GaiaOnline has done what I never expected! They have added a movie theatre! O:
What can you watch at said movie theatre? The Mimzy movie?! THE MATRIX!? O___O 300??? HELLZ NO! But you may watch some uncopyrighted movies from the age before the internet and mammoths. Just click on the image of the movie you wish to see and you will be taken to a profile dedicated to the movie. Scroll down to see screening rooms. Click on the one with the least amount of time until the next showing.
Movies! WATCH 'EM!Night of the Living Dead: George Romero's classic horror movie about Zombies and the things that they do. Since it's creation this movie has played somewhere in the world at least once a night... and George forgot to copyright it so he gets SQUAT!
xd Prehistoric Women:Like the movie Short Circuit, its so horrible and flawed it's funny. Not to watch alone, though. That's just sad.
Movies which learn you a lesson!Dating Do's and Don'ts:Wanna snag a girl from the fifties? Have a time traveling DeLorean? You need to watch this video to know how to woo the fifties teen.
Duck and Cover "A news paper can save you from the burns of a nuclear blast" Just one of the lessons you learn on what to do if your town is attacked by a nuke. Duck... AND COVAAH!
One Got Fat Learn why you shouldn't give monkeys bikes. LEARN! LEARN WHY NOW! >__
Soapy the Germ Fighter Fight germs! They kill people and give you head colds. So you shall be a mini soldier by washing your hands and other extremities.
Your Posture Fight Sherman's kyphosis! Learn how with this very interesting video on postures and how they affect the peoples you see.