Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 8:56 pm
First of all, I'd like to say its rather ironic how this forum is called "ALI" since I have a problem involving a girl named Ali.
Alright... So I met this girl Ali during the spring musical last year, she was a techie and I was an actor. I had some time backstage and we talked and we talked about our family and we hit it off right away. She's half hispanic/half white and gorgeous with long, curly black hair and really light mocha skin and she's SMART. I didn't ask her out at the time cause she mentioned a guy she'd been datin for 3 years on and off and all that and we kinda lost touch over the summer until like the last month of it, I got her SN and we hit it off AGAIN and I still really liked her. For that last month I practially lived at her house cause it got me out of my house and I got to spend time w/ her. Well we've been close and all that but school really got into the way cause she's a year ahead of me and has advanced classes that take up ALL her time pretty much. Well I talked to her and she said most of her friends (who were my friends by now) had ditched her and she just had a couple of em, and I wasn't listed in the names, when I asked she said "we've kinda drifted apart" so I've been making an effort to go over and everything but on the 1st I went over and hung out and I guess I'm better in a smaller group where there's not much to be said because for some reason we really understand each other... Maybe it's the stress of school and the strain on us seeing each other, and she can get a little bitchy when she doesn't take her Aderal but anyway, on Friday she said "You dont think much do you" I guess I had been pretty stupid but I got really quiet and pretty depressed and I even just kinda laid down on the ground and fell asleep... I left and I haven't really had the courage to talk to her cause I think I made a fool of myself and that may her true feelings about me... I dont know... I mean I've been working on her Xmas present for months, if not for Xmas it would have been for if we'd started dating... I really dont know anymore, after that I feel kinda like I need to lose all my junior and senior friends since I'll be left w/ pretty much no one after they leave in a year or 2... I just dunno what I do about Ali though... I've gotten over the comment and I learned that she'd been really depressed lately. She may be working on the Winter Play with us so that'll be good. She said I was smart when I puzzled out what was happening with her medications. I really miss the days when i hugged her and I could be with her alone... What do I do?
Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 8:15 pm
If it's bothering you that much it'd probably be best to ask her and see what happens. Ask her what's wrong to begin with and go from there. If she finds comfort in your concern, ask her out a little later.
(Then again, my track record with girls is about as good as some random character winning in a vs. Sephiroth thread)
Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 9:01 pm
i agree with hoshi no kenta. u should ask her out, check what's wrong. if her friends have ditched her, maybe that's just what she needs, someone who cares for her, worries about her. something must have happened if she's depressed, so find out, help her. something will come out of that, even if it's not a date. u can ask her out on a date later, when she's feeling better, 'ready for this type of thing' let's say. as for the Xmas present, don't make a fuss over it. u can figure out sumthin nice for her, and that might just cheer her up. but DON'T IGNORE HER, WHATEVER U DO, DON'T IGNORE HER. if many of her friends ditched her, the last thing she needs right now is for another friend so bail out, worse if she's depressed.
Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 10:33 pm
I also agree with Hoshi no Kenta and Sotur.
let her know you're there for her, and be there for her. she's probably gonna want to talk about what's wrong, and what you need to do is be there and listen to her.
just talking to someone about an issue can make a person feel better, and she's gonna remember you were there and took time out of your life for her, and that when you were there, she felt better.
you don't have to tell her how it could be worse or w/e, just listen and try your best to understand what she's going through.
but that's just what I think...
Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 10:50 pm
So it's agreed, ask her out.
Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 12:32 pm
Hoshi no Kenta If it's bothering you that much it'd probably be best to ask her and see what happens. Ask her what's wrong to begin with and go from there. If she finds comfort in your concern, ask her out a little later. (Then again, my track record with girls is about as good as some random character winning in a vs. Sephiroth thread) A Vs. Sephiroth Thread? Wth is that supposed to be about?
Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2006 10:42 am
I would try to get close again, you know, show concern, like everyone else said. then go from there. don't go too fast though.