The student wastes no time and aims for the droid's joints with nun-chuck sabers. twisted
omnom: 250 Droid: 90
An excellent choice of weaponry, as long as you are well-educated in their use! I have gone through many droids attempting to teach them the proper methods!
omnom-chan = 90 Droid = 90
While the droid is being attacked by the feels, the student shows off her expertise in the use of saber nun chucks. u vu
omnom-chan = 90 Droid = 10
DD-SCRAPS rolled 1 8-sided dice:
2Total: 2 (1-8)
Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2016 9:49 pm
I insist you awaken, trainee. The droid is still monitoring your vitals and will not end your *brzzt!* session until there are no more vital signs to read.
Darkerdemons = 85 Droid = 85
emotion_zzz Dark rolls over in her sleep, mumbling something about lightsaber practice.
Darkerdemons = 85 Droid = 85
The Maker will not be pleased with the droids putting his trainees to sleep. Wait! Isn't there some sort of *brzzzt!* Sith Sorcery technique that allows the Sith to render poisons harmless?
Darkerdemons = 85 Droid = 30
DD-SCRAPS rolled 1 8-sided dice:
3Total: 3 (1-8)
Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2016 9:52 pm
emotion_zzz Dark rolls over again in her sleep, this time mumbling about eating meat.
Darkerdemons = 85 Droid = 85
I found it!
Darkerdemons = 85 Droid = 30
DD-SCRAPS rolled 1 8-sided dice:
8Total: 8 (1-8)
Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2016 9:54 pm
emotion_zzz Dark starts sleep fighting and stabs at the droid with her lightsaber.
Darkerdemons = 85 Droid = 30
Youngling! You must learn this Force ability immediately!
HARD(12-sided die)1-9=miss, 10-12=hit 80HP The student wises up and puts on a haz-mat suit this time. ninja
I will thoroughly enjoy repairing and modifying a new training droid for such an excellent *brzzzt!* combatant! You fit quite well into the equation of our mission. Allow me to train you further with a new droid.
omnom-chan = 250 Droid = 250
Excellent emotion_kirakira This droid knows. cool omnom likes this droid and will go easy on this droid.
I suggest you give it your all, as the Master is watching the surveillance footage from this room specifically to hand-pick his *brzzzt!* lieutenants.
omnom-chan = 170 Droid = 90
Oh? *straightens up back* That's great to hear, droid, because I think lieutenant rhymes with omnom-chan. ...Ya think the microphones caught that or.
This does not compute, humanoid. Unless, of course, your words translate in your *brzzzt!* native tongue into the language of Basic in this room and in your language the two do rhyme. What language are you speaking?
Excellent! That is one of the highest qualities of a Sith warrior! The ability to lie and coerce!
omnom-chan = 170 Droid = 90
Ayye, been doin' it since I was baby. cool Anything for warmth and attention. emotion_kirakira
I am still only a baby myself, according to humanoid aging protocols. However, I find that the expectations for mechanical devices at such a *brzzzt* young age are higher then those for humanoids.
The student wastes no time and aims for the droid's joints with nun-chuck sabers. twisted
omnom: 250 Droid: 90
An excellent choice of weaponry, as long as you are well-educated in their use! I have gone through many droids attempting to teach them the proper methods!
omnom-chan = 90 Droid = 90
While the droid is being attacked by the feels, the student shows off her expertise in the use of saber nun chucks. u vu
omnom-chan = 90 Droid = 10
Since this particular training droid is on it's way to destruction, I'll experiment once more with my saber nunchakus.