Resolution: Corporations ought to be held to the sme moral standards as individuals.

well, any ideas anyone? seems like its very messy, and a lot of people are going stock issues and definitions, or the "morality doesn't exist" kritik (ew.) so.....anyways, all ive got is basically, is this crappy flow of ideas, no where near in case form...

aff: equality, and crap. corporations are made of individuals. corporations need to be treated the same, seeing as how much of an affect they have ON individuals. individuals set the standards on them anyway through a free market society (but the resolution doesnt say free, that ones screwed over).it helps them get money to appeal to their customers again. (kind of cold hearted, but provides a good practical reason for this to benefit the corporations).

neg: veiw one: unfair to the individuals who are part of the corporation, but did nothing wrong. veiw 2: they should be held to HIGHER standards. have more of an effect, can do more. groups more dangerous that individuals, hold sway in society. people can hide their individual actions in a group.

last thing: wtf is up with the "corporation is defined as any group" thing?