For as long as you or your ancestors can remember there has never been a day like this one. Something is sliding ominously across the sun in what should be full daylight. But as the hours pass, the darkness and the horror it brings grows. What’s wrong? Is this some prophecy coming to pass? Is this an omen? Did you or your herd know this was coming or were you caught completely unaware?

Eventually, something blocks out the sun entirely and all the sounds of the little creatures who live on this planet ominously stop. It’s as if the world is collectively holding it’s breath. Will the sun come out again? What are you thinking? Are you afraid?

Tell us what happens during the hours of the first full solar eclipse in memory.

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Word Count - 1638

The yawning expanse that was the sky was perhaps not so inviting and free as it seemed to be; the sky, normally so deep a blue it challenged the seas, so vast and bright come day it felt one could follow cloudy trails and delicate wisps of smokey moisture like paths were tainted and strange, as some strange, unknowable shadow began to slowly cross the sun, an unkowable force slowly consuming light as a voracious thing and with it, the light too, was consumed as the flesh of an apple.

Kestral 'Kes' DeLacey was not a fan of this at all. Although far from superstitious, Kes was cautious and careful. She needed to make it home -- an odd feeling to her still as she adjusted to having a home with Susanoo and his nbrother's herd, but it ewas not a wholly unpleasant thought. She was home as long as Susanoo was there, the stallion a companion and guardian both -- her hearty's delight and a troublemaker in all the best ways. Kes loved every moment, honestly, and this was a big reason she had to get home.

The mare raced the skies, kelpie tail trailing behind her like a battleflag as she spied herdlands and home and dove, landing and trotting a moment to get momentum under control before she looked about and pricked her ears as the familiar form of Susanoo emerged from the grasses.

Susanoo understood his chosen bride wanted to find her family member -- a brother. It was an honorable goal, considering the sadness and strife that shaped her earliesty memories. Hers was a wounded heart -- to lose one's parents and sibling while in a basket was dreadful. To manage to raise oneself? Remarkable. Not im[possible -- Kes likely met others whom guided a filly looking to learn -- but she was incredible. Still, he disliked the sky. Something moved across the sky as if a boulder sealing the sun in a cavern and with it the darkness followed. Susanoo worried for their sister herd, but also his mate. Still, the pinprick of black that grew into a mare of night coat -- How lucky was he to have such a fine mate! -- laced with bright electric blues soothed him. That she returned alone, however, did not. He knew Kes was hurting for... Something. A sighn he lived, a hope for kin... But again she was empty-hooved and Susanoo felt the dismay as Kes landed, approaching him immediately with a sad little smile trying to hide the sorrow, and he greeted her as he always did, by resting his head across her wings and withers lovingly, the Charmed Shifgter making a contented sound.

"The skt grows black, dearest. I'm glad you madme it home." Susanoo greeted. Kes sighed, leaning on the stallion as she always did, eyes closing before she sighed and stood still a moment before opening her eyes and flicking an ear.

"The sky is dark too." Kes informed him. "Whgatever is trying to cover the sun, it's not in my reach. It's... Discouraging." Kes admitted. "Do you suppose this is the spirits telling me to give up? Kes looked to Susanoo, whom blinked before sighing. She wasn't afraid of the sky at all -- she was sad. The stallion considered, and then nosed at her.

"The spirits would not allow this for just one soul, my dear." Susanoo soothed, before looking skywards. "But it is alarming. I worry for our sister herd. Nothing like this has happened as long as our elders can recount." Susanoo stared skywatrd a moment more, tail flicking as he considered the slowly darkening sky. Kes followed his gaze, regarding the darkening sky with a silent discomfort before frowning once more and looking away. After a moment she shifted to move away, and Susanoo turned from the sky to look to hher in silent question. Kes paused, before turning to him.

"Should try to stop it ahgain? Maybe if I fly into the colder asir I can reach." Kes asked, and Susanoo blinked, browning slightly. He wasn't sure Kes could reach that high, let alone stop some unnatural dark Thing, and he searched for how to warn her off delicately before sighing.

"Don't. Whatever is happening, the sun is firmly in the domain of the spirits -- they might keep you among them. Or worse, truthfully. And the herd may need us besides. I dislike how dark it is getting." Susanoo was as calm and gentle as he could be, and Kes sighed, the wind-kelpie mare's wings lowering some in a visible wither before she turned to Susanoo.

"You're right. I just wish I didn't feel so helpless right now. I thought -- 'I can fly. I can help this' but maybe I can't." Kes turned her eyes heavensward again, and sighed, withering some. She supposed it made sense not to try. If it was ythe spirits, then they'd not like a mare meddling, or worse -- keep her, like Susanoo said. The idea was probably out of left field too, and absolutely far from semsible. Still, Kes didn't like feeling so... Helpless. Restless. Void. Although the spirits probably wouldn't use the heavens to convey a message to just her, it still felt... Crushing. Depressing... And as the sky continued to darken the world, it felt... Ominous. The air was changing slowly, and not for the better as Kes moved back for Susanoo, eyes remaining locked above as she pressed against the Charmed Shifter she called Hers, the pair regarding the sky as it slowly metamorphosed from unsettling into ominous, darkening bit by bit until; Susanoo finally growled. Susanoo's growl was not wholly unfamiliar, either. Susanoo was getting defensive, and when the sky seemed to be turning on you, well -- then there was no safe space to hide but in natural darkness, and not the darkness caused by spirits.

The black Thing crept ever further over the sun. It devoured light, and as light faded it felt as if hope were being consumed with it, and Kes wondered if the event might be an ill omen to all Soquili. It had certainly been an unusual year, from the blizzard in the late winter on, the year felt strange, unusual. The only good was finding a home and finding her mate, whom now stood beside her, tail lashing furiously. Susanoo flattened his ears and bared his fangs at the sky, as if threatening the sun-consuming entity to fight him, and Kes wondered if he was challenging it. He wasn't exactly innocent -- the Shifter was an absolute mischiefmaker at times, and Kes rest her head against her mate in bemusement, chuckling softly.

"You can't fight it either, Sussy." Kes reminded. Susanoo paused, before sighing, looking to Kes again.

"I still don't like it. If it consumes the sun, nothing can ghrow. If it doesn't turn on us next." Susanoo admitted.

"I know but if it does come for us I can at least lead it to face you, deatr. And Tsku as well. I doubt he likes this either." Les sighed, all the same, and Susanoo shook his head, looking away again before, as if waiting for the stallion's gaze to change, and within a few minutes the sun vanished, save an unnatural, wicked halo. The world was dark, and the pair froze as the darkness enveloped the land. Birds were confused, cricketys slowly emerged; even the air was still as night. But the scent of night was not there. The scent of day remained heavy on the air, causing a cognitive dissonance to those caught out in darkness -- a darkness that swallowed all soundm ir seemed. It was still, and betwixt day and night, and at last Susanoo growled again, shifting protectively. Kes too, craned her neck, looking about for shadows moving in the darkness, wings raising as a rustle and eyes taking in the liminal state of the world. They wondered if perhaps the sky might fade into the deep blanket of navy and statrs of night with naught but the gorrible halo in the sky, and the pair seemed to watch it, too.

They waited, They wondered if the sky might turn to strike at those below, if some demon or malicious spirit might reside in the depths hungering for them, craving the creatures remaining caught out, but no. The area did not change, no monsters came for blood and nothing saught them out. And after a moment, Kes refolded her wings in the dusky darkness that beset midday. Of aught was to come, it wasn't now, and beside her Susanoo's muscles unclenched. Had the sun hidden herself behind a boulder, Susanoo wondered; or had some unknown consort come to see his bride? Still, it felt wrong and ominous and Kes frowned, slowly looking to Susanoo in silence.

"There's nothing out... I don't like this." Kes said. Susanoo looked to her, and nuzzled.

"Nor do I, but best we appreciate there is no wicked spirits bothering us at present." Susanoo soothed. It was a hollow effort though -- he too, was spooked into defensiveness, and Kes stared skyward in silence again as the evil feeling remained in the air much like the blanket of night.

"It must be a warning from the spirits." Susanoo afforded at last, turning to Kes. "One we needs bear in mind."

"I suppose... But what else do we do?" Kes looked to Susanoo, whom sighed and shook his head.

"Nothing, for now. Perhaps we might stay close to the others a while, but otherwise... I know not." Susanoo seemed to sag, and Kes nodded, turning to follow the stallion as he began to walk for the rest of the herd. Kes followed slowly, pausing every so often to side-eye the black and the halo where the sun had once shone with suspicion as she allowed hetr mate to lead the way.

After all, she thought as they moved, all they could do for now was hope the sun returned... And soon.