When i met that guy... he looked at me smiling... maybe his aim was... to make me fall in love with him...

WHICH I DID!!!! (not because i looked at his eyes though... i dont look into peoples eyes really...) but.. left me heartbroken anyways...

(Btw i fell in love with him.. well i dunno why... but i had a attraction to him before then anyways... and then i had a crush on him the time i saw him after that... and then could not stop thinking about him after that incident... (wtf??) )

Anyways.. too late now... wtf though... XD moving on... but .... i was right all along... he did like me in THAT way... just... why did he start avoiding me??? still no answer...????????? thats the real question... i mean... he is still avoiding me... (i think iknow why though.. a bit... anyway... but not the full answer... and more than likely wont get the answer...)