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Reply "COS" ^Can O Spam^
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Prof. Moonie


Rainbow Nerd

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 9:38 pm

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Good evening everyone! I had a fun time playing Bunco with my Mom and other folks. Out of 18 games, I only won 7 of them and got only 1 Bunco. I didn't win anything through my Bunco scores or in the raffle drawing they were having. Oh well.
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 9:47 pm

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My Fluffs I've Raised (Or Raising):

Princess Luna - Pegacorn
Amy Pond - Orange Fluff
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Prof. Moonie


Rainbow Nerd

33,240 Points
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Prof. Moonie


Rainbow Nerd

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 9:54 pm

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Still trying to figure out if there's actual official names for the main types of fluffs besides the Pegacorn one. Plus I want to have images to use for each one. *sighs* Surprised no one has done anything like that yet.
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 10:16 pm

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My Fluffs I've Raised (Or Raising):

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Princess Luna - Pegacorn

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Amy Pond - Orange Fluff
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Prof. Moonie


Rainbow Nerd

33,240 Points
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Prof. Moonie


Rainbow Nerd

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 10:22 pm

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I guess I'll just go with gifs of the characters I've named the fluffs after to represent each one.
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 10:42 pm

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Well, I've done well with raising all of the bars up for Amy Pond. Just waiting for her loyalty bar to raise up enough, so I can foster another fluff.
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Prof. Moonie


Rainbow Nerd

33,240 Points
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Prof. Moonie


Rainbow Nerd

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 10:48 pm

1. What’s the story behind your name?
It started off as being an abbreviated version of one of my OCs names. It has since come to represent my love for Sailor Moon, Harry Potter, time/space oriented things, and my tendency to act as an consulting professor to others (both in real life and online).

2. What was happening in the world when you were born?
The Supreme Court apparently ruled that it was okay to burn US flag as a political expression.

3. What is your earliest memory of home?
Probably playing on the pile of boulders in the backyard.

4. What was your favorite hiding place as a child? What is your favorite hiding place as an adult?
I was usually adventuring in the woods on our property as a child, so I guess there - though I didn't really do much hiding to be honest. If I'm playing hide n' seek, I like to surround myself with the foliage (i.e. in a cave of ferns, in the middle of tree trunks, etc.).

5. Describe your favorite outfit as a child, and as a youth. What about now?
I don't think I really had a favorite outfit when I was younger. Even today I don't have one specific favorite outfit. I probably would just say my British-inspired clothing attire.
PostPosted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 10:51 pm

6. In your opinion, what has been the most significant world event that has taken place during your lifetime? Why?
9/11. Ever since that event, things in the world have been hectic.

7. What kinds of places do you remember going with your mother? What about with your father?
Mom was usually working during the week, so most of my adventures was with my Dad. Usually it was either to the computer part store, the car part place, or to Home Depot or Lowes (or Home Base - which no longer exists now).

8. What kinds of civic or political activities have you gotten involved with?
I walked in our local town parade to support a co-worker of my Mom's who was running for Prosecuting Attorney at the time.

9. What frightens you and why?
Losing my friends and family. They mean a lot to me and its taken a lot to develop the strong relationships I have with everyone. It would be quite devastating if I lost all of that love and support.

10. What is your greatest joy? Greatest sorrow?
Joy - Spending every Wednesday morning socializing with the felines at the animal humane shelter I volunteer at.
Sorrow - Having my heart broken... twice.

Prof. Moonie


Rainbow Nerd

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Prof. Moonie


Rainbow Nerd

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 10:54 pm

11. What is your personal secret to happiness?
I probably would say my zen-like attitude towards everything.

12. What kinds of lessons did you take as a child?
Um... I guess the cooking class thing I did for a few weeks in elementary/middle school.

13. What personality trait do people most often associate with you? What other dominant trait do you have that people overlook?
Quiet and friendly are the usual traits people attribute to me. The trait that other people tend to overlook is... hmm... I'm empathic. I'm deeply affected by the emotions of those around me.

14. What was your most embarrassing moment?
I don't have one.

15. What would you like to be remembered for?
Fulfilling my dreams and goals despite all the odds I've had to face.
PostPosted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 10:58 pm

16. Where, when and why did you go to college?
Home of the Penguins - Class of 2009 - Associates of Arts in English
Home of the Cougars - Class of 2012 - Bachelors of Arts in English

17. Describe your relationship with your grandparents.
With my Grandma, I'm pretty much the only grandchild that frequently visits with her. We're pretty close with each other, though she tends to get on my nerves at times with her close-mindedness and prejudice views.
With my Grammy, there's barely a relationship there. Pretty much the only contact I have with her is the occasional card for birthday, Christmas, or a random holiday. It's a bit of a shame since she's my favorite grandma of the two.

18. How do you feel about death?
Everyone has their time to face the end of their life in this world. I just hope that I have awhile before I meet mine.

19. What was your relationship like with each of your brothers and sisters as children? As teens? As adults?
I'm an only child.

20. What was (is) dating like for you?
My love life sucks.

Prof. Moonie


Rainbow Nerd

33,240 Points
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Prof. Moonie


Rainbow Nerd

33,240 Points
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 11:06 pm

21. Tell about a teacher or class that had a great influence on you.
The Creative Writing class I took helped me learn a lot about my own writing techniques and develop new skills and writing activities. As a result of everything I learned in that class, I went from writing a rushed 20-30 page long works (if I even felt like completing them) to working on a 200+ page long novel. I'm hoping that the project that I started in that class and have continually have been working on since then will end up being my first official published work. 3nodding

22. Describe your teenage social life: Your friends, dances, movies, dating, activities, etc.
Friends - Small, tight knit group of friends that always did something together on the weekends. We became like a second family to each other... and still are for the most part ((we've lost a couple folks over the time, but it's still basically the same group)).
Dances - Due to being a loner and having a follower-like approach, I often didn't express my love for dancing at school dances because I wanted to do it with friends. If my friends weren't on the floor, I rarely was on the floor by myself. ((So glad I transformed from that version of me. I don't care now whether there's other folks on the dance floor or not; if there's music and a dance floor, I am going to dance from the beginning to the end.))
Dating - Hardly existed.

23. Were you ever in drama, speech, sports, pep or glee club?
I was part of the Queer & Ally clubs at both the community college and university. And I was partially part of the Performing Arts club at the university, due to participating in their first full feature film.

24. Tell about your first crush.
At the time, he was a quiet boy who kept to himself except when he was with his friends. Brown hair. Um... brown eyes (if I remember correctly). Um... *shrugs*

25. What are your favorite foods? What foods do you detest?
I love seafood. I'm not much of a fan of Mexican... or brussel sprouts.
PostPosted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 11:10 pm

26. What color was your house, your bedroom, your living room as a child?
Whitish-gray house; whitish-gray room with faint pink flower pattern on the walls with glow in the dark stars and other figures stuck on the ceiling; whitish-gray living room with the same faint pink flower pattern with green patterned couchs. *shrugs* Nothing to fancy when you have a mobile home for your house. xd

27. What did you do as a child that got you in the most trouble with your parents? With your teacher?
I never got into trouble.

28. What games did you play in your home or neighborhood?
I played outside in the woods, either perfecting my Survivor camp (inspired by the Survivor reality TV series) or riding my bike around the yard. There's not really a "neighborhood" when you live out in the middle of nowhere.

29. What places in the world do you want to visit, and why?
The entire U.K. I've always been fascinated with the area and I have some ancestral connection to it.

30. What is the most trying experience that ever happened to you?
Trying to find a job right now?

Prof. Moonie


Rainbow Nerd

33,240 Points
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Prof. Moonie


Rainbow Nerd

33,240 Points
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 11:15 pm

31. What is the most wonderful thing that ever happened to you?
Being able to attend college and university to earn my degrees in English.

32. What is your favorite book? What do books mean to you?
I have too many favorites right now. Books are a portal for me to escape reality while getting to utilize my imagination, learn about the world, and become more familiar with who I am as a person.

33. What are your most precious and deeply embedded values?
Kindness, respect, acceptance, and open-mindedness. *shrugs*

34. Where is the most exciting place you have ever been? What made it interesting?
Victoria, B.C. The closest I've come to experiencing the British culture. Beautiful scenery, stunning places, and the first time I traveled to another country.

35. Which of your mother’s personality traits do you share? Which of your father’s? What about from grandparents?
Mom - Hardworker, emotional, creative
Dad - Quiet, reserved, intelligent, fast learner, patient, a do-it-yourself person
Grandparents - I'm probably most like my Grammy who is reserved, anti-social, caring, loving, and creative
PostPosted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 11:17 pm

36. Would you choose differently if you could choose your occupation again? Why and how?
My current occupation is being a Cat Socializer volunteer at the local animal humane shelter. I absolutely love it, despite not being paid for all of the work I put into helping those felines.

37. Tell about your life as your children left home: New interests, what you did with the extra time, new employment, moves, hobbies, etc.
Not applicable.

38. Do you have a best friend? Why do you get along well?
I have quite a few best friends. Similar interests and views of the world.

38. How do you feel about winning? Losing?
I'm fairly neutral for the most part on the terms of winning or losing.

39. Tell about your bicycle experiences.
All of them have been good.

40. Do you have a favorite author? Who is it and why?
J.K. Rowling, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, and Cassandra Clare - I love their styles of writing.

Prof. Moonie


Rainbow Nerd

33,240 Points
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Prof. Moonie


Rainbow Nerd

33,240 Points
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 11:22 pm

41. Describe your Sundays.
Uneventful. Relaxing.

42. List all the places you have worked and tell something about each one.
City library. High school library. Homeowner's residence in their personal library. High school student newspaper. Community college events. Community college associated students team/office. University student newspaper. Humane animal shelter.

I think they describe themselves pretty well just by their names.

43. What things do you enjoy doing today that you also enjoyed as a child?
Using my imagination. Being in nature. Watching Sci Fi and Fantasy oriented shows.

44. Do you remember any special fears, fantasies, etc. that you had as a child? Tell about them.
As a child, I was extremely specific on what type of actress I wanted to be - I wanted to appear on Star Trek. xd

45. What musical instrument can you play?
I sing.

46. What does real success in life mean to you?
Fulfilling your dream and goals despite all of the odds you come against.

47. What motivates you go accomplish something that you or others typically procrastinate?
Knowing that some of these actions will help assist me in accomplishing my dreams/goals.
"COS" ^Can O Spam^

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