Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 12:48 pm
There's this one guy that literaly ruined my life. I hate him so much for all the things he's done to me, but for some reason, it feels like my heart gets stabbed with a knife when i see him with someone else. Even though i hate him so, could there still be some feelings for him deep in my heart? I would do anything to kill those feelings!! I don't want to care anymore!! I want to be able to see him with someone else and not be hurt by it. I want to be able to fully move on, considering the fact that I hate him so. emo
Advice please??
Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 12:53 pm
Find someone new, some one who will take those feelings away and give you new ones, it'll help take your mind off him, and help obliterate him from your heart and mind.
Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 12:54 pm
sorry but only time can fix things like this, im sorry u have to go through that though
Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 2:21 pm
When you hate someone your feelings are more the opposite; the pain is always there when we can not let go a person that has hurt us. If you have been thinking a lot about him, you may have a lot of time in your hands, so use that time doing something more productive (hobby, movies, friends, etc). ninja
Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 12:52 pm
Avoid him at all costs, don't try talking to him unless he talks to you first. If you really hate him, just delete him from your IM messenger contacts, avoid phone calls and forget about him. Like Turquoise said, find a new person. Maybe find a hobby you just love and use all your concentration and mind on that. Get a pet, maybe. <3
Hope this works out..
Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 6:50 am
Ehh..Dragon_Master...getting someone new won't help with the pain. the person will always be there to torment her heart. Intox Angels, here really isn't anything I can help with, I'm in the same position with a girl, and it pains me to see her with other guys (She briefly hate me for something I didn't do tho). now that we go to different schools, the pain is worse, i doubt that the pain will ever go away, so just bury it in your secret heart and cry when you are alone. that is all i can really help you with.
Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 8:45 pm
XxIntoxicated_AngelxX There's this one guy that literaly ruined my life. I hate him so much for all the things he's done to me, but for some reason, it feels like my heart gets stabbed with a knife when i see him with someone else. Even though i hate him so, could there still be some feelings for him deep in my heart? I would do anything to kill those feelings!! I don't want to care anymore!! I want to be able to see him with someone else and not be hurt by it. I want to be able to fully move on, considering the fact that I hate him so. emo Advice please?? common case. solution: do an activety you like (basketball, clarinet, drawing ect.) git so drawn in to it you don't notice those annoyin feelings