Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2008 2:58 pm
ShatteredDawn I'm not entirely sure I understand the point of this...?
There isn't a point! xd
Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2008 3:23 pm
Its like Magical unicorns On eBay. domokun domokun domokun domokun domokun
Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 1:23 pm
Ame no Tenshi ShatteredDawn I'm not entirely sure I understand the point of this...?
There isn't a point! xd
I meant to the text format, actually.. The title "Spam" pretty much explained all the subforums and topics. But I've never really understood this type of text format..
Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 10:47 am
"I'm really sorry about your hand" W0w, 4w350M3, 4 L337 7|24n5L470|2! My 07H3|2 L337 w45 4850LU73Ly C|24p, 50 H3|23 15 My n3w L337...1 |}0n&|25QU0;7 p3|250n4LLy C4|23 1f 17&|25QU0;5 CH3471n6, 1f 17 84M800zL35 p30pL3, 17&|25QU0;5 4LL 600|}! L337, L337, f48UL0U5 L337, 1f y0U&|25QU0;|23 |234|}1n6 7H15, 7H3n y0U&|25QU0;|23 4 L337 633K. 1&|25QU0;M jU57 60nn4 7yp3 50M3 |24n|}0M 5H17 n0w...8L4H 8L4H 8L4H...1 w0n|}3|2 wH0 1nv3n73|} 7H315 L337 7|24n5L470|2...HMM...L337, L337, L37&|25QU0;5 4LL 5p34K L337, L37&|25QU0;5 4C7 L1K3 7074L n0085, 8U7 n07 |}|2355 L1K3 7H3M, H4H4! 7H3 50Un|} 0f MU51C 1n L337 - |}0, 4 |}33|2, 4 f3M4L3 |}33|2, |24y, 4 |}|20p 0f 60L|}3n 5Un, M1, 4 n4M3, 1 C4LL My53Lf, f4H, 83y0n|} 7H3 w4y 70 |2Un, 50H, 4 n33|}L3 pULL1n6 7H|234|}, L4, 4 n073 70 f0LL0w 50H, 71, 4 |}|21nK w17H j4M 4n|} 8|234|}...0H 1 C4n&|25QU0;7 83 807H3|23|} w17H 7H15 ******** 17. L337 n0w 0ff1C14LLy 5UCK5, 51nC3 1 jU57 K1LL3|} 17 4n|} 8U|213|} 17. |}33p Un|}3|26|20Un|}. 4n|} 17 n3v3|2 C4n 83 |23v1v3|}. N3v3|2! Mw4H4H4H4H4!
"Next time you want to hit me, use a baseball bat or a crowbar, okay?" - Jacob Black, Eclipse
Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 10:51 am
"I'm really sorry about your hand" Haha, and on the vrey same wsbitee I fnoud a leet tsntoaralr on, I funod a dlrbeeitae mllrsepei! How aewmsoe...I wdoner how it shlal trun out...
"Next time you want to hit me, use a baseball bat or a crowbar, okay?" - Jacob Black, Eclipse
Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 4:15 pm
0|-| (|24|O! |-|0// (4|| 1 3/e|| (0|/||O|23|-|3|||> L33t 5|O34| 8(_)+ 1 5+1|_|_ (_)|||>3|25+4|||> +|-|15 5+(_)|=|=. 0|/|6 1 (4||'+ 83|_13/3 1|| J(_)5+ 0||3 |>4`/, 1 4|_|/|05+ (0|/||O|_3+3|_`/ |<||0// L33t 5|O34| That took a LONG time to type!
Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 6:47 am
1 w1$h 1 h4Ð f1n1$h3Ð r34Ð1ng MT, 4k4 M3g4 T0k¥0. Bµt 1 g0t Ð1$tr4(t3Ð n¥ th3 b34µt1fµ£ ¥401. $µpp0$3У¥, th1$ 1$ $1mp£3 £33t. H4v1ng fµn tr4n$£4t1ng?
Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 10:26 am
Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 2:25 am
|-|3|_|_0 W0R|_|>!
(gaia doesn't *like* l337 'W's! crying )
Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 7:59 am
There are tons of pokemon fans in this guild.YAYZ!
Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 11:44 am
Winters Haze There are tons of pokemon fans in this guild.YAYZ! Of course! Isn't pokemon simply wonderfully cute, neh?
Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 11:57 am
0M6! 15N'7 3V3|2`/|30|>`/ 3X(173|> |=0|2 7|-|3 6414n 5|O1|217 W33|
Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 8:06 pm
Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 4:28 pm
My head hurts so much! I can't read leet. Well maybe if I tried harder.
Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 10:08 pm