What's grosser than gross? |
10 Sith apprentices in one garbage can! |
8% |
[ 11 ] |
1 Sith apprentice in 10 garbage cans! |
16% |
[ 21 ] |
Darth Venomisci's Lightsaber Training room floor! |
13% |
[ 17 ] |
The little "gifts" from Darth Scoobadoobacus' booty! |
16% |
[ 21 ] |
Darth Scabrous constantly slurping up the blood from his never-healing mouth wound! |
44% |
[ 57 ] |
Total Votes : 127 |
gowie2 rolled 1 12-sided dice:
Total: 11 (1-12)
Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 6:11 pm
gaia_star gaia_star This isn't looking good. emotion_0A0
My Current HP: 10
Droid's HP: 90 - 80 = 10
gowie2 rolled 1 12-sided dice:
Total: 3 (1-12)
Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 6:13 pm
gaia_star gaia_star gaia_star This one decides it. whee
Kay9214 rolled 1 12-sided dice:
Total: 2 (1-12)
Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 9:45 pm
Felinophile pretty sure i finished off the last droid, on friday had felin 170, droid 90 and got a 10, then on saturday got a 12. so im starting in on a new droid HARD(12-sided die)1-9=miss, 10-12=hit 80HP The droid gives the woman a gentle reminder to keep track of her progress (or at least when she gets a kill) with a sharp jab from its electrostaff.
Kay9214 rolled 1 12-sided dice:
Total: 3 (1-12)
Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 9:48 pm
The droid blasts the woman.
Kay9214 rolled 1 12-sided dice:
Total: 6 (1-12)
Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 9:49 pm
Felinophile should i be keeping track of the damage i do to this wimpy droid? The droid makes a note to track any damage it does to the wimpy woman.
Felinophile: 250 Droid: 90
Kay9214 rolled 1 4-sided dice:
Total: 2 (1-4)
Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 9:54 pm
Nia Phoenix Sticking with easy LOL Nia 250 Droid 250 Not waiting for her next opponent to make a move she flew at the droid her light saber extended aimed right for his circuit board Nia 250 Droid 220 she disengaged her saber and jumped back hoping she had damaged him enough he would be unable to attack The droid attacks anyway!
Nia Phoenix: 220 Droid: 220
Kay9214 rolled 1 12-sided dice:
Total: 12 (1-12)
Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 9:57 pm
floralsnow HARD(12-sided die)1-9=miss, 10-12=hit 80HPI was so frustrated with that last droid. I miss my chance in killing him. So I'll try to take down another of its kind stressed The droid, satisfied with its glorious victory, tries to take down another pathetic human.
Kay9214 rolled 1 12-sided dice:
Total: 10 (1-12)
Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 9:58 pm
floralsnow Brings super bazooka and fires it against the droid. Immediately, throws some super-sized bombs to him!!! Wahahaha The droid uses its simulated Force powers to try to send the explosives back at the girl!
Kay9214 rolled 1 12-sided dice:
Total: 6 (1-12)
Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 10:01 pm
floralsnow Come on! Why are all of you defective?! Could it be? Kay9214 has seen them while I'm waiting outside and did something to make them incapable of hitting the droid? Droid: 170 The droid chooses not to reveal the series of upgrades provided by the Jedi Kay Donn, nor the ability to cheat granted by Lord Daddicus, and instead begins rapidly cycling through the appearances and fighting styles of the other students!
floralsnow: 90 Droid: 170
Kay9214 rolled 1 4-sided dice:
Total: 1 (1-4)
Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 10:12 pm
sachara EASY(4-sided die)1=miss, 2-4=hit 30HP sachara: 250 droid = 250 - 30 = 220 The droid fires a series of blaster bolts at the girl!
Kay9214 rolled 1 4-sided dice:
Total: 1 (1-4)
Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 10:13 pm
sachara sachara: 250 droid = 220 - 30 = 190 The droid begins to propel hydrospanners at her as well.
Kay9214 rolled 1 4-sided dice:
Total: 1 (1-4)
Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 10:16 pm
sachara sachara: 250 droid = 190 - 30 = 160 The droid runs over the girl's foot.
sachara: 250 Droid: 160
Kay9214 rolled 1 8-sided dice:
Total: 7 (1-8)
Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 10:19 pm
Purtie Kay9214 Purtie Where is the Beta machine? Purtie = 250 droid = 140 The droid makes such a terrible and hurtful comment about the alien's age, it cannot be repeated here for fear inciting mass violence!
Purtie: 140 Droid: 140Challenges droid to a game of Pong. Purtie = 140 droid = 85 The droid shows the alien its mad gaming skills.
Kay9214 rolled 1 8-sided dice:
Total: 8 (1-8)
Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 10:21 pm
Purtie Sets up her portable record player. Purtie = 140 droid = 85 The droid suddenly remembers that they are fighting, and starts hurling the aliens records towards her.
Kay9214 rolled 1 8-sided dice:
Total: 6 (1-8)
Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 10:23 pm
Purtie And takes a Tab out of the ice box. Purtie = 140 droid = 30 The droid pummels the alien into a gooey purple puddle, simply for nostalgia's stake.
Purtie: Still a puddle. Droid: Still shaken.