Is this problem a threat to her health or a danger to her education or financial well being?
I'm just trying to gauge the seriousness of the situation.
neutral First off, thanks guys for replying
Its not a simple problem with communication. In all seriousness, I think that she needs to see a therapist. Normally Things are great. I've never felt this close to anyone before, not even my first love. Once and a while, she gets seriously irritable and jumps at me for the smallest things, not just me but everyone else, like really bad mood swings (nothing violent).
I think its due to a lot of trauma in her life growing up at home. I have friends that 'smoke', but she can't eat or sleep without...I guess because its like a downer. She also had a habit in the past, before we met, of mutilating herself.
I think she either has a really bad problem with depression or she's bi-polar and it would mean the wold to me if she got some help for this. She's aware that she has a problem but she won't admit it. Her parents don't care for her, and her father is an a** towards her. Her mother does nothing in her defense... Everyone is aware of this, but no one is doing anything.
I tried to be supportive by getting her into other this, keeping her occupied, and encouraging her with her poetry...We got into a big argument the other day over a cover I made for her book....It was horrible, and it was such a minor thing. I didn't know what to do so I got frustrated, so I didn't talk to her for the rest of the day until my mom stepped in and played mediator. Even after knowing this my parents have been understanding.
Sorry for the rambling...I don't know what to do, I absolutely love her and it hurts me to see her in pain and out of control of herself.