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Astoria’s Year of RP Shorts

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Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2023 8:02 am

  1. January Titania
  2. March Darkheart
  3. May Idyia
  4. June Idyia, Galatea, Amphitrite
  5. June Eevee
  6. June Julep x Ametrine
  7. August Idyia, Galatea, Amphitrite
  8. October Bourbon
  9. November Varda
  10. December Bethil Elentari
  11. January 24 Galatea
PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2023 8:03 am
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Titania was a proud and strong-willed queen of their herd. She lived in a beautiful grotto deep in the forest, surrounded by her loyal subjects, friends, consort, and the splendor of nature. She was respected and admired by all, but there was one thing that Titania struggled with - comforting others.
Despite her regal bearing and powerful presence, Titania had never been one to offer a shoulder to cry on or words of encouragement. She was more accustomed to giving orders and commanding respect than offering comfort and support. But that all changed when her dear friend Vanilla, a gentle and kind-hearted mouse, fell ill.
Vanilla had always been a source of light and joy in the grotto, but now she lay weak and bedridden, her once bright eyes dulled with pain and fear. Their friends and herd mates looked to Titania for guidance, but she was at a loss. She had never felt so powerless before.
Titania knew she had to do something to help Vanilla, but she wasn't sure where to begin. She tried to offer words of encouragement, but they felt hollow and empty. She tried to offer physical comfort, but her touch felt awkward and unfamiliar. She realized that to truly help Vanilla, she would have to go outside of her comfort zone.
With determination in her heart, Titania set out on a journey to find the answers she needed. She traveled deep into the forest, seeking out wise old creatures who could teach her the art of comforting others. She talked to wise old familiars, kind-hearted flutters, and even sought out the wisdom of her consort Nem. Each of them had their own unique way of comforting others, and Titania listened to them all with an open mind and heart.
Finally, after many days of searching, Titania found what she had been looking for. A wise old Unicorn told her the secret to comforting others was to simply be present and listen. Titania took this lesson to heart and returned to the grotto, ready to put it into practice.
When she arrived, Vanilla was still weak and bedridden, but her spirits had lifted slightly at the sight of Titania. Titania sat by Vanilla's side and listened as she spoke of her fears and worries. Titania didn't offer any grand words of wisdom or offer any promises of a quick recovery. She simply listened and offered a comforting presence.
Over time, Vanilla began to improve and regain her strength. And as she did, Titania realized that the greatest gift she could give her friend was not her strength or power, but her presence and her willingness to listen.
From that day on, Titania was known not only as a strong and powerful queen, but also as a true friend who was always there to lend a listening ear and a comforting presence. And Vanilla knew that she could always count on Titania to be there for her, no matter what.
Titania learned that going outside of her comfort zone was not only good for her friend but also for her own growth and development. She realized that the true power and strength lies in being vulnerable and being able to comfort others. And in the end, that was the greatest gift of all.



Winter Wolf


Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Wed Mar 01, 2023 1:03 pm
As he slowly regained consciousness, Darkheart found himself lying in the midst of a dense forest. His surroundings were unfamiliar, and he couldn't remember how he ended up here. Suddenly, a sinister voice spoke to him, "Welcome to the game, my dear. You have exactly two hours to make it out of this forest alive." This voice wasn’t like the one that he had heard his whole life, this one was different.

Panic set in as he tried to make sense of what was happening. He knew he had to get out of there, and fast. The forest was filled with dense trees and thickets, and he had no idea which way to go. As he started to run, he came across his first obstacle - a river that looked shallow at first, but on closer inspection, he could see the glimmer of scales and fins lurking in the water. ’Please don’t turn us into any sort of a snack.. I’ll never forgive you if you do.’ Darkheart shook his head, it’s not like they’d be around in the event one did snatch them up.

His first instinct was to run along the banks of the river, but he soon realized that the forest was too thick to navigate. This was disheartening as he had no choice but to cross the river. Looking around, he spotted a few logs and stones that he could use to make his way across. But the water was fast-flowing, and he had no idea what lay beneath the surface. Don’t be a coward. Just do it.’ The familiar voice that had haunted him his whole life pushed him on. Apparently he didn’t like to be out of the loop when it came to ‘their’ life.

He took a deep breath and began to move from one stone to another, making sure to keep his balance. With each step, he could feel the water rising up to his ankles, then his knees. As he neared the middle of the river, he saw something moving in the water. It was a giant crocodile, its jaws open wide, ready to snap him up.

He froze, his heart pounding in his chest. ’Move now!’ The voice was enough to startle him out of his frozen state and he remembered the game, and that he had to keep moving. He took a deep breath, and with all his might, he leaped towards the other side, barely making it to safety, the crocodile's jaws were heard snapping behind him.

The next obstacle was a wall that loomed ahead of him. He could see a small cave entrance, but it appeared to be pitch black inside. As he stumbled through the cave, he felt something slimy and wet under his hooves, it made it hard to get a grip at times and was often slipping and sliding. It was too dark to see, but he knew he had stepped on something unpleasant and quite disgusting.

He fought back the urge to gag and kept moving forward, his nose stretched out in front of him and he cautiously shifted his legs onwards. Suddenly, he heard a deep growling noise coming from the darkness ahead. He froze, heart racing, but then he heard a faint whisper in his ear, "Fear not, my dear. You are almost there."

With renewed confidence, he pushed ahead. Though with that movement there came many nose bumps and knee bruising as he essentially bodied his way through this never ending darkness. ’Don’t give up now…. We must be coming to the end….’ The voice seemed almost scared to him, had he finally found something the voice hated in this life? The darkness? Shaking his head he carried on and soon the darkness began to lift. He emerged from the cave into bright sunlight, his eyes adjusting to the sudden change in brightness. And there, in front of him, was the edge of the forest.

He made it out just in time, at least he hoped, collapsing onto the soft grassy ground outside the woods, he laid there exhausted and notably shaken. Living with his voice had been an adventure of its own that he had come to be adjusted to, but this had been something else altogether. As he caught his breath, Darkheart couldn't believe it, the game was real and he had survived, somehow. At that moment made a vow to never let his guard down again. Who knew what other challenges lay ahead in the future?  
PostPosted: Fri May 26, 2023 6:58 pm
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In the deep, vast expanse of the ocean, a mer named Idyia glided through the crystal-clear waters with elegance and grace. Her scales shimmered under the gentle caress of sunlight that filtered through the surface, creating a mesmerizing display of colors. Idyia's slender body twisted and turned, navigating the ocean depths with a sense of purpose and wonder. This was her home and you could tell she was at ease.

As she swam, Idyia marveled at the vibrant marine life that surrounded her. Schools of colorful fish darted by, their scales reflecting the sun's rays like a kaleidoscope of jewels. The rhythmic undulations of her tail propelled her effortlessly, allowing her to explore the hidden treasures that lay beneath the surface. She remembered a time, when they were younger, when Amphitrite and herself would explore, much like she was today. But that seemed like a distant memory almost now, with how busy her sister was these days.

Idyia's keen eyes spotted a cluster of coral reefs in the distance. Intrigued by their intricate beauty, she swam closer, her movements graceful and deliberate. The reef teemed with life, an underwater city bustling with activity. Tiny seahorses clung to the swaying branches, their delicate forms swaying with the ocean's current. Idyia felt a kinship with them, for they too possessed the enchanting elegance that defined her species. 'Sometimes I wonder if Galatea found things like this beautiful. She's always so cruel, sometimes that makes it hard to image her having a side that finds things like this interesting...' She thought as she watched the small creatures. They were fascinating to her, though she found beauty in most things. Deciding she had disturbed them long enough she moved onwards.

As Idyia ventured deeper into the reef, she discovered a hidden alcove adorned with vibrant sea anemones. Their long, flowing tentacles danced in the water, creating a magical spectacle. Idyia hovered in front of the anemones, entranced by their delicate beauty. With a flick of her tail, she gently brushed against one of them, causing it to retract momentarily. Sensing no harm, the anemone extended its tentacles once more, embracing Idyia. A soft chuckle escaped her lips at the sensation, it wasn't one she could ever really get used to, let alone explain it.

Lost in the tranquility of the moment, Idyia felt a sense of connection to the vibrant ecosystem that thrived around her. Every creature, from the smallest fish to the majestic whales that roamed the deep, played a vital role in maintaining the delicate balance of life in the ocean. She marveled at the intricate dance of predator and prey, recognizing the cycle of life and death that governed this watery realm.

Idyia's exploration led her to a mesmerizing underwater cave. As she ventured deeper into its mysterious depths, the sunlight faded, replaced by an ethereal glow emanating from bioluminescent creatures that inhabited the cave. The soft blue and green hues illuminated the surroundings, casting an otherworldly ambiance. "I bet Amphitrite would love it in here!" She exclaimed to herself softly. Though perhaps her sister already knew of it's location and hadn't mentioned to her yet.

In this hidden sanctuary, Idyia found solace and a sense of peace. The stillness of the cave enveloped her, and she allowed herself to float effortlessly, feeling weightless and free. Her mind wandered, contemplating the vastness of the ocean, the mysteries that lay beyond her reach. She wondered about the world above, the land-dwelling creatures who knew nothing of the wonders hidden beneath the waves. It's true she had gone to the surface a time or two, but she kept away from the land dwellers and didn't speak to them. She wasn't sure if she ever would.

With a contented sigh, Idyia decided it was time to bid farewell to the enchanting cave and continue her journey through the ocean depths. She knew there were countless more discoveries to be made, more marvels to witness. The ocean was her home, her sanctuary, and she embraced it with every fiber of her being. Even her cousin, whose actions always had Idyia on edge.

And so, Idyia swam onward, her heart filled with gratitude for the beauty that surrounded her. The currents guided her, carrying her through a world that few had the privilege to witness. She was a creature of the sea, a mer with an unquenchable thirst for exploration. With each passing day, Idyia would continue to unravel the secrets of the ocean, a witness to its wonders and a guardian of its fragile splendor.  


Winter Wolf


Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Fri Jun 30, 2023 8:06 pm

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There’s a special kind of algae that gets stirred up when a wave is breaking or there’s a splash. It’s lovely, possibly romantic. It only happens infrequently during the summer and you are witnessing this wonder. Are you scared to dive in? Are you out there splashing? Have you seen this rare phenomenon before?

In the depths of a vast and enchanting ocean, there lived these mesmerizing sirens, three of them, named Idyia, Amphitrite, and Galatea were on a mission. These graceful creatures possessed voices that could ensnare the hearts of others, yet they longed for something beyond their usual melodies. Though Galatea would prefer to torment the land dwellers, she did get bored from time to time. They yearned for a unique experience that would bring them closer to the ethereal beauty of their underwater realm.

In the heart of summer, when the moon was full and the ocean danced with a vibrant energy, the sirens heard whispers of an extraordinary phenomenon that only occurred every so often. Bio-luminescent waves would grace the ocean's surface, creating a breathtaking spectacle of shimmering lights and magical colors. This was the moment the sirens had been waiting for, their chance to revel in the wonders of the underwater world.

Amphitrite, the leader of the trio, summoned her sisters, though one was a cousin they were all referred to as sister, and shared the news. "I think I found it!' With sparkling excitement in their eyes, the three sirens ventured closer to the surface, guided by their curiosity and a shared desire for adventure. Idyia was thrilled because, while they had their differences, this was one thing all three of them seemed to agree on.

As they breached the water's edge, the night sky embraced them, while the luminous stars shimmered above. The sirens dipped their tails into the water, feeling the gentle caress of the waves against their enchanting forms. And there, beneath the surface, they witnessed a sight that surpassed even their wildest dreams.

The ocean glowed with a mystical light, as countless tiny organisms emitted ethereal hues of blue, green, and purple. The water transformed into a celestial canvas, painting a masterpiece of luminescence. It was as if the universe had bestowed its enchantment upon the ocean's depths.

The sirens swam through the bio-luminescent waves, their bodies aglow with a radiant energy that matched the brilliance surrounding them. With each movement, they created trails of vibrant colors, leaving a mesmerizing pattern in their wake. They swirled and twirled, their laughter echoing through the water as they reveled in the beauty of the moment.

Amphitrite, the oldest and most skilled of the trio, led the way, her voice harmonizing with the shimmering melodies of the sea. Galatea, with her fiery spirit, playfully somersaulted and spun, her iridescent tail casting spells of light. Idyia, the youngest and most whimsical of them all, weaved intricate dances with her graceful movements, adding an ethereal touch to the spectacle.

Together, the sirens became living poetry, their voices and movements intertwining with the luminescent waves. The ocean celebrated their presence, embracing them in its magic, and granting them a night they would forever cherish.

For hours, it seemed, the sirens frolicked in the bio-luminescent waves, their laughter and joy resonating through the depths. They reveled in this extraordinary gift from nature, connecting with the very essence of their existence. As dawn approached, the bio-luminescent waves gradually faded, bidding the sirens a fond farewell until their next celestial encounter.

With hearts brimming with contentment, the sirens returned to their underwater sanctuary, carrying with them memories of a night that would forever be etched in their souls. They knew that even amidst the enchanting songs and lures of the sea, there was something truly magical about coming together, embracing the wonders of their world, and immersing themselves in the ephemeral beauty of the bio-luminescent waves. And so, with a renewed sense of wonder, they awaited the next time the ocean would bestow upon them its dazzling gift, ready to dance once more in its radiant embrace.  
PostPosted: Fri Jun 30, 2023 8:09 pm
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Write about anything you want–within reason.

Eevee was at a little bit of a loss. Her brother, Kaname, had joined another herd that wasn't too far from here so that he may be with his mate. This wasn't the end of the world, but at the same time she missed him and wished he hadn't left. While she had other siblings, he had been the one she had felt closest to, outside of their mother. She had yet to find someone to settle down with and wondered if she'd ever find someone. Maybe she'd get lucky and she'd join the herd her brother had, but she wasn't prepared to leave their mother. At least not yet. Giving a small sigh she looked down at her reflection in the small pool of water that had developed in the rocky basin from the rain runoff. The weather had begun to grow much warmer as of late and while it still remained relatively cool in their lands, she was wishing for the winter months to return. Though, with the snow came less travel or lost travelers. Sighing, the brown mare turned and looked towards the sky as she made her way into a grove of trees. Perhaps she should strike out on her own? Do a little adventure and see if she could meet someone, anyone, that wasn't from their herd. Maybe she'd find that which she yearned for so desperately. Someone to love, not as family, but as a separate part of a whole. She would first have to let her mother know what she planned on doing, taking a trip. She'd just head towards her brothers new herd and go from there! With that in mind she set off to find her mom so she could let her know she'd be traveling for a while.  


Winter Wolf


Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Fri Jun 30, 2023 8:11 pm
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It’s getting hot out here and you know what that means? Everyone is all up in their feelings and they are looking HOT! Tell me about your summer crush or your summer fling. Do you admire from afar? Do you say a word? Do you act on your feelings?

Ametrine was nervous, and for a very good reason. Julep had been the object of his affection for quite some time now. She was like a ray of sunshine, a warm breeze, dew on grass. Basically anything wonderful in the world summed her up to him. His curious markings often left him alone but she didn't mind them. Julep had been one of the first few equines in these lands to look him in the eye without cringing away. She simply smiled at him and his heart melted in that one instant, he had been hers ever since. Though she had been completely unaware of that, and was likely still unaware. Hopefully not too much longer though, he told himself that today was the day he'd tell her how he felt. Convincing himself to move forward was the issue he was currently facing though. He was standing on the edge of the grass, watching her across the sandy landscape as she walked along the shoreline, collecting shells and trinkets.

The salty air made her smile. Her tail dragged in the sand behind her as she walked, drawing little designs here and there without any real thought behind them. The cool waters played at her hooves and she carefully dipped her muzzle down to retrieve an odd rock or pretty shell when she came across them in the wet sand. Placing them in a netted pouch on her side she continued on, though she was suddenly aware of a presence out of the corner of her eyes. Ah, it was Ametrine. She was quite fond of the stallion, though she never said it aloud. She knew he had a rough go of things and wasn't sure he felt the same way towards her so she figured she'd wait and see if he ever made a move. Content as she was with being single, if there was anyone whose affection she had wanted more than any, it was his. Coaxing him out of the barriers he had built up hadn't been a task or a duty to her, it had simply been a kindness. She had seen how others had treated him and was quick to assure the stallion he had nothing to be ashamed of. Pausing in her steps she looked towards him and smiled. While it was a particularly warm day, the cool breeze from the water was most refreshing. She hoped he'd join her.

Ah, she had seen him after all. There was no pretending he didn't exist anymore. Taking a big gulp he slowly made his way across the hot sands towards her. The sea foam color of her coat was a striking contrast against the blue background and his heart began to race the closer he got to her. "It's a beautiful day, is it not?" He fumbled the words from his mouth in an attempt to ignore the other words he so desperately wanted to ask her.

Looking around them she gave a nod of her head. "Yes, it is. I'm happy you've joined me." Flicking some water his way with her tail she gave a small laugh.

Extending his wing to block the incoming onslaught of water he felt himself loosen up a bit with her playful maneuver. "I'm glad to hear you say so.." She was always happy to see him. Perhaps she could care for him as more than a friend? Did she already and he just had to ask? Motioning for her to walk the stallion shifted his wings against his side nervously. "Julep... I.. Well, you see.." Why weren't the words coming out of his mouth the way he'd hoped?

She watched him curiously and perhaps he was in fact feeling the way she had hoped. He seemed extra nervous and began stumbling his words. Dare she? "I would love that more than anything. That is..." She paused and turned to face him, she was as nervous as he. "If you're asking what I think you are?" Her breath caught in her throat as she waited to hear what he had to say.

You likely look like a fool! He thought to himself and then heard her words as he was trying to find his own. Gulping he blinked at her. So she did feel the same way! "I.... Yes.. Julep, you're so important to me and I can't image my life without you in it. I had always felt like a part of me had been missing, and then you came into my life and I realized, with your help, that I had never been missing anything at all. You just added more life into my life and I never want that to go away. I never want you to go away...." Moving closer to her he felt so sure now, the nervousness fading away.

Letting out a breath she moved to meet him and leaned into his chest. "So I never shall.." She whispered against him.

The two stood there for what seemed an eternity before they continued on their way along the shore, hunting for shells and rocks for her collection.  
PostPosted: Sat Aug 05, 2023 8:33 am

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The ocean is as beautiful as it is terrifying. Though there are those that call the cool depths home.

Idyia, Galatea and Amphitrite were all swimming near one of their favorite coves. While they didn't go to the surface often, today was one of those days. Amphitrite had a story for her 'sisters', as they were called, even though one was a cousin and one was her actual sibling. Every now and again they'd come to this particular cove and recount tales of the past or stories they had been working on.

Idyia was excited, it wasn't often that did this, maybe twice a year. Watching as the darker waters gave way to clearer ones and feeling the cooler temperatures moving towards warmer ones she knew they were getting closer and closer to the cove. Idyia watched as her sister, Amphitrite, broke the surface ahead of her and slowly followed the path she had gone and felt the sun and air upon her face as she blinked her eyes a few times to adjust to the brighter atmosphere. She was always mesmerized by the area, the flora and fauna always changing. Swimming around the moderately sized cove she took in the colors of the wildlife and watched the clouds dancing above.

Galatea could have honestly cared less about what the area looked like or felt like. She had a set expectation for as long as she could remember, the surface was full of land dwellers and they weren't worth the legs they stood upon. At least not to her. Luring them to their depths was the only way that things could remain the way they are. She would never be friends with someone above the water, it would be over her dead body. Looking at her cousins she respected Amphitrite because she was the leader, but also because she was like a hurricane at times and would end Galatea if she so as much as stepped out of line. She was here to listen because while she didn't like to come to the surface to look at the sights, she did like to hear the stories.

Amphitrite looked over at the other two and made herself comfortable and cleared her throat. Finding a rocky area she pulled herself partially upon it.

"Once upon a time there was a Siren, as beautiful as the sea itself, hair as golden as the sun, eyes as blue as a lagoon and a tail the colors of the rainbow. She was named Ondine and she had the ability to captivate even those under the rippling waves. One day she grew curious of those above and found herself watching some of the them and she became overly curious about one in particular. He was dark, his coat the color of oil slick, his eyes bright as amber and his mane and tail as black as a raven. He was curious and she never came close enough that they could see her, but she could hear them. One day the dark stallion was in a fight and he fell into the waters unconscious and bloody. As she watched his body slowly sinking to the depths, to feed the life below his eyes opened and locked with hers for a second before closing again. In that moment she felt lightning rip through her soul and she couldn't let him die. Taking him back to the surface she dragged him to the shore and laid beside him because she was afraid if she left him alone he might disappear altogether. However nearby voices caused her to retreat and she hid in the shallows behind some boulders and watched as they approached him. 'It's the prince! Is he alive?' The two that had approached looked him over and seemed to breath a sigh of relief. 'Prince Alexander, we have you, you're safe now.'

From then on Ondine kept near the surface, wanting to see if Alexander ever made his way back towards the shoreline. It was a week before she finally saw him. He stood there, staring out at the sea for a long time. 'It must have been nothing but a dream.' He truly believed that someone had rescued from the depths, but perhaps he had just washed upon the shore and it was just his now betrothed and one of his knights that had found him.

Ondine felt her heart sink as she watched him. Eventually she sought out a sorceress of the deep. She was dark and beautiful and had the tail of an eel. Lime Green eyes and violet hair, she was a force to be reckoned with. She was going to grant Ondine the ability to walk upon land, but at the loss of her voice. How would she speak to him? Though perhaps words weren't important, they had locked eyes, he'd have to remember what she looked like right? Ultimately she agreed. The sorceress gave her a weird looking thing that she needed to eat once she was at the surface.

Ondine followed the rules and felt her body changing and it was the most painful experience of her life. When everything was said and done she looked at her reflection and was confused. She didn't recognize what she was looking at. The sorceress had tricked her, she would spend her life on land, but she'd never be able to be with the stallion she had rescued and she'd never be able to tell him who she was either. She had been turned into a small deer like creature. The sorceress had always been jealous of Ondine and now she'd be the most beautiful creature in the ocean and Ondine was nothing more than a simple looking deer without a voice, left to spend out the rest of her days watching from afar."

"What??? That can't be how it ends?" Said Idyia looking at her sister. She was a hopeless romantic and had thought Ondine was going to reunite with the stallion she had saved and maybe convince him to come back to the sea with her. If the sorceress could change her into a land creature she could probably have changed him into a water creature. But if she was as jealous as Amphitrite said then maybe she'd of turned him into a puffer fish or something.

Galatea smiled. "Well, I like the story. It's a tale of caution. We are meant to remain in the water and the land dwellers are 'forbidden fruit' so to say. Galatea had always been the more strict and emotionless of her 'sisters', she would and did find joy in trying to lure land dwellers to their death. It was part of their rules, part of their way of life. Idyia was such a bleeding heart and she eventually hoped her cousin would grow out of it, even if she had to be cruel to her in the meantime.

Amphitrite nodded her head, "Galatea is right. This wasn't a story about everlasting love, it was a tale of warning."

Idyia frowned, she didn't think it always had to be about death when it came to those from above.

"Shall we get going?" Galatea asked.

"Yes, let's go." Said Amphitrite.

With that, they took their leave of the surface.


Winter Wolf


Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Thu Oct 05, 2023 7:55 am
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The night was dark and eerie, with the moon hidden behind thick clouds that threatened rain. Bourbon had fallen asleep in the comfort of his own dwelling, curled up comfortably and warm, unaware of the nightmare that awaited him. As he drifted deeper into slumber, a feeling of unease settled over him, like an invisible shroud tightening around his chest.

In the dream, he found himself standing alone in the middle of a dense forest. The trees loomed ominously overhead, their branches reaching out like skeletal fingers, casting long, sinister shadows on the forest floor. The wind howled through the trees, creating an unsettling cacophony that sent shivers down his spine.

His heart raced as he looked around, trying to make sense of his surroundings. The forest was suffocating, and a thick mist began to rise from the ground, obscuring his vision. He could barely see a few feet ahead, and his every breath formed a visible cloud of white in the frigid air.

And then, he heard it—the distant sound of hooves pounding against the earth. His heart sank as the realization struck him like a bolt of lightning. It was the Wild Hunt, and they were chasing him. He didn't know why, and he didn't dare to look back. Panic surged through his veins, urging him to run. And run he did.

He sprinted through the dark woods, his hooves stumbling over gnarled roots and hidden rocks. The world narrowed down to a tunnel of fear, his sole focus on escaping the relentless pursuit. His breath came in shallow gasps, and his legs burned with exertion, but he couldn't stop.

The Hunt was closing in, the thunderous sound of their skeletal hooves growing louder with each passing moment. He could feel their presence behind him, an oppressive force that made his skin prickle with dread. It was as though the very air around him was charged with malevolent energy.

He risked a quick glance over his shoulder and saw them—a ghostly procession of spectral figures on horseback, their eyes blazing with an otherworldly light. Their horses were skeletal and grotesque, their coats mottled with patches of decaying flesh. The riders wore tattered cloaks that billowed in the wind, and their faces were hidden in the shadows of hooded cowls.

He had no doubt that these were the lost souls and mythical beings of the Wild Hunt, eternally bound to roam the land on this accursed night. He had heard stories and had thought that was all they were. Was he wrong?? And for some reason, they had set their sights on him.

He pushed himself harder, his legs aching, his chest burning. The forest seemed never-ending, an endless labyrinth of darkness and despair. The pursuit was relentless, and he couldn't shake the feeling that there was no escape.

As he ran, he heard whispers on the wind, faint and unintelligible, like the voices of the dead. They seemed to be calling his name, their words a chilling echo in his ears. It was as though they knew something he didn't, some terrible secret that had marked him as their prey.

His mind raced with questions, but there was no time for answers. All he could do was run, run as if his life depended on it, because in this nightmarish dream, it truly did. The Wild Hunt was relentless, and the huntress had become the hunted.

In the darkness, he stumbled upon a clearing, and in the center of it stood an ancient, gnarled oak tree, surrounded by brambles and briars. Its branches reached out like skeletal fingers, and it seemed to beckon him. With a surge of desperation, he raced towards it, finding a spot in near the base where he could hide.

The Hunt thundered into the clearing, their horses skidding to a halt as they scanned the area, their eyes glowing with eerie light. They were so close that he could almost feel their cold breath on his neck, but they couldn't see him hidden among the brambles.

Time seemed to stand still as he leaned close to the tree, his heart pounding in his chest. The riders whispered to each other in a language he couldn't understand, their voices like the mournful wails of the damned.

And then, as suddenly as they had appeared, the Hunt turned and galloped away into the darkness, their spectral forms fading into the mist. He let out a trembling breath, feeling a mixture of relief and lingering dread.

He woke up in his own home, drenched in sweat, his heart still racing. It had all been a dream, a terrifying nightmare that felt all too real. The memory of the Wild Hunt and their pursuit haunted him, and he couldn't shake the feeling that they had left a mark on his soul, a chilling reminder that even in the safety of his own dreams, he was never truly alone.  
PostPosted: Wed Nov 15, 2023 2:01 pm
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WC: 756
The silver moon hung low in the night sky, casting a soft glow on the vast, rolling plains, a sad reminder of Varda's own homeland. The air was cool, and the gentle rustle of the tall grasses echoed the quiet solitude of the night. Varda stood alone in the moonlight, her black mane flowing like a waterfall of shadows. The gems upon her flanks glistening like droplets of water, cascading small amounts of light with the slightest turn in the moonlight.

The memories of that fateful day echoed in her mind like a haunting melody. It had been months, or maybe years now, since the decision of one of her sisters led to, not only Varda's, but the banishment of her two sisters as well from the lands they once called home. The pain of that separation still clung to her heart, a lingering ache that refused to be ignored. A once noble guardian, beloved by her kin, now a wandering spirit. An entity without a home to protect.

Varda's wings, once the embodiment of freedom and grace, now drooped at her sides. She had flown far from the lands that witnessed her joy and her tears, seeking solace in the quiet corners of the world. But tonight, as the moon illuminated her silver form, the weight of her banishment bore down on her like a heavy storm. It was suffocating.

The gentle breeze carried whispers of the past, the laughter of the herd, the songs they used to sing together. Varda closed her eyes, trying to shut out the memories, but they persisted like shadows dancing in the moonlight. The equines heart, once filled with love and camaraderie, now brimmed with a sorrow that seemed insurmountable. It would be her end.

She couldn't hold it in any longer. The frustration and sadness that had been building up inside her needed an escape. With a powerful beat of her wings, Varda took flight, soaring into the night sky. Her hooves left the ground, and the world below became a blur of muted colors.

In the vastness of the sky, Varda let out a heart-wrenching cry, a sound that echoed across the plains. It was a lament for the loss, a scream of anguish that mingled with the night wind. The stars above seemed to flicker in sympathy, as if acknowledging the pain that burdened the once-majestic creature.

As she flew, Varda couldn't help but replay the events leading to her banishment. Words spoken in anger, misunderstandings that festered like wounds left unattended. She raged against the night, not with violence, but with the desperate beating of her wings against the currents. Each stroke was a manifestation of the turmoil within, a silent plea for release from the chains of sorrow. Maybe she should seek out her sister and forgive her. Though the idea of it made her bitter. She was a proud warrior, protector of her homeland-her once called homeland, she corrected herself with a sharp clench of her eyes. Crying out once more in frustration, sorrow and anguish she flew on, her heart pounding as her thoughts and emotions raced, surrounding her in their never ending embrace.

Eventually, exhausted and emotionally drained, Varda descended to the earth. Her golden hooves touched the soft grass, and she stood there, wings folded, mane cascading over her neck like a waterfall of death. The moonlight bathed her in a soft glow, revealing the tear stains on her cheeks.

In the solitude of the night, Varda spoke to the stars, pouring out her heart in a whispered confession. She spoke of the pain that gnawed at her soul, the longing for reconciliation, and the heavy burden of being cast away from the place she had once called home. The stars listened in silence, offering no judgment, only the soft glow of their distant light. She wished for them to speak back to her, to offer any kind of guidance or consolation for the loss that was crushing her very soul. Though perhaps it was best they could not speak.

In that vulnerable moment, Varda realized the importance of acknowledging her pain. It was okay not to be okay. The night, the stars, and the open sky became witnesses to her catharsis. The healing would take time, but as the first light of dawn painted the horizon, Varda felt a glimmer of hope – a promise that with each new day, the weight of her banishment might grow a little lighter, and the scars on her heart could start to fade.  


Winter Wolf


Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Tue Dec 05, 2023 12:39 pm
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Amidst the sprawling embrace of ancient trees and the ethereal whispers of rustling leaves, a secluded wooded land revealed its enchanting beauty. Towering oaks and majestic pines formed a canopy that filtered sunlight into a mosaic of dancing shadows on the forest floor. A vibrant carpet of wildflowers painted the ground, creating a kaleidoscope of colors that beckoned to be explored.

As the path wound deeper into the heart of the woodland, the air became saturated with the sweet fragrance of pine and the earthy aroma of moss-covered stones. The symphony of birdsong and the gentle babble of a nearby brook added a melodic soundtrack to the serene scene. Yet, amidst this tranquil haven, an invisible barrier stifled the joy of experiencing it to its fullest.

A lone figure, burdened by the weight of responsibility, traversed the narrow trail with slow steps and a preoccupied gaze. Though surrounded by the wonders of nature, her mind was tethered to concerns and thoughts of things that had come to pass, rendering the beauty around her a mere backdrop to a distracted existence. The vibrant colors and the soothing sounds failed to penetrate the thick veil of worry that shrouded her thoughts.

The sunlight filtered through the foliage in golden shafts, attempting to caress the face of the wanderer, but it went unnoticed. The babbling brook whispered secrets of serenity, but its words fell on deaf ears. The once vibrant wildflowers bowed in the light breeze, as if acknowledging the passing presence without eliciting a pause from her. The beauty of the wooded land remained a silent witness to the unappreciated marvels it offered.

The visitor, consumed by the demands of memories long past, moved through the picturesque landscape with a heavy heart, unable to savor the rejuvenating embrace of nature. None of this was truly her fault though. She was what her mother had made her into. She was forever thankful for her mother, but the weight of her mother's banishment had been passed on to her from a young age. "Don't trust anyone, even your own family." The general takeaway that had been drilled into her since she could understand the common tongue.

Heavy feet and a heavy heart made her wonder if that meant that she couldn't even trust her own mother? So much was unknown to her, and she reared up, kicking at an invisible enemy for a moment. Be strong, no matter what, show no fear, no sadness.... Wasn't that what she had always said to her? As strong legs landed upon the leaf-littered earth, she was snapped out of the trance she had been. Looking around, she finally saw with her eyes what she hadn't been seeing. This glittering landscape wasn't one that was familiar to her, the rays breaking through the gaps in the trees, providing beams of amber.

Time stood still in that moment as she fought an internal war within herself. The splendor of the world covered her in its beautiful embrace as she stood there and began to cry. All she had ever wanted was for her mother to see her as who she was, and yet the burden of the Mother had become the burden of the Daughter, at no fault of either of them. Varda had failed to see the pressure she had put her own child under as she had unresolved trauma she had been dealing with as well. Now Bethil had to reconcile with herself and forgive her mother for her mistakes. She watched as birds flew about, and bugs floated from tree to tree. As the world passed her by, she slowly began to ease up her crying.

Turning her head to wipe away the tears with her wings, she couldn't always blame her mother; that would foster more hate and resentment, and that wasn't what she wanted. A snake slithered by, and she watched as its form disappeared into the underbrush, and she let out a deep breath she didn't realize she had taken. As the air escaped her lungs, she felt the weight within her slowly ebbing, and the world around her became even more visible. The internal torments had obscured her sight in a way that she wasn't seeing the world around her for what it was. The beauty in it, the marvels, and the healing properties it could provide, even on a spiritual level. Taking in a deep breath, she pawed at the hard earth and was rewarded with the rich earthy scents of decaying leaves and moist dirt. Pine wafted in the breeze, and she finally acknowledged this place for the beauty that it was.

Knowing she had a long way to go in regards to her internal recovery, she gave a silent nod to this wooded wonderland and then turned and departed its embrace. She had work yet to do.  
PostPosted: Tue Jan 02, 2024 8:21 pm
Galatea cleared her throat as she looked at her cousins and began to tell her story.

"As you know we live in a world that has humans and land dwelling soquili, this story is one I heard a human saying once. Apparently they like to tell stories of humans with fins, called mermaids. Despite how ridiculous that sounds, here is what I heard." She flicked her tail as she looked around a moment and then continued. "In the depths of the ocean, where sunlight struggled to penetrate the darkness, there lived a young mermaid named Marina. She was not content with merely dreaming of the surface world. She was fascinated by the human realm, drawn to its mysteries and enchanted by tales of life above the waves.

One moonlit night, Marina witnessed a magnificent ship sailing above her underwater home. On board, a celebration was taking place to honor the prince's birthday. Marina's heart swelled with curiosity and desire as she caught glimpses of the festivities through the shimmering water.

Unable to resist the allure of the surface, Marina swam to the ship and witnessed the prince, a handsome and charismatic young man, at the center of the revelry. Mesmerized by his presence, Marina decided she had to be a part of his world, even if it meant sacrificing something precious.

Guided by the sea witch's promises of legs and a chance to experience life as a human, Marina exchanged her voice for the transformation. As she emerged from the water, her tail transformed into delicate legs. The sea witch warned her that if she failed to win the prince's love and marry him, she would vanish into seafoam.

Marina found herself on the shore, vulnerable and mute, but determined to capture the prince's heart. Fate played its cards, and the prince, mistaking Marina for a shipwreck survivor, took her into his castle. Despite her silence, Marina's eyes expressed a depth of emotion that intrigued the prince.

Days turned into weeks, and Marina's silent presence became a source of comfort for the prince. However, he remained enamored with another woman, a princess from a neighboring kingdom who had saved him from a shipwreck long before Marina's arrival.

As the prince prepared to announce his engagement to the princess, desperation consumed Marina. She realized that her sacrifice might have been in vain. Fueled by heartbreak and the relentless whispers of the sea witch, Marina's love twisted into a dark obsession.

On the eve of the engagement announcement, Marina, wielding a mystical dagger given to her by the sea witch, confronted the prince in his chamber. In a moment of despair and madness, she plunged the dagger into his heart, hoping to prevent him from marrying another. Her aim had not been true.

The sea witch's curse took effect immediately. The sea began to reclaim Marina, wrapping her in foamy waves. The prince, however, did not perish. The pain from the wound awoke him, and he discovered Marina's true identity and the sacrifice she had made for him.

As Marina dissipated into seafoam, her eyes locked with the prince's, filled not with malice, but with a twisted form of love and regret. The prince, now burdened by guilt and loss, renounced the engagement and lived the rest of his days haunted by the memory of the mermaid who loved him so deeply that she was willing to sacrifice everything, even his life, for a chance at happiness." Looking at her cousins she stared at Idyia, "And that, is why we don't mess around with land dwellers. No good can ever come of it. Even humans seem to agree that much, despite their inability to breath under water." She gave a sound nod of her head as she hoped it's meaning took hold. There was a reason they avoided the land, and she hoped it would always remain that way.  


Winter Wolf

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