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The sun was just beginning to brighten the sky in the east as Zian added more berries to a pile already gathered on a patch of flattened grass just inside the edge of the trees. Scattered next to the berries was a collection of sweet grasses and herbs to round out a hearty breakfast for him and his new traveling companion. He glanced back towards the large oak tree beneath which the mare slept, her shining golden mane visible from a distance even in the darkness of the trees. Though she had been a little pushy in the beginning, and was clearly putting on airs, Zian found her not entirely intolerable.

They still had yet to discuss the specifics of their arrangement, but Zian was still hoping this could be a lucrative opportunity for him. He had shown his worth by finding the mare a safe place to shelter and keeping guard throughout the night. He had allowed himself short naps, always keeping an ear alert for any signs of danger, but was awake most of the night, patrolling ever widening circles from the center of their camp and foraging for their breakfast as he went along. It had been a calm night. Zian had traveled these lands before and knew them to typically be safe, but Zian kept his guard up everywhere he went, the emperor's possible pursuit always in the back of his mind.

As the rising sun's rays streaked across the sky behind the rolling hills, Zian turned into the forest to go and wake the mare. Daylight was precious when traveling and there was no point wasting time. As he approached, he stopped a few feet away, gazing down at the sleeping mare. Though she had been somewhat brusque and abrupt in person, she looked soft and peaceful asleep here on the forest floor. Zian's vision blurred as he drifted into a daydream, letting his eyes fall out of focus. Memories swam in front of him, of soft morning light, sleepy eyes, a playful smile and gentle giggle. Standing over the sleeping mare but lost in his own world, a sad smile crept across his face, his eyes fixed on nothing, gazing longingly into the distance.

[WC: 370]
