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          As Frosted Morning had awakened from the night in the cave, she could not believe that she had drifted away while being carried away by this friendly female wolf that had found her the night prior. She could not begin to believe that she had taken the gamble and had left her family to start new with this other wolf who she had just met last night. Part of her was worried that maybe she had made the mistake with her family, but part of her was thrilled to start a new life. Her parents never paid attention to her, they were always too busy with her sister and brother and left little no attention to herself. Plus, with where her brother and herself ended, she did not want to even be around them.

          Thinking back, she realized this was always the best option to run away and start new, but part of her felt bad that she had not been completely truthful to the seer that had rescued her. Sunny. That was her name, and she was absolutely thrilled to be taken in, and not just taken in anywhere, taken into a pack, where she just found out that she was going to have packmates. I can't wait to meet them, I hope they are nice. At least nicer than her brother. Maybe they would like to play games? Maybe they were pale-colored like her? All these questions kind of rambled through her head as she laid there. Thinking it was time to get up, she started to shift her body, realizing that Sunny had gotten up at some point and left the cave.

          "Hopefully to get food..."

          She had realized, again, just how hungry she was. She had a little nibble to eat, but not much since sleep had taken over her. Looking at herself, she noticed her grayish-blue coat was covered in dirt and sticks. She probably should clean herself and get presentable to meet the others of the pack. Would she meet them today? Maybe tomorrow?

          Frosted Morning was excited but nervous and sometimes had second thoughts about running back into the wilderness, but it often dawned on her that if this wolf found her, her parents should have been able to find her quite quickly. The thought often made her upset and sad, confirming that maybe it was better for her to run away from the worries of her old family and embrace this new family aspect with Sunny.

          Sitting at the entrance of the cave that Sunny had brought her to the night prior, she looked out into the mountains. It was nice that the area was still in the mountains, at least she could feel somewhat at home from the get-go. She wanted to wander off on her own for a bit but did not know if she would get looked at or even chased off as a random pup in the pack lands. The last time she left her den without her parents knowing was the day that she ran away from her family.

          Taken a few steps from the den, she looked around. All new scents seemed to sweep by her nose. Frosted Morning did not think they had traveled a long way from where she was originally found and was astonished that she had not sniffed out this pack, but looking back, her senses were overtaken by fear and hunger.

          Looking back, she could not believe that she had survived those two weeks out by her lonesome, hiding under that bush. She probably would not have made in another week or so. Hunger would have gotten her, or maybe even another, bigger, meaner wolf. Being so young, she should not have had these thoughts, but being alone, fighting for yourself, you seem to grow up a bit faster. She had to commend herself for staying grounded and being smart. Her survival instincts had to have come from her mother.

          Oh, mom...

          While her mind was wandering, the scent of Sunny seemed to cross her muzzle, somewhat sensing her before she saw her. Heading back into the cave, she laid down back where she had woken up at. Staying awake, she looked towards the entrance of the cave, seeing the shadow of Sunny break the plain of the light that shined into the cave. At that moment, a smile spread across her muzzle, and Frosted realized that she had found her forever home here, and even though they had only known each other for less than a day, she felt at ease living here. Maybe she was meant as an only child? She needed attention since her mental state was at war in her head. She could only sit there and look towards the entrance, waiting to see what Sunny had brought. Maybe a rabbit? Maybe a scavenged kill? Whatever it was, Frosted would be sure to be grateful for anything that was brought for her. She wanted to show that she could be a good little helper towards Sunny.

          Do I call her mom?

          Frosted Morning was a bit taken back from the question that flashed through her head. Just a week and some time and she was already writing off her mother. Frosted could not even begin to fathom that. Shaking her head, she pushed that thought out of her head. It would be Sunny. She would only call her that unless they came to that point, and also, to Sunny, Frosted was an orphan.

          One day, she would like to tell Sunny that she ran away from her family and that could have found them again. But she could not take the mental and emotional abuse, even though her parents probably did not know how they were acting affected her, but it did.

          Maybe one day, she would start a search to find her siblings and parents.

          Maybe one day, they could forgive her and she could forgive them.

          But until then, she would call this place with Sunny home.

1,002 word count