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A Dragonriders of Pern B/C RP 

Tags: Pern, Dragons, Dragonriders, Role-Play, Fantasy 

Reply [IC RP] High Reaches Weyr
[PRP] Dull Tasks and Coughing Fits [Olliah/Ephia]

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Inquisitive Agent

PostPosted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 10:16 pm
Audits. Certainly not the most exciting of asks to do but there was no way around them. Specifically the need to go over current food stores had required attention and the best way to get through such things was having a partner so Ephia hadn’t been at all surprised when Olliah had requested her help. It made for good company and a platter of food with cups of Klah helped make the task a bit more bearable.

Glancing at the hide in front of her, Ephia cleared her throat and took a sip from her mug of Klah. “With the tithes we are expecting I think we will be fine with wine and fresh produce. We’ll have to get things preserved though if it’s going to last us.” Shifting in her seat, the goldrider leaned against her chair.

They were situated in Olliah’s weyr. It certainly helped to quelch the lethargy that Ephia had been feeling as of late. Her sleeping quarters, being further away, made it less likely she’d seek them out at the first yawn to escape her. Still, she was weary, hence the cup of klah to keep her moving along. “Is there anything in specific you’re worried about?” She questioned as she scanned another hide of information. Green eyes made quick work of what she was looking at. Not hard to do considering how often she tended to help out.

Masterharper Uta
Excuse the rust.
PostPosted: Sat Jan 27, 2018 3:39 pm
Pardon the slowness. gaia_star And my rust, too!

Olliah was well accustomed to having to audit the Weyr's supplies. While she occasionally worked with Zheria on such matters, more often than not the Weyrwoman Second did the auditing with one of the other junior weyrwomen, and gave the results to the Weyrwoman directly. Zheria had paid her dues, and more often than not had more pressing issues to attend than the state of the Weyr's supplies. Thankfully, Olliah didn't mind stepping in to help. This was part of her role as Weyrwoman Second, and keeping Zheria free to handle distressed Holders and the more sensitive politics of Pern was only a good thing.

Weyrs were all about a group effort -- though Zheria had the title, High Reaches couldn't function if everyone wasn't willing to help get the work done.

Olliah was grateful Ephia had been able to help go through the audit with her. The Weyr was a large place, and seasonal audits meant the Weyr was prepared to house, clothe, feed, and care for the men and women easily. Olliah jotted a few numbers down with her quill, along with the notes Ephia gave. "Mmm," she nodded, suppressing a yawn. "I suspect we'll be eating a lot more tubers and squash dishes ," she agreed with a small smile. "Though we look to be in relatively good shape with summer's canned stock." Padmia had been insistent about canning and pickling earlier that spring and summer; now that winter gripped the northern territory, those preserved vegetables and fruits would supplement the winter tithes well.

"I was a bit concerned about our fruit reserves, as supplies are always tight around this time of the Turn. But I think we might be able to supplement our tithes with a bit of trade. Additionally, Padmia found that some tunnelsnakes got into two of our cooling stores and took out quite a bit of the preserved meats. We were able to make up for it by slaughtering some of our local reserves, but between a shortage in our tithes last season, the weyrlings not yet hunting their mounts yet, and an uptick in illness leaving more dragons eating from our herds, it's something to watch out for."

She gave a small shrug and a little smile. "Though, even if we are a bit short this season, I suppose it wouldn't hurt us to eat more vegetables." And that's exactly what Padmia would do, Olliah knew. As soon as reserves for a particular item got low, the woman would absolutely stretch and scrimp.

"I think that just about wraps up the food stores though; I think I'd like to check our maintenance supplies for general consumption. Think you've got that in you or should we maybe call it?" Olliah frowned a bit as she watched Ephia through the glow light. They'd been working for hours, and probably had another day's worth of work before them. From food, to supplies, and other imports, checking supplies coming in against supplies going out, was never fun. "I don't mind finishing this summary up if you need a break?" She gently suggested. She didn't want to say Ephia looked bad, but the poor young woman certainly looked a bit spent. Winter often brought with it a bout of illness -- there was more coughing, sneezing, and exhaustion going around this Turn.

Vice Captain


Inquisitive Agent

PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2018 9:03 pm
Ephia smiled. "No eating a few more vegetables certainly won't harm any of us." Though no necessarily the most popular of items to eat, vegetables could very well expand their reserves. Especially tubers, as much to the goldrider's dismay. Tubers were not her most favorite but, they certainly got the job done when one's stomach was in need of filling.

"Maintenance supplies?" He said through a bit of haze before propping herself up a bit more in her seat, and taking a sip of her Klah once again to help invigorate herself. "No, no. Let's continue. There's no reason to put it off since we are here already." She said with a wave of her hand. "The sooner we get through this the sooner it will all be done." She smiled at Olliah. "Besides they need to get done and I won't let you do that yourself."

Out of no where the young woman put her klah cup down, splashing some of the liquid as a coughing fit wracked through her slim body. A hand rose to cover her mouth until the fit ended. She looked at her mess and reached for a rag to clean it up. Thankfully the liquid had missed the hides, but was slowly slipping it's way towards them. The rag did it's duty and saved the important documents.

"Sorry about that." She said as she cleared her throat that was mildly raw and uncomfortably gunky. "Perhaps a break would be good before we continue." A touch of weariness could be heard in her voice.

"That doesn't mean we won't finish this though." She said with forced conviction.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 31, 2018 7:16 pm
Poor Ephia! :c

Olliah gave a small nod. "Yeah, this stack here." She reached over to a rather large pile of hides, all stacked in three orderly piles. "This one stack alone is simply kitchen supplies and raw materials needed for the lower caverns and dining hall -- spoons, forks, knives, plate counts, chair counts, and what have you. There should be a list of what broke or is known to be missing somewhere in this mess, and Padmia has a few notes and requests for future items." She heaved a sigh. The second stack was for general weyr needed goods for riders and weyrfolk, such as beds, frames, mattresses, furs, clothing, sewing cloth. And the last one, which was by far the largest, audited their healing supplies.

Supplies that Olliah wondered if Ephia might need.

While the young woman definitely seemed eager, and while Olliah knew the wokr would get faster with two sets of eyes instead of one, she also wasn't entirely convinced that the junior weyrwoman was up to the task. She was about to object when the poor woman suddenly fell into a fit of coughs -- and it was enough for Fianth to croon worriedly from where she was settled upon her ledge.

Olliah rose swiftly, grabbing another rag, to help the woman clean up the spilled klah. "No, no, don't apologize, please," she assured, offering a warm smile. "They're just hides. I promise, they'll be fine. You, on the other hand, are for more important. Come on, let's take a break." And by break, Olliah meant fussing over Ephia before sending her off to bed -- or to the infirmary.

There had been a bit more coughing lately around the Weyr as a whole. While riders seemed to have a penchant for being particularly healthy, colds and sniffles weren't entirely uncommon for the cold Weyr during the winter months. Her fellow gold rider seemed to be coming down with something, though, that much was clear, and Olliah wasn't going to let her worry about some audit. "Come over here, settle yourself comfortably," she encouraged the young woman. Away from her cluttered desk, and instead more towards the larger living area. It was warm, and one of the three Weyrs equipped with its own small hearth outside of the Dining Hall and Kitchens.

"Warm yourself, please, relax a bit." She had a small couch for guests, and a few other plush chairs. They had once gone unused, but now that Tia and Rune and Rhys stayed in her quarters, they saw a bit more life. "Are you chilled at all? How long have you been coughing, Ephia?" Without thinking she automatically began to fuss like the maternal wherry she could well be -- it wasn't her fault though -- that cough had sounded bad.

Olliah grabbed the klah and tray of snacks, and set them on the small table. There would be no working right now. "We can at least make it an enjoyable break," she stated, leaving little room for her fellow gold rider to argue.

Vice Captain


Inquisitive Agent

PostPosted: Wed Feb 07, 2018 8:44 pm
Ephia moved at the Weyrwoman’s prompting to the comfort of the couch that practically beckoned from the living area. With effort to not completely collapse into the furniture Ephia settled herself onto the couch with a sigh of content. The chairs, useful for keeping one from drowsing in comfort were not well suited for relaxing a tired body. She shifted herself on the cushions as her body melted against it. “Hard to be chilled in a weyr this warm.” She countered with a smile to Olliah.

Green eyes followed Olliah’s movements as the woman moved their refreshments to their new location. “About a day or two now. Though that’s been the worst of them so far.” She cleared her throat as reached forward for a new cup of Klah. The mug was promptly wrapped by her petite hands. “It’s probably nothing. Just a touch of a cold.” She sipped at the warm liquid and attempted to clear her throat again.

“If we stay here too long I may just end up dozing off.” With a tired grin she let her herself begin to fully relax into the couch. Olliah’s fussing went unchallenged by the Jr. Weyrwoman. “You’re lucky to have a hearth right here. Keeps everything wonderfully toasty during these months.

Another coughing fit came, but this time Ephia kept her Klah from being spilt. She heaved a sigh when it finished, the sound of rattling in her chest being noted, but ignored. She took another large drink of her Klah.

“I just hope you don’t manage to catch this little sickness of mine. You have more than enough work to do, illness is the last thing you need, even a minor cold.” It was not unexpected to get ill in the cold month of the Weyr but Ephia felt more sick than she ever had. Determined to keep Olliah from worrying too much, Ephia opted to push her weakness to the side. Olliah had many other important things to worry about and Ephia hated causing a fuss.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2018 10:54 am
Mother Mode: Activate!

Olliah watched as Ephia settled herself in with her cup of klah, though her eyes did furrow as she coughed yet again. Honestly, her fellow gold rider did not look very well. Though the other woman seemed to brush off her concerns, stating it was likely a cold, she couldn't help but worry. Even if it was but a cold, that cough sounded deep, and it would be better for Ephia to sleep it off before it got worse.

No, getting through these archives was going to be a solo project, and if nothing else, she'd lean on Sylfie or Lestenna. There were enough hands to go around, and the audit would get finished within the next few days if Olliah had her way. For now, though, she'd let the poor woman relax a bit, finish her klah, and allow her fellow to fuss. It was natural for her -- and Ephia looked like she could use it.

"Sounds like it might be getting worse. I take it you haven't seen a healer yet?" It wasn't meant to be accusatory, and it was certainly asked kindly. "The cough and crud certainly knows how to make its rounds. You're no the only one I've heard coughing, though I'm sorry to see you struck with it."

Fianth herself stirred, and echoed her riders concerns. Reaching out gently to Ariath, the queen made contact. And how are you feeling, Ariath? I am sorry to hear that yours is not feeling well.

"Ah, yes, I suppose there are some perks with the position," she smiled. "The hearth is one of them. You're welcome to stay as long as you need, or to use it even if I'm out. Faranth knows I'm hardly around to bask in its glow." She confessed with another small laugh.

It was true. She spent a lot of time in her weyr or in the council room working on papers and archives, but she rarely had any real excuse to sit in front of the hearth and simply relax. There was too much going on, too much Zheria needed her to do. Even with her three fosters, she just didn't get as much freedom to enjoy the little comforts.

"Pfft, don't you even worry about that," she assured. "I think we all wind up catching a little winter cold, and I'm probably due," she confessed. "I don't think Zheria will let me get sick, though; I suspect her frown of disapproval will scare off the worst germs." And Olliah wasn't entirely joking. Zheria wasn't always the easiest to work under, and fighting through sickness was something the woman demanded from herself, and her juniors. It was something Olliah didn't agree with, but thankfully, Ephia was likely off the Weyrwoman's radar.

"If you'd like I can have Padmia have someone send up something for that cough, and some extra furs, so you'll be cozy tonight. I'm sure she's got some nasty tasting remedy to help subdue that cough."



Shy Mage


Inquisitive Agent

PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2018 3:10 pm
"The last thing I want to do is impose on you. Plus, the more I am around the more likely you'll catch this." She said with a wave of her hand towards her chest. "Even if you are due for a cold I certainly don't want to be the one helping it along."

At the mention of Zheria, Ephia smiled. "No I suppose her presence alone is enough to scare off the worst sort of crud that could find its way to you."

Ariath was well awake in her weyr, slightly distressed from her rider's obvious discomfort. At Fianth's contact, Ariath's own distress was likely easily sensed.
I worry for mine. This sickness has quickly grown worse.

At the offer of having something sent to her and some extra furs, Ephia paused a moment. Likely Oliah wouldn't let her go without having done something to ensure the dark-haired woman was going to be seen after. Plus, it certainly would be nice to have something to help her get some actual rest instead of coughing throughout the night and getting fitful rest. So, she nodded an agreement. "Something for the cough would be appreciated as well as the extra furs. If I am lucky enough I'll sweat this cold out of me."

The rattling in her chest a pronounced sound with each breath she took. With a tired smile she sipped at her Klah carefully. It almost felt like the warm liquid and heat from the hearth were doing the trick. Event hough the rattle still remained, wet and heavy, she felt a bit better and...

Another raging cough bubbled up. This time, the young woman couldn't help the dropping of her cup of Klah to the floor as hand clutched at the material of her dress. The coughing went on and on, Ephia was barely able to catch a breath in between.

With Ephia's distress Ariath grew equally so from the weyr as she stood on her ledge.
Mine! But Ephia didn't respond to the queen's call as she focused entirely on catching breaths and trying to calm the fit.

PostPosted: Fri May 11, 2018 7:23 pm
Sorry for my slowness! And sorry Ephia. Now you've done it...

Olliah was concerned about her fellow weyrwoman, and found it difficult to keep herself from fussing. Between Tia, Rune, and Rhys, and of course Fianth, she was simply naturally maternal. To see her friend look so poorly broke her heart.

Fianth, of course, sent comfort to her fellow queen. There is a bad cough going around, a bad cold. Perhaps it is time for--

Ah, but Ephia went into another coughing fit, this one worse than before. Both Olliah and Fianth were surprised by the length of the attack. Fianth!
Contact Master Essim!
Spill ignored, Olliah rose quickly and set next to the coughin, gasping, rasping woman. "Easy now, easy," she soothed, reaching out to rub the woman's back, to pat at it gently, in hopes of breaking up some of that phlegm. "Just try to relax. I've got the Weyrhealer on the way."

This didn't sound like some cold. No, Ephia needed help, and she needed it quick! "Here," she offered the woman, stepping away to pick up a small cloth from another table. She returned quickly, first wiping up any spilled drink that may have soaked into Ephia. She didn't care about her floor -- but her friend didn't need to be covered in klah. "Ephia, I don't think this is just some cold."

The healer is coming, Ariath. I am sure he will be able to help Yours. The queen softly assured, trying to send some hope to the worried other. She creeled worriedly from her ledge all the same, eyes growing a bit orange and white with fear and alarm.

(I'm happy to NPC a healer if you want. Or we can have her whisked away. Or. . . whatever you'd like. I don't want to feel stuck. LOL)


Shy Mage

[IC RP] High Reaches Weyr

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