Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 7:08 pm
Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 7:17 pm
After making sure the rabbit's gender, she said, "I think I'll keep you and name you... Izabella! Do you like that? Izabella?" The rabbit responded positively, making the otaku smile. Alexia turned and saw the sewer entrance in the ground. "Interesting..." she said, smirking, "I'll come back here after class and after I hide Izzy from mean old Gymmy Jim." She make cute faces and ridiculous noises at the rabbit as she headed back to campus to hide Izabella in her room. After she got it through the rabbit's mind to stay in her room and laid out paper in hopes Izzy would use it instead of the floor, Alexia headed to her next class.
- OOC: If you're not in class, go now, so we can finally awaken X.A.N.A.! -
Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 7:25 pm
"Let's see, gym's used too often, the students aren't allowed on the roof, and everywhere else is too public..." Aaron grumbled as he sat on a bench after class with his guitar and portable amp sitting next to him, a campus map spread out on his lap as he scratched his head with the end of a pencil. "There's no good places to get away and practice all out..." he sighed as he scratched off his failed locales. Normally he'd be practicing in his garage, but that was no longer an option after getting shipped off to the dorms. The map he had covered the entire campus, as well as part of the surrounding area, which is what caught his eye. By the far edge of the park was an old factory, empty and abandoned after god-knows how long creating lord only knows what. "Ha ha, that would be perfect!" he said with a grin before gathering up his things and skateboarding away with an excited smile. Even if it turned out to be a bust for practicing, it would still be a pretty cool place to explore.
Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 7:28 pm
The twins were on their way to their next class when Dante was hit in the head by a rouge soccer ball and took a tumble down a hill, leaving Virgil to chase after his delinquent twin brother. "God damn it Dante!" Virgil yelled as he ran after his brother. He finally came to a stop in front of a suspicious manhole cover. "I wonder what's up with this, dude we should totally check it out." Dante said excitedly then received a smack on the head from Virgil. Then before the smart twin could do anything, Dante had moved the cover and was down the hole. I know I'm going to regret this. Virgil thought with a groan as he followed after his brother.
Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 8:16 pm
"I don't know!" Riley called back to her friends on the soccer field. She found the ball over by a tree and picked it up. She looked around curiously,"I could've sworn it hit someone." She shrugged it off and went back to playing soccer. As soon as lunch was over, she went to her next class of the day: Anatomy and physiology. She loved this class, so she wasn't too bummed about going.
Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 8:25 pm
((Thank you for confirming my ninja skills Kitty. XD ninja ))
Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 2:59 am
Crystal was heading out to her usual relaxation spot on campus. She was currently reading a book and walking, knowing the way without having to look. Though since she wasn't looking, she walked right into the path of Aaron's skateboard.
Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 7:16 am
- OOC: ♪Dante is a rabbit~♪ -
After class, Alexia ran to the forest, finding the manhole again and went down it. "Ew, sewers." she said, but she still began to wander around.
Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 8:03 am
(I guess I'll stay at school for now for the attack)
Riley went to her room with her anatomy book and notebook in her arms. After fishing for her key in her pocket for three minutes, she finally remembered it was oh key lantern around her neck,"Ugh, stupid." SHe opened the door and almost dropped her book right there in the hallway. There was a rabbit in her room! It was currently sitting on the desk, sunbathing from the sunlight from the window. Riley blinked and quickly shut the door. "Where did you come from?!" she whispered, cautiously putting her things on her bed as to not startle it.
Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 8:18 am
There was a note on Lexi's bed. 'Riley, I know it's against school rules to have pets, but this rabbit was so sweet and cute, I couldn't resist! Please don't tell anyone! Pleeease! Alexia P.S. Her name is Izabella.'
Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 8:23 am
((In the words of one of my favorite webcomics; once is an accident, twice is coincidence, but three times is a conspiracy. XD ))
"NOT AGAIN!!" Aaron yelped in horror as he tried to screech to a stop in front of Crystal. He managed, but he almost lost his balance. "Nonononono!" he whimpered slightly as he started to teeter backwards on the skateboard, not wanting to crush the guitar he had on his back. Thankfully the world decided to have mercy for a change and he regained his balance, letting him take a sigh of relief.
((@Hikaru: Considering most of your characters use that powder blue text and sometimes have something to do with ice or water (this could just be me), it's weird seeing your avi totally red and firey. XD ))
Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 9:46 am
(@Zelly lol, I play guitar and you totally freaked me out with that almost crushing his guitar thing. I was like "NO!")
Riley looked at the note,"Okay, that explains so much" She looked at Izabella. "Well hello Izabella. You're cute." She carefully pet the bunny.
Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 9:48 am
((His musical abilities are one of his defining traits! Like hell I'd do that! XD ))
Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 1:57 pm
(LOL! I know razz I was just playing around with my avi since I never changed it in a while and my zodiac still hasn't fully evolved so that's when I found the hair and I didn't have anything else to use except these items to match the color >.< Ironic isn't it? razz )
Crystal looked up when she heard Aaron, stumbling back when she realized that he was going to crash into her. She ended up falling on her butt and was relieved as well when he stopped in time.
Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 2:00 pm
"It's alright, baby, daddy's here and he's not gonna crush you..." Aaron said taking his guitar in his hands and stroking it in relief that he didn't accidentally crush it when he noticed the girl that had fallen before him. "Hey, uh, you okay?" he asked, returning his instrument to his back before extending a hand to help her up.