Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 3:53 pm
Standing off of the spot light Lee looked over himself he had felt a squeeze on his body but had not been able to find Karma in the crowd after it had happened. What was that all about was all that filled his mind as he looked from side to side before she appeared on stage. Leaning up against one of the pillar's that held the tent up Lee simply watched her act. Fire and explosions easily showcased her mood as he frowned somewhat at it wondering what was likely the cause of the foul mood this time. Sighing slightly he turned and started to walk off to changed out of his clothing.
Laughing suddenly filling the area stopped him as he found it odd turning back to see Karma stumbling around working at combating the flames she had made. "To consumed" he muttered walking back to where he was sitting. From the distance he was at he figured it would take all of three to four second's to get to Karma and grab her out of the way should something go worse then it already was. "Hey where trying to kill them slowly not in a large group" Lee yelled to her slightly positioning himself so he could take off in a dead sprint should he need to.
Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 4:04 pm
Karma continued fighting off the flames until she was pretty much backed up into a corner. She glanced over at Lee who had yelled over at her. She huffed, "I know!" but it would only reach him since the audiance were far too busy laughing and wondering what would happen next. She glanced at the flames that licked at her as it came far closer. She used up far too much energy earlier with all the fires and explosions and trying to keep the fire at bay. Taking long breaths she shut her eyes and let go of her anger like her master had taught her.
The flames of the tarnadoe were now face to face with her and almost as if knowing what Lee was planning on doing, she jumped into the flames and for a moment it seemed as if she leaped into her doom. The only reason she jumped in was to prevent Lee from coming in to get her since he would get burned in the process if he did. Karma maybe selfish and childish at times, but deep down she would rather be hurt herself then see anyone else in her circle of loved ones hurt.
The tornadoe began to glow a bright red color before it expanded outward then basically began to implode on itself before it was sucked into Karma who was standing in the middle. Karma was now left glowing as if she were a piece of coal taken out of the fire. The crowed applauded and cheered. Karma took her bow but stood where she was since her energy all but drained and she began to lose conscious. If she moved, she would certainly black out so she stayed there and would move until the show was over and everyone left. It was pathetic enough that she had lost control.
Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 4:12 pm
Not even having enough time to rush to her Karma had already jumped before Lee had even gotten halfway there. "Tch really" he muttered slowly down to a walk then stopping just infront of the flames the heat off of it washing over him a slight steam coming from his body in contrast to it's coldness. As it expanded it stopped just infront of his face before being pulled back into her. This was a sign that he could proceed in to her. "Cutting it a bit close weren't you" he questioned getting up close to her as he looked her over. Her body was red hot as he passed his hand over her not touching just feeling the heat coming off of her. "Well you bring a new meaning to being hot" he laughed a little bit reaching out and putting his hand on her forearm. The sound of his flesh hitting it seared and smoked but it didn't matter to him he couldn't feel a thing of it his nerves long since died out.
Pulling his hand back from her he shook it off rubbing the burnt flesh off onto the floor for a moment as he stood there. "Probably going to just have to wait till you cool down a bit to move you rather not have burns all over my body able to heal them or not" he sighed shaking his head as he stood there simply doing what he could by taking off his hoodie and starting to fan her with it to help cool her down quicker.
Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 4:51 pm
The show went on with the next act as Karma still stood there. When Lee touched her, the coolness of his hand slightly brought her pain but she didn't show a sign of her pain. Taking a couple more breaths she chuckled lightly and acted as if everything was fine. "Well considering the fact that I was bored...well I had to do something. I'm fine, just catching my breath is all." Karma was a good liar but she didn't know if Lee could tell if she were lying or not, she hadn't lied to him until now.
Karma stood up straight and that made her feel dizzy and she felt the extent of her exhaustion but she moved forward, heading toward the back area where the preformors usually hung out. As she made her way there, her eyes were glazed over and the room began to spin making her walk in a jagged line as if she were intoxicated. Nonetheless, she refused to pass out then and there, in fact she refused to pass out in front of Lee.
Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 5:43 pm
Shaking his head somewhat as she told him about being bored and catching his breath he shifted his weight crossing his arms. Watching walk away was all the proof she wasn't simply bored and catching her breath. "Your a bad liar" Lee said simply walking behind her as he picked her up bridal style her body still burning him but he showed little care for it as he walked towards the back. "Your about to fall over and your little drunken stride is enough to tell that" he said as he walked towards the back area. "Not sure what set you off on that one but let's try and keep it from happening again ok lest the whole area including yourself go up in a roar of flames and I am pretty sure the mayor would bring you back from the dead to gripe at you for that one" he laughed as he walked.
Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 5:49 pm
Aeon soon saw a woman with fire, and followed the woman to the back area and kept following when the woman was picked up. "You have fire," she said simply, letting the Luminesce shine brightly, the bright light emanating from her hands and chest, just over her heart. "I like fire. Can I touch you?" The air around her hands was distorting with heat. She normally wouldn't ask, but she had respect for people with fire. People with fire were like her. They were good. But this one with fire seemed different. She was weak. Aeon's hand hovered out and barely touched Karma's arm. "You have fire," she repeated softly. "Do you have any fire left?"
Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 5:54 pm
"Psh, how do you know if I'm drunk or not?" She laughed and simply relaxed her body to the point where it looked as if she were either dead or passed out. She stared at the audience upside down and watched as they were slowly fading away as they walked to the back area. She stayed silent for a moment since she didn't really know how to cover up her lie since he had caught her.
Karma finally spoke, still wanting to cover up her mess up, "I told you, I was bored, I wasn't really going to let it go out of control, if everyone died then that would be very unfun later on for us all!" She chuckled again though it was weaker then her usual psychotic one's.
Her body had finally cooled though she found herself unable to actually move any of her limps. They all felt as if they weighed a tone which did not please her one bit. Karma hated being in this state of defenselessness for she could be taken advantage of but only a fool would try and mess with her in this state for when she regained her powers, the first thing she would do would be to make that persons life miserable. Karma was a b***h after all.
As all the anger had washed away, sorrow began to replace it and she sighed not liking it either. She glanced around the upside room and mumbled, "You can throw me in any dark corner if you want, I'm pretty much useless at the moment."
Karma had glanced over at the girl who was speaking to her and only muttered, "Sorry, I don't have any left at the moment, come back in a couple hours."
Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 6:09 pm
Aeon kept following her, curious about the woman with fire who had no fire left. She asked, "Can you tell me who is in charge?" Suddenly, her Luminesce flared at a sudden thought: If this woman had fire, could Aeon touch her? She reached out and wrapped her hand firmly around Karma's arm, the Luminesce shining brightly as the temperature increased. But Aeon kept it tame. This was an experiment. Her eyes absently followed a rift going up towards her people, and then returned to Karma.
Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 6:14 pm
Looking down at Karma for a moment Lee shook his head as the girl suddenly came from no where asking about fire. Likely just another child lost and mentallly retarded by the way she talked. What an annoying brat. "Go away now shoo shoo" Lee said unable to really properly shoo her away as he had Karma in his arms. "Why would I simply dump you out in one of the rooms like some used up cloth" he questioned continuing to walk until the girl had grabbed Karma's arm. "Listen brat she said she's outta juice now shoo go bother someone else" he said voice a tad bit gruff as he looked down at Aeon. While he wanted to punt her his movement's were a bit limited with her in his arms. The smell of burnt flesh tho was filling the air around him as he stood there.
Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 6:24 pm
"I'm in no mood to be touched. As for the person in charge I have no clue as to where he is." Karma sighed as she felt useless at the fact that she couldn't push the girl away since she was beginning to irritate her...especially the part where the girl was touching her. Karma tried lifting her arm away from the person but could not seem to find the strength to do so, causing her to sigh heavily again.
"Well then, at least walk somewhere, where I won't be touched or bothered by others," She looked up at Lee with almost a look of desperation as she felt like she would lose her mind the more she stayed here. Her body had already cooled down and her skin was once again pale like a porcelain doll. She turned her head away from the girl and simply had it against Lee's chest. Shutting her eyes, she tried her best to collect some of her energy, enough to move on her own rather then be in this pathetic state.
Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 6:31 pm
Aeon pursed her lips. She had a mystery on her hands. "You're not one of my people," she mused. "You don't have the Luminesce. Hmm..." She grabbed Karma roughly and kissed her on the mouth, which was actually the main way her people identified each other. A moment later, she was wandering away, muttering to herself, looking for whoever was in charge of the whole carnival thing. She reached out to stroke people's chests as they passed, delighting in the way they coughed and gasped.
Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 6:33 pm
At about the moment in time where the two girls had waited about ten minutes for the operator of the booth, Secret had started to become upset. Is he on his way? she asked her mother, who had picked her up again as not to have her run around crazily looking for others. Amberlynn, slowly working her way out of the feeling of terror she had acquired, was beginning to become a little impatient too. She could hear slightly distant noises like laughter and shrieks, and wondered briefly where it was coming from. Eventually, Secret too heard the distant noise and, imitating a bloodhound with it's nose low to the ground, wanted to investigate. Detective Secret Delacroix on the case. Amberlynn released her daughter again and was watching her crawl on all fours sniffing the ground like a police dog when suddenly she realized there was another girl just infront of them. Is that where everyone else is ... ? Amberlynn scanned the other woman up and down with vague curiousity and lifted her daughter up as she looked ready to lick Serrenedy's boots. Then, with the normal attention span of a three-year-old, Secret became mesmerized by Serrenedy's pretty hat. She looked up at the other woman, entranced by her outfit and her hair. She would have said something, but it was as though she were under a spell ...
(Lack of inspiration near the end of this post. xD I'll try harder later.)
Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 6:47 pm
Taking Karma back towards her booth Lee passed his own booth as he saw the three infront of it. He had forgotten to put a closed sign on it what a pain but it was just a mother and her daughter why the hell would they be at a test your strength booth. Turning to look down at Karma he had to keep his thoughts to himself. It wasn't something he had seen the witch doctor in such a weak state but at the same time it was a state all of them had been in at one point or another it was good to see someone else in it for reason's unknown.
Reaching into the booth Lee went in heading towards the back and setting her down on a chair as he took a step back his hoodie and upper body had been burnt deeply but it was already evident it was healing quickly skin replacing what had been burnt off. Taking a seat on the other side Lee simply watched her his arms crossed.
Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 6:55 pm
Karma had been silent all the way back to her tent. When Lee put her down she looked at him and was able to sit up a bit more and said, "Lee...you let that girl violate me!" She had a look of horror though she was purposly being over dramatic, but the whole kiss was crossing the line. She flirted with women from time to time but she would never touch them inappropriately or even dare kiss one! Oh the horror of it all! This was the scariest thing that has happened to her so far.
She frowned and managed to lay down side ways, her legs hanging off the arm, her chair big enough to hold her like that, her head on the other arm of the arm chair. "I feel so wronged now, so dirty. I'll have to harm that person in some way and do something to you for letting it happen. I might mess with your dreams...I don't know yet." She smiled slightly since she was kidding on his part but frowned again from the thought of being kissed by that stranger! Even if that girl was not of this earth...it gave her no right to touch her! No manners at all.
Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 6:59 pm
Serrenedy smiled. She really did like children. She could make them laugh until they died. They were such silly things, unaware of when a game was becoming dangerous. The older woman, her mother or sister-she'd make for an interesting game. The gears in the fae's head began to turn even as she guided the two to the big-top. She'd steal away the child...her laughter would go on until shrieks of joy and torment were indistinguishable from the other. Meanwhile, the other would work herself into a frenzy, always just out of reach from the child-she'd be able to tell the danger that the little one couldn't see. Her fear would be delectable. Then, when she was a shell of a person from the death of the child, Serrenedy would drain her of her beauty. She may even have fight left in her, that would be fun. If she was in a good mood, or if he called her pretty, she might just give Cain the treat of the older woman, still clinging to life, still herself just enough to scream. This was only shown as a smile on her face as she walked them there. "I'll hope to see the two of you after the show. I can tell from here that you're both in for interesting futures. She smiled, deceptively kind as she left them to find seats before she went out into her own performance. She'd make sure to do even better then normally tonight, it wasn't always she had children poised perfectly. She nodded to one of the workers and asked her to keep busy the child she was sending, before vaguely telling her parts of the plan. Then she started her routine. First she danced around the stage on a ball, then she juggled swords. Her least favorite part was when she jumped through hoops of fire only to get soaked by the late 'fire department'. All her while her eyes kept straying to the two in the bleachers. When it was time for a volunteer she even picked Secret to stand atop her shoulders as she rode the unicycle. She caught the child after she was 'knocked off' by a pie and some seltzer water. But rather then placing her back in the audience sent her backstage with the worker for some 'candy' that was actually a knockout component.