.....Here is me and someone talking on myspace(this is a chick form my school)
me:If thier was a GSA at our school would you join?
her:dude, do i look ******** gay? no. I think you should get a
life, or take your own. lmfao, im not gay b***h.
And heres me and anothere homophobic b***h
me:If thier was a GSA at our school would you join?
PS:GSA stands for gay straight allanice
PSS:you dont havto be gay to join
her:um no? im not gay.why would you even ask me?
me: and i quote " You dont havto be gay to join" just cuz a club title has the word gay in it doesnt mean its just for gays..
her: obviously it does if your in it.
Theese are chicks that allways caused problems with me becuase of my sexuality...
They thrown stuff at me
Put ice down my shirt.
Hell even cornor me and insult till i f.lip out sobbing(im bi-polare so yea.)
They find it funny that im bipoalr to.
Im getting this s**t cuz i posted a bultion on myspace asking ppls opinion about a GSA at my school
It is pathtic...I am afraiid to even go to the mall....because i'm scard shitless im going to run into theese bitches or the one that gave me a concusion for being bi.
I know 3 ppl who were killed...just because of their sexulity!
I am afraid to go to the local arcade, skating rink, mall, even the effing park! because i am afraid im going to get my a** beat!
I hate this. Its to teh point where i cna barly even take it.