Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 5:10 pm
It's perfectly fine! My friend gets hit on all the time and he takes it as a compliment! My religion is Christianity although I really dont follow anymore but I dont go along with that God hates them or anything because he says he loves everyone and he can only judge!!
Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 9:11 pm
Chiharu Yamamoto It's perfectly fine! My friend gets hit on all the time and he takes it as a compliment! My religion is Christianity although I really dont follow anymore but I dont go along with that God hates them or anything because he says he loves everyone and he can only judge!! i totally agree with the getting hit on thing! y should u be offended? if ur straight and u get hit on by someone of the opposite sex your not offended, why is this any different? and way to go chiharu!! there needs to be more christians who think like that! ^ ^
Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 5:28 pm
Ha, I've been over this many times in the ED. Homosexuality isn't wrong in my opinion because love knows no gender. Some of the more flamboyant gay people probably do it to piss other people off, kind of like when a Christian cites scriputres to someone who isn't a Christian.
Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 12:41 pm
The question of whether or not homosexuality is "wrong" seems like asking whether or not breathing is wrong. If we define homexuality as physical attraction it'd seem really strange to define that as either right or wrong, after all, when was the last time you "decided" to be attracted to someone? How can an involintary action be right or wrong? The more accurate question would be whether or not it'd be wrong to act on that attraction. Wouldn't that be more dependant on the situation in question rather than what equipment each person in the situation is carrying within their respective underwear? (I can't help but to wonder, when it comes to sexuality, how a person's attraction can be dependant on genitals either way. ) The reasons, or rather explanations, most often given as to why people can believe that acting on homosexual attraction can be wrong seems to be religious, more specifically, from the bible. This confuses me a little. Yes, there are places in the bible where the text seems to suggest that homosexuality is bad, but at the same time, there are places in the bible that condemn cute little bunny rabbits an fig trees and boiling baby goats in the milk of it's mother. The same bible contains text that urges men to kiss one another and hate their parents.. (If you'd like to test your knowledge of the contents of the bible Try this Bible Quiz!) Homosexual behaviour is found so commonly in nature so any argument that it "isn't natural" has been slain several times over... So what's left but "I don't like it"? Okay, don't like it? don't do it.. Simple solution no? More for me wink
Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 1:59 am
Miniar The question of whether or not homosexuality is "wrong" seems like asking whether or not breathing is wrong. If we define homexuality as physical attraction it'd seem really strange to define that as either right or wrong, after all, when was the last time you "decided" to be attracted to someone? How can an involintary action be right or wrong? The more accurate question would be whether or not it'd be wrong to act on that attraction. Wouldn't that be more dependant on the situation in question rather than what equipment each person in the situation is carrying within their respective underwear? (I can't help but to wonder, when it comes to sexuality, how a person's attraction can be dependant on genitals either way. ) The reasons, or rather explanations, most often given as to why people can believe that acting on homosexual attraction can be wrong seems to be religious, more specifically, from the bible. This confuses me a little. Yes, there are places in the bible where the text seems to suggest that homosexuality is bad, but at the same time, there are places in the bible that condemn cute little bunny rabbits an fig trees and boiling baby goats in the milk of it's mother. The same bible contains text that urges men to kiss one another and hate their parents.. (If you'd like to test your knowledge of the contents of the bible Try this Bible Quiz!) Homosexual behaviour is found so commonly in nature so any argument that it "isn't natural" has been slain several times over... So what's left but "I don't like it"? Okay, don't like it? don't do it.. Simple solution no? More for me wink That quiz is the shiz-nit! I have an average understanding of the Bible... and now I know that Jesus was a d**k... neutral
Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 5:39 pm
wow, most of u r christan, i'm probly the only eathelst here, ethier way i think Gays should just be left alone, if they want to be as massable as the rest of us we should lets them
Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 11:22 pm
I'm really am curious to know why anti-gay people think homosexuality is wrong. Maybe they should take a critical thinking course or two, and realize that you should have sufficient reasons for believing something.
"Because the bible says so" isn't really a good enough reason to believe anything. (where the heck is that west wing episode on this topic?). It seems as though they are also picking and choosing what to believe. There are all kinds of ridiculous things that the bible says from not wearing clothes made from blended fabrics (Polycotton anyone?) to women being a disgrace during their periods (can't really help that...). People ignore those things because they're obviously stupid and society needs to evolve, but why ignore those silly things but say this silly anti-gay thing is ok? There are a lot of contradictions in the bible. I mean "Love thy neighbour, but you should totally burn the gays and witches and anyone who doesn't follow my religion." I'm thankful that most Christians are smart enough to realize that not everything in the Bible is right, and that sometimes things need to be changed, so I don't want to sound too insulting, because you have the right to your religion.
"It's unnatural" also isn't a good enough reason. What is natural anyway? And how is that necessarily a bad thing? Computers, cellphones, video games, these things are not natural, they don't grow on trees, but would you say they are bad? How about all the medical equipment and procedures in modern medicine? That is unnatural, but you probably wouldn't be against it if you were having a heart attack.
"AIDS!" How old are you? Didn't you know that anyone of any gender or sexuality can get AIDS? I actually think the most infections of AIDS occur from heterosexual relationships, take a look at Africa (Don't quote me on this though, I'm too tired to look for a resource on this).
Love is love, you can't control who you love or who you are attracted to.
I live in Canada, so it's really different here than in the US. There are very few anti-homosexuality people here, I only know one person who's against it. We're not so religious here, and I certainly don't have a religious bone in my body.
Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2008 10:55 pm
Being bisexual is the VERY least of my quirks. If you read my profile's "about me", you'll understand. I'm just far too strange for my being bisexual to be any level of a factor in how people react to me. Being born with Double Cat-Eye Syndrome set me apart from birth. I suppose it did play a role in my becoming what I am, today. I grew up sort of punk-goth. Add in the fact that my mom always had a great many biker pals (Hardcore bikers! I won't mention any gang names. It wouldn't be respectful to them) that I was raised with and influenced by, and add Biker-chic to that punk-goth and eyes that once scared a priest so bad he threw his bible at me (I was 14. I was "bible-thumped" at a VERY young age!). Take all this into account and I bet you could, probably, understand why being bi is waaaaaaaaaay down on my list. As far as how I feel about others being homo? Well, I can't really tolerate most people as a whole, anyway. The only homosexual males that really get on my nerves are the 'nelly' types. I guess that makes sense, because scream I JUST CANNOT STAND A PRISSY GIRLY-GIRL!!!!! I don't like it when females act nelly, so why would I like a guy doing it? Being feminine is one thing, but stressed !!! I'm not butch, by any means. In fact, I've been referred to as a "lipstick-lesbian" (more feminine). I don't believe in marriage PERIOD, so I don't really give a rat's patootie if the people getting married are gay, or not. Marriage is a fallacy in my mind. I live with Dar, my boyfriend, and our girlfriend, Emma. Dar and I will have been together for 13 years this Samhain; which is, also, my 28th birthday. I look like I'm 16 or 17, and I'm always being carded, for everything! We met when we were both ?15?, I think, at a Halloween party. We've lived together since we were like, hmmmm . . . 19. We met Emma around that time, and we all just clicked. So, we all live together, now.
Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2008 11:16 pm
Vanilla-Parfait I'm really am curious to know why anti-gay people think homosexuality is wrong. Maybe they should take a critical thinking course or two, and realize that you should have sufficient reasons for believing something. "Because the bible says so" isn't really a good enough reason to believe anything. (where the heck is that west wing episode on this topic?). It seems as though they are also picking and choosing what to believe. There are all kinds of ridiculous things that the bible says from not wearing clothes made from blended fabrics (Polycotton anyone?) to women being a disgrace during their periods (can't really help that...). People ignore those things because they're obviously stupid and society needs to evolve, but why ignore those silly things but say this silly anti-gay thing is ok? There are a lot of contradictions in the bible. I mean "Love thy neighbour, but you should totally burn the gays and witches and anyone who doesn't follow my religion." I'm thankful that most Christians are smart enough to realize that not everything in the Bible is right, and that sometimes things need to be changed, so I don't want to sound too insulting, because you have the right to your religion. "It's unnatural" also isn't a good enough reason. What is natural anyway? And how is that necessarily a bad thing? Computers, cellphones, video games, these things are not natural, they don't grow on trees, but would you say they are bad? How about all the medical equipment and procedures in modern medicine? That is unnatural, but you probably wouldn't be against it if you were having a heart attack. "AIDS!" How old are you? Didn't you know that anyone of any gender or sexuality can get AIDS? I actually think the most infections of AIDS occur from heterosexual relationships, take a look at Africa (Don't quote me on this though, I'm too tired to look for a resource on this). Love is love, you can't control who you love or who you are attracted to. I live in Canada, so it's really different here than in the US. There are very few anti-homosexuality people here, I only know one person who's against it. We're not so religious here, and I certainly don't have a religious bone in my body. Uh, I don't know where in the Bible it states that homosexuality is a sin, but you've really got to consider the source. Sure, maybe once upon a time the Bible was in a much more pure form. But, centuries of being retranslated from one ancient language to another, time and again; plus, the fact that those who were "translating" (I use that term very loosely!) were mortal, and therefore, fallable, doesn't make we want to trust in a lot of the words of today's Bible. People have a tendency to pick and choose which parts of the Bible they wish to obey, or not. So, it really doesn't matter if it was written in blood. People would continue to be bigots and hypocrits, no matter what. I don't worship the god of the Bible. I worship the One, True God. The Great Spirit/Creator. Because of my father was catholic, and so he attempted to influence me, I have always refferred to God as a male figure. But, God has no gender, race, religion, or anything that we think is just soooo important. He loves all of us, regardless. Forgiveness is devine, so they say, and He is. If people would do what they know is right, instead of being raised to believe in some paper god, contained in a retranslated, ancient book, religion would never be a factor in ANYTHING, let alone sexual orientation.
Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 10:22 am
I defiently suport homosexuality not only because it's none of the govements business but isn't it true that we as citzens are intitled to the pursit of happiness? well for my sexuality i am bi however i do perfer boys... but even so i stick up for the rights of those who are there own pursuit of happiness....
Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 1:56 pm
Epic Fail Girl Many people believe that homosexuality is wrong. What do you think? Is your opinion effected by your religious beliefs? Are you gay/bi/transexual? Have you had any specific issues with people of the opposite sexual orientation? Homosexuality has been found throughout history, and has been, in some cases, a way to show manliness. Why is it wrong apart for religious reasons? Religion is not the law.
My opinion is not affected by my religious beliefs. I grew up with my best friend, who was a gay man, and stood by his side as he faced torture in school for his sexuality. That's what gives me my opinion.
I'm straight. That's all.
Well, yes, because now that best friend of mine is being a kind of b***h to me, but regardless, it's not because of his sexual orientation. It's just because he is who he is, and I am who I am, and our personalities clash sometimes. My view is not affected by our fight right now, regardless....
Like a woman's choice to have an abortion or not, no one should tell a homosexual that what they are doing is right or wrong. Many of them do not believe it is a choice. So, we have more of a reason to tell women they do not have a choice than we do to say homosexuals should not be homosexual.
Sorry if that was offensive. I didn't mean it to be. I hope everyone understands that last point I was trying to make. x3 Either way, trying to tell someone how to live or what to do is not right for any reason.
Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 6:34 pm
One's sexuality is not a choice. Like your gender or race, it just is what it is, and you can't tell me that being black or being a woman is "wrong," so you shouldn't tell me that being anything other than heterosexual is wrong.
As far as legislation goes, SEPARATION OF CHURCH & STATE, people! Religious beliefs are the only basis for objecting to homosexuality, therefore no legislation can be passed on the subject as far as equal rights and civil rights.
Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2008 12:19 pm
I solemnly swear I am up to no good. I'm 100% okay with homosexuality. I'm not actually sure whether or not I'm bi, but I have many friends who are, and I'm fine with it. I support it and all that, and as for prop8...screw it. People don't choose their sexuality anyways, so people shouldn't be banned from expressing their naturalness.
Mischief managed.
Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 5:10 pm
I have absolutely no problem with gay or bi people. I have many friends that are. Right now, I'd say I'm leaning towards being bi.
But, sadly, I have an anti-homosexual friend who comes from a very religious family as well. I just don't see how she could be like that. It's one of those things that she is a great friend, so I just state where I stand, as I did above, and move onto how crappy the teachers are.
My friend believed that love and marriage should be a union of a man and women, but I believe that it should be a union of two people who love each other, not matter what their sexuality or gender.
Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 2:26 pm
Yes that's all very nice on the surface, although you obviously never realized that the same could be said by a ******, necrophile, bestialist, incestuous and just about every other deviance from the sexual norm. Justifying acts of homosexuality by saying that it's okay because "it's love" makes very little difference. If you loving another man makes your lifestyle choices okay, then a man loving a cat makes his lifestyle choices okay.
Not to mention, while of course the involuntary attribute of being gay isn't condemned in the Bible, acting upon it and committing acts of homosexuality absolutely IS condemned. You are a bit misleading.
Comparring homosexual love to loving a dog or a cat is just plain insulting now im not saying this just because im gay im saying this because your saying that by me loving my boyfreind zack i might as well be loving a dog or cat.
and if your basing your comparison on religiouse beliefes i have nothing against any religion that discriminates homosexuality and to the girl you quested i agree with you in the cristain religion and in the bible upon commiting the act or homosexuality you are condemned.