Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 7:10 pm
"No, you shouldn't. You shouldn't need to go crazy to survive. You should keep training so you don't need to rely on losing your mind and use your own power instead." Adrian told her as he walked alongside her before sighing slightly. After the Smith incident from last night, he knew damn well nagging and scolding about what happened wouldn't help anyone. A change of subject was definitely in order. "...Before we left the house....did you really think you were gonna die out there? Is that why you...?" he asked, thoughts of the kiss still lingering in his mind.
Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 7:38 pm
"Yeah, I did think I was going to die. So I figured I might as well make my last peaceful moment a good one. And do something I wanted to do." Amaya said with a shrug. "If it bothered you, I get it and I'm sorry." She told him softly, now rounding the corner and spotting Smith, her shoulders dropping as her eyes narrowed at the man. "At least you're not just waltzing in this time. What do you want?" She asked, glaring at Smith.
Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 8:06 pm
Smith had noticed the two walk around the corner, and smiled disarmingly as he was spoken to civilly for the first time since he'd entered their house. When he wasn't being his normal slightly-nutty self he was actually cut a rather charming figure. "Offer of congratulations on match. Saw from a good seat. Didn't know you had it in you. Very ruthless. Will make our match more... visceral. Challenging. Also, apologies for last night. Breaking and entering, very rude of me. Wasn't thinking clearly. Perhaps reconsider dinner? If you come tonight, we could discuss saving Adrian's life from Avondale."
His words were rapid-fire and slightly disorienting as usual, but his last sentence was spoken in a slightly lower tone, infinitely more serious. It was clear that he wasn't joking. "Would explain here but... too many risks. Too much space, too many places to be heard from. Also, if willing, would like to talk to Adrian alone for a moment. Sensitive conversation, perhaps emotionally confusing. Would be better if you were not present. Would exacerbate the situation. No offense."
Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 8:13 pm
"Boy do you have nads of steel..." Adrian said glowering at Smith. "'Sorry' isn't going to cut it, not for at least a week if I'm feeling nice. So no, I'm afraid dinner's still a negatory. And anything you have to say to me, you can say it in front of Amaya." he said catching himself before he got too worked up and looked to Amaya. "Unless you want to go in and rest. I can call you if he tries to take my head off, although my screams of anger would probably do the job for me."
Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 8:22 pm
"Yeah, because I'd feel so comfortable walking into a house where two clinically insane people reside." Amaya muttered as she glared at Smith. Casting a glance to Adrain, Amaya just shrugged. "I'll be close by if you need me." She told him, not going inside but instead leaving the stoop to talk to Sikes, who was standing ten feet away, waiting for Amaya impatiently.
Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 8:34 pm
Smith waited until Amaya was talking to her 'master' before turning back to Adrian. His face was no longer jovial and kind, as it had been. It was not his normal staring-at-a-fishtank psychosis-face either, but seemed serious and rational at the same time, for once. "Earned that, certainly. Last night was not 'me,' Shiva said she explained. Still, does not excuse behavior. Impatience on your face, easy to see. So. Will be blunt, fast. Orion, known better as Shiva. She is a friend. Fellow 'freak' to Avondale. Just entering adolescence, attendant urges and feelings, similar. Attracted to you, in all probability. Please reciprocate, if possible. Real reason behind dinner invitation, to help save your life. Avondale dislikes interMutate relationships, thinks them weakening to his 'freaks.' Sees someone we grow attached to, schedules us against them in the Arena. Want to prevent this happening to you. Will already happen to your friend, sorry to say. 'Declared' against her already. Hoping to use this privilege against Avondale. Help please, if possible. If not, or if uninterested in any possible romantic relationship, please say so now. Will save pain now and heartache later, and inconvenience all around. Answer?"
Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 8:49 pm
"Don't worry, I'm not interested in Orion...Shiva...whatever the hell you call her. You people need to pick a name and stick with it, seriously." Adrian said scratching the back of his head in frustration, mostly because he reeeeally didn't want to deal with Smith for a while, and here he was. "But anything you've got planned for Amaya is another story. I know I can't control the matches that get scheduled, but I'd risk getting shocked for stopping a death match if it meant keeping her alive." he said with a stern glare.
Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 9:09 pm
Smith nodded. Of course his offer would be rejected. But, then, he hadn't exactly phrased it in imbecile-level terms. He would have to use his normal-voice for this. He hated using the normal-voice. "I truly dislike having to talk in coherent sentences, but this will just be too confusing for you otherwise. I have a deal for you, and it is fairly simple. You will pretend, for the next three months at minimum, to show romantic interest in Orion. Whether it is still pretending at the three-month mark, and whether you continue past that, are entirely immaterial and will not affect my actions whatsoever. If you are willing to do this, I will manipulate the rules my 'master' has set for myself and Orion in such a way that none of us four will ever face each other in an Arena deathmatch, since Avondale will schedule only matches with Mutates other than ourselves and your 'master' will not be able to get an appointment to see Avondale. This will protect yourself and Amaya from Orion and I, though either Orion or myself will be permanently out of Arena deathmatches. Deal?"
He then remembered what else had been said, and added, "It helps to think of Orion and Shiva as two separate people with the same body. Like myself and 'Carlyle,' we are physically coexistent but mentally separate."
Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 9:16 pm
"...Ehr, I don't like this..." Adrian said, scratching the back of his head in thought. "Even if I did go along with this, three months later I'm probably going to break her heart and she'll want my head on silver platter." 'And then there's Amaya...' his eyes turned to the direction Amaya left in. "Look just back off for a while and lemme think, okay? Seriously, no offense man, but your attempts to help me out are...well they're not really helping. 'Kay?" he said as he started to walk past Smith into the house.
Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 9:20 pm
Smith turned to watch as Adrian entered the house. "Orion will either be too busy fighting every day or be permanently withdrawn from the Arena once this goes through, but I understand your concern well. If you wish to take us up on the offer, I would recommend contacting us before tomorrow morning. Avondale works quickly."
So saying, Smith turned and began walking towards his own house, passing Amaya and Sikes on the way. He felt a slightly unstable grip on his shoulder and heard something from Sikes, but brushed it off and continued on his way. Other 'masters' than Avondale were not his concern.
When he got home, he told Orion to set an extra place at the table for dinner, just in case, and told her what he had planned for Amaya and Adrian. She didn't answer with words, but her lips quirked upwards, just a little.
Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 9:27 pm
When she was finally finished speaking with Sikes, Amaya strolled into the house, making her way to the bathroom so she could wash the blood off her and clean up her wounds. Once that was taken care of, Amaya went into her bedroom, though she left the door open as she just laid on the bed, staring up at the ceiling, dressed in a large, baggy t-shirt and short shorts.
((Bed time. Sorries!))
Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 9:43 pm
Adrian lay on his bed for a while as well, just wearing some baggy pants as thoughts floated in and out of his mind before he lets his hands rest on his face and sighed. Just had to tackle one issue at a time. That's what he told himself as he swung his legs over the edge of his bed, getting up and heading to Amaya's room, though he paused halfway down the hall when he realized he didn't actually know what to say. 'Lead in with Smith's plan...Yeah, that'll work...' he thought as he went up and knocked on her door frame. Technically it did kind of involve her, if Smith spoke the truth and they'd never have to deal with each other ever again.
Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 10:23 pm
(Great rp you guys, really! Love all the characters and their actions-etc etc~ although, I might have to create another character aka monster in order to be better involved with you guys =/
BTW, Whiteface....so not comfortable calling you that...Uhmmmm how about Dr.W....no that sounds like walrus....uhhmm.....When I think of a slight nickname for ya, I will say it >< Sry I'm just really not comfortable with calling you by your username which is Whiteface I just can't take you seriously XD
Anyways, mind if I use Mon? That's like an epic nickname for them and makes them sound like they're in the genre of pokemon and digimon but because they don't have anything in front of mon it makes them like ya know more human then monster XDD ....well ya know what I mean ><)
Valliex chuckled as she ran the facts of the events which occurred later on. To think earlier she only wondered what would happen, and now she had witnessed one of the most interesting matches and discovered more traits of the competition. Though she had desired to return to the house so she could be training with Alex and her snake. Then again, she might miss out on...well, seemed like nothing was happening now. Val gave an indifferent shrug, deciding she might as well as she came down from the stands and began to walk to the house.
Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 4:22 am
((Doc and Whitey are my two most common nicknames. For you, I think... yes. Rody fits biggrin
Honestly, I prefer 'Mutate,' since it actually has some connection to 'monster' instead of being a word meaning 'mountain' in another language that only sounds vaguely connected. But meh. whatever floats your boat.))
Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 6:12 am
"What's up?" Amaya asked, hearing Adrian knock, though she didn't attempt to sit up. Her wounds were already beginning to heal, though they were still pretty deep and still causing her a good amount of pain, so the less she had to move, the better.