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A Dragonriders of Pern B/C RP 

Tags: Pern, Dragons, Dragonriders, Role-Play, Fantasy 

Reply [IC RP] Western Weyr
[PRP] Little Talk [Shahera/L'nik] Goto Page: 1 2 3 [>] [»|]

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Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Sun Mar 03, 2019 5:31 pm
Hessianth had been mostly appeased since Therianth's flight - things were right in his world...mostly. That little crack in his ego remained tucked away, safely protected, and instead he'd found the c***k in L'nik's armor, needling at it with a mental finger to prod at the soft emotional flesh hidden underneath it.

If it bothers you, perhaps you should say something about it all, he suggested, more amused than judgmental than he'd been about it all previously. Though the judgement remained under everything - pain was only pain if it came from cowardice, and such turmoil seemed pointless. Why the young man hadn't spoken up yet was simply amusing at this point.

L'nik leaned in closer to his mirror, looking at his reflection with a frown. I should. Words are hard to make right, though, it was an excuse, perhaps, and one of many he'd dug up and put to use to avoid serious discussions.

As he cleaned up in the other room, Hessianth turned his head out towards the bowl, surveying for the familiar figure of Therianth. If she was not in drills, it would be easy enough to arrange something. My love, do you and yours have time? Mine needs to speak with Yours and if I do not force him to it, he'll put it off forever.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 03, 2019 5:41 pm
Therianth didn’t move her head from where she was being a balancing point for Shahera and the woman tried to climb onto the top of a tree when Hessianth spoke to her. There were fire lizard eggs up there of all places and Shahera wanted to see fi they were viable. We aren’t doing anything of great import, love. She told the brown with a mental image of the precarious position her rider was in. Just some everyday life adventures. I can have her come by if you like?

Shahera transfered her weight to the tree and peered into the makeshift nest and touched an egg. With a sad shake of her head she told Therianth, “it was worth checking, but they are cold. These eggs won’t hatch. Let’s get me down.”



Predestined Cultist


Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Sun Mar 03, 2019 7:03 pm
At Therianth's answer, Hessianth glanced towards where his rider was redressing after his bath, pondering without great consideration of the man's actual opinions as to how he'd feel about an unexpected visitor. The mental tug drew L'nik's attention, a small frown creasing his lips.

"What are you thinking about over there?" L'nik prodded, knowing fully well that Therianth's habit for mischief had rubbed off on his lifemate and if left unengaged he'd likely get them both into trouble. Though perhaps Hessianth's strongheadedness would have been trouble either way.

You. Hessianth answered vaguely, taking great pleasure in how the unexpected answer gave him a few moments of silence from the man - which he used instead to answer Therianth. I would love to see you if the time is right - and I am sure Yours can enjoy the view, he offered his own vision of L'nik, half dressed and deciding between tunics (that hadn't taken knives).

PostPosted: Sun Mar 03, 2019 7:15 pm
Then I shall arrange it. And so it was that instead of lowering Shahera to the ground as expected, Therianth lowered her rider to her back.


We were summoned. Therianth said solemnly.

“Oh.” Shahera assumed this meant either by their Wingleader or Wingsecond for some reason and was mentally preparing herself to be the good wing rider that doesn’t go around climbing trees at the drop of a hat because they saw something interesting while flying. So she was a little surprised when Therianth landed next to Hessianth on his ledge. “We were summoned here?” She asked a little incredulously as she slid off.

More or less. Therianth greeted Hessianth with a headbutt and tucked up next to him as soon as her rider was out of the way.

“Likely a lot less.” Shahera responded dryly as eyed her dragon’s new position. She wandered towards the entrance. “L’nik. Our dragons are canoodling again.” She called out.



Predestined Cultist


Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Sun Mar 03, 2019 7:36 pm
L'nik had left Hessianth alone for a moment. He'd barely gotten his shirt of choice over his shoulders when a sudden jolt of excitement from his lifemate had him turning to see Therianth taking up a place on the brown's ledge, Hessianth rising to greet her with a gentle bump of his head against hers. Immediately the bottom of his stomach sunk into his ankles.

I hate you, L'nik pressed with no malice, answered with a smug nudge back. There were certainly worse people to catch him there with his shirt undone, at least.

"So it seems!" he answered to Shahera's call as he crossed his weyr towards the ledge to greet her. "So besides canoodling dragons, how is your morning treating you so far?" he inquired, purposely moving the conversation as far away from what Hessianth wanted it to be right then. Maybe with his favorite green right there he wouldn't push at it and get what he wanted.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 03, 2019 7:49 pm
“Well enough.” Shahera responded moving towards L’nik. She had been restless and the pair got up early to go explore some. “Went outside the Weyr a little to see what I could find.” She reached up and fixed his shirt a little for him. “Found a nest of firelizard eggs high up in a rather tall tree. Why would they be there, I don’t know. But when I checked on them, they were already cold.” Satisfied with his shirt, she smiled up at L’nik. “You look like you had a much more leisurely morning. Are things going well here?”

Therianth watched all this with a thoughtful gaze. I assume that the important conversation Yours needs to have with Mine is not about what we got up to this morning. Do you need my humble help in any way?



Predestined Cultist


Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Sun Mar 03, 2019 8:17 pm
His eyes danced over her, attention drawn away from the dragons quite soundly as Shahera drew close. "A shame - that I wonder if it was a green's first clutch," L'nik pondered idly, "or if someone thought to hide them away and return later and forgot like a fool." A senseless loss either way, but there was nothing to do, and loss was something that felt like it drew so close now that they were part of the sky.

Hessianth settled, attention turned from the rider pair. I'll nudge him if I need to. He's avoided the subject on purpose - though I see no reason why, he explained, all humor in his tone. Humans were funny things, after all. Beloved, yes, but silly over the dumbest things.

"We've been well. Nothing eventful, just...normal," L'nik idly traced his fingers over the side of one of Shahera's hands as she fussed with his shirt, suddenly finding himself unable to look directly into her face, as if it was far too dazzling to behold.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 03, 2019 8:32 pm
Therianth settled with Hessianth, trusting him to know what was best for his rider. All right. Shahera does that sometimes. Works her way around to the subject to get at it the way she wants to. Maybe yours is doing the same? She rested her head on Hessianth. What about you? Do you have any pressing matters you need to discuss? She teased.

“Perhaps someone did hide it. More idiotic of them. It is entirely too cold up there for an egg.” Shahera muttered with a frown and then was smiling again. She followed L'nik's gaze to try and see what he was looking at out of curiosity. “Normal is good. Around here, in this line of work, eventful usually means unpleasant things. Painful, unpleasant experiences I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy.” She gave a dramatic shudder. “I much prefer the idea of a normal morning.”



Predestined Cultist


Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Wed Mar 06, 2019 7:12 pm
Twisting to rest his head on Therianth's back, Hessianth sighed - less of an emotional gesture, than one of settling - resting. Only that I love you, but that will be a pressing matter no matter how much I make sure you know that.

L'nik could feel that hint of gushy feeling from Hessianth, like a nudge to remind him of the opportunity in front of him, but he pushed it away quickly. No. he informed his dragon. "Calm is good. Been too much excitement in the wings with Threadfall and injuries," and he knew if Hessianth was injured, the brown would push his luck and make it worse. It was better to fly safely and not risk it.

You are playing too safe. Just say it. Hessianth's tail thumped once against his ledge. But L'nik wasn't sure he wanted to say anything.

"Anything exciting going on otherwise?" her Nameday was coming up, wasn't it? Maybe she had plans.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 06, 2019 7:40 pm
Therianth curled around Hessianth. Well, I don’t doubt your love. And I love you. I hope you know that just as surely. She closed her eyes and let out a huff of laughter. Even if I make you work for things.

Shrugging a little at not finding anything interesting wherever L’nik was looking, Shahera turned back to the man. “Hmmm… Someone mentioned a dragon poker tournament coming up, I think that there was talk of going hunting, and a group wanted to go out to Rivercrest. I wasn’t really interested so I didn’t pay much attention to any of these but I can try and find out more if you want.” She smiled at L’nik and shrugged again. “Besides Turn’s End coming up, that’s all I know about. So nothing really exciting on over here.” She peered around. “What about on this ledge? Anything fun?”



Predestined Cultist


Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Thu Mar 07, 2019 9:23 am
Of course. As it should be, even if it left him irritated - mostly at himself, mostly at the gall of those who dared (but he would have been just as upset if they hadn't been chasing her as well).

"I don't know if I much fancy any of those things - but it sounds like things are lively," wasn't her Wingleader expecting a baby now? "I mean, I'd much rather find an outing you'd enjoy going on," L'nik had carefully chosen his words to keep from leading down conversational paths that usually ended up with him not really needing to button up his shirt anyways. Not that he minded those, but... "Nothing too exciting. I mean, you being here is the best thing to happen to it."

PostPosted: Thu Mar 07, 2019 7:06 pm
“Bah.” Shahera said without rancor. “Things are always lively. Dragonriders certainly know how to party. One would think we thought we might die tomorrow.” She laughed. “Oh, wait. We might.” Looping an arm with L’nik she told him, “I don’t know where I would like to go. It might be nice to see something besides the same walls though.”

You wouldn’t enjoy it as much if you were just handed things. Therianth said smugly. It is like being give a prize without having won it. Takes half the joy right out.

Shahera gazed at the dragons and shook her head. “Look at those two. They act like love sick firelizards half the time. The other half, they are just hellions out to make mischief together. I don’t think we could keep them apart.” She grinned up at L’nik cheekily. “Good thing we don’t mind each other’s company either.”



Predestined Cultist


Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Fri Mar 08, 2019 12:28 pm
Was it the circumstances that made Dragonriders so inclined to merrymaking, or was it just that a certain type of person was more likely to impress a dragon and then they were all just in one place. “Black Sands could be fun,” he offered, “if not a little dangerous.” But their livelihood was dangerous and somehow L’nik doubted Shahera was too worried about a little rough housing with the locals.

You deserve to be fought for, even if he had not been the victor the last time. That was his fault, though that thrumming desire to make sure it never happened again trickled across his bond with L’nik was hard to ignore. And you deserve the best.

Following her gaze towards the dragons, L’nik nodded. “I don’t think he’s ever had eyes for anybody else,” Therianth had been the preferred playmate, and even those he could have thought to chase before he’d never considered for even an instant. Looking back down towards Shahera, his chest tightened at the look on her face. She really was lovely. “y-Yeah,” smooth. Don’t, he nudged at Hessianth, already feeling the dragon stirring to push him at the opening.

“About that..” he ran a hand over the side of his neck awkwardly. “I meant what I said the other night - that wasn’t Hessianth’s influence.”

PostPosted: Fri Mar 08, 2019 6:47 pm
Shahera was starting to say say something about Black Sands being all sorts of good fun when in the right mood when L’nik’s words caught her off guard. “You said a lot of things on a lot of nights,” she said coyly, “you are going to have to be a little more specific.” She said it like she knew what he was talking about and was just making him work for her response, though she had no idea. How else does one maintain the illusion of always knowing what was going on?

Therianth opened one eye and looked at L’nik thoughtfully. Mine deserves to be fought for as well. She has a tendency to wander if one doesn’t.



Predestined Cultist


Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Fri Mar 08, 2019 7:27 pm

L'nik had sort of hoped that Shahera would have just given him this, but it had been rather bold of him to not expect things to be at least a back and forth game of cat and mouse for a moment. Usually, he didn't mind, but getting proper words out of his mouth was already a difficult task.

With a sigh, he dropped his hand. "I mean, if I'm taking this a bit too seriously it'd be better to know...but what I said about not wanting anybody else but you." It sounded dumber coming out of his mouth than it had in his head, which only added to his uncertainty about saying anything at all.

I've told him that, but he lacks a certain confidence, perhaps. I still have plenty of work ahead of me. there was a smugness to Hessianth's statement, but it was a two way road as well.

[IC RP] Western Weyr

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