Maybe she had been in the Stormborn lands too long.

When she was younger, Gwen remembered getting sick, and having the love and care of her parents nearby to help. Now, she had no one. She could go back to the Myrsky Syntynyt but what would be the point? Nothing really held her there.

The conditions in the rogue lands were much drier, unlike the wet of the Storm born. Gwen founded herself getting sick again, something that seemed quite rare for a god to do. However, it came much to quickly, as she was in her falcon form crash landing in some pride territory, her bird form shifting to her goddess form, as she groaned. Not a few moments passed, where a team of what seemed to be healers had instantly taken over treatment. Gwen's condition had worsened over the days, it didn't matter if there was a god had entered unknown territory. What only matter was she would get better. The healers would have their work cut out for them as she fought a battle she never wanted to fight--- for her life.

At first, Gwen found herself drinking a sweet nectar like drink. She could not quite put the taste to it, but it had a hint of some kind of flower in it she had smelled in the past. It made her sleepy. She murmured quietly, as her eyes fluttered to stay open. "Momm." she sighed, not realizing her calling out to a form she hadn't seen in ages. She let her eyelids close. Dreams began to plague her mind, something she always welcomed.

”Tell me the story! One of wonder! Please!" The young Gwen shouted. It was one of her earliest memories. She loved hearing stories. Currently, they were in the Haven, surrounded by the soft snow. She felt warm, snuggled up against her sitter with a purr.

"What kind of story." The nanny asked. "You say wonder, but what are you really looking for?"

"Something that I can look forward to in the future!"

The adult frowned, thinking.

" about we tell the story about the little lion that..."

Gwen shifted in her sleep, she could feel others around her, although when she tried to open her eyes she felt heaviness to them. The sighed, falling back into another slumber.

It was hard to say goodbye to her family, but it was time to go. After all, one couldn't stay in the nest forever, right? She bid farewell to her parents, her siblings, and was off. The Haven had just grown too boring for the young Fidelity. She first started at a trot, her energy fueling her speed until she was at a full head spring. She leaped into the air, her body twisting and turning until wings spread, and she took flight.

Down the mountain she glided. Deciding she would not look back. She would never look back.

When she finally entered the land of the living, Gwen hovered before landing on the ground. She was such a small avian, it matched her adolescent form. She shifted, gauntlets falling into place as she glanced towards the mountain peak. "Goodbye," she whispered, trotting the base of the mountain before jumping in the air, taking flight once again. So, this was what it was like to fly? A goddess could get use to that feeling!

The dream was fading, Gwen could tell. She shifted in her sleep, muttering more words. "Good bye," she said quietly. A smirk happened to appear on her maw, causing questionable looks from the healers around. They seemed to shrug, ignoring the goddess as they continued to work. It was probably just the fever talking. They were not out of the woods just yet.

"Do you know what this is?" A voice asked.

Adolescent Gwen shook her head, watching the lion before her.

"This plant, can quickly hinder a lion useless if they aren't careful. It's a good thing I was here, or else you would probably be writing on the ground in pain, wishing for death to occur."

"But what is it?" Gwen asked. Wow, mortal things were so dangerous.

"It has no name. It is merely a warning to those in these parts to ignore. I see you are new around here." The lion didn't question the look or armor the other wore. Instead, he seemed to just be more observant on the deathly plant."Learn it quickly, and you won't be killed."

Gwen nodded. Mortals were such funny creatures sometimes. Maybe the male didn't realize what she was, but a lot of times what hindered the mortal being, had no effect of the deity. "I will learn it. Thank you. Are there any others I should be worried about around these parts?"

The lion seemed to smirk. "Oh my dear, I thought you would never asked."

Gwen's mind was a whirlwind as she learned about the medical lore of the mortal realm. She had so much information, she felt as if her head would pop.

Gwen awoke abruptly. She was in a small cave, two lionesses nearby carrying a warm smile. Besides them, the plant the crazy male had told her about sat, what appeared to be half eaten (or maybe half carved?)

"What...what is that?" Gwen said quietly, her voice dry and cracked. One of the females glanced at the plant on the ground.

"Zagariro." She stated. "It helped with your fever."

Gwen nodded. So the old coot was wrong. "I...was always told it was bad for you." She smiled, closing her eyes. Quickly they reopened when she remembered what form she was in.

"Easy. You are safe in your true form. We saw you crash, we saw you morph. There is no hiding your secret here." The lioness said. "It is safe within these pride borders. Calm yourself, and rest. You still have a lot of recouping to do."

The Goddess of Fidelity nodded. There was no use fighting the words. With a small sigh, she closed her eyes, allowing her dreams of memories to take her away.

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