Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 6:22 pm
I've beaten KH 2 for like 10 times now and ever time when it's over and when the battle record comes up that it. You can't save it. I don't know if it's a gitich or not but it's gotten on my nerves. Same thing in the frist game too. Does anyone feel the same?
Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 12:44 pm
Do you have space in your memory card? I really wouldnt know, I'm more of a nintendo player.
Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 5:08 am
I've beaten the game, gotten the secret ending, and searched every nook and cranny of tht game, there is no glitch.
Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 1:38 pm
I don't think you can save your game after beating it, Im not sure though, only beaten it once (playing Proud mode now X3 )
Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 9:59 pm
^-^ your not supposed to be able to save it. It was like that in Chain of Memories as well!
Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 9:19 am
Dragon_Master2 I've beaten the game, gotten the secret ending, and searched every nook and cranny of tht game, there is no glitch. same with me. biggrin
Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 7:33 am
YEA!!! that happened with me to i've beatten it but when it's over it shows your lvl and stuff but you can't save it domokun I think it is a glich
Kingdom Hearts RULZ!! heart Uchiha fangrl heart
Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 10:17 am
why would you even want to save it at the very end of the game?
Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 6:40 pm
LOL That happens with Every Rpg... Final Fantasy, Zelda, The works. Play more RPG's buddy.
Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 4:04 pm
Hey Chris, you were our only friend.
That's no glitch. You aren't supposed to save it after the battle record anyway. I mean, what if you were playing standard mode and you didn't complete Jiminy's Journal? (Which is a pain, btw.) You could always go back and complete the journal for the secret ending and replay the ending. Actually, not every RPG isn't like that. The only games that allow you to save after the credits are games with New Game+. Final Fantasy X-2, Suikoden IV and V, Golden Sun I and II (clear data), Devil May Cry series, etc.
And I know this seems belated, but we love you back!
Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 6:25 pm
Yeah, you can't save. That's the ending. You can keep beating it from the last point when you did save but after the ending FMV begins you cannot save.
Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 12:28 pm
wel i don't have kingdom hearts 1,2 or chain of memories but i have played it at my friends house. i watched him beat the game.
Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 12:00 am
I have finished all 3 games in, like, a month. lol
No glitch whatsoever. I do walkthroughs, though. Anyone can PM me for details.
Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 2:45 pm
I get killeded by the million shots by Princess Mansex. Tis sad crying
Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 9:37 pm
i've played kh1 and 2 but not com. but i do wanna play the kh final mix. hehehehehe. i think it has a ps version o f com in it. u get to fight everyone in the org XIII and the knight in the secret edning. it was coooooollll. XP