Included are:
Penjaga, Suspiro, Hewa, Boneka, and Baik'hati

In all honestly, the two temporary assistants weren’t as useless as Boneka had thought. Of course, all the had done so far was carry the broken puppets and assisted in looking for a place to stay. They had found a network of dens that were for rent and, after handing over the scandalous price of six pristine gems, Boneka found herself peeking into the den… before cursing under her breath. She should hang the owner out to dry, charging this much for such a small den. She couldn’t even straighten up fully! And there was no light, barely any room for two, nonetheless three (though Baik’hati seemed to count as two just by himself). It was an absolute waste of a trade.

Boneka half contemplated leaving the den and demanding a refund when a voice asked uncertainly ”Hewa?” Ducking back out of the atrociously small den, she saw two blue males walk over to them, seemingly related. They knew the brat?

”Penjaga,” the youth gasped, eyes wide. ”What are you doing here? I thought you were in Bahari’mtoto? What are you doing here?” she asked curiously, head tilted. The pale lioness hesitated, sending questioning glances to the other blue male.

Penjaga followed her gaze, before realizing what she had been so curious about. ”Oh. This is my father, Suspiro Suau,” he introduced formally. He waited for a beat and Boneka realized what he had been waiting for.

”Boneka, of the Nchi’mahadhi,” she introduced. What a stickler for formalities. It almost brought a wry smile to her maw. When the large lion settled next to her continued to fidget and look away from the new lions, Boneka nudged him.

Baik’hati acted like she picked him up and flung him. He scrambled back several feet, passed the den entrance and knocking over the clay pots just outside the neighboring den. Boneka winced and she saw she hadn’t been the only one.

Baik’s heart felt ready to jump out of his throat. He hadn’t expected even more lions. He had been able to calm minutely down around the two females, though the younger of the two still made him want to tuck tail. And when the two male lions approached, all he wanted to do was to duck into the tiny den and hide. He had been contemplating it, too, when something jarred him out of his thoughts. Due to his already high anxiety of the situation, Baik may have… overreacted just a tad. Staring in horror at the pots now laying on their sides, his ears flittered around. He heard a sigh behind him but he was too worried about righting the things. Fortunately, they were empty, though one now had a crack running down it’s side. He should apologize. He really should. But… what if the owner was big?

Boneka shook her head and Hewa let out a huff as the large lion seemed to work himself up into oblivion. So Hewa decided to take over. ”That coward is Baik’hati or something like that,” Hewa said with a roll of her eyes. She couldn’t wait to ditch these two. Once she repaid her debt, however.

Suspiro looked mildly concern at Baik. What a large lion. Larger than him, an entire head larger. He was like a small elephant. Big but easily startled. Poor thing, he wondered why. Deciding to include himself in the conversation, he asked ”What brings you all here?”

Hewa passed Suspiro an annoyed glance and Penjaga almost smiled. Almost. The temper on the little thing was too much and it was obvious that she wasn’t happy that Penjaga hadn’t answered her question yet. The distraction that Baik provided, followed by his father’s general attention span, had everyone but she and Penjaga forgetting there even was a question.

”I came for medical research. Herbs,” he said, with the slightest of frowns. He had just recovered from the iboga he had. Sure, it had relaxing properties, but the hallucinations beforehand from such a small amount… Penjaga wasn’t sure if it was well worth it. Maybe if it had a pain relief quality and the patient was restrained…

Suspiro outright laughed, though. At the questioning looks from the females, he explained. Much to Penjaga’s dismay. At the end of the explanation about the ‘herb’ Penjaga recently tested, Hewa was outright laughing in his face, with Boneka barely hiding a smile. Even Baik had looked over curiously, after profusely apologizing to the hare that came out of the den who owned the pots.

”It wasn’t that funny, Hewa,” Penjaga pointed out flatly. She smirked at him.

”Well I, for one, just wanted to travel,” Hewa said. She liked traveling. She always knew the direction home laid but she just couldn’t keep her feet from moving. Her smirk vanished at the appraising look from Boneka. ”What about you?” she snapped. ”I don’t see a reason to be lugging around a bunch of dolls.”

”I am a diplomat for the Nchi’mahadhi,” Boneka responded coolly. ”And I was heading towards a territory where potential trades could be established. The puppets are simply an example of the trades the Nchi’mahadhi could provide.” She nearly smiled at the younger female’s gaping.

She was a diplomat? No wonder she was so hooty tooty. Hewa sneered for a moment, which only grew at the sight of Baik’s slack jaw. Did the idiot really have to look that impressed? ”What about you, coward?” she prodded in a snap.

Baik jumped, looking harried, before ducking his head. Was he… embarrassed? Suspiro blinked. The mouse like personality really was weird to see in an enormous lion. Baik hesitated before speaking. ”I… I um… I got s-separated from Ume… and was looking for her. I-I get lost easily,” he whispered, almost too low for Suspiro, who was the furthest, to hear.

Hewa stared at him. Hard. As did Boneka. Finally, the tempered lioness sighed loudly. ”Useless,” she mumbled. Penjaga noted the look of sympathy on the stern older lioness and wondered about it. The large lion was a grown adult, he could handle himself. Not a cub who needed to be returned back to their mother.

After a moment’s pause, Boneka turned her attention to Suspiro and raised a brow. And just waited. Hewa smirked, glad to see that tactic used on someone else.

Suspiro seemed to realize what was expected after a few beats and nearly flushed under his fur. ”Oh I,um… followed my mate here. She had something important to do,” he explained with a grin. ”I was just about to go out to find her, now that my son is better,” he added.

Boneka nodded before glancing at Hewa. She should really keep the girl here to work. But right now… Boneka sighed. There was no work that could be done without a proper space. She would have to go haggle for a better den, which could be a while considering how shrewd the owner was. ”Go with them and catch up, Hewa. Baik and I will remain here to set up. Be back before sundown, however,” she warned.

Hewa blinked. The bossy lady was letting her wander around? What made her think Hewa wouldn’t skip the place and leave? Frowning at the other, she tossed her head before moving to stand beside the father and son. ”Let’s go, then,” she ordered. Boneka must have known, somehow, how she felt about debts. It bugged her.

Boneka watched the three walk off before turning to Baik, considering him carefully. An idea popped into her mind. ”I’m going to need you to keep your head up and glaring when I tell you,” Boneka said with a wicked smile. Let’s see if the hyena can continue demanding such prices for small dens with this large lion behind her. As long as Baik did what she said, Boneka was sure she could land them the largest den at half the cost of the smallest.

w.c.: 1,320