5 - You swipe a fish up very dramatically, but it turns and slaps you in the face before swimming away. +0 points

User ImageAfter her first successful attempt at fishing, Hel decided to try her paw at it again. She'd been away for a few days with a few other Knights, exploring the edges of the pack for intruders and going a little beyond as well to ensure no one was encroaching into their territory. Everything had been just fine, though, and she'd returned feeling a little spunky from the lack of excitement. Sure, wandering around looking for other wolves was fun, but when you didn't even find one little wolf to chase off - or in her case, make a new friend out of - it felt like she'd missed out.

Deciding to put her energy to good use, Hel found herself down by the river once more, her tail wagging and steps light. She was a bit hungry so perhaps she'd just eat this fish once it had been recorded rather than trading it to the merchants as she'd done last time. Four fish had made her a very proud wolf dog and she'd gotten quite a few compliments on her skills. She wasn't a monster hunter for nothing! Little fish didn't stand a chance against Hel!

This time, rather than wading into the water to head for the rapids, Hel decided to seek out a log that was resting against the banks. Turtles liked to sun themselves here and she knew a few fish made their homes in the branches that were long submerged. She found the thick tree after a short walk and pranced out onto the still sturdy trunk to gaze down into the water. A few turtles shot off the end, plopping into the river and she had to wait for the ripples to settle before she could see anything.

Looking back up at her was an absolutely massive fish. Its mouth opened and closed, fins moving slightly as it adjusted its position. Hel wasn't sure if it could actually see her but she wasn't going to give it then chance to get away! Moving quickly, Hel reached in with a paw to scoop the fish up and out of the water. Her claws raked over its scales, leading the fish to flop dramatically as she tossed it towards shore. It landed and began to flail, working its way back to the water.

"No no no no!" she yelped, pouncing off the log and onto the banks. Her prize wasn't getting away that easily! Reaching down to grab it, Hel opened her maw only to get a surprisingly strong slap right to her nose. It stung so bad that she recoiled, wiggling it slightly to try to get the feeling back. As she fussed over her snout the fish made its grand escape, sliding back into the water and swimming far from the log.

"Oh, drat," Hel muttered as she realized her dinner had escaped. Her nose still stung a bit so she wasn't much in the mood to try again. Huffing softly, she picked herself up and headed back to the main part of the pack empty-pawed. Maybe someone else had better luck and she could talk them into sharing.

WC: 522