overloading power cells out and lobs it at the girl just as it's about to explode.Queentintin = 140 Droid = 85
Queentintin rolled 3 8-sided dice:
1, 4, 8
Total: 13 (3-24)
Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 5:19 am
DD-SCRAPS Queentintin and I am sure you'll have some outrageous plan of attack for me..once you get back! *soon hopefully!* lol ok for todays, Tuesday, get ready got me a revolver wonder if a droid can dance , always wanted to see hehe like in a western! yes 2 hits, you're right my grades are improving lol! Queentintin=250 Droid= 85 ^.^ The droid activates just to find out it's been nearly decimated. It takes one of its overloading power cells out and lobs it at the girl just as it's about to explode.Queentintin = 250 Droid = 85 NO....it cannot be! throws a grenade it's way just to make sure it's decimated! *Love the adjective! lol oh no, one hit! you may have hurt me a little! Queentintin=250 Droid= 30 wait...didn't you get any hits? yes you did! Queentintin=140 Droid=30
Arie The Dragon Slayer rolled 3 8-sided dice:
3, 6, 7
Total: 16 (3-24)
Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 6:51 am
DD-SCRAPS Arie The Dragon Slayer DD-SCRAPS Arie The Dragon Slayer DD-SCRAPS Arie The Dragon Slayer = 250 Droid = 140 heart Arie The Dragon Slayer = 250 Droid = 85 (sweet i found a Pink Link going to post in here) The droid believes it has found the missing link while posting in here.Arie The Dragon Slayer = 250 Droid = 30 mrgreen
KarmaTheNatureLover rolled 3 8-sided dice:
3, 3, 2
Total: 8 (3-24)
Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 7:08 am
DD-SCRAPS KarmaTheNatureLover DD-SCRAPS KarmaTheNatureLover DD-SCRAPS KarmaTheNatureLover jokes on you i love kids razz The droid comes in to the mess on the floor which used to be its father droid by program. It begins to cry, spilling oil at the girl's feet.KarmaTheNatureLover = 195 Droid = 250 well this is one slipper situation. sweatdrop The droid takes out its vengeance on the girl by swiping at her torso with its lightsaber.KarmaTheNatureLover = 85 Droid = 195 ninja KarmaTheNatureLover = This droid has defeated you. Please pick another one and start again. Droid = 85 *looks for a new droid and keeps on attacking*
Neko Nikita Uchiha rolled 3 8-sided dice:
6, 5, 6
Total: 17 (3-24)
Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 7:36 am
DD-SCRAPS Neko Nikita Uchiha DD-SCRAPS Neko Nikita Uchiha DD-SCRAPS The new droid comes in to repeat everything the previous droid said, only slower.Neko Nikita Uchiha = 250 Droid = 195 (your booty/fish is glowing) The droid blushes and makes polite compliments at the girl. Then the droid begins thinking maybe the girl is really making this weird between them. It attempts to break the ice by shooting a poisonous dart at her neck.Neko Nikita Uchiha = 85 Droid = 195 Trying to kill me after grabbing your glow i'll remember that xd The droid sends an army of Evil Sith Fish to destroy the girl's aquarium.Neko Nikita Uchiha = You're chopped up into so many pieces. Well, at least the fish will have something to eat. Droid = 30 *starts stitching herself together*
Tsubaki The Cosplayer rolled 3 8-sided dice:
6, 4, 5
Total: 15 (3-24)
Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 8:15 am
DD-SCRAPS Tsubaki The Cosplayer DD-SCRAPS Tsubaki The Cosplayer DD-SCRAPS The droid fires its blaster at the misguided cat.Tsubaki The Cosplayer = 140 Droid = 195 *jumps in the air and lands on all fours* Wrong dice, hon.oops sorry The droid slashes at the underbelly of the beast as it comes down from the jump.Tsubaki The Cosplayer = Slish, Slash, You're Slush! This droid has defeated you. Please pick another droid and start again. Droid = 140 bump
akira water demon rolled 3 8-sided dice:
8, 7, 5
Total: 20 (3-24)
Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 8:31 am
DD-SCRAPS akira water demon DD-SCRAPS akira water demon DD-SCRAPS akira water demon (it look more like i had a lizard tail than an eel) I thought so too. The only thing I can think of is to try it with a blouse which will hide the source of the tail and use that one item that takes off your legs, and put your avatar under water with a background. The droid comes in the the Training Room and gets hit in the face with debris. It finds the culprit and slashes at her with its saber.akira water demon = 195 Droid = 195 (whats the legless item?) Legless Method <=====akira water demon = 85 Droid = 85 whats the item name? Crap! I could have sworn I linked you with that image. Try it again. Legless Method  akira water demon = This droid has defeated you. Please pick another droid and start again. Droid = 30 thanks it works now
Queentintin rolled 3 8-sided dice:
4, 7, 3
Total: 14 (3-24)
Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 4:38 am
DD-SCRAPS Queentintin and I am sure you'll have some outrageous plan of attack for me..once you get back! *soon hopefully!* lol ok for todays, Tuesday, get ready got me a revolver wonder if a droid can dance , always wanted to see hehe like in a western! yes 2 hits, you're right my grades are improving lol! Queentintin=250 Droid= 85 ^.^ The droid activates just to find out it's been nearly decimated. It takes one of its overloading power cells out and lobs it at the girl just as it's about to explode.Queentintin = 250 Droid = 85 NO....it cannot be! throws a grenade it's way just to make sure it's decimated! *Love the adjective! lol oh no, one hit! you may have hurt me a little! Queentintin=250 Droid= 30 wait...didn't you get any hits? yes you did! Queentintin=140 Droid=30ok now let's see! a few quick high kicks a few gun shots, and bang the droid should fall! and as predicted the droid has fallen, slowly to pieces, all worn out! Queentintin=140 Droid= NILL!