What religion are you?
i am definitely a die-hard agnostic. 3nodding

How long have you been in this religion?
hm. i've probably been agnostic since around elementary school, although i may not have known it at the time. sweatdrop

What do you hate about other religions?
i hate how they so often inspire unfounded certainty in other people. basically, i hate faith. i'm fine with people believing whatever they want, as long as they are willing/capable of admitting that what they believe might not actually be correct. it's the blind faith of religion that has caused so much suffering and persecution, after all. evil

If you are agnostic/atheist please tell us why?
i'm agnostic because it is the only things that makes sense to me. technically, the only thing i can be reasonably certain about is that my consciousness exists ("I think, therefor I am." and all that). the existence of anything else is a matter of faith and/or ignorance (not the insulting kind. i'm just talking about people that haven't been introduced to the reasoning for doubting the existence of things). even logic itself is uncertain. since it is impossible to define or test, since defining and testing things are functions of logic in the first place, its own uncertainty is (ironically) the only certainty. if logic, which is how we interpret everything, is uncertain, then everything is. from the existence of our own bodies to the existence of any sort of god(s). mrgreen