Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 6:31 pm
Some believe that violence has escalated since the mid 1900's to now. They believe with all the additions of video games and television shows, violence is all we have to learn from.
Do you believe that video games and television programs are the cause and these video games and television shows should be moderated more? or.. Do you believe that violence cannot be caused by video games and television and that humans are all inherently evil?
If you believe something else along these lines, please elaborate.
So, let's hear what you have to say.
Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 6:51 pm
I believe that their is 3 parts to violence.
1) Inheritance of the human gene (Nature) 2) How or where you are brought up (Nuture) 3) Other influences (Other)
I believe first of all that everyone is hereditarily vioolent but that we can over come that hereditary gene though it is tough. We are also factored by where or how we are brought up because it is easier to be pulled into violence if you live in violence.
And other influence include the video game and tv shows. I do think these have gotten worse. Sometimes this step can interfere with the first and second by addiction. If you are addicted you may increase the risk of not overturning the hereditary gene of violence.
Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 9:48 pm
lily_bunch I believe that their is 3 parts to violence. 1) Inheritance of the human gene (Nature) 2) How or where you are brought up (Nuture) 3) Other influences (Other) I believe first of all that everyone is hereditarily vioolent but that we can over come that hereditary gene though it is tough. We are also factored by where or how we are brought up because it is easier to be pulled into violence if you live in violence. And other influence include the video game and tv shows. I do think these have gotten worse. Sometimes this step can interfere with the first and second by addiction. If you are addicted you may increase the risk of not overturning the hereditary gene of violence. IF THIS MAKES ANY SENSE AT ALL TO YOU I AM GLAD! I agree with you that there are three different parts that add to violence. What I don't agree with is the video game and tv shows. I do think that they can desensitize a handful of people to violence, but I don't think they cause violence on their own. I believe that violence in the media hasn't gotten worse, only that its become more widespread. Think of all the people that have tv's in their home compared to the 60s, 70s, 80s, and even the 90s. It has risen and the amount of games and shows has increased to. The amount of violence in them has hardly risen. Man has also always been violent. That was how a man was supposed to be, so it was readily accepted. Now the more sensitive type of man has been embraced, but those with rage in their blood still exist and aren't leaving anytime soon.
Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 12:20 pm
It seems to me that violence as a result of nurture is more common, but violence as a result of nature is much more severe.
Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 3:09 pm
Video games and television is probably what has escalated violence in society today, but some acts of violence is due to people's acts of vengence, the excuse of "backing a religion", racism, war, conflict.... there many reasons to random deaths, but the best thing to do is to try to maintain peace as we have been doing for years. There's really no alternative...
Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 6:24 pm
Humans are violent by nature. I don't think there is more violence. I think the human race is at the same spot it was 1000 years ago. Just a lot more technology. Think about it! We think we are changing, getting better, but we are not!! The technology is only getting better, but that might not be true either, because look what we are doing to the earth, to the environment!! I do not think we have gotten worse though either, there were just as many bloody, brutal wars 1000 years ago as now, but now, again, with the technology, wars can be bigger. And with television, everyone hears about them, and all the ghastly things going on. Even just murders and rapes, they have always happened, we just hear about them more now. I don't think I media has anything to do with it. Yes, desensitize some children, I agree, but if someone was killed in front of them, I think that they would be repulsed like anyone. But I may be wrong, I'm not really a gamer. Um... did that make sense? Sometimes I just get ranting and raving... heh heh...
Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 11:21 am
fantasier_xp Humans are violent by nature. I don't think there is more violence. I think the human race is at the same spot it was 1000 years ago. Just a lot more technology. Think about it! We think we are changing, getting better, but we are not!! The technology is only getting better, but that might not be true either, because look what we are doing to the earth, to the environment!! I do not think we have gotten worse though either, there were just as many bloody, brutal wars 1000 years ago as now, but now, again, with the technology, wars can be bigger. And with television, everyone hears about them, and all the ghastly things going on. Even just murders and rapes, they have always happened, we just hear about them more now. I don't think I media has anything to do with it. Yes, desensitize some children, I agree, but if someone was killed in front of them, I think that they would be repulsed like anyone. But I may be wrong, I'm not really a gamer. Um... did that make sense? Sometimes I just get ranting and raving... heh heh... I agree with you 100%. People didn't realize in wars all the details of what was going on, because they didn't see it. I guaruntee you that there would be more supporters of the War on "Terror" if video journalists and other writers were not allowed in the area.
Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 3:04 am
fantasier_xp Humans are violent by nature. I don't think there is more violence. I think the human race is at the same spot it was 1000 years ago. Just a lot more technology. Think about it! We think we are changing, getting better, but we are not!! The technology is only getting better, but that might not be true either, because look what we are doing to the earth, to the environment!! I do not think we have gotten worse though either, there were just as many bloody, brutal wars 1000 years ago as now, but now, again, with the technology, wars can be bigger. And with television, everyone hears about them, and all the ghastly things going on. Even just murders and rapes, they have always happened, we just hear about them more now. I don't think I media has anything to do with it. Yes, desensitize some children, I agree, but if someone was killed in front of them, I think that they would be repulsed like anyone. But I may be wrong, I'm not really a gamer. Um... did that make sense? Sometimes I just get ranting and raving... heh heh... I couldn't have said it better myself, I totally agree. As Homo Sapiens we are violent by nature only because we are technically animals. Animals need to hunt, protect and ...dare I say... have territory. You can still see our animal nature everywhere. Regular mothers are still protective of their children (bear), people still like their space (wolf/dog), and we all need interaction (birds/etc.). As Homo Sapiens we are classified as animals. Like the dolphin we are one of the smartest in the kingdom, like the bear and lions we are protective of young ones, like birds we need interaction to survive. That's what I believe and of course teevision and video games have helped a little but not by much. It just takes one ignorant person to mimick James Bond. Or try to be the next 'person of da hood' and bring in the guns to keep people of his turf because of Grand Theft auto.
Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 8:28 am
sure vidio games and movies of the violent sort are a influence on everyone. Almost any action around you has a influence on you weather u realize it or not. weather or not violence has escalated it has become more known to us thanks to the media. please tell me what story are you going to choose as a reporter, "man stabed and brutaly beaten on bus" or "New baby at zoo". because of the media almost always choosing violence over the lil baby bears all we see on the news is voilent stories and the weather (witch also can be violent) so i belive the media is a great factor in violence.In america the amount of violence has decreased in the last decade but the coverage from media had increased by 300%
hobbs (well known philosipher) belived that man is born evil. i do not agree to this cause the world wound be in a much uglyer fate than what we know locke (well known philosipher) belived that man is born good. I belive this is more true than man being born evil due to the fact that mor people are nice and not naughty..
but has violence increased since the 1900's, i dont think so
Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 7:46 pm
I believe violence is caused by how you're raised and what you watch on TV. These days there are more and more violent movies and I believe that really has an effect on people. Some of the movies and shows on tv give people the idea that violence is cool and sometimes even funny which causes them to become more aggresive or violent.
Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 9:07 am
Yes, violence these days is escalating. I'm sure some of the blame can be placed on how early children are exposed to it, (eg. video games, television, domestic violence) but no, that's NOT the only reason, even though that's what statistics show. I have nothing left to say on this matter. ~Angel.
Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 1:51 pm
We are becoming more and more de sensitized to violence through the media, TV and video games. Part of why I think this is because parents seem to be paying less attention to what there kids are doing now. Some by using the Tv/ computer as a convenient ‘ baby sitter’ but never paying attention to what they are exposed to. I'm not sure if video/ computer games have got more violent in context, but the increased realism blurs the lines between reality and escapist fantasy. Humans are aggressive and violent naturally this possibly disposition is present in all of us. Society / environment controls and influences this nature. I’ll illustrate my point with something that scared me slightly, ever heard of the game San Andres( have I spelt that right?) I saw a bunch of 8 year olds playing it( one of them owns it, with his parents consent). The way that they acted when they put this game on was almost like a personality switch, it came across loud and clear it brilliantly cool that they were smashing someone’s head in with a hammer .It was good fun that they were hurting someone and seeing blood pour out of them. I believe this game has a certificate aged 18s and over on it.
Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 9:05 pm
lol the only things tv and video games influence in violence is showing you how to hurt some one worse than you already could they don't make you more violent just that if you know how to hurt someone your gonna stop being a wimp
Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 10:21 pm
This is going to be long. mrgreen I am verbose. You have been warned.
I believe there's two major reasons for the escalation in violent crime.
1) A breakdown in discipline. I'm not THAT much older than you guys, but back when I was in school, corporal punishment was legal, and still given to unruly students. In the assistant dean's office back in junior high, there was a large wooden paddle up against the wall, in plain sight of anyone who walked by. The paddle had holes drilled into it to make it swat harder. It was...an effective deterrant, for most ill-mannered brats. eek
Go into any school nowadays, and where's the discipline? There is none; it was outlawed years ago. No longer can school administrators hold that particular Sword of Damocles over the heads of kids, so they run wild knowing the worst that can happen is suspension. They get little to no discipline at home, then they do as they please in school.
This discipline I'm talking about is systematic. The example I chose was school, but it's across the board. It's commonplace throughout our society. People are 'out for theirs', they'll get it any way they please because they feel entitled to do so, and damn the consequences to others.
2) Poorly managed anger. This is a cousin to the 'breakdown in discipline' problem, but not entirely the same thing. It used to be that children were taught the 'right way' and the 'wrong way' to deal with angry feelings. This is a valuable life skill, and unfortunately, it's vastly undervalued. Remember 'time outs'? Counting backwards from 100? Deep breaths? Somewhere along the line, we as a society forgot how to deal with our collective anger, and as a result we get pandemonium out of it.
What happens when someone is angry, and they don't know how to manage their own anger in a mature manner? One of two things, actually. The first kind of reaction of poorly-managed anger is the immediate one. This is where you find screaming outbursts, cursing, striking out, and road-rage retaliation. scream
The other kind of mismanaged anger is the quieter, but far more frightening kind. This is the person who stews for days...months...even years. Lives their life with the anger boiling just below the surface. And then one day, they walk into school, work, or home...with a loaded semi-automatic rifle. sad And you know the rest. It's in the papers all the time.
Right now, we're seeing a combination of both of these phenomenon break down the very foundations of our civilized society. Things 'seem more violent'. Of course they are. But that's just a symptom, that's not the sickness. At least in my opinion.
Thanks for the soapbox. wink
High-functioning Cutesmasher
Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 1:50 pm