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A Dragonriders of Pern B/C RP 

Tags: Pern, Dragons, Dragonriders, Role-Play, Fantasy 

Reply [IC RP] Western Weyr
[ORP] Big Cat Feast Dance #2!

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 06, 2019 9:55 am

Swig · Barleyjuice - Let's hype it up some more, this is a GROUP DANCE, grab your partner and join in if you know the steps, or even if you don't!

RP with your dance card partners for Song #2 belongs here! Anyone who isn't signed up but would like to dance for this song, feel free to join in!

Song #2 Pairs!
Wren & A’iel
V’den & K’gan
Kallian & F’ell
Vodex & Ruunan
Rasthell & N’ceph
J’cheyn & Omurntas
Vesin & Tandry
Wione & Rio
Helane & Vitryx
Edalla & C’zon
Olliah & C’ryn
Ryara & Lafemy
Elysia & K’bet
Vosin & Dhawsn
Kainna & E’nd
Lesta & Matotoka
Z’haq & Onyx
D’mar & Aelyx
Vasadryx & Kiri
Delris & Iafri
Nazik & Orryxa
Liat & Keris
T’laq & Raen
O’rax & Ilauria
E’ros & Huarwar
F’rell & Nonami
Sorsha & Papys
Nua & Taeina
M’ika & Velara
PostPosted: Fri Jul 12, 2019 11:45 am

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A'iel & Wren - They were into the thick of things now! The harpers were playing away, song after happy song, and dawn was slowly approaching over the edge of the weyrbowl. At Nasath's encouragement, A'iel had opted this time to look for one of the new weyrlings to greet, and dance with. Tehre's been a few hatchlings that'd caught Nasath's eye, and chief among them the bronzes, of course. Future friends or rivals, he must be thinking, but it was enough of an interest to have A'iel cross towards one of the newly minted riders as a particularly upbeat song broke over the crowd.

"It's Wren, right? A'iel, of bronze Nasath. You've certainly got a handsome fellow there. Care for a jig?" He offered a hand as the beat sped up, unable to keep from smiling at the little bronze nearby. "It's quite an accomplishment, to be picked by a dragon. Just know that if you have any worries or questions, we're all here to support you, hmm?" As the dance wore on, he'd continue to offer compliments and mild bits of advice from his own weyrling days. A bronze grew fast, after all, and was such a special thing.
A'iel says do as I say, not as I do. He is a poor role model, but trying to improve.

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Amna & S’dan - The feast was turning out to be just rip-roaring fun, and when a certain song piped up, one Amna knew fairly well, she knew she had to dance to it. Sure her steps might not be the most creative or skilled, but it would be fun! And luck of lucks, just as she scanned the crowd for a partner, there he was! "S'dan!" She called out, darting to his side and pulling him onto the dance floor with a grin. "Isn't this great? Good food, nice folks... anyone catching your eye?" She grinned wider, winking bemusedly. "Yours truly aside, that is. I can already hear Zunulth grumbling in the back of my head so you KNOW this party's got to be just a bit too much fun for him. And what did you think of the hatching?" She'd ended up on her white dragon's back throughout, doing their usual job of relaying the goings on to his twin back in High Reaches, and she'd been probably less attentive to he favorite fellow rider than she could have been.

"No white hatchlings this time, which shouldn't feel unusual, but there you go. Maybe two golds was enough of a surprise without them?" She swung close, and then spun out to arm's length again. "No one I really knew on the sands this time... I should pay more attention to the poor kids."
Mr Cheri
Here comes Amna, checking in with her favorite rider of them all!

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D'mar & Aelyx - Goodness, another peppy song. Honestly these sort of graceless stampabout jigs were not at all the sort of music that D'mar appreciated or enjoyed. However, that did not mean he did not know how to dance to them. It was the sort of casual dance that could be danced by anyone even with two left feet, after all, and sometimes you had to know how to mingle with all sorts. The bluerider had stepped back from dancing after the first song for a bit, opting to watch the crowd and a certain someone... but really, it would not do to simply play wallflower for so long. Thus, with an internal sigh of resignation, he abandoned his cup of wine to scan the crowd for a suitable partner.

...Hm. She would do. Someone a bit taller for a change, honestly he'd be happy enough not to have to bend over to dance with someone for a song as... energetic as this one. "Aelyx, right?" He asked, drawing up from the right with a benign smile on his face. Over her shoulder he could just spot a familiar figure also stepping onto the floor... no, he certainly wouldn't be sitting this song out then. "Would you care to dance? I can promise you that I won't step on any toes." It really was a shame to waste his skills, so perhaps she would oblige him.
D'mar is attempting to have a good time. Unfortunately for those around him.

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Ilauria & O’rax - It had been very good to see her brother, to congratulate him and see that he was alright. The hatching had been slightly jarring, she was sure. Those unused to the way of unbound hatchlings could be very shocked by their violence, but all had come out as was meant to have done. She'd taken some time after the first dance to visit the fallen candidate's bonfire, and with their spirit well, before returning to find the harpers still in full swing, their high-energy notes carrying the thriving party along.

On a whim she opted to approach another rider—a wingleader, though not her own, and with a curtsy offer her hand for a turn on the dance floor. "Good to see the numbers grow again. Given threadfall lately, I'm sure we'll be happy to have them." She was ready to rejoin the fight herself, she itched and chafed being kept out of the fight, but Ovshth still had a bit of healing to go first. She let O'rax spin her through the steps, making idle chatter about flying and drills, and getting a feel for the state of things in his wing. Not that she had any say, but still. She cared for everyone in the Weyr, and worried after them, in her own fashion.
Ilauria spends this lovely fun dance mostly talking work. Sorry O'rax.

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L'an & Fisher - Alright. He really probably should dance, if he was gonna be here. After the first song with his boy, L'an had stepped back, preferring to sample food and idle with a drink in hand, watching from the sidelines. He'd never really been the sort to be in the thick of things... but he also wasn't any sort of party pooper, nosirree. When he spotted one of his son's weyrlingmates, green dragonet in tow and a certain sea-flavored roughness about her, he quaffed his drink and rose, heading her way and giving a small bob of the head to get her attention. "Fine green you've got there," he lead off, then thrust a calloused hand towards her. "L'an, of green Alcherath. Feel like dancing?"

He wasn't the most graceful sort, and had no real training for it, but he'd been at this for decades, and there was a sort of casual ease to his movements as he led her (or was led by her) through the steps. He didn't make too much chatter as they went, but hopefully she didn't mind. At once point as they went, he ran a cracked thumb over her palm and humphed to himself. "You were a sailor? dragon work'll keep your hands nice and tough for the ropes, if you ever go back. Think you'll prefer it here to High Reaches."
Ocean vs sea, FIGHT!! I mean, not really. But yeah go fish-loving folks!

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Raen & T’laq - A few danced had gone on now, and Raen had extricated herself from the throng to watch from the sidelines. the offers to dance hadn't slowed, but she'd been politely firm in turning them all down one after the next. She'd taken the time to have a few needed chats with certain folks, and had scheduled a few later meetings as well—thought hatching deaths were not uncommon, they were still jarring enough to some newcomers and those who'd not seen them up close before, and tending to the mental health of her people was more important than a dance or two.

The next song fell in a rare moment of solace for her though, and when the whim to join the fun hit her, she wasn't inclined to restrain it. Conveniently there were a few others who had decided to become wallflowers, and selecting one at random, she approached the tall man, giving him a polite curtsy. "Would you care to dance?" She asked, everything about her tone promising no offense if he turned her down. But, if he accepted, then at least they would be a better match than he'd had before, in size if nothing else. "It's a bit of a... boisterous song, isn't it?"
Raen is pretty calm and quiet herself, so even though this is a fast and peppy song, she'll probably dance more or less quietly along with him, and mostly just silently enjoy having a little company.

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Wione & Rio - Wione had spent some time after her turn with E'ros considering what they'd said, and her own feelings. Eventually she'd decided that even thoug hshe might not be able to be her very happiest just now, that was no reason to not enjoy what parts of the feast she could enjoy. Just because she couldn't dance with the one person she most wanted too didn't mean she should sit the songs all out, and have no fun at all. With that in mind, when a particularly fun song struck up, she made a point of heading right for a rather charming looking weyrling, beaming down at his blue dragonet, and offering her arm. "Congratulations on the big day! I'm Wione, of green Findith—maybe you guys will grow up to be in our wing some day, yeah? I'd really like that... AND I'd like a dance, okay?"

Her green cooed at the sight of the blue through her mind's eye as she (gently) pulled the man towards the dancers, all harmless giggles and bubbly effervescence as the music carried her. "My green thinks your little blue is just adorable—I'm sure you agree! I don't know any rider that doesn't love their own dragon best of all, or a dragon that thinks their rider is anything but beautiful too." Even if they were scored or scarred, burned, or hideously disfigured, they'd always have each other, and that was just the most special thing to her. Knowing another pair had found that kind of acceptance... yeah, she might be missing her special person, but she could be perfectly happy for these special people too!
Wione's really starting to have fun, and is just 300% happy to see everyone being happy and together. And Findith is losing her mind because BAAAABY.



[IC RP] Western Weyr

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