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Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Sat Feb 09, 2019 8:30 pm
The scampering of paws was followed by a fumbling noise and then a loud thump as the body was seemingly moving quicker than her paws and face first into the dirt she went.

Sitting there for a moment she sat up and rubbed her nose with her paw and looked around for her sisters. Hopefully none of them saw that as she had been scampering around like a gazelle or something.

Tail flicking behind her wildly as she finished rubbing her nose, she looked around for their mother or at least one of her siblings. Over the moment she just wanted to play, her ego wasn't that important of a thing that she'd stew over it the whole time.  
PostPosted: Sun Feb 10, 2019 9:50 am
Mairëa was toddling along when out of the corner of her eye she was Mírya, her twin, take a little tumble. She would have laughed, but she was focused. She was following closely behind her mother, matching all four of her paw steps as she moved. It must've looked silly from far away, this stern-faced little cub following in the paw steps of a much larger lioness.

After a bit, the cub got bored and started walking her way over to her twin. She used her hip to bump Mírya's hip playfully. "I saw you fall, ya know," she spouted with a giggle.

Kayitz glanced behind her, making sure her one (of four) little girl was still following close. She turned her attention to her other cubs, sighing a bit. She was tired - this wasn't her first rodeo, as she'd had cubs before, but Alki and Zawadi were only two. That was world's away from the four the gods had presented her with this time around.

They were energetic and wiggly and there were four of them. It was overwhelming at times, but she loved them all dearly. And she constantly found herself marveling over little Sahar, taking after Kayitz's own mother, Irit, in her sandy coloring. They were each so tiny and precious - not to mention rambunctious. Kayitz looked around, wondering what Sahar and Delara were getting up to.



Devoted Cultist


Vicious Kitten

PostPosted: Sun Feb 10, 2019 12:33 pm
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

Delara was no where to be seen, so completely hidden that she was nearly invisible from her position crouched down in the short grass. Her reddish-pink coat blending in perfectly with the green grass tickled her sides. She was a professional, completely poised and deathly silent as she stalked after Mírya. Each move forward timed with the precision needed to avoid detection. Well, at least in her mind as reality was quite a bit different. In her excitement she couldn't seem to quite contain her tail as it flicked around behind her. The visual going quite unnoticed to the cub-huntress as she lost herself in her own imagination, the narration provided by herself easily drowning out the very obvious giggles that bubbled out of her when she watched her sister smack straight into the ground. Something that doubled when she realized just how good she was going to get her.

Taking this as her moment Delara began to quietly adjust her back feet, getting ready to pounce when Mairëa suddenly came into the scene. The perfect distraction! Oh they were making this so easy, this was going to be so good. Barely able to contain another round of bubbly laughter, she grinned, they were going to be so scared! Excitement rising she decided she couldn't wait a moment longer, and the little huntress pounced from her spot intending to land on either one of the twins with a loud, "Boo!" before she fell into a fit of laughter, not even waiting to see if either had even been spooked. This game was just too much fun.


Ruler of Everything
PostPosted: Sun Feb 10, 2019 8:22 pm
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. Little Sahar was enjoying her third nap of the morning, luxuriously stretched out on her back with one foot in the air and a paw laid across her face. Little kitten snores were escaping her nose all the same, sounding akin to bubbles surfacing rapidly in a pond. (She'd played a round of chase earlier that had wiped her energy.) Taking an opportunity where her three sisters were simultaneously hunting each, the sandy cub had flopped to the ground mid-stride and almost immediately fell unconscious. It honestly was her greatest talent to date.

Now even the squeals of her sisters could now rouse her. Eventually mama would come along, or one of the remaining hell kittens (some stranger had referred to them as this... some bird or some sort, but only after Sahar had attempted to eat it) would discover her limp and vulnerable form. In the mean time, she dreamt of chasing that same odd bird in her dreams, her foot in the air jerking rapidly at random.


Ruler of Everything


In Good Faith

Dapper Entrepreneur


Devoted Cultist

PostPosted: Mon Feb 11, 2019 3:09 pm
Mairëa didn't see Delara, although she should have, considering just how well her sister's coat blended into the tall grass. All the same, when Delara pounced, Mairëa was heavily taken aback. "Ahh!" she shouted in her shrill little cub voice, tumbling over her own paws and onto her back with an "Oof!" followed by a mess of giggles. "That was a good one! Can we try again? I promise I won't be so scared this time!" She sprung to her paws, gathering herself to see her twin's reaction.

In one corner were three of her cubs - Mairëa, Mírya, and Delara, all playing a game of who-knows-what. It seemed like the latter was using her cub energy to scare the twins, which was an easy enough task at their age. They seemed to all be having fun together, which was always a good sign.

In another corner, Kayitz spotted her little tan cub napping in the most ridiculously luxurious nap position. Her small body was lounging, entirely stretched out, with one paw covering her eyes. Kayitz smiled and padded over to observe her cub, so distinctly different than the rest.


In Good Faith

PostPosted: Mon Feb 11, 2019 7:17 pm
Mírya was pleased when their mother came into view shortly, with one of her sister's in tow. Though, it wasn't long until she was racing towards her admitting that she had seen her fall on her face. Grumbling a little she gave her a small nudge back. It wasn't the worst thing that could be seen she supposed, "I'm sure I'll catch you fall sooner or later."

So preoccupied with her twin she failed to notice one of their sisters sneaking up on them in the grass. As her soft colored figure soared through the air and and landed on her twin with a well pronounced 'boo'. Arching her spine as she jumped a little she stared at her wide eye'd, more from surprise than fear. "You sure are sneaky." She replied shoving her with one of her paws in a playful manner.


In Good Faith



Winter Wolf


Vicious Kitten

PostPosted: Tue Feb 12, 2019 11:09 am
Delara was easily pushed off of Mairëa at Mírya's playful shove, her body like liquid as she lost herself to her laughter. She had so much energy today that desperately needed an outlet. Something that these games always seemed to help her with."I know~ I'm just too good, Mírya." She giggled as she stood up a wide grin lighting up her fact as her laughter slowly dialed down and she glanced between the twins.Her little chest puffed out her proudly. Yet as soon as Mairëa mentioned trying again, her ears perked straight up and she bounced in place with a quick spoken, "Yes yes yes! I love this game! Who goes first? You, you?" Spinning in a circle she dropped her upper half to the ground in a playful bow. Before glancing at one and then the other, before she paused. A curious look flitting across her face. Where was Sahar? She couldn't be stalking them right this second could she? Lowering her voice to a whisper she glanced left and right, studying the grass. "Waitwaitwait, have you two seen Sahar?"


Ruler of Everything

In Good Faith
PostPosted: Tue Feb 12, 2019 2:39 pm
Mairëa's eyes followed Delara, round and round she went, almost dizzying the rust-colored cub. She was an energetic little kit, and it was almost impressive how fast her mouth moved to match. Mairëa started to bend down into her own hunter's pose with her rump in the air when Delara posed an important question: where was Sahar? The red cub looked over at her twin quizzically. She had been following mom around and hadn't paid attention to all three of her sisters, which meant it was only a matter of time before she lost track of at least one of them.

"Mom wandered off too," she mumbled, realizing that her mother was no longer in her immediate, short line of sight. Maybe the two of them were together?


In Good Faith



Devoted Cultist

In Good Faith

Dapper Entrepreneur

PostPosted: Tue Feb 12, 2019 4:35 pm
The little cub's mind flittered to the surface and sunk back down into sleep several times in the ensuing chaos that were her sister's squeals. Actually it might have been their sudden quiet that led Sahar to realize her tummy was empty... and by empty, she meant she was going to starve to death in the next ten seconds if she didn't find mama RIGHT NOW.

The sandy cub rolled onto her tummy while making moowps
[see 0:28] to alert her mother of this dire state of affairs. Had she bothered to open her eyes (which she did after a few seconds) she realized Kayitz was already there, smiling down at her. "Oh! Mama, I'm hungry!" the cub appeared pitiful, placing her chin on her paws and staring up at Kayitz with desperate eyes.


Ruler of Everything

PostPosted: Tue Feb 12, 2019 5:32 pm
Their sibling, Delara, was full of energy and clearly wanted to continue this game of 'pounce' and while Mirya was all about it usually she just wasn't feeling it exactly. "I'm okay for right now." Soft voice danced through the air as she flopped over onto her side instead, tail whipping wildly behind her in the grass. Small insects flew up from the ground and her red gaze watched them flutter away into the distance.

Twisting her head to look over towards her sisters she gave a shrug. "Was she not coming behind us?"

Clearly hunger was the driving force for their sleeping sister because it wasn't long before the creature they were looking for came mrowing across the grass field. "Well, I think we can say that food got the best of her." Laughing she watched as she stalked right up to their mother with an expecting look upon her face. It was then that Mirya became aware that she was just a bit hungry as well.

Ruler of Everything

In Good Faith



Winter Wolf


Vicious Kitten

PostPosted: Tue Feb 12, 2019 7:28 pm
Mírya's clear disinterest in the game dampened her excitement just a little. After all, it wouldn't be as fun with just the two of them, but maybe they could find a frog to chase? Or a bird! Tail flipping behind her she growled playfully at Mairëa, planning on instigating a wrestling match but straightened up with a heavy shake of her coat when Mom was brought up. How could they have just disappeared, were they lost? No.. wait.. Was she lost? Ears flattening she shot her two sisters a worried look before Mírya looked off in a distance claiming she could see them. Instantly a sigh of relief left her when she lifted her chin up to catch sight of their mother and soon she was all smiles again. "Should we surprise them Mairëa? I bet we could really get Mom while Sahar distracts her." A bright giggle rang from her as her prior excitement bubbled to the surface, though not quite as high as before.  
PostPosted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 6:21 am
Kayitz studied the little cub, watching her roll over and then start making helpless little sounds, likely spurred on by whatever it was she was dreaming about. The mother was about to wake her up when Sahar's soft green eyes popped open and she announced her hunger. Kayitz laughed, "Of course, little one. How about you go play with your sisters first? Food will come soon." She avoided sighing externally, knowing that hunting as a mother of four was a much harder task than hunting for herself. Even if the kids were still on milk for their first few months as cubs, she needed to find big enough game to produce that. And that was always a challenge on one's own.

Leaning down, she nudged Sahar. "Go on, play! I'm sure the other girls are missing you."

Mairëa glanced over at Mírya, seeing a mischievous glint in the other girl's eyes. She then looked at her mother and Sahar, noticing her mom nudging Sahar gently. "I think" she started, "Mom might be sending Sahar our way..." The cub shrugged. "But if you want to pounce on mom, I'm definitely right behind you." She grinned, big and silly, ready to join in on whatever it is her twin wanted to do. Meticulously, she stretched out with her front paws and put her rump in the air, wiggling it and her tail, eager to get on with playing.


In Good Faith



Devoted Cultist

In Good Faith

Dapper Entrepreneur

PostPosted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 6:35 am
"Moooooom," the cub resisted her mom's nudging, disgruntled that food was not already in her tummy. In her resistance, Sahar went tumbling forward in an awkward summersault, landing sprawled and dusty. "Hmph! Fine." The cub got to her feet awkwardly and scanned for her sisters. The first she spotted was Mairëa with her rump in the air. She let out a giggle and bounded towards her, awkwardly tackling her, though she knew it was coming. Stealth was not Sahar's strong suit these days. She was easily distracted though and when her own tail waved in her line of sight, she lunged for it, landing in an odd donut position.

"Whacha guys doin?" she asked as an afterthought, tail in her mouth.



Ruler of Everything
PostPosted: Sun Feb 24, 2019 9:00 pm
Mirya, continuing to lounge about in her 'spot', let out a small yowl like yawn and rolled onto her back and flopped onto her other side. What did she have to feel glum about? Glum wasn't exactly what she was feeling, more so she was feeling not herself. She wanted something, but couldn't think of what it was and that was what was troubling her. Did she want to play a specific game? Perhaps she was hungry? Thought raced through her mind as she watched her siblings playing and she decided she could at least join them until she figured out what it was she was brooding about.

Stalking after her siblings in the tall grass she laid low, wondering if they'd pay her any mind after her previous disinterest in the whole game.

In Good Faith


Ruler of Everything



Winter Wolf


Vicious Kitten

PostPosted: Wed Feb 27, 2019 11:11 am
Delara saw Sahar bounding towards them before she could tackle one of them, and with a bright giggle she could hardly keep herself from bouncing in spot. "We're going to pounce on Mom." She announced, her voice low, like this was a precious secret they just had to keep, though the excitement that brimmed over in her little body made it come out a lot louder than initially intended. Still, she was a master huntress and of course she was just loud enough to not be caught.

Or at least she hoped. Either way when Mirya seemed ready to join into the action she couldn't wait any longer. "On three?" Lowering super camouflaged body into the grass she began with some timed. "One..." Her eyes locked onto their mother, her imagination running wild as she pictured this as her greatest hunt ever. "Two..." Stalking forward she felt her breath hitch and before she could even get to three she was up bounding towards their target with a bright giggle and a loud, "Three!" right before she pounced, wrapping her paws around Kayitz's back leg. And then, for the fun of it falling onto her side and trying to bat at her tail. All the while giggling like this was the best thing she'd ever come up with!

Ruler of Everything

In Good Faith


[IC] Rogue Lands

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