Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 8:11 pm
Kira looked over to the guy who just asked him a question and replied Yeah i guess more or less I've been here for a little while but haven't met any of you until now, Its nice to meet you my names Kira.
Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 8:32 pm
Spencer nodded and extended his hand to shake. "Nice to meet you, Kira. My name is Spencer" he said with a cheery smile.
Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 8:27 pm
((Probably won,t be on this week-end XO And also, I am in the library by the windows, enjoying a nice breeze from outside... Feel free to interact with him on monday XP))
Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 11:42 am
(( xD I love you guys... *huggles* ))
Jordan almost fell over when Maria did, pulling in the opposite direction and holding onto a bookshelf for support. "Okay, looks like we've got a bigger group now. Anyways, we should go back here, then walk down the stairs for now..."
Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 12:43 pm
((I'm am completely sorry i've been gone i just felt a diversion to gaia for the last few days i'm sorry guys v.v burning_eyes it won't happen agaiin Promise ill get caught up and see where i might post.... if you guys still would like my character to be in the RP that is ....o.o))
Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 2:41 pm
Treya Blinked why did this have to happen to her first the little girl then the trap door and now this she shook her head and then blinked when she heard a familliar voice behind call her, spinning around she blinked when she saw the randomness guy and some other girl who was tagging along....Wait How the hell does he know my fricken name she thought as she became confused even more.....Then thinking quickly treya turned to Alli "hey ali by the looks of this guy he knows the school really well i bet he could help you find your brother faster than i could" she hoped that she could convince ali to get some one else to help her cause it was true she didn't know this place at all and was most likely to put the girl in slight danger again
((Lol i hope this makes up a bit for my prolonged absence and xD Tele is now The randomness guy ))
Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 3:02 pm
((Hehe, great! Now I might be able to work with something! XD))
Rock looked down from the sky at his view from the library window to see that there was Treya, Telemachus and another girl. ''Seems like I've been turning around them... This time, though, I hope I won't lose her water trace again...'' He sighed as he kept his eyes apon Treya. This person had ticked his curiosity the day before the in the woods
Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 1:00 pm
(( glad you're back ^^ And no prob being away, we understand that there is such a thing as REAL LIFE O:
And there was some sort of short conversation earlier, but I shall fudge it up with mah almighty powah!))
"Really?" Ali said. She ran forward to Telemachus, who stopped and picked her up. "Hi hi! I'm Ali!" she said before giggling as Telemachus twirled her around. He set her down on the ground. "Could you help me find my big brudder?" she asked him.
"Sure! No problem!" Telemachus said, grinning at Ali's adorableness. He picked Ali up and put her on his shoulders. "Well, nice chatting with you, bye." he said to Treya. Then he walked off, talking to Ali as he went.
(( lol, he is pretty random ))
Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 5:33 pm
Rock smirked as they left Treya by herself. It would give him the opportunity to have a chat with this person whom he still wonders who she was. He quickly looked around himself to see no one was paying attention of him and climbed onto the window sill and over the otherside of the window, using waer to hold him against the wall amd kept himself out of view from the ground just below, though being in a distance made him a great target...
Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 6:45 pm
Treya Sighed with a bit of a smile those two are bound to become good friends even if there is an age difference she thought Then looking Back she notice the girl Who had tagged along with the randome guy befor Giving a small smile and waving a bit she quite quickly turned and 'zipped' around the corner" Okay i'm not going back into the woods just yet....She again thought as she went around a corner "This may be my only chance that i get to truely look at this place with out getting fidgetty" treya mumbled as she jogged
((lol im still haveing mah character sticking to the hard to catch trait xD although now it's alot more harder for her not to be since every one in the school has iras's all most xDDDDD....o.o))
Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 7:19 pm
Dr. Sullivan just finished his patient's checkup and cleaning. He then cleaned his office and sterilized his tools. After that, he washed up and decided to go for a walk. He didn't have another patient for half an hour.
Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 7:39 am
Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 8:10 am
RIta watched Telenachus play with the girl.
Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 2:56 pm
Ali noticed Rita standing by herself and forgot about Zaias for the moment. "Hey! Hey! It's the lady from before! Hi!" she said, waving from Telemachus' shoulders.
Telemachus turned to look at Rita. "Oh, hey! Sorry that Treya left, guess you can talk to her later. For now, want to help us find Alice's brother?" Telemachus walked up and linked arms with Rita, dragging her with them.
(( and...can't really think of much for Jordan right now. mebbeh later ))
Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 5:27 pm
Dr. Sullivan was wandering around when he spotted Telemachus and two girls he's never seen before. One was small and the uniform she was wearing looked much too big on her. He wandered over. "Oh, hello. Who are these ladies?" he asked.