Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2023 1:07 pm
Table of ContentsJanuary 1. Daisy
Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2023 1:36 pm
Week 1 Prompt The moon has once again continued its journey around the world and you can feel the chill of winter slowly starting to ease. It's time for new life to emerge, new beginnings and new experiences. Submit an RP with your soquili experiencing something new! Maybe they made a new friend or went outside their comfort zone! "Okiee, you can do this."
A deep breath, as the mare hid behind a large oak tree, peering at a group of stallions. A new year had just begun, and with it - new opportunities. After that discussion with her father about life and love and the benefits of finding someone with whom to spend your time, Daisy had set goals for herself this year. Romance was still not yet in the cards for her, as the very thought of it sent her flying into the wind, but she thought she'd at least give flirting a real chance...what's the worse that could happen? In the past she'd have no problem giggling and batting her eyelashes and just being herself, but that was back when she knew nothing would come of it. Just harmless fun for a few hours and she'd never see the Soquili in question again.
But that was then - now? Now, thanks to her father's advice, flirting had a tone of....foreverness to it.
Now....she could fall in love. Ugh, gross.
Daisy had made a face to herself as the thoughts had crept into her mind, and silently cursed her father for encouraging her to try new things. What was wrong with the way she did it before? Just flit and flitter and - gone! In the blink of an eye.
Boone would tell her it was the cowards way of handling emotions; the simplest way to hurt someone else's feelings too - which Daisy had never intended on doing. She supposed she never really thought about how her run-about-town behavior could be seen as a negative by those she encountered, and she had to admit....that stung. Were there Soquili out there in the world who, despite knowing her, didn't like her? Simply because she's spend an evening flirting and then poof at the first sign of real emotion?
It was all in good fun, honestly. She was friendly and cute and sweet and just.....all so wrong.
This was all so wrong.
Panic started to bubble within her, and she could feel her hooves starting to drift in the direction behind her, desperate to try again a different day. 'No', she told herself, muscles planting her hooves firmly into the snow beneath them. If she was going to do this, there was no better time than the present. Plus, the stallions that were relaxing in the snowbank a few yards away were easy on the eyes and anyone with a reasonable understanding of friendship would tell her she was being an idiot.
An idiot for love.
Ugh, stop it dad!
Another deep breath, and Daisy found herself exhaling with a seemingly higher-than-normal pitch as she sauntered out from behind the tree, "well, hello boys! It's mighty cold outside today, would any of you care to provide warmth for a little lost mare?"
Oh, oh god, what was she doing!?!
Needless to say, she didn't stay long to hear their responses...