The Stormborn were not a fit for her, but there was no denying the iron in their blood, as they had claimed. Iron, fire, gods and goddesses. In the end, it was all the same, and even size was no match for determination, she'd realized. It had been a long, tiring journey but a lesson well learned at least. Sadly enough, it also meant that the sands she'd called home for so long... were no longer quite a fit either anymore, and this was fine. Kenna was fine with this; the Kin of Fire had found their way and she need not babysit them. They were admittedly doing just fine on their own, and if the gossip in the wind had been correct... her father didn't much care anymore anyways, given he'd taken off to the Pridelands of all places.
How odd. Had anyone asked Kenna where her father would have retired off to... the Pridelands would not have been a top contender on her list of choices but C'est la vie she figure. As things stood, she had little more to do in the Desert other than seek her old mate, and her children out. She'd been gone far longer than she'd expected, and they deserved both an apology and an explanation, aside from a proper invitation.
Having stumbled upon Azula and her posse on her way back had both made things a bit more difficult and a touch simpler. Difficult because, well, the proper greeting between both long, lost sisters had involved a vicious battle, of which she bore several stinking scars proudly. Scars that were being a downright b***h, if Kenna was entirely honest, given the way the eternally hot sand dug painfully into the cuts on her paws. Easier because Lu-Ten had been in possession of a Falcon she'd been able to send into her former pride with a message for her children to seek her out by scent. Jiryan... she'd seek him out herself, wishing some alone time with him before the young 'ns found them.
As such, Kenna prowled the surrounding territory, her head lifted as her nostrils flared, the air going in and out as she scented the wind in search for a smell she had not forgotten during her trip to the ocean. None of the males there had compared anyways, because at the end of the day, Kenna wasn't looking for a male that could beat her in battle, but one that could keep up intellectually and make her laugh. It was strange how important that later notion had become, specially during her trying time on probation.
The wind changed, and suddenly the red lioness' head swerved right, her claws extending to grip the sand better as she trotted over a certain dune, "I was hoping to find you away from the main pride. Wasn't sure I'd manage though."