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Vice Captain

Aged Regular

PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2018 10:15 am
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                                    FULL GIVEN NAME:
                                    Diremi Maximus Lucca
                                    TITLES / NICKNAMES:
                                    THEME SONG:
                                    Fall Out Boy- Immortals
                                    HAIR COLOR:
                                    Predominately rust-red, however a fair bit of cream/blonde softens his pelt along his face, ears, neck, torso, belly, and the tip of his tail.
                                    EYE COLOR
                                    Deep emerald.
                                    NOTABLE FEATURES:

                                    Much to the displeasure of his late Nan, his right ear is pierced twice with thin golden rings along the lower lobe near the tip of his ear.


                                        Just his natural claws and fangs, along with a old dagger of Human make. Sheathing it at the small of his back it is obvious he is diligent in caring for the blade by how well preserved it is.


                                        Despite wishing otherwise, no.. Magic is difficult and he is too young yet to seriously pursue it..

                                    OTHER NOTABLE SKILLS / ABILITIES

                                        Genetic Traits: The standard hyper-sensitivity present in most his species, they can be as much of a boon as a curse depending on the situation. Remi has shown himself to be very quick on his feet and flexible, unafraid to test his limits and even savoring the challenge of failing so he can continue to improve himself.

                                        Fighting: While somewhat trained by his late guardian in the elegant movements of using a staff in self defense he has much to learn regarding that style of combat.. He can do the basic movements but it just doesn't fit his personality very well so he struggles with it. Still, when he needs to evade others with weapons, he'll use whatever staff-like objects are near to hand readily to deflect their attacks and defend himself. Remi prefers to rely on his physical ability ( biting, clawing, kicking, etc.) in day to day things if he can help it, he doesn't use his dagger in combat unless it is very important; Mainly because he was taught to respect the seriousness of the gesture. In his mind one wouldn't draw their blade unless they were going protect something at any cost or planned to end a dispute quickly and cleanly. A bared blade isn't a threat, it is a promise, and the wielder is responsible for whatever comes next. Surprisingly enough, he has more skill with the blade if not the experience of time or tutelage to truly hone this fighting style. He learned the basics from someone dear to him and, when alone, practices them religiously to this day inventing his own unique way to wield the weapon.


                                        Genetic Traits: His inherited allergy to Silver and incompatibility with cold in general. Due to his age and physical development he isn't particularly strong, certainly no more so than a young human.

                                        His Youth: For his species he is rather young still, little more than a cub and just as erratic as most children at his stage of development. There is much he doesn't know yet about the world and honestly.. That makes him uneasy, creating doubts and stalling his productivity. When conflicted in emotional matters he gets restless and rebellious, known to make bad choices in the heat of the moment and then stewing on it out of guilt and wounded pride. It is difficult for him to apologize in these situations, wanting desperately to.. but dreading admitting he did something wrong as well. Another unfortunate quirk in this is, like most younglings, he can be gullible, willful, and oblivious to dangerous situations.


                                        - Birds, they taste good and he likes the way their bones crunch.
                                        - Exploring, learning, and in general 'new' things.
                                        - Being praised for his abilities, simple maybe but he is a kid after all.
                                        - Physical contact, not that he'll admit it.


                                        - Being alone.
                                        - Admitting when he is scared, he'll bluff hard to make it seem otherwise.
                                        - When he is treated like a child, he wants to be an adult.
                                        - Plant-based foods.
                                        - Hurting people that do not deserve it.
                                        - Being Cold.


                                        While not necessarily a 'skill' Remi was taught how to fend for himself out in the wilds and he shows a natural ability to survive and even thrive in uncivilized settings. He can hunt, (somewhat) cook his kills, and vaguely remember what some of the helpful herbs are in the wild. He.. didn't really pay attention to the plant lectures so his memory is sketchy in that subject.


                                        Outspoken, social, brave, rebellious, curious, and a little dense when it comes to more emotionally delicate matters. He is honest to the point of bluntness but he has a good heart and aims to keep those he cares for happy. He is quick to jump to physical action, pranks or scuffles, due to his upfront nature.. But he is just as quick to forgive and forget and it is very rare he holds any sort of grudge. Losing? No big deal, playing the game was fun. Pointless rule? He's going to argue until he personally understands the logic behind it. Just about the only time this kid is serious is when it comes to the safety of those he cares about. He's protective and loyal and isn't afraid to get in trouble if it means having someone's back. Mischief is his calling and he loves harmless jokes, taking things lightly and rarely getting upset or discouraged in the face of challenges. Remi is determined, a bit of a goof, and more than ready to say or do what most would not dare. When things require a degree of control or sensitivity he leans heavily on his trusted Elders to help him, struggling in those areas, and they are some of the few that can get past his ' don't wanna, can't make me' attitude.

                                        Don't mistake his cheery disposition as being a pushover, he may be laid back, but he will not hesitate to step up and say something if he feels the need to and he will hold his ground with a stubborn pride. The harder strangers push for him to behave or obey the deeper he digs his claws in, testing every limit he encounters and naturally finding a creative way around it. Caution is in order, he is highly energetic and personal spaces mean little to him.. Once he likes someone he sticks to them like good friends and at times pulls them into his ornery pranks if they see the trouble coming or not. He also has a rather short attention span and can get bored easily, but he thrives in self-amusement much to the despair of any Elders trying to keep him in line. Despite appearances and behavior he is rather intelligent, few seem to realize that and he often shocks people with his 'sudden' spurts of deep-thinking or casual insights on situations when he actually pays attention. He is a child and he is prone to emotional reactions, society standards don't have much weight over him and he is quick to go against the grain. The boy doesn't seem to fear much beyond his own desire to 'need' people, finding fickle attachments safe but sincere companionship to be.. scary. The only thing worse is the fear of himself. Or, rather, the predator that exists so naturally in him that only grows stronger as he ages. Few would guess he has a rather wicked bite under his jovial smile when severely stressed or pushed into a corner, Remi himself unnerved with the growing temper and restlessness creeping in the back of his mind. Humor distracts him from it but it doesn't change the fact that something vicious lurks under his typically playful behavior and he isn't sure what to do with it. By nature he is a Beta personality, borderline Alpha, and too young to understand the ramifications of this natural species behavior he vents his frustrations the only way he knows how; Through scuffles and other physical tasks. He is very much a youth and just as easily influenced if people realize it or not, impressionable and a bit gullible due to his age. To a true Alpha/Leader he is subconsciously malleable, difficult to control but entirely loyal once it is earned.

                                        The memory of his parents is very vague, little more than a fuzzy dream composed of scents, voices, and colors rather than images no matter how hard he tries to focus on it. Remi was very young when his adoptive guardian found him in the ashes of a smoldering forest, the elderly human woman studying the damage of a rampant fire that had only just died out in the area when his weak whimpers lead her to his hiding place in a surprisingly untouched root-hollow under a now-dead tree. Had he been placed there or simply stumbled in with dumb luck to the safety of the hollow? There was no way to tell if he had been alone or with his pride when the fire touched the area, the little lion-like child alone and clearly fading from lack of care. So, as was her way, the woman picked him up and gave him a home. The boy grew to call her Nan, loving and fearing the feisty human as family. He never knew, in those tender years, that he was 'different'.. Sure he had a tail and Nan's beautiful silver hair was limited to her head but he never questioned the 'why' of it, it never mattered. At least, that is what he thought until his beloved Nan's health started to decline. Her memory would slip away more and more and, after a time, she seemed to forget him entirely for long lengths of time. She was never cruel of course, always friendly and gentle, and Remi spared no energy in keeping food on her table or ensuring she was comfortable.. But it was so lonely and, in a deep corner of his heart, he was hurt every time the woman would treat him like a stranger. The nearby villagers, who would trade with the pair for supplies, said it was normal for humans her age to act in such a way and warned that it 'wouldn't be long'.. and sure enough the night came just after his eleventh birthday that his beloved Nan went to sleep for the last time. Her passing was peaceful , the villagers came and helped him build her funeral pyre, and from the light of dusk deep into the depths of midnight the community mourned the loss of such a noble member of their group.

                                        Many in the village offered to adopt Remi into their homes, worrying for the child alone in the forest so far from the village's walls, but with a bittersweet smile he refused each time in favor of staring into the pyre's flames. It was warm, like Nan, and so very bright as it illuminated the simple rustic cottage and yard that had housed his memories up to this point.. and a nagging awareness planted itself into his heart. His life with her had began and ended in fire. The warmth was gone.. and he was alone again. The Pyre eventually faded and the villagers returned to their homes, life moving on without the boy that continued to sit at the fire pit through the morning and into the late day. How long he sat waiting, grieving in the silence, he had no idea but he came to find that he wasn't alone. A hand touched his shoulder and, to his surprise, one of the human Traders stood waiting with a pack and a crooked smile. Thane, a good man that had spent time in the area each year, and a friend of his late Nan. Gifted goods and trinkets filled the satchel that the man handed to him firmly, announcing it as a 'farewell' and 'return safely' gift from the village itself when the man had spoken up to taking Remi with him on his travels to the other Elders. The boy, of course, refused at first.. Until the old man named Thane gave him a rather swift punch between his ears and barked about 'helping him grow into a fine man for Nan's sake'. It stupefied the boy.. and motivated him. Nan had always talked about her travels in her younger years, how she wanted him to experience the world beyond the fringe of trees for himself, so with a lowered head and hunched shoulders the boy swallowed hard and agreed to follow.

                                        The time spent with Thane was hard, the man gave him no room to take things for granted, but he was kind in his gruff way and strong despite his age. It was in this short year that Remi learned how to use a dagger and how to navigate the 'civilized' roads of the world, everything was a lesson according to Thane and the old devil made it a point to keep Remi busy. Maybe this was why, once again, Remi would see too late that time was stealing something precious away. Thane was slowing down, mentally sharp as ever and yet quieter as the months passed.. and when their small party was set upon by bandits on the road the old man made the choice not to slow his ward down. Thrusting his old dagger into the boy's hand he urged the other members of their traveling group to take him and run. Alone, waiting, Thane gave his last moments as a distraction to let his comrades escape the bandits as he rose to fight them. Age slowed the once-strong Trader and he fell to a raider's blade after a brief struggle, Remi held back and muffled by the other travelers in the hidden depths of the brush as he watched his teacher fall. Thanks to Thane everyone else survived and they went their own ways, moving on with life. Remi returned to the campsite along the road, cautious but determined, and gave his teacher a proper burial.. then, alone again, he simply started down the road without thought to where he was going or why. That was a year ago and he has been on his own ever since, surviving in the forests along the roads and trading meats for other supplies with traveling merchants. He likes to socialize with those on the road, joining camps when invited, but.. while he easily gets attached to people and jokes around with them a part of him fears needing them again. So he wonders alone or in small merchant groups, oddly avoiding the notion of returning to his village. He promised Nan, and Thane, that he would grow into a good man and in his mind that requires traveling and learning.



[align=center] [align=center] [spoiler] [quote=""][/quote]

[size=18][url=https://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=25289143&page=last] [color=teal]Diremi Maximus Lucca[/color][/size] [/url]

" Speak." [i]Think[/i]. Act.



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Diremi Maximus Lucca

" Speak." Think. Act.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2018 7:35 pm

everything looks good Approved!  

Wolfe Garm
Vice Captain

Enduring Hunter

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Vice Captain

Aged Regular

PostPosted: Mon Jan 08, 2024 1:07 am
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-Updated Information-
Old Information


                                    FULL GIVEN NAME:
                                    Nathaniel Allen Hobbs

                                    TITLES / NICKNAMES:

                                    THEME SONG(S):
                                    In Life: Once Monsters - My Name Is
                                    In Mind: The Score - Who I am
                                    In Love: City Wolf - Protector



                                    HAIR COLOR:

                                    EYE COLOR



                                    Human Divine Lich - Neutral Alignment

                                    NOTABLE FEATURES:

                                    His natural coloration is a bit odd, pale with red eyes, and his right earlobe is pierced twice with simple black stone studs. His left earlobe is only pierced once, also filled with a black stone stud.


                                        In a desperate situation he'll use anything in reach, if he has time to think his mind is by far his best tool. Nate is a mad genius when it comes to chemicals and creative ways to mix/use them... and he certainly isn't above tossing a makeshift bottle of sleeping gas or paralyzing serum at hostile parties when threatened.


                                        Necromancy: The manipulation of undead tissue and souls is a hereditary gift passed down through the generations of his family tree. Potentially this could be a powerful skill if the youth ever tried to actually learn the art but he seems to lack any real motivation to do so beyond the 'healing' of life energy transfer. Note, this isn't healing in a classic sense but rather the transfusion of life energy from other beings into wounded ones to fuel repairing tissue. Passive traits with this magic grant him the ability to 'feel' undead creatures like ghosts, ghouls, vampires, and zombies instinctively and even interact physically with intangible spirits with ease. In general he seems to have a strong protection against death magics such as vampiric influence or ghostly possessions, though it is important to note this is a ' resistance ' not a ' immunity ' to such powers. Due to both his natural affinity for the magic and a recent trauma Nate has taken the first steps into becoming a Lich Nate has ascended into a Divine Lich due to a deal he made with a neutral God; Latent skills born from this evolution of magic include the ability to spirit walk (he can't stay away from his body for more than a hour before getting jerked back to it), manipulate death energy to a fair degree (if he likes it or not) to repel or influence such creatures, and strengthen/protect these beings with his own life energy. To a weak ghost Nate is like a walking battery, to a vampire his blood would energize them like few other living creatures.. For obvious reasons the boy avoids sharing this information and takes steps to protect himself from such situations. It is important to note that though the seeds have been planted for Nate to transition into a Lich it is a slow process, offering passive benefits to the lad as his soul accepts the potential evolution and forms a Soulstone.

                                    OTHER NOTABLE SKILLS / ABILITIES

                                        Domestic Ability: Young or not he has been around long enough to pick up on where he fits in life and he has shown a knack for house keeping. He has had plenty of time to polish his skills as the eldest child with a working parent and since he was often left alone to care for his little sisters he had the time and motivation to gather the knowledge such a field would require including but not limited to cleaning, shopping, and ingredient awareness. Regardless of the species he is catering to he can generally whip up something sinfully delicious for their unique palates.. after, of course, he learns what is safe for them to eat through careful research. He also picks up basic skills rather quickly, seeming drawn to idle chores or repair-work as if the tasking brings him joy. Nate will NEVER poison food he makes; It is a point of pride and personal standards that ensure nothing even remotely harmful comes near the meals he prepares for himself or others.

                                        Pharmacology : Few things fascinate the boy as much as the investigation and study of unusual substances; As well as how these things can be used to help people and creatures in need of medicine. How they are created, what they can be mixed with, and what is born from his experiments.. Nate has hundreds of notebooks stashed around his work space with recipes for tonics and poisons including a personal favorite of his: Shambler's Tonic, the mixture of zombie bile, human opiorphin, and a few other choice ingredients that produce a rather potent (non harmful) sleeping draft. His Father's keepsake work journals gave him the formula to build off of and it quickly enthralled him in the delicate art of alchemy. No doubt, in time, he could be a truly dedicated healer but at his current age it is clear that he has much still to learn in the grand scheme of this medical art. Though the lad himself isn't the type to use his potions for nefarious intentions (without provocation or motivation via a well paid job) he doesn't avoid customers who are; Business is business and many of his 'friends' help keep his little corner of town safe so he isn't going to judge what they do with his products or why.

                                        Ascension- Through the process of the lad's evolution he has gained new magic unique to his bizarre state of being; These skills include portal generation, which is limited by the fact he cannot open portals to places he has never been, and Marking. Marking, as he has taken to calling it, is a process where Nate imbues a little bit of his magic into another creature, effectively claiming that person or thing as his own. In a positive light this can be a blessing, protecting and healing the bearer
                                        of his sigil. His favored blessing is one of Cloaking, allowing the marked person to be favored/protected by spirits nearby especially if they are aligned with death elements. In a darker manner this is actually quite the unpleasant curse; Nate can damn whomever he brands with a parasitic magic that slowly torments them with his choice of ailments.. his favorite punishment being a slow and painful rot that devours the offenders flesh over time. The Drawback to Marking is that Nate has to physically touch the targets and it drains his energy to place (not sustain, once placed the blessing/curse feeds on the target not Nate) the sigils. Holy magic 'can' break these Marks but given his own status, it would have to be from a high priestess to fully exercise the Mark.


                                        His Intelligence: A fast learner and someone that thrives in challenging situations Nate understands the importance of approaching issues from multiple angles and differing view points. His alchemical work also affords him a way to interact with others, either by gathering ingredients from them or testing the product to mend their woes.

                                        Social Awareness: Generally getting along with most people pays off and, since he has helped a number of friends in his life already, he has a small network of social contacts he can call upon for help if needed. Nate is also very aware of the social dynamics around himself... and which cords to strike to set off or soothe tensions and better serve his personal needs at the time. If he needs to fade into the background? It is easy enough to start a pub brawl. If a client is acting hostile? All he has to do is remind them of all the people that rely on his tonics for their peculiar personal tasks and how pissed they would be to lose his business. So no.. Most people have no idea just how much influence this boy has in his new niche and Nate isn't the type to show all of his cards even to his dearest of friends.

                                        His Experience: Every skill, recipe, and important memory has helped shape the youth into the jack-of-trades he is today and keeps him strong in troubling situations.


                                        His Inexperience: Both in a professional and a personal sense there is much he doesn't know yet and honestly.. That makes him uneasy, creating doubts and stalling his productivity. When conflicted in emotional matters he gets restless and rebellious, sinking himself to his chores to avoid revealing his 'weaker' side in front of others. This includes the fact that Nate is homosexual; The environment in which he was raised neither addressed nor repressed his orientation so while he isn't exactly hiding it the lad isn't entirely comfortable acknowledging it either. The subject of attraction is a 'unknown' in his mind and therefor a topic he approaches with caution.

                                        His mortality: Nate is human and just as fragile as any of his breed. Honestly? Perhaps more so, he is not nearly as strong as some other humans nor as fast for that matter. Due to his Oculocutaneous albinism he is also very sensitive to sunlight, developing burns easily.

                                        His Divinity: How could godhood be a weakness, one might ask? When you are a deity aligned with the elements of death it actually gives you a rather unpleasant repulsion towards Holy magic; Where once exposure to it would just itch unpleasantly now Nate actually feels nauseous when he has to be near it. Holy magic can nullify many of his spells and protect people from him to a fair degree.. at least where magic is concerned. Nate is nothing if not creative in his approach to obstacles. There is a psychological aspect to this weakness as well since Nate still thinks of himself as human and struggles with the idea of being Divine in any capacity.

                                        Loyalty. For someone dear to him there is no telling what he would do, good or bad, when asked. Quite at odds with his independent mindset he craves the feeling of belonging, of having a home and something akin to a family to fill it... so he will defend it ruthlessly even if it means doing something very wrong in the process


                                        ○Exploring new things.
                                        ○His work, he can get lost for hours in research.
                                        ○Teasing people he likes.
                                        ○Ice cream.. preferably coffee flavored.
                                        ○Cleaning. Few things help him relax or work through stress as effectively.


                                        ●Not being able to complete his work.
                                        ●Onions. Hands down, worst food ever.
                                        ●Stagnation. He needs stimulation.
                                        ●Being told what to do.
                                        ●Scary or gory situations.. He'll never admit it, but they creep him out and he hates the mess.
                                        ●Messy places, it makes him restless until he can clean the area.
                                        ●His Albinism being pointed out. He Knows.
                                        ●Kids getting hurt. Want to actually see Nate lose his temper? This is a button that should not be pushed.


                                        Though still mortal at this time the youth has triggered a self evolution into becoming a Lich; Nate is currently trapped between his desire to remain morally 'good' which holds him back from committing to it and the knowledge that he has to keep his options open to survive which won't let him fully reject the change either.

                                        Though no longer mortal, thanks to his deal with a neutral God and the Lich seed he has allowed to grow in his soul, Nate does still retain a fair amount of his former personality despite a few tweaks from his evolution. The loss of his biological family was hard, the Lich nature in him sweeping forward to shield the human's heart beating in his chest, and for the sake of his sanity the boy bonded emotionally to a family he'd chosen for himself. Ilea is his precious sister, Nalyne is his spoiling Uncle, and Lottie his familiar Yozun are all he has left and he he protects his circle of loved ones ruthlessly.


                                        Nate is what one would call a friendly soul with a playfully twisted humor and a convivial façade that rarely betrays the depths of his thoughts or emotions; Loyal to those he likes yet independent and fond of his personal freedoms the young man prefers to observe and learn about his surroundings before making rash decisions but he can think on his feet when he needs to. He is adaptive , willful, ingenious when he wants something, and entirely too pragmatic for his own good. Being the eldest child, and the primary care-giver for his siblings growing up, has sculpted much of his character and without intending to he can seem quite brotherly to those around himself; Listening to problems, offering advice, and actively comforting or cheering up those that need it simply because it is his nature to do so. The youth is tactful in delicate situations and expresses his thoughts or concerns sincerely if asked for them, though he may not share everything on his mind if he doesn't think his company can handle the information. Oddly when it comes to the well being someone dear to him he displays a much more stubborn temperament, refusing to submit to blind obedience and standing his ground firmly when he believes it is right to do so. Nate is fairly audacious when it comes to the world around himself, though admittedly more than a few things seem to scare him and he does value survival he never lets himself be cowed or controlled without a fight. Knowing he still has much to learn Nate makes it a point to expand his medical knowledge and abilities whenever possible, ever reaching to improve himself in his own unusual way. Thanks to his father Nate learned the importance of a good work ethic at a very early age. Well rounded and quite the home maker, though not one to flaunt this information, the youth strives to keep his home neat and his loved ones cared for. It is important to know that, necromancer or not, he has no strong feelings towards or against his innate magic heritage or abilities. They are a part of him, neither good nor evil, and Nate generally ignores public opinion on the matter. Nate's sexuality is something that does trouble him; His unease with his attraction to men isn't born from shame or fear of rejection but rather from the very simple fact that he has never really had time to worry about or focus on his own romantic passions in life. In short... Nate can be quite clumsy and cautious when it comes to intimacy.

                                        In all honesty the boy 'needs' to learn like a starving man needs food, his curiosity often motivating him to investigate new things and at times landing him into trouble. More often than not Nate is trying new things simply for the sake of finding out how it works or what it is like. New food? Down the hatch. Strange button? He's going to push it. Maybe even twice, if he was told not to do it in the first place by someone he doesn't like. Despite his sincere and assiduous focus on his work Nate is young by most standards and just as uncertain as most his age when it comes to personal emotional matters, not entirely a honest soul about his feelings or wants but never afraid to pursue his goals when he does commit to them. The boy is affectionate and gentle even if he seems a bit eccentric with his work and shows signs of subtly mischievous habits.. Not to mention his almost obsessive need to organizing and cleaning things when stressed. Under his mellow mirth Nate is diligent and very much a nurturing personality, there isn't much he wouldn't do for someone that needs a helping hand even if it causes him some problems along the way. Few can keep him in line or get past his 'don't tell me what to do' mindset when he gets serious about something and he is the type to go for the figurative 'throat' of his enemies to end conflicts quickly and quietly; The boy offering a compromise to ease hostilities once he has his foe in a vulnerable position with the hope they will come to a understanding at let the conflict rest. Many underestimate Nate because of his compassionate and quiet behavior but the youth has shown himself to be reliable, self confident, and patient; Often displaying a clever mind and impressive self control in difficult situations by knowing when to back down and weigh his options carefully. If taking a beating is the only choice to protect someone he cares about he'll go down swinging, determined to give as good as he gets. Having two very strong willed little sisters taught him how to pick his battles and honed his skill of wielding the sentiment of tough love like a well-worn sword to keep his dear ones on their best behavior. This sentiment now includes many of the orphaned and otherwise vulnerable souls that survived the Darkness Village purge; He takes responsibility for those he helped to save and he cannot ignore a child in need.


                                        The respected name of Darbinyan was well known in the Old Country from which Nate's maternal bloodline traced its ancestry, generation upon generation of 'Blacksmiths' honing their trade as void-crafters or 'Necromancers' in the dark corners of history. A Matriarchy by nature, as the strongest magic passed from mother to daughter in their line, it was common practice for the husbands of his clan to take their wife's surnames.. Why, one might ask, is Nate's last name Hobbs instead of Darbinyan then? The simple truth is that as the world pulled itself out of the Dark Ages so too did the practitioners of the old magics; The name of Darbinyan was kept only by the eldest daughter of each generation and the rest of the young women had the choice to keep or forsake the name as they wished. The bloodline immigrated to America as so many others did in the early years of the country and they thrived, mindful not to show their magic to the suspicious new neighbors even as they set down roots and passed their craft from parent to child. This continued on through the years until the world well and truly fell apart.. and the Ages once again turned Dark as humans were forced to acknowledge and embrace the magics they once tried so desperately to ignore or suppress. Cautiously the family of Darbinyan bloodlines slid into the background; Not quite staying out of the battle for human survival but never fully revealing themselves to their fearful brethren to avoid any ignorant backlash from mobs with torches. Mercenaries.. Doctors.. So many jobs served as cover for the clan to hide their arcane gifts and yet none were so brazen as a pair of lovebirds that would shake the very foundation of the family's choice of secrecy. Eva, Nate's mother, met his father John and the two fell in love like some sort of silly story book in the before-times. John was not a Necromancer, he wasn't even a mage, but unlike the general public the man didn't shy away from his beloved's unusual abilities and together they traveled far and wide under the disguise of being unauthorized ' Exorcists ' much to the ire of the Church; Nate's mother loved to use her gift to help put troubled or trapped spirits to rest rather than following the ghoulish and gory footsteps of her undead-raising kin and she taught this mindset to her son throughout his early years. Love, respect, and acceptance were the building blocks of her beliefs and realizing her male child had a uncommonly strong affinity with their craft she did everything she could to teach him to use it properly while his father taught him the basics of Alchemy. Traveling with his parents was by far one of his favorite memories even though it was rough work and it forced the boy to mature quickly. Towns and villages rarely welcomed his parents due to their profession, despite the fact that they were there to help, and life was a struggle Nate had no trouble understanding the danger his family faced on a daily basis. Time seemed to speed up as his little sister Tonia came into the world when he was Eight; Given how busy his parents were with their work it fell to Nate himself to look after the little one and he took to it with startling enthusiasm. By the time Ellie was born two years later the little family was bustling with energy and excitement but.. sadly between the lack of medical care and the distinct distance their neighbors enforced from local church authorities his mother didn't survive childbirth. John was never quite the same and though he tried his best to be there for his children the man's grief drove him into the thralls of hunting for Work. Gathering his three young children the man returned to his wife's hometown; Swiftly settling into a small home on the town's outskirts as he sank himself into whatever jobs he could get as a Alchemist... If they were legal or not. As the eldest care of the house and his siblings fell to Nate entirely and slowly the boy grew into the role required of him, learning to cook and clean from his nearest neighbor in exchange for doing repair work around her house. As odd as it is Nate thrived in this challenging time; The boy desperately needing some way to vent his grief without worrying his baby sisters so he threw himself into the daily chores with zeal. Cooking for his family, cleaning their home, helping educate the girls, playing mediator when they bickered over silly things? Being needed helped Nate move on and come to peace with the loss of his mother and, though he often wondered why her soul never came back to them, on some level he was just grateful he had so many memories with her to share with his little sisters as they grew up. Of course as the girl's magic started to manifest new issues arose.. Any time a family pet passed away Nate inevitably had to chase a undead animal through their neighborhood before anyone noticed the bizarre 'Pet Cemetery' scenario playing out in their back yards. Teaching the girls to control themselves, to follow their mother's training, was incredibly difficult for the boy given that their personalities drifted so much closer to the more nefarious side of their craft.. and considering how little training he himself actually received in that side of Necromancy he finally had to admit defeat and ask his father for help. Aware that he was out of his depths with his Six and Eight year old girls as well John did the only thing he could, he called his estranged mother-in-law for backup.

                                        Why John and Beth, Nate's maternal grandmother, didn't get along the boy never quite understood but the old crone was a godsend for all of them. Stern, but loving, the woman came from the far side of the town as soon as she was called for and took all three of her grandchildren into her arms in a heartbeat. Without asking she dragged all of them back to the maternal family home, installing herself as the head of the family unit with a ease that left John exasperated and Nate in a state of awe. Over the next few years the old woman taught them the true art of Necromancy and how to control it, as well as coaching Nate himself on how to do his housework more efficiently and giving him resources to truly study the wonderful art of alchemy that his father had dedicated his life to. When she wasn't pushing for him to relax his grip a little and go to make friends, of course. There was no fooling the old woman, she knew why her grandson took his work so seriously and determined to let him grow beyond his self-built crutch Beth started urging him to act his age. Go become part of the town, learn new things, make some friends.. Be a good example to your little sisters! The clever crone played him perfectly with these words and the boy did exactly what she wanted, steadily pushing himself out of his shell to be a better role model, and it was hard to say who was more shocked by how well he adapted to having a social life. His father, thanks to his grandmother's nagging, started working less and spending more time with the family and as a result Nate's teenage years were full of laughter and joy. Having the same gifts as his mother Nate did consider following her path for a while, helping ghosts and spirts move on in his spare time, but his grandmother and his father both swiftly put a end to that daydream as they pointed out the potential dangers he could invite back to his family so instead he focused on what was in front of him. Often members of his family such as Aunts, Cousins, and the like would visit the Family home and bring Nate materials for his Alchemic training; experimenting and spending time with his friends soon ate up much of his spare time in the peaceful years that followed. Eventually the time came that Nate had to branch out on his own and it was a difficult step... but again his grandmother wouldn't allow for him to give up his future, firmly stating that life wouldn't wait for him to make up his mind to live it. Apparently it was a tradition that the Darbinyan descendants would strike out alone for a few years upon reaching adulthood; Most becoming Hunters or Mages for hire but almost all (surviving members) would return to the family home every once in a while to check in.

                                        Following the example of his nomadic cousins Nate took to studying medicinal Alchemy first, drifting from town to city and hounding anyone that could teach him new information about the craft. By the time he turned 24 his father had started pestering him about finding a house or apartment in their home town and honestly Nate considered it at first. What stopped him were the words of his grandmother, so many years earlier. Life wouldn't wait fir him. His sisters didn't need him, the house was well taken care of, and his father was happy... It was time for Nate to find his own nest and he knew it. So, swearing to his little sisters he would come back for the holidays he started to travel farther abroad for his work. Alchemy was very much a special interest and, though dangerous, Nate spent a fair amount of time running down leads to deepen his knowledge on the subject as his focus shifted from medicinal ingredients to arcane and monster-part regents. Unfortunately... The very first promise he broke to his precious family turned out to be the last one he could ever make to them as the young man they knew; Halfway through a work contract Nate was kidnapped and tossed aboard a ship with other likewise troubled yet unique looking souls. Never once in his young life had the boy's Albinism been a hindrance or a point of shame, his family had treated him normally and his friends (aside from good natured ribbing) had accepted him with ease... So when his pale complexion and sanguine gaze drew the attention of Human Traffickers it took the lad entirely by surprise. To this day Nate isn't sure if it was good or bad luck that caused the ship to sink in a freak storm but there are still nights where the screams of his fellow captives wrack his nightmares; The group had dissolved into a wriggling mass of panic in their small cell as the boat floundered and the crew outside screamed at each other over the roar of rain and the crashing waves that rattled every inch of the ship's frame. In the chaos someone managed to nail Nate's temple, the boy having knelt next to the huddled group of children in their midst in a attempt to calm them, when a particularly large wave lurched the vessel and sent everyone inside bouncing against each other. It knocked him out cold, his last memories of the ship were filled with fear as the voices faded into darkness, and yet when the boy awoke among the debris on a desolate shore he was alone and in intense pain. No bodies, no ghosts... Neither victims nor jailers to help him come to terms with the fact that he was well and truly lost as his battered body labored to function. Nate was certain he'd died in the wreckage and that this lonely waterline was his purgatory; The deafening quiet and trauma of his ordeal trying to suck the youth into a depressive state of stillness. What snapped him out of it? Life won't wait.. His grandmother's voice was so piercing as Nate laid on the sandy bank and stared up at the cloudy night sky above him. The boy's fingers sank into the earth, his nails digging deep as he felt that all too familiar flutter of magic in his chest and his emotions swiftly latched on to it with a vengeance. Life? Death? He'd take either one. There had been books in his Grandmother's study about how one would go about becoming a Lich.. A monster by all accounts and yet one that had time and again been a saving grace for members of his family throughout their many journals and memoirs. No longer would he be just.. Nate. What would his family hate more... never finding his body on this gods forsaken shore line or welcoming home something wicked wearing his skin? The book had made it clear he'd become something far more dangerous than the human he'd lived as and while that thought made his heart break the lad couldn't shake the image of his baby sisters from his exhausted mind. If it meant holding on to this life, these memories he treasured so dearly... he'd gladly embrace death to do so. Hell, he'd kiss the Reaper himself if it meant another chance to survive. Death magic soaked into the land the boy had thought to be barren as that dry thought slid through his mind; life energy seeping out of the many small creatures that called the soil home as Nate drained the environment's vitality desperately. It wasn't healing the classic sense... No sweet relief awaited as the stolen essence flowed into his broken body and started repairing the damaged tissues threatening his survival. Necromancy wasn't about blessings and debts to higher powers like holy magic, his grandma would say. It was about the brutal, bittersweet fairness of life and death. For him to live something else had to die and like every hunter chasing a Stag for food Nate made the choice to survive. Hours passed and the dead spot around Nate grew, the pain in his body slowly subsiding as his mind started to drift and he finally released the magic syphon on the land. It was here in this withered shell of space that some locals found the youth though, ultimately, their intentions were far from pure as they swiftly tossed him into a cell upon returning to their village. It is true that the people of this town fed him, nursing him back to health with a crude yet effective diligence.. But it wasn't out of kindness. The Slavers that had captured Nate had been bound for this town to start with and, when the ship hadn't arrived, a search party had been sent along the river's course; Nate had been the only living merchandise they'd found and to let him die would be a waste in their words. In the following weeks, as Nate regained his strength and his amplified magic started to settle into his body, the boy paid keen attention to his captors and played the passive role expected of him.. watching, listening, and slowly hardening the sense of ruthless cunning he would use to turn his situation upside down. Polite, submissive, and quiet as he was the Slavers soon put him to work cooking and cleaning and Nate took to the tasks with enthusiasm. Weeks passed and talks of buyers started to come up given how docile Nate had seemed in his role. The idiots let their guard down and the very night before he was due to be shipped off the lad did something he'd once thought impossible of himself; Nate spiked the morning meal with a rather subtle yet potent poison he'd been steadily gathering from rat traps while cleaning. Would his father have done such a thing? Smiling and watching as other living beings ate their own deaths and praised the flavor? That little piece of Nate that wasn't... Just Nate anymore held back any guilt the humanity in him wanted to feel, calmly reminding him of his own promise to do what he had to do. Twelve men and Seven women died that night, each and every face ingrained in Nate's memory as he later took steps to bury them in shallow graves just outside their now-ghost town. There was no pride in outsmarting them... no fear of punishment in doing something so very wrong.. Just a chilling awareness that he would do it all again if he had to. Stealing what supplies and items caught his interest from the Slaver's den Nate then picked a direction on a map he'd taken from the head-man's office; The youth wandering as he pondered just where on earth he was. His captors had clearly taken him far from his homeland, the map's features were alien and the accents of his 'hosts' had been a bit off from what he was used to, and Nate found himself with another layer of trouble to sort out as he roamed along the River's edge deeper into this new land. To get home he first had to learn about where he was and who could find where he came from. Sadly with the Slavers dead he had no one to question readily at hand... So a new plan came to the lad.

                                        Gathering herbs in the forest as he traveled Nate took time to study them, working as traveling apothecary along the roads and towns while learning about his surroundings. Eventually Nate came into contact with darker clients, the boy saving a swindler's life from a botched poisoning attempted, and seeing the benefit of having such a talented alchemist on his payroll the man convinced Nate to set up shop in a town called Darkness Abounds. At first glance Nate knew exactly what sort of place the village was; His grandmother would have spit and called it a Den of Sin and yet something about the atmosphere of it seemed almost soothing to the youth. Deadly, chaotic, and yet.. Familiar. This place reflected that cold piece of himself like a mirror and Nate couldn't resist accepting the job offered to him to stay while he gathered intel on how to find his way home. Clients came naturally, all sorts of nefarious and dubious customers came through his door and for each person Nate did is best to meet their satisfaction. No personal questions beyond what he needed to do his job; Before he knew it the lad had a rather intricate network of connections and a very firm place in the town's underbelly. Funnily enough, despite how well known he is for his work amongst the darker elements of the place, his customers make it a point to protect his privacy just as much as he protects theirs and Nate finds it easy to blend into the background rather easily thanks to this. No doubt it was this protected web of his that gave Nate time to defend himself when local powers waged a battle in the town; For the first time in his life Nate used his necromancy in front of others as he called on his Lich's seed and soaked the stranger's rampant death magic from the earth to channel it into a barrier. Luck allowed him to survive the ordeal, as well as a number of the locals who lived near enough to be shielded by his magic, but far... far more people died in what Nate would later call the 'Purge'. Perhaps worse than the death toll was, at least to Nate himself, the knowledge that the effort of resisting such a powerful magic had thrust him deeper into the path of becoming a Lich. Ultimately the boy doesn't care much about what the fight was over or who won, only that it caused him trouble and almost cost him another fraction of his soul to the Lich's side forming inside him.. the only sentiment he can muster beyond vague unease at the scale of violence would be disgust at the people who caused the needless deaths of so many children in the town. Of course information spread like wildfire among the survivors and the names of those who caused the bloodshed became common knowledge and yet.. No word of the youth that saved so many people ever slipped out beyond those that witnessed the event; The townspeople Nate had saved returned the favor and kept him safely out of the limelight to avoid any backlash from those in power. Safely on the sidelines, ever hidden behind the crowd, Nate continues his work as a Alchemist and watches as the town of criminals rebuilds itself after the chaos. A part of him, the human in him, still longs to go home to the safety and warmth of his family. The stronger side of him, the pieces of his soul that had hardened and sharpened throughout his exposure to this life, can't seem to recognize any home but the village he now lives in.. Now Nate struggles between the two sentiments, balancing his priorities precariously while he focuses on surviving.

                                        In recent events Nate's life has changed drastically, he lost his mortal family due to the difference in time flows between realms and the young man had to face the reality that he'd acclimated too well to his new home to really consider leaving it. A deal with a god brought change to his Lich seed and, oddly enough, gave him new purpose in life as he took over management of the Dread Castle ruling their lands. Why? Because... Honestly? Ilea needed him. For his adoptive sister and uncle (the god he'd made a deal with) Nate serves as the Butler, Chef, House Keeper, and Guardian of the castle they call home. To the naive challengers that come seeking his Sister's bond Nate repels them viciously, testing and rejecting anyone from the grounds that he doesn't approve of often with lethal tricks and dirty methods. Ilea isn't a tool for power or a pet they can claim .. anyone that dares to approach her thinking such things will be punished in the worst methods Nate can muster




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" Speak." [i]Think[/i]. Act.



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" Speak." Think. Act.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 11, 2024 9:29 pm


Your character will be starting in darkness abounds, also in the future could you please utilize the profile template provided for future characters.  

Wolfe Garm
Vice Captain

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 11, 2024 9:35 pm
Wolfe Garm


Your character will be starting in darkness abounds, also in the future could you please utilize the profile template provided for future characters.

Ah.. This was still a WIP, converting to the template and trying to fit the guilds storyline. As soon as I'm done editing I'll let you know for review. Sorry for any confusion. sweatdrop  
PostPosted: Sun Feb 11, 2024 9:40 pm
Wolfe Garm


Your character will be starting in darkness abounds, also in the future could you please utilize the profile template provided for future characters.

Ah.. This was still a WIP, converting to the template and trying to fit the guilds storyline. As soon as I'm done editing I'll let you know for review. Sorry for any confusion. sweatdrop

what's still being worked on as both Gypsy and I see everything looking good and useable?  

Wolfe Garm
Vice Captain

Enduring Hunter

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 11, 2024 11:52 pm
Wolfe Garm
Wolfe Garm


Your character will be starting in darkness abounds, also in the future could you please utilize the profile template provided for future characters.

Ah.. This was still a WIP, converting to the template and trying to fit the guilds storyline. As soon as I'm done editing I'll let you know for review. Sorry for any confusion. sweatdrop

what's still being worked on as both Gypsy and I see everything looking good and useable?

I see, then I'll keep him as is. I'll be careful to use the provided template for any future characters.  
PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2024 5:46 pm

Work out how he got to DA and/or how he survived Ilea's tantrum (page seven of Darkness Village). If he was there, his abilities may have helped him survive that, and possibly keep some others alive as well. Of course, he would now have a very healthy respect/terror of Ilea...  

Red Gypsy

Dangerous Kitten

13,600 Points
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 13, 2024 5:50 am
[Under Construction / Idea Developing ]

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Gilderan, Ileothrandil

+||+---------BASIC INFORMATION---------+||+
Name: Ileothrandil Vuthwe Gilderan
(I-Leo-Thran-Deel) ( Vooth-Way ) ( Gil-Dear-Ann )
Nickname: Leo.
Age: Old, he knew once but due to a rather long forced hibernation Leo has lost track of the exact number of years.
Gender: Male
Race: Golden Eyed Elf

+||+-----------PERSONAL APPEARANCE--------------+||+
Appearance: Lithe in build, Leo bears the frame of a runner not a lifter. His muscles are subtle but toned, if not for the fact that he is an Elf most would assume he is more bookish than athletic.
Hair: Black, a little wavy in texture and prone to rebellious fluffing.
Eyes: A soft, luminous Gold. His glasses actually hide this feature, enchantments in the lenses making the color a pale blue to observers.
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 152 lbs

+||+----------------CHARACTER INFORMATION--------------------+||+
Magi-Medical Practice - While he specializes in human/humanoid species the Elf has taken steps to somewhat study other creatures and, if motivated properly, he can be quite helpful as a healer to a myriad of beings.

Anthropology - (Specifically of the Human species and its mutations). The scientific study of humanity ( and affiliates ), concerned with behavior, biology, cultures, societies, and linguistics, in both the present and past, including archaic homo-sapiens and their early cousins. For Leo he takes this a step deeper and, for better or worse, he has delved deeply into the research of human biology by both benevolent and slightly questionable means. As one might expect this makes him a good doctor for humans, as he is very well versed in their diseases and maladies, but it is best not to ask 'how' he has learned this information as it can be a little... concerning... for them.

Singing - With or without his natural magic Leo is a true child of his lineage and his voice is quite soothing to those that hear it. His range typically falls in the Tenor category and when melded with his magic he resonates the soundwaves of his voice with crystals to amplify latent magics in them. Unlike most of his kind Leo is a bit more reserved in who he sings for and when; It isn't that the male is shy so much as.. true to his personality.. he is simply reserved in who he expresses himself openly to.


Kinetomancy - The generation of magic via soundwaves, born either through rhythmic instruments or vocal chords. While technically Leo can 'drum' on surfaces for short bursts of raw magic these actions are untrained and quite pathetic compared to someone actually trained to use instruments. Leo's true skill lies in utilizing his own body as a instrument, from hums to whistles and laughter to cries of rage this Elf has to constantly keep himself in check lest his lack of control result in carless word or growl. This magic is largely why the male is so composed most of the time, ever cautious his magic will run wild with his emotions, and because of this tight leash he keeps on himself few people realize the depths of his emotions until he sings for them. This magic, given life by his voice, is relatively neutral in aspect and typically reacts to the surrounding elements to 'manipulate' the world around him as he imagines what he wants to happen. Wind blades? Fire? The possibilities are limited to his stamina to sing and his ability to stay focused.

Geomancy - Perhaps in a less direct manner than it sounds Leo can use his voice to resonate with crystals to release their innate magical properties. Normally he uses this for his practice as a healer, collecting stones and gems that promote healing and wellbeing, and yet just as easily he can trigger painful waves of elemental backlash at anyone that wonders too close to one of his less-friendly stones. In a pinch he'll actually throw these crystals like little grenades, whistling sharply to set them off and give himself time to escape. There are certain crystals, like his ring, that actually form barriers when he hums to them though the range is quite limited unless he has a circle of them set up... It isn't a perfect solution as he is trapped in place until he loses his voice or the need for the barrier wanes. The crystals that make up his glasses lenses are another odd use of this skill; While their imbued enchantment changes the eye color of anyone that wears them he actually channels his humming voice into them to make them magnifying glasses... This is why, when performing surgery or studying something, he'll sing or hum to himself under his breath more often than not.


Disconnection - Imagine outliving not just your loved ones but a number of other species entirely? Imagine waking up after what felt like a single night to find out your dearest friends had aged twenty years ( which is a big deal for them!) ? Leo is a child of immortality yet he is drawn to mortal creatures like a moth to the flame, his love for humans in particular ingrained his very soul thus trapping him in a cycle of joy and loss. Over the years this has worn down his once-jovial spirit and tempered his romantic heart until just the jaded, mater-of-fact personality of his remains. It is wildly hard for Leo to build bonds with others simply because so many have been broken before now, either by loss or by betrayal, and regardless of the fact that he can't help but care about mortals it is now almost impossible for him to show it without sincere effort on his part. Leo often finds himself feeling so lonely he has considered self-suspended hibernation just to ease the chill of the world and yet he can't bear the idea of missing out on how mortals will evolve and grow either.

Vibrations - Stronger or louder sound waves can overturn his magic and weaken its effects. If he can match the pitch of the new soundwaves he 'can' turn the noise with his own music but this puts a lot of physical strain on his body and if pushed for too long Leo will lose his voice. The longer he has to sing, the longer it takes for his throat to heal.. This is partly why he relies so heavily on crystals rather than directly wielding his voice as a weapon, unlike others of his kin he can't weave charms into his songs or illusions to befuddle his foes so he has to rely on directive tools ( in his case, crystals ) to shape his magic.

His Emotions - Leo is ultimately his own greatest enemy and he knows it. No matter how rational or cautious he tries to be... if someone or something manages to p***k his conscience he can't resist trying to help even if he knows it will hurt him to do so down the line. It is terrible to admit but even at his age the male can be quite gullible if tricked in a manner he isn't used to; His first human mate actually convinced him that kissing meant marriage to humans and they were together for almost twenty years before he finally realized he'd been lied to.

+||+---------------------------CHARACTER LOADOUT-----------------------------------+||+


Crystals - Each stone is unique and when resonated with his voice he can produce a number of elemental effects, though of course these are typically quite small reactions compared to actual mages trained in arcane spellworks. Most of his stones can be reused if he gives them time to recharge but, like any power source, if he pushes them past their limits they will shatter.


Spellweave - His robes, though deceptively modern in style, are woven from fabrics born of the Elven lands and likewise they are rather durable despite how soft they seem. Magic is less effective against the cloth, not entirely repelled but at least mitigated a bit. Physical attacks, especially blunt force, are still fairly effective.

Spectacles - As noted above Leo wears a unique pair of glasses that have two innate perks; The enchantment that changes his eye color with illusion magics (which cost him a very pretty penny), and the latent magic he can activate with his voice to magnify images through them. The higher his humming voice, the greater the magnification.

His Ring - A polished stone of Aquamarine will almost always rest on his finger and though certainly sentimental, it was a wedding ring after all, it has now found more use as a magic barrier item that activates with his singing. The barrier is born in short bursts so he has to time the activation carefully to deflect attacks and the coverage is only about a foot in diameter around the stone's face so he really does have to treat the barrier like a Buckler shield of sorts.

Three Silken Pouches - Each filled with certain types of crystals. One, the silver pouch, has his healing stones. The Black pouch contains his 'utility' stones such as voice recorders, barrier stones, memory stones, and so on. The Golden pouch contains his 'weapon' crystals, those charged with latent elemental energies that can be used for self defense or otherwise tricky situations.



Leo is a independent, studious, responsible, and very insightful man when it comes to those around himself. He doesn't ask if he can do something before he acts and he certainly doesn't consider himself bound by anyone else's expectations and yet, at the same time, he isn't one to really challenge others openly if he doesn't think they can have a beneficial debate on the conversation. Leo is more the type of man to casually slip away rather than stay in the spotlight and, if pushed to be social, he'll brood through the event unless someone strikes up a topic he finds interesting and then it is a real battle to shut him up. In his mind anyone that can take his temperamental, stiff, and dryly sarcastic personality and still act comfortable in his presence is more than welcome to stay by his side and honestly he is quite sincere with people that take the time to get to know him. While it can be hard to work with him due to his reclusive and admittedly unsocial personality the man values teamwork a great deal and he actively considers the input of those dear to him, if he ultimately adheres to their opinions or not he still values their insights and enjoys learning about the views of others. The funny thing is his eccentric and obstinate behavior is actually justified, the man having the wit and will to move mountains when he puts his mind to it and his attitude.. though admittedly a bit cold in his reclusive lifestyle.. have thus far kept him on good terms with his peers if only because he has a sincere respect for people that work hard and he makes his own effort to adhere to a good work ethic. Curiosity is, in his opinion, the greatest motivator in living things and the drive to learn is how they come to better understand the world that they live in together. Few people realize the raw amount of natural awe and admiration Leo has for the world, both the natural facets in nature and the artificial advancements made by sentient beings fascinate him and he is very diligent in studying what he can about both subjects. This admiration for life has led him to the work of medical care; Leo takes his job as a Doctor seriously and he has continuously researched a multitude of sentient beings to better his care and understanding of their individual species. In romance the man can be a bit hot and cold depending on what his partners want from him; For casual lovers he is playful but openly distant with them, for serious relationships he is protective and supportive of his chosen companions with a bottomless reservoir of affection even if he readily argues or debates with them on important topics. Love is compromise and respect in his mind, not obedience and over-dependency.

Needless to say he is just about always giving off a feisty vibe, diligent in his work and patient/observant enough to gage situations accurately to make a rational decision in response. He doesn't answer to people he feels no bond with and controlling him can be.. difficult. If this man cares for someone it would be very unwise to harm them. He'll take it personally and he is patient and clever enough to make the revenge hurt a long, long time until his foe understands the weight of their mistakes. If someone unworthy tries to demand his obedience or attention he'll ignore them; If the issue is pushed Leo has no qualms about verbally putting the nuisance back in their place in a calm yet firm manner. Gender doesn't matter much in his mind be it from matters of natural capabilities to professional interactions and, in conflicts or tight spots, if people can't show respect and dedication to their work they get equal treatment in his reprimands. Likewise, he disapproves of and will not tolerate unfair treatment towards himself or others. A true scholar by nature Leo's passion and emotions can be as turbulent as a hurricane or as gentle as waves lapping at the shore; Once a subject interests him he will study it obsessively to the extent of even risking his own safety to do so.
But if this man actually wants to do something? A person would have better luck stopping a tsunami than thwarting his plans due to both his intense force of will and his adaptable/open minded approach to obstacles. If there was one thing Leo actually hates in this world it is the lack of accountability of others, those that wave off any sort of hard work or difficult tasks in favor of indulging self pity and stagnation. In the words of his father he firmly believes that " you cannot help someone that will not try to help themselves, if they won't give the effort then why should you waste yours on them?" It may seem callus but he will actively ignore the self destructive behaviors of others if Leo considers it unharmful to the more productive (thus worth-while) people around them. If he has no choice but to deal with such people the man does not hide his displeasure, neither avoiding nor encouraging confrontation with them if it means wrapping up the conversation and getting on with whatever purpose the interaction served. While Leo is fully aware that he isn't a warrior by heart or nature he doesn't shy away from conflict especially if it is verbal; He disapproves of people resorting to pointless physical conflicts and will not try to hide his disgust at those unable or unwilling to resolve their issues in a 'civilized' manner. This quirk of his only adds to his 'haughty' reputation and as one might guess he's been beaten up a fair few times for his attitude but true to his nature Leo doesn't cave in to bullying in this manner.. He just bides his time and gets revenge in the quietest, most efficient manner to really hit his foes where it hurts.

This is your backstory, Be very Detailed about this, the more you put here the better we’ll be able to understand your character.  
PostPosted: Sat Sep 07, 2024 11:57 pm
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Williams, Theodore

+||+---------BASIC INFORMATION---------+||+
Name: Theodore Avery Williams
Nickname: Theo
Work Alias: Mercury
Hunter's Sect: Dawn
Hunter's Rank: Blade
Age: 19
Gender: MALE. I will bite you.
Race: Human

+||+-----------PERSONAL APPEARANCE--------------+||+
Appearance: Slender, people easily mistake him to be a girl and... it doesn't end well.
Hair: Silver
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 130 lbs

+||+----------------CHARACTER INFORMATION--------------------+||+


- Scoundrel: Theo is a bit of a mischief maker and he is proficient in a few questionable skills honed over his young life. Slight of hand, pick-pocketing, lock picking, swindling.... He doesn't do it unless he has to now of course but once it was how he made a living.

- Escape Artist: Either through parkour, stealthy crawls through airducts, hiding in odd places, or just flat running like there is no tomorrow Theo is pretty damn skilled at getting out of or away from things he doesn't want to deal with. Tying him up doesn't really help as the little bugger is quite good at working out knots or lock picking his way out of shackles and trapping him in a room only works if he can't lockpick the door or find a nook, window, or airduct to slink out of. Typically he'll find a way to trick someone into opening the door so he can bolt out or, if truly trapped, he go out of his way to be as annoying as humanly possible to spite his captors until they make a mistake and he can slip away in the resulting chaos.

- Auto Mechanic: From Steam power to Technomancy devices Theo is oddly gifted in building/repairing machines.. Namely, a type of Motorcyle called Arcycles that run on magic energy rather than biofuels. These machines are still a proto-type of his and they do have many flaws, namely being so reliant upon their rider's magical energy, but the boy is determined to pan out a functioning design. Partly due to his love of adrenaline, but mostly due to his own inquisitive nature, he desperately wants to install Arcycle races in the city's entertainment proper but.... well, that will take time and A LOT of begging so for now he is content to perfect his machines and test them himself. Given time and study he can fix and even replicate other technologies but as with anything it is a trial and error method before he really gets the knowledge down.


- Magic: Specifically, Wind-Aspect Healing. That's right.. Theo was born with a very strong innate gift for Recover and Purification and, wouldn't you know it, his magic is born of the wind element so he is quite compatible with recharging most other Mages and their mana pools without conflicting with their own elemental affinities. Some suspect that it is his affinity for the Wind aspect that makes the boy so difficult to hold down, and why he craves going fast on his strange machines, but there is no denying the boy was blessed with the strength of his gift. At least... other people think so. Because of his magic Theo was taken in by the Hunters at a very early age, found on the streets of a outlying city beyond Eden's borders, and he has been an absolute handful since the day they brought him home.

Known Spell - Regen: This is a soft wind he casts upon his comrades, healing them steadily over time as they move, but he has to stay within a certain distance to maintain the spell.

Known Spell - Sanctuary: The lad has an area of effect heal, more or less creating a dome of healing energy that will effect anyone or anything that enters the area be they friend or foe.

Known Spell - Bind: Unlike how it sounds Bind is actually a helpful spell Theo has invented himself; Using Wind magic to cast an 'ethereal rope' between himself and other Mages to link their mana pools together as long as they are somewhat close to each other. For friendly targets this is a invaluable boost of energy, to foes it can be very vexing because being the little brat that he is Theo can interrupt or alter their mana flow whimsically and thwart their spellcasting. Downside to this is... He is just as vulnerable to those he links with and he hasn't found a good defense against hostile targets yet.


- Magic Limitations: For a few reasons his Magic can be just as much of a hinderance as a boon and sadly despite being so very gifted with an abundance of Wind aspect magic Theo can't actually use it for anything but support-type spells. Offensive spells just don't work for him, typically erupting into a chaotic blast rather than any coherent shape or form. Defensive spells? Don't make him laugh.. The boy can't hold still long enough to practice any protective measures and his attention span is far too short to maintain them.

- Combat: Theo isn't that good at combat yet but he can at least keep himself from dying in a pinch, either through evasion or dirty tricks. Still if it is obvious he is about to get attacked the boy will do as he was taught and flat run, knowing he has better odds of survival escaping than he does in physical confrontations.

- Adrenaline Junkie: Theo is a little addicted to high risk behavior, namely racing but he has been known to take risky jumps while learning to parkour and even though he sucks at fighting he still tries to when he can. High stakes dares, bets, challenges, or competitions thrill him and he can get carried away...

- His Youth: Poor impulse control, a gullible nature, a short attention span, and a temperamental humor rule this boy's mind with equal measures of mirth and chaos. It is a 50/50 if his reactions will fall on 'fight' or 'flight' and just as quickly as he pops up the boy will vanish again like a fickle breeze so it is hard for people to keep him wrangled.

- Mortality: Mage or not, Healer or not, Theo is mortal and just as squishy as most of his kind. Maybe... a little more so, given his slight frame. Gods help whomever points that out though because he'll fight them for it even if he loses in the end.

Theme Song:
- In Spirit: Skillet - Undefeated

In Life AJR - Weak

In Love: The Fray - Love Don't Die
+||+---------------------------CHARACTER LOADOUT-----------------------------------+||+

Weapons: A slender set of silver knuckles he keeps in his pockets.

Armor: A leather jacket and steel toed boots, nothing wildly helpful in a fight but hey.. Something is better than nothing.

Equipment: A lockpicking set, which was a gift from his Mentor, that he keeps in his left shoe. There is a hollow compartment under the heel of his boot to house the item discreetly which was also another tip his Mentor gave him.. She scares him a little sometimes. Other than that he keeps some spare money in his right pocket and his Runetab ( Think 'key fob' ) for his Arcycle in his left pocket. At any given time the boy will have a number of jewelry pieces on his person, ranging from earrings and necklaces to bracelets and rings, and while he really does just gather these things because he likes shiny objects they also serve the purpose of 'bribes' to anyone he wants information from on the sly. Pure metals fetch a decent price... and a silly little ring can buy quite the dirty rumors when placed in the right hands.

Miscellaneous: Theo's personal Arcycle is named 'Betty' and he is very protective of the machine. It is fair warning that Theo idolizes his Mentor Jack a little too much, picking up many of her bad habits along with the skills he'll need to be a good Hunter one day.


Brave, kind, rebellious when he must be, and quite rambunctious despite his delicate appearance. With a flare for dramatics when he wants attention, typically to distract people from something else going on mind you, the boy can put on quite the show for onlookers and even work crowds to elicit a desired response from them.. Depending on what he is up to and what purpose his showmanship is serving. Theo is cheeky, playful, air headed at times, and fond of exploration regardless of the danger it exposes him to simply because he trusts himself to handle whatever happens... though it isn't uncommon for him to bite off more than he can chew and his Mentor Jack has to bail him out of trouble. Certainly he doesn't mind seeming like a fool to others, clumsy with a jovial nature, but he is more studious than he looks and despite his physical age his mind is much more mature than most in his peer group due to his background. Given his personal history the male has never been one to need the permission of others to do what he thinks is right, he prefers to be underestimated and dismissed so that he has the freedom to do as he likes in the background of events and as counter intuitive as it sounds this is largely why he'll go out of his way to make scenes or act rowdy. People typically dismiss and ignore those they deem as 'loud idiots' and Theo can play that part pretty well. Though, if asked directly, he will speak his mind honestly Theo makes it a point to not judge others if he can help it especially if he doesn't know their entire situation; Instead he questions the other person's motives and tries to help them reach a conclusion that is best for them without harming anyone in the process.. It is their path and only they can pay the price of their actions, yes, but he still wants to think the world is 'good' so he does his best to do good things when he can.. even if the form his efforts take are a bit unconventional or mischievous.

Though he has tried hard over the years to appear more masculine or 'manly' his physical form is quite 'pretty' by most standards and Theo's temper will absolutely flare up if this is pointed out or teased. Once he actually bit his instructor for calling him 'pretty boy'... the smackdown he got for doing it was worth it though and he never apologized. It is wise to remember Theo is a young but already a bit of a hedonist, easily seduced by temptations and still raw in the ways of 'adult' manipulation, and he can be distracted rather quickly by them as he can be quite gullible about things he isn't familiar with. He is also rather daring and stubborn, Theo doesn't just try something once and move on he rams his head against challenges until he finds a way to succeed in his goals and this tenacious and adaptive spirit has been the absolute bane of many of his instructors over the years. Despite his lively/youthful behavior his life experiences so far have weathered him a little and the male has become familiar with the bitter grief of loss and strife in living beyond those he cares for; on some level he fears losing those precious to him so he will cling a little more than necessary to those he likes if he senses them being pulled away from him in some way. Due to this it is hard for him to relate to others his age, especially those sheltered from the harsher realities of life, and he can seem a little temperamental or overwhelming when around such people simply because he is self motivated and high energy... Typically directing his attention towards pranks or schemes much to the amusement and resignation of those around him. Theo loves to be praised and he can be a little arrogant if his ego is stroked too much, falling right back into his 'biting off more than he can chew' habit rather easily if he isn't careful. This lad is a wild tangle of good will and flawed judgement, often doing bad things for good reasons and getting scolded for it, but no one can deny that ultimately at his core Theo is a 'good person' doing his best the only way he knows how. His jokes, pranks, and antics are certainly a lot to handle but.. Under all the chaotic playful energy? When it really comes down to it Theo has what it takes to buckle down and get his work done. The boy doesn't really have strong feelings one way or the other when it comes to 'Freaks' but he does understand that his people consider them to be 'bad'. Having never been on a real Hunt before the youth doesn't quite know what to expect but he does remember his time in captivity as a youth both with the Outlaws and the Fae.. and he knows how harsh life can be outside of their protective bubble of a City.


The start of Theo's life is pretty bland, the boy just another orphan on a dirty city street, but unlike the rest of the urchins he somehow caught the eye of someone rather wealthy and he was picked up like a stray cat. Before anyone starts thinking this is another version of Anne, no. There was no kind father figure waiting for the child, no pseudo mother that cared for him, or even a pet that loved him unconditionally. Theo doesn't even remember the man's face.. but then, that might be a intentional manipulation from the man's Mage escort at the time. You see.. Theo was picked up by non other than one of the Elder Councilors and it was that man's will that brought the child into the Hunter's fold smoothly. Why? The man's Mage had noticed Theo's raw wind magic and they decided it would be a waste not to take him. Life in the Hunter's HQ wasn't bad by any means and yet, feeling trapped in a life he didn't pick as any moody teenager would, the boy made his first escape when he was just a kid. Theo was smarter than the adults gave him credit for and he actually made it out of the city as he'd planned... but then things fell apart quickly. His hiding place, a dank old crate he'd emptied of vegetables, was hijacked by thieves on the way to the next town over and little Theo ended up much further away than he'd meant to go. By the time the Bandits realized they'd stolen a kid as well as the cargo they were too far from the city to kick him off the wagon so... they just kept him. The boy's temperamental personality amused them and regardless of how many times he bit, scratched, or ran away they would just pick him up again and carry on with their illegal behaviors. This is where Theo learned a number of questionable skills that he still plies from time to time to this day but as with anything when it came to outlaws this lifestyle didn't last long. Apparently during their roaming and pillaging the band pissed off a local Fae Lady and, trying to appease her wrath, the group offered Theo up as a tribute to apologize. It would be a lie to say Theo wasn't a pretty kid with lush silver hair and bright blue eyes, he was constantly teased by the Bandits that he looked like a girl after all, and it wasn't a shock when the Lady agreed to the trade looking quite smitten with her new life-sized doll. Getting left behind hurt more than Theo thought it would... Watching the ruffians he'd grown attached to walk away made him realize that no matter how bad he'd been with the Hunters they had never abandoned him like this and it made him want to go home even more so than he had desired before. Sadly the Lady Fae didn't have any such intentions of letting him go and for the next year or so she kept him like a pet cat; No matter how badly he behaved or how often he tried to escape she would just laugh off his antics and send him to his corner to 'reflect' on his actions. It wasn't until another Human came to the estate that things finally changed for Theo, that was the day he met his future Mentor Jack. Though certainly scary at first the boy was used to hardened personalities from his life in the Hunter's hold and swiftly, seeking comfort, he latched himself onto the woman's hip right up until the day she told him to run and not look back. On that day Jack had smelled like blood and.. Theo knew she meant it when she said he had to go. Thankfully getting out of the estate was easy thanks to the woman's planning and once he reached the edge of the Fae's territory he was picked up by a pair of Hunters that had been looking for him while he was missing.

Even with the scolding he got when they returned him home... Theo didn't hesitate to hug the angry caretaker that was scolding him as he broke into tears of relief. He'd made it home.. and he never wanted to leave again. The next few years showed a distinct change in his behavior, the once stand offish child actually trying to learn and even help with the work around the HQ grounds, so when eventually rumors started to circulate about a golden-haired Solo Hunter out in the wilds no one really expected Theo to go missing again so suddenly. The boy returned promptly two days later with the rumored Huntress in tow; Firmly getting slapped on the back of his head for his antics even as he begged his caretakers to give his savior a home. Surprisingly the woman was welcomed readily and even blew through the training ranks faster than.. That same woman is now Theo's Mentor due in no small part to his insistent begging and pleading until she gave in and agreed. It has been... a challenging year with her for him so far but the boy isn't about to give up now.


Raised by Bandits until he was 9--
Life, Human or otherwise, isn't always easy or kind. To those born in the outlands, a swath of territory between the Human homeland and the rest of the European continent, the harsh reality of survival is a daily struggle and lawlessness reigns. Small communities do exist, people of many races banding together for safety, but sadly just as many individuals group up to cause chaos and violence in the lawless space they call home. Theo isn't sure which background his late parents came from, his earliest memories were of other children like himself roaming the Bandit's camp looking for scraps and the only adults that remotely seemed to care for them were the elderly members of the Band. None of them had names, none knew where they came from, and if anyone got sick or hurt they were typically left behind when the group moved on from place to place. In this environment the children that did survive became self reliant and motivated to work; Every single one of them knew no one was going to help them so they learned to help themselves. This lifestyle was 'normal' and yet Theo himself struggled to adhere to this mentality for most of his young life, either due to his affinity for healing magic or some innate softness in his temperament the boy stuck closely to his peers both to protect and care for them. The elders in their Bandit Group mocked and often antagonized the kids for this, viewing it as weakness, and sure enough over the years Theo's group was slowly eaten away by their surroundings. Some children were sold away, the others helpless to stop it, some simply passed from illness which the young ones didn't know how to treat... And eventually only four of the children remained. Boot, a lycanthrope child that got his name from the fact he learned to make clothes to stay useful, was the oldest and the 'Protector' of their rag tag band. Boot initially taught all of his siblings how to build machines to ensure they would be ' useful ' but only Theo really took to the subject and the pair bonded over shared projects. Prin, short for Princess as the elders mocked her with for her unusually gentle attitude for a Shifter, was more or less the big sister of the group and she kept everyone fed to the best of her ability. Midge, short for Midget due to the unkind taunting about her height, was a lovely child of the Dwarves that seemed perpetually undaunted by their situation and proved valuable for her abilities in Earth magic. Zeks, Theo's name at the time, was the youngest of their merry band and as his given name suggests the boy's skill set was a bit less noble than his pseudo siblings... The adults called him the term for human 'money' because the lad was exceptionally good at getting valuable items or coins either through guile or stealth. Theo was the kid the wandering Bandits sent into camps to scout potential targets; The better he did at his tasks the better his siblings were treated so the boy did the best he could to lie, cheat, steal, and infiltrate as he was told to do. By the time that Zeks (Theo) turned 9 years old (or there abouts, none of them really knew exact birthdays) his eldest brother Boot had died in a raid and Midge, his sister, was sold off for her magic skills... Until Prin and Theo himself found their dates likewise changed by the cruel choices of adults.

Sold to the Fae until he was 13/freed by his later mentor---

One bad choice can make or break a group and the adults of their Bandit party learned that their arrogance would be their downfall as they risked venturing farther away from the Human territory and deeper into the wilds. They attacked a Fae village and, before they knew it, the Lady of the territory had the entire group rounded up on her pristine ballroom floor the very next night. The adults of course apologized, they pleaded for mercy and swore loyalty, but Prin and Theo kept silent as they waited for the end everyone knew was coming. The end did come... For everyone except Theo. The boy was lifted by the scruff of his neck as Prin finally broke her silence, her fingers unintentionally scratching Theo's arm as she begged for the warrior to spare her little brother, but the poor girl really didn't understand what was happening and before either of the children could process it a barrier fell between those still on the floor and those Fae surrounding them with a squirming Theo in their grasp. It was painful to watch as everyone he'd known, liked or otherwise, withered to the floor under the Fae's magic. Prin barely 15 at that point, seemed to understand.. She sat with the grace that came so naturally to her as the life drained away from her small frame. At the end Theo wept large silent tears, his nails biting into his captor's arm so hard that it made the man bleed, and in the following years of servitude to the Fae the boy wouldn't speak another word.

Found by his adoptive father, though his memory of the man has been purposefully tampered with to protect the Elder Councilor's identity, and pushed into the Hunter's organization for training---
Refines his interest in mechanical studies --
Finds and recruits his savior, Jack, and absolutely begs until she caves in and agrees to train him.. more out of a hero-worship for Jack than any real desire to Hunt non-humans---

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