Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 6:32 pm
(I recall a few episodes about it being just as good though = I thought the maze thing would be fun, shall I change it?)
Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 6:38 pm
((I just think the forcefield thing doesn't work...It's a little too much. The maze is fine, though.))
Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 7:09 pm
"Ugh," Esther groaned, looking around. "What do we do? The only mazes I've ever completed have been in coloring books where you have a bird's eye view."
Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 7:42 pm
Tyler looked at the man speeding up he gritted his teeth and flipped up a small switch and turned up the nitro and boosted up to the man giving a small nudge and a smile
Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 8:42 pm
Give me a gun, I won't miss...
Salvador was just about ready to ease up and relax when he noticed something in his rear view mirror. It was the boy! He was catching up and soon the two were neck and neck. "Ay nino! There you are. I was afraid you had gotten lost." Salvador said half-joking. The merc himself would have been disappointed if he completely outran the youth.
Soon the two were practically left alone in the nighttime straightaway. The cars left were the ones passing by in the other lane. "Here comes the fun part, chico!" Salvador shouted. "Have you ever seen a drag race? Well you and I going to have one." The two then passed a fourway stop. This gave Salvador an idea. "We'll also play a little game of 'No Signals'. Annie's Bar is 10 more streets down. Think you can can handle it?" Salvador turned and looked at the youth for his response.
Show me how to do something, I'll remember it.
Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 10:22 pm
The Future is not set in Stone...
Raven's sighed. "It appears we're going to have to continue playing this woman's game for the time being," she said. "Stay close to me."
...But it can be as dangerous as if it was. I am no peaceful, beautiful dove...Rowena took a deep breath, fighting to keep control of her emotions. "Don't lecture me. If you have a purpose and I'm missing it, why don't you tell me what it is, then?" she said. ...But nor am I an ugly, spiteful crow.
Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 2:13 am
Draco's form towered behind Raven and kept Star close, taking hold of one of her hands. "Don't worry, darlin'. I ain't lettin' you go," he said softly, but enough that she would hear it. Despite the icy energy in his hands, he knew that her fire would be more than enough to help withstand it. He gave her a soft smile, as well, reassuring her that he was serious about what he had said. "Lead the way, Raven. We'll follow."
Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 7:26 am
Are your eyes truth? Or are your eyes blind to the lies? Do you speak your mind? Or do you speak for their's?
"Good luccck~" Shadow sang teasing them, and nothing else would be heard of her. The labyrinth that they were in was stone, and it held many many illusions which was what Shadow warned earlier. As the three walked, they would find themselves constantly walking straight with no turns. To make matters worse, the floor would sometimes disappear under their feet to which they would almost fall in without any help. Each wall looked alike, the only difference would be the vines that grew upon them.
Shadow gave another mad laugh," Why reference, of course! As I recall, you and your group was quite persistent on making me leave my home. And so, here I am trapping each of you within your home as example. This in turn leaves a message, and thus everyone's satisfied by seeing through another's eyes." She says dancing around her, and laughing still. " The added game makes it all that more fun!"
Are you the one within the light? Or are you the one in the darkness? Does your actions speak as your voice? Or does your voice cloud your actions? ( Oh! That's what you meant! Lol okay) ( Oh, almost forgot..Happy Birthday Draco, my gaia said it was your birthday so I wanted to wish ya happy birthday)
Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 12:47 pm
The Future is not set in Stone...
The disappearance of the floor at random intervals was not much of a problem. Raven easily kept herself, Star, and Cryogon at the same level they'd been walking with her telekinesis. After all, Shadow had said nothing about hovering at groundlevel. Only flying.
...But it can be as dangerous as if it was. I am no peaceful, beautiful dove...Rowena's eyes flew open. "Leave your home? And when did we do that?" she asked. ...But nor am I an ugly, spiteful crow.
Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 6:41 pm
Esther let the fire go out of the hand Cryogon was holding so she wouldn't hurt him, and let the one in her other hand get bigger to help them see better.
Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 8:41 pm
Are your eyes truth? Or are your eyes blind to the lies? Do you speak your mind? Or do you speak for their's?
The way through the maze seemed to never end as they walked and walked.
" You know... if it to be me, I can say, if I truly felt free...I would go that way.." Shadow says suddenly appearing a few feet ahead of them. She was pointing to one of the walls, and it appeared to be just a wall until she started to walk through it. " Careful flicker, one bit of fire upon these vines.... oh wait, you have Draggy to cool you off! Regardless, do be careful....I would hate for the game to end so distastefully." She says, walking through another wall.
Though if they were to follow, she'd be gone from sight.
Shadow started to laugh all over again. " Oh! Why the sudden shock? Doesn't thou remember your mock? You see this is why you are blind... not seeing everything the first time, dearie. You have to look at each detail, otherwise you'll miss and wail ' Oh how did this fail'?!?!" She started to tease greatly. Dramatically falling on her knees to scream out part of it before laughing more. " ' Protecting the city'? Your words yes? Something similar, at least, yes?" She reminded her, flashing behind her.
Are you the one within the light? Or are you the one in the darkness? Does your actions speak as your voice? Or does your voice cloud your actions?
Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 9:19 pm
I am no peaceful, beautiful dove...Rowena took a deep breath to keep herself from attacking Shadow outright. The rhyming and riddles were starting to really irk her. "We never forced you from your home. Simply attempted to stop a fire and figure out what you were looking for. If your home is the shadows of the city, then perhaps that is where you should stay. Protecting the city is the Titans' duty. You can't fault us for that." ...But nor am I an ugly, spiteful crow. ((@Roses: Was that a Labyrinth reference? I freakin' love you for that!))
Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 8:36 pm
The Arcana is the means by which all is revealed. "I forget, when did this happen? I assumed you were homeless, or living under a rock." Jenos shot back, tempted to switch back to Sun and use a little fire on Shadow. The trigger of Fate has been pulled.
Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 9:28 pm
(you don't have to quote me for every post I'll get to it sooner or later >_<)
Tyler nodded as he drove off he didn't like how this man kept talking but he kelp focused on the race as he moved ahead
Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 11:50 pm
(Just making sure you see that I posted. sweatdrop By the way, you ever think of going back and expanding some of your old post? You know, making them longer? Not that you have to. I'm just saying. I'm sure you can do better than just the cut and dry one liners. I see. Well he's going to be talking to Sal in future whether he likes it or not. emotion_awesome ) Give me a gun, I won't miss...
Salvador grinned as he noticed the youth steadily speed ahead. The mercenary himself wouldn't allow the the boy to get too far ahead. Salvador revved the accelerator all the way and went for his motorcycle's top speed. The motorcycle's brown body lights created a ghostly brown trail as Salvador went even faster.
Soon the merc and boy were neck and neck again. The first light came and went. Luckily the two passed it on a green signal, but soon after came a fresh red light. Salvador's mouth began to water from the excitement. The two drew ever closer to the fourway light. Cars started going through the light and soon the two motorcyclist passed through as well.
Salvador weaved in and out the cars placed in front of gracefully, but how did the young boy next to him fair?
Show me how to do something, I'll remember it.