Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 4:29 pm
(Lol, if we have a creepy teacher, we should have one that rocks. AND can we name him Mr. Cooland? Because I had a sub when I was little, he rocked. Just like his name.)
Avery stared off into the woods a bit as she sat on a bench. From here she could see all the way down the long drive towards the school, and part of the road leading to it. She watched the kids filter along. Then closed her eyes.
Breathing in deeply, she decided to test her own abilities a bit. She hadn't been assessed in ages. She definitely would be this year though. As it was her last.
A small frown crossed her face but was quickly erased as she raised her closed eyes up to the sky. Then she began to feel about a bit.
Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 4:32 pm
((well then YOU make him XP You DO make good creepy characters~ I made one, but he's just a teacher/ possible crazed psycho-scientist ^^))
Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 4:34 pm
|| "So sorry to interrupt!... Proceed!" XDDD I'm watching Billy Madison, "You and I... We're gunna go on a date. We gonna put s**t on people's porch, and lights it on fires." ||
Maria jumped as she heard a programmed voice come from the side of the room with the monitor, "Thank you. Please proceed to the exit." It said, "Don't forget your assessment sheet." She looked at it, then walked towards it. A piece of paper coming from it, containing a bunch of strange numbers, letters and symbols. She looked at the monitor again, then ran. When she left the room she saw someone enter, then saw a saw, "Sessions may only be fifteen minutes if there is a wait."
Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 4:34 pm
(I'll make a creeper sure, but he can't be Mr. Cooland! HE was AWESOME. He gave us all sorts of good stuff to do. I has an idea though.)
Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 4:40 pm
Doc Martel walked around the Battle dome, excited by all the new students and new I'ras to watch and study. Walking up to the info-board and inserting his teacher's key card a list appeared with all the students currently in the battle dome. He suddenly saw an alert pop up "Maria Hanazoso; Rank 2; Lightning chamber; results- improvement:33%"
(lol, hes definitely a stalker XD))
Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 4:42 pm
Axel yelled as he finished working out. He was sweaty and panting heavily. "Man that felt great what time is it? Oh crap I gotta get ready" He has ten minutes to get to his first class so he jogged back to his dorm and got ready for class. He looked at his schedule and said "Chemistry first huh? sweet"
Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 4:50 pm
(Aw...and here my plan to attract forest girl didn't work XD Edit-> Also I found some pictures for a couple more gang members. AND we really should make the nice teacher that's going to teach Chemistry...>.>...as he's on...and doesn't yet exist.)
Avery pulled back when she had felt her way towards the school grounds. After a certain point other sensory students might start to notice her, and she didn't have the time to focus on someone else and pay attention. She checked her watch and got up, dusting off her skirt. It was time to go to class.
Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 4:53 pm
((this school really needs a normal teacher...xP))
Jordan finally managed to make it out of the maze. She picked up her score;it said: ERROR: RANK 0. NO NOTICEABLE SENSORY SKILLS. Jordan smirked and crumpled up the paper, "Eh, it was kinda fun," then she glanced at the clock. Realizing that she needed to tour the new student around soon she headed for the exit.
Doc Martel then saw a message pop up"Jordan Ki; Rank 3; Sensory Maze; results- FAIL" He blinked and then looked at the board again. I don't remember this student having sensory...I must research this further. And with that he walked off to begin teaching any kids that needed aid.
((yeah, she said she had to leave >.> you could play an npc and see if she comes back...))
Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 5:07 pm
(Now I wanna go see what the creeper knows about Avery. Lol, it's gotta be hard to assess healing powers though XD ).
Avery headed again through the main entrance doors, nearly plowing into a little group of first timers who were nervously milling about. One managed to snag her sleeve and ask about a meet up place for tours. Avery simply pointed them in the right direction, the sun room at the end of the hall, "There you go", before promptly running up the stairs.
Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 5:18 pm
Maria walked down the halls of the Battle Dome and began to sing quietly to herself, she wasn't really hungry, so she decided not to eat breakfast this morning.
|| x.x block... ||
Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 5:20 pm
((is that really what you want? xP go to the battle dome, 'cuz that's the only place where he has the clearance to stalk monitor students))
Jordan reached the entrance hall and looked around. "Where's my kid?" she wondered.
Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 5:27 pm
(Muaha, I sent them to the sun room!! biggrin And yes they multiplied..because...why would you only get ONE new kid? Or they all freaked out and wanted to be shown around..kids are ..odd.. As for the dome...I think I'll make her have a mandatory period for level advancement there....)
Avery got to class again, with minutes to spare. Sitting at the desk she'd chosen she pulled out a fresh binder and her pencil case and slung her backpack over her chair.
Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 5:29 pm
((O: you are EVIL!! Lol, they multiply like rabbits! xD))
Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 5:36 pm
Avery took look around. It looked like people weren't attending properly. Just like last year's first day. She didn't know why people who'd been there before insisted on acting like first years the first day back. It just ended up confusing things.
She sat up properly though, when Ms. Powers walked in. Her purple glass frames tucking back the red hair, Ms. Powers was as normal as you'd get at Iris.
Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 5:37 pm
((lol soorry i was offline for a bit XD if you want i can still reply))
((Edit: and i will all though she not coming closer she's leaving/moving away froms you XD)) >D XD