Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 6:58 pm
'Don't be sorry, I understand. Please just try to be more careful in the future, though.'
Sitting atop some of the rockier rubble as the old man bandaged Justine's hand, the girl continuously talked with her Grandfather - intending on easing her way in to the more serious topics. Eventually, she was able to comfortably ask, "So...Grandfather...might you please indulge your precious, dearest, only Granddaughter's curiousity?"
Being none the wiser to her intentions, he decided to indulge the young lady - thinking it wouldn't be anything unusual. "Certainly! What do you have in mind, sweetheart?"
"After a vampire turns to ash, how do they revive?" As one can imagine, the cheer from her Grandfather's face fell completely.
"Why on God's good Earth would you want to know such a thing?!"
Smoothly and guiltlessly, Justine improvised, "I've always thought that the best way to stop something from becoming a problem is to n** it in the bud before it has the chance. Not only that, but I've been rather interested in books on legends as of late. There are several that describe the wrath of a vampire that cannot simply stay dead. Legends are quite frequently based, if only very slightly, on fact. Therefor..."
Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 7:21 pm
"Worst case scenario you make up some story about nearly getting attacked by a vampire or something..."
Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 7:32 pm
After much arguing and convincing, the old man eventually relented, defeated by Justine's stubbornness. "There are several ways in which a slain vampire can revive. The most common way is for his or her underlings to drain the blood of a virgin maiden on the vile creature's ashes. The better the vampire knew the maiden in life, the better. When this isn't possible, a direct descendant of said maiden is used. This can never be done, though, unless the ashes are mixed with some of the vampire's native soil." The man then went on to explain other ways to revive vampires, mostly those who weren't dead so much as mummified or in ways that would not be nearly as easy or probable as the first spoken.
'So...did you know any virgin women in life? ...They don't count if you turned or deflowered them.' Justine thought half-jokingly.
Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 7:36 pm
"...No..." Raphael grumbled rather worriedly. "And I haven't the faintest idea if any of them had children."
Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 7:42 pm
'If you are willing to take some risks, we can experiment with my own blood. Since we share a living body, you are technecally alive - even if just inside of me. I'm certain we know each other well enough, so...' Justine suggested, if only as a desperate measure. She seemed to be ignoring that after mentioning the method, her Grandfather pointed out that this often meant the Maiden's life - as did any other method that required blood, since the vampire would not have fed for quite some time in this scenario. Perhaps her optomism gave her confidence that she would live through it. Perhaps Justine, on some sick train of thought, somehow believed herself invincible.
Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 7:48 pm
"Are you quite certain? You heard what he said; the victim in question isn't likely to survive..." Raphael reminded her. "I know we've been with each for some time now, but I doubt we'd be considered close enough for you to sacrifice yourself for me."
Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 7:54 pm
'That's a load of garbage. I'll be just fine, I promise. Besides, we're friends at the very least. Friends help each other out, even if we don't always agree on what the other has to say.' Justine smiled just a little more. 'If nothing else, it's something to consider. You can't just ignore an opprotunity like this, can you? You'll be free from a woman's body, just like you wanted.'
"Are you feeling alright, Justine? You seem rather distracted." the old man said, looking rather concerned for the girl.
"Oh, please forgive me, Grandfather. I'm simply amazed at what I've learned. Thank you for indulging my idle fancies like this~"
Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 8:18 pm
"Alright..." Raphael gave in with a sigh. "We still need to find my ashes though." he pointed out.
Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 8:34 pm
'Where do you suggest we look? Do you think that they might be buried underneath all this ruble? Or, perhaps, that whoever has them may come here again?' Justine asked, wanting to know Raphael's oppinion on the matter. 'Feel more than free to take over my body whenever you need to. Just be careful around Grandfather.'
Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 8:38 pm
"We never did ask your Grandfather what happened here. He might know what became of my manor, and likely my killer if he was living so close by....But for caution's sake I'm letting you take care of things so long as he's around. I'd rather not risk making him suspicious."
Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 9:06 pm
{Feel free to take your own approach to this. Grandpa could be completely wrong. He could be completely right. Either way, how's this for exposition? *insert hisses, boos, and thrown rabid rancors here*
"So..what happened to this place? I heard it was once a beautiful manor, but after the death of it's owner, it fell into disrepair and eventually crumbled. Do you know the truth, Grandfather?" Justine asked after a little more pointless conversation, wishing to help Raphael as much as she could. Little did she know that what was going to be revealed would utterly piss him off.
"Your mother and I lived here in Mortylvania for the longest while. Magdalena up in these lands, starting as a sweet and innocent little baby and growing up to be the most gentle and compassionate woman you'll ever meet. Like anything pure and perfect, something horrible will come along and want to taint it." the old man spoke, sounding rather bitter as he began his tale. "A vampire lived on these lands. A horrible b*****d, he was. For some reason, though, your mother seemed to disagree. 'Any person, no matter how blessed or cursed, deserves just as much respect as any other.' she'd always tell me. Anyway, perhaps a few months after little Magdalena married that Jeane-Claude D'Montralais, he decided to abuse her kindness and take her hostage as a personal jab against me. I could not stand the thought of her being hurt, especially not when she was only just with child, so I came to rescue her. You know what I found? She was knocked out, laying on some sick, sacrifical altar as he was just about to make her his feast. Enraged, I jabbed my blade into that disgusting beast's heart as hard as I could." The man didn't regret his actions in the least. He even went so far as to brag about destroying the place himself. A doting, protective father and grandfather who'd make anyone who'd dare harm his family pay with everything they had. Unfortunately, this was only his side of the story. One can never tell if things were as bad as they seemed. Only Magdalena, and perhaps Raphael, would know the truth of that. "Never, ever take pity on a vampire, Justine. Don't make the same mistakes she's made. That thing...it used it's last breath to curse her, I believe. At first, the curse didn't do anything. Not until after you were born, at least. As the years passed by, it made her grow weaker and weaker until...until eventually it took her life. The Church wanted me to burn her body, but I couldn't bear the thought. So I ran away with her, bringing her as far away from the Church as possible. I wasn't about to let those heartless hyppocrits take my baby away just because she was too sweet a person! ...I...I was able to keep her body preserved since the day of her death. Just by looking at her, you could never tell that she's dead. Such a sweet angel like herself deserved more than the fate that was handed to her. But alas, all I can do is make sure that if she ever does descend from the Heavens to grace this mortal Earth once more, she'll at least have her body exactly the way it was before she died..."
Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 9:13 pm
((I'm...actually quite confused. By...everything really. o.o What was J.C. D'M (like ******** am I typing that mouthful out XD ) doing and how did Raphael fit into that? And...just huh? sweatdrop ))
Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 9:18 pm
{I thought it was implied that Raphael was the vampire in question. JC would be Justine's dad. I was probably entirely unclear with this, especially since the only hint given was their shared last name. (Srsly, nobody remembers that s**t.) He was pretty minor, probably a total p***y that got killed for attempting to desert during wartime. I don't know. Anyway, if this is ******** lame, I'll delete all of it and instead make Gramps refuse the question or be more vague.}
Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 9:22 pm
((I got all that, I just don't get the whole 'sacrificing Magdalene to the vampire' thing. And where JC went after that.))
Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 9:35 pm
{Justine off-handedly mentioned her father being an armyman during an earlier conversation between herself and Raphael. I was thinking of just saying that he died at war. Gramps seems a bit over-protective of his daughter and perhaps Justine by extension, so I can't imagine he'd really care much for him. To be fair, I really didn't consider explaining that overmuch. Thank you for pointing it out!
As for Gramps himself and the 'sacrifice' thing, I imagine he saw things as he wanted to see them. I somehow imagine the Hunters and fellow Churchmen to be bigots, at least in the more extreme cases. It could've all been his warped imagination, imagining that nothing but harm could come to Magdalena for associating with non-humans. In truth, it could've just been a creepy couch in a poorly lit room. Or possibly a 'bed' intended for servants, and she could've just taken a job cleaning the manor. No matter what, I still imagine Gramps as a bit of a delusional d**k. Whatever the case really was, I was asking you to decide.
I wrote it kind of shitty, I can see that. XD All jumbled and the like. Instead of giving excuses, however, I'd like to know what to do with it. Is what's stated in this post sufficient for making it work? Or shall I delete it and write something else? Or even just edit and improve where necessary? I don't mind either way.}