My current signature quote as of 2/21/2007:
"You can't call yourself a true gamer until you MUD."
MUD stands for "Multi User Dungeon" and is a text-based online RPG. Currently, there are thousands of different MUDs that exist, ranging from fan based games, such as Frank Herbert's Dune and Douglas Adam's Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, to your standard sci-fi and fantasy. Upon registering (which is most of the time free), a player creates a character with a unique name and statistics, depending on race, class, and the like. From there, the character embarks on an adventure to learn the lands and become as powerful as possible. MUSH is pretty much the same damned thing. If there is indeed a significant difference between the two, please inform me of such.
Please share any quality MUDs out there or unique experiences.
Reality: Resurrection!
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