Noelle had always been a quiet mare. She blended in with the shadows, often an after-thought in her large, loud family. She knew her nieces & nephews did not know of her or did not recognize her as their aunt despite residing in the mountains under the caring eye of their matriarch, Cosette. Her life was quiet and uneventful - she met a handsome, sweet, doting stallion and had a large family of her own. All of them sweet, all of them kind... and all of them with their own drama that came about whenever the wind bit at them less.

Noelle didn't need to feel the warmth of the sun on her skin to know spring was pushing through the frost. She also did not need to see the spots of grass poking through the snow as it receded or notice that the days were slightly longer. Her indicator of spring coming was the return of her children. It was without fail her daughters returned at the first sign of warm weather. It was never coordinated, but it was by some magic they all arrived within days of each other. Anastasia was first of course as she resided in the same mountain but was tending a family of her own. Theodora always arrived second with Miranda closely following.

And though Noelle led a quiet life, her daughter's always managed to bring the drama. They were three very different personalities. Anastasia was bright and bubbly and overly naive. Theodora was sharp and to the point and did not suffer fools. Miranda was warm hearted and curious, never staying in one place for long.

Noelle was just waking up, sleep still heavy in her eyes when she heard the frantic voices nearby. By the third voice in the mix, it sounded like Miranda had come in this morning, so of course the bickering had to start soon after.

"This is so exciting! Mom is going to be a grandma!"

"She already is one, you saw to that, Ana."

"I just got here and you two are already starting - typical. Isn't she still sleeping? Chill out.”

“You know for a herd full of monogamous Soquili, it’s kind of wild that half of us are just popping out stranger’s kids–”

“That’s not fair Theo–”

"And not true!”

As the bickering continued, it took a minute for the sleepy mare to put together the conversation. Theodora was shaming Anastasia, something that clearly did not die off from last spring when Ana showed up announcing her pregnancy. Miranda was already in a bad mood, but what was this comment about being a grandmother? Noelle rose to her hooves quietly and walked towards the source of the bickering. She heard Theo begin the interrogation - who was he, why had they never met him before, why wasn’t he with her… It wasn’t as if Noelle wanted to eavesdrop on the conversation, but she felt that if she did intervene she would not get the full truth from her daughter’s and that the conversation would be filtered. She was after all their quiet, sweet mother that only deserved the highlights of a conversation and not the gritty truth. She had always been small in stature, all of her children taller than her. They all assumed her weak and fragile and it was an assumption that she did not argue despite it being wrong and a bit sad.

“It’s not like I can just bring him here, he’s part of his own herd. And you guys are a part of yours, the one Nana Cosette has roped you all into.” Miranda explained it calmly, though Noelle could see she was staring intently at Theodora. Whenever there was familial drama, even if it often started between Ana and Theo, it always came down to Theo and Miranda.

“For our own protection and good,” Theodora murmured. Noelle knew she was referring to the Kalona incident with their own grandmother Cicely and the drama involved with their great-uncle Marius’s first mate and children. Cosette was very good at maintaining a positive image of her family despite the large blips of drama and trauma in their familial history. That’s part of being a good matriarch though and Noelle would be the last to challenge that notion.

“Also you come at me about not bringing Fjolnir, but every spring we meet mom here and where are our brothers? They are out fathering their own children, taking care of their own families, living their own lives. Yet I don’t hear you ever make a sound against them. I know this family has a history of protecting the stallions from being present but I’m surprised you, who have so much to say about us, don't have a thing to say against them.”

Miranda’s words hit Noelle hard. It had been a long while since she had seen her sons. They came around when they were able, but not on a routine schedule like the girls. She couldn’t fault them, but it had been at least a year since she had seen them last. She didn’t realize it until it happened, but she sniffled, and it was loud enough for one of her daughters to hear it. Her gaze met that of Anastasia who stared directly at her. She saw her sweet girl, surprisingly the oldest of the three, break into a wide smile.

“Good morning mom! Look who came in! She just got here so you haven’t missed much.” Anastasia’s ears tilted back as she lied, something she didn’t know she did but Noelle knew very well. It didn’t take listening in on their conversation to know they were once again going to try and protect her. At Ana’s greeting she saw Theodora and Miranda both take steps back and turn to greet her. Theodora glanced quickly at Miranda’s stomach, and Noelle’s gaze followed to the bump. Tears, good tears, prickled her eyes as she approached and butted heads with her daughter.

“Oh Miranda! What good news! Just in time for spring.” Noelle’s voice was quiet and warm, a stark difference to their biting words earlier. She felt Miranda shudder a breath and nod against her forehead.

“Yeah! Haha… uh wasn’t expecting it but looks like it’s happening.”

“Adelaide will have a playmate!” Anastasia’s added, radiating excitement and love for her sister. Theodora, who had greeted her sister coldly and judgingly, sighed loudly at the expression of affection. Mama Noelle had a way of disbursing the tension to the point where even high-strung Theo could not continue being upset.

“So Fjolnir,” Theodora started, and she saw Miranda’s eyes sharply turn towards her anticipating a fight. “He’s a good guy, right? Gonna stick it out? Be there for the kiddos?” The comment, if Noelle was not around, could have been perceived as a slight towards Ana, but it was not.

Ana ignored the comment and nuzzled her nose aggressively against Miranda’s and Noelle’s heads. “Well he’s part of his own herd so they probably have their own rules and stuff, right? And you never joined Nana Cosette’s so you can raise them however you want!” She grinned widely and Noelle picked up on her slight to her sister, something unexpected of Ana. Noelle pulled back and saw Theodora’s ears pin back, her eyes narrowed at the bubbly girl but choosing to not respond. Noelle walked over to her bristling daughter and flicked her tail gently at her legs, getting her attention.

“Theodora, you’ve always been so attentive and protective of your sisters. I know you just want what’s best for them but what’s best for them isn’t always what’s best for you.” She watched her daughter flush at her words and nod. Another deep sigh later, Theodora pawed at the ground with her hoof, hesitantly looking at her sisters.

“I just want you two to be taken care of. Ana, you’re too good and too sweet and mothering kiddos on your own just makes me mad. And I know you say he comes around and he’s a friend but you’re their mother 24/7—”

“This doesn’t really sound like an apology…” Miranda murmured, looking at her sister suspiciously.

“Who do you think is watching them now so I can come be here with you guys? Last week, when the wind felt a bit warmer I just knew it was time to come home. So he takes care of them. I know we grew up seeing examples of romantic love time and time again, that’s kind of what this family is known for, right? Lovemates, lifemates… One true loves. Sometimes I think about it and it hurts that it didn’t work out and that I didn’t follow the example. But then I have these two great kids and a great co-parent and I don’t know, life just doesn’t have to be complicated.”

“Holy s**t that was the most insightful thing that’s ever come out of your mouth,” Miranda started.
“Stop it,” Noelle chided under her breath.

Theodora looked taken aback as she stared at Anastasia. “Y-you’re right, that wasn’t an apology. But this is, I’m sorry. And I’m sorry for starting off this morning with a fight. I don’t know what’s best for everyone, I just… care and am not great at showing it.”

“I don’t know Theo,” Miranda’s face broke into a grin of her own, “It wouldn’t be the start of spring without you ‘showing us you care’ by starting a fight. I’ll be lost next year if I don’t feel attacked within minutes of my arrival.”

“Maybe next year it’ll be Theo welcoming kids!” Ana laughed and Theo immediately flushed again, shaking her head as Ana continued, “I’ve seen you with that stallion–”

“Oooooooooh” Miranda crooned and she and Anastasia ganged up on the embarrassed Theo who repeatedly denied the accusations. Noelle watched her daughters converge on eachother and poke fun, the bickering of the morning long gone in their giggles and laughs.

Once again, Noelle was an after-thought and a shadow to the morning’s drama. She was a quiet, gentle mare who led an uneventful life. At least spring was here and so was her family.