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[PRP] Ohai (Dooley & Kaelyn) Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 12:15 pm
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The massive pale lion had come to the stormborn because he had to. He hadn't come as a thrall, he had joined up as, he had no doubt, Kaelyn had, he had used his strength and training to fight his way in. It had been a couple of days since he had arrived and while he had wanted to go and start searching instantly for the chocolate lioness with the sun markings he had taken the time to settle himself in, claim a den and organise his thoughts.

He was still a little mad at Wessex. Not completely mad of course, he couldn't stay angry at her, she was his best friend but when she had admitted that she had told Kaelyn to go, that she hadn't left early just because she decided to go, without a good bye. He still pondered how the little jackal had chased off such a big lioness, it made me laugh a little at the thought. Still he knew exactly what Wessex had said. It had prompted him to pick up his paws and follow the lioness. He loved her. He loved her and it was about time he told her so.

He had woken this day and made his way to the communal area. He was determined to find her. He was after all her for her.

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Wessex followed closely behind Dooley, the one he had fought to gain entry in to the stormborn had told Dooley that she would be classed as a Thrall and she could be stollen until he was official. Even now, when Dooley was a full fledged member of the pride she still stuck close to her friend. She knew why this was happening, she knew why they were here. They would be a part of this pride now and that was fine by her if it made Dooley happy, she just had to take the anger that the lioness would probably throw at her. "Slow down Dooley, she will be here some where." She protested runningto keep up with the lions massive stride.

"I Know Wessex, I know, I just need to find her now."

PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 1:13 pm
Syrius Lionwing

The familiar sun-throated lioness was currently cleaning her wounds after a spar with one of the reavers in the pride. They fought much differently than those of the Firekin and she was learning rather quickly that she needed more experience. This land spared no room for big talkers, she appreciated that greatly, though she knew she was still dead weight to the higher ranked individuals of the pride. How would she grow as a lioness here in the Stormborn? It felt like she knew nothing, even after a couple weeks being within the prides walls.

Scanning the common area silently, her ears pressed flat against her skull. All the murmuring and drunken shenanigans was enough to give her a headache! Furrowing her brows, her maw formed a strong scowl that would most certainly leave any cub crying if they’d see it.

Kaelyn needed to try a different tactic, sitting around the common area or dueling a reaver did nothing for her anymore. She needed a social network of some sort, perhaps someone would know more about the group that had attacked her? Sheathing and unsheathing her claws she wondered if she could possibly join a Viking party too. Perhaps even meet someone to train her officially.

Heaving a small sigh, Kaelyn picked herself up, scanned the area again and froze. Her heart she swore skipped a beat as she noticed a familiar tanned mane…

…and a little b***h of a jackal.


Timid Conversationalist

Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 1:29 pm

Well, that went easier than he had expected. A grin rolled over his maw. He had expected to have to search, he had expected to ask a million questions, which he guessed would probably have been a real pain, the pride was so large and there were a lot of creatures who seemed to be inebriated in the common area. It seemed though he wouldn't need to search. His heart beat sped up in his chest, he was just so happy to see her, he was just so pleased that he had found her, it had only been a couple of weeks but she looked stronger to him, she looked as perfect as she always had.

Without a second thought he nudged his way through the crowd and pulled himself to a stop in front of her. "Kaelyn, I'm sure I said don't get hurt again." He chuckles sitting himself in a cloud of dust. "You know you didn't say good bye." He smiles his tail slipping around his fore paws, wedging himself in her path. He wasn't going to let her leave again.

Wessex peered around the massive lion. She smiles weakly her ears flattening tightly against his head. "Hi." She whispers keeping herself firmly wedged behind Dooley, she wasn't sure how angry Kaelyn would be. Their last, encounter, hadn't exactly ended well.  
PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 3:15 pm
Syrius Lionwing

Of course he’d have a big stupid grin plastered on his face as thought nothing was wrong with him being here. Of course he’d just stalk her all the way to the pride she found to get into. Of course he would, why wouldn’t he? He was a fool in love with her. Unsheathing her claws, she dug them deep into the dirt in aggravation. What was it that Wessex said? Oh that’s right, she wanted him to forget about it all.

Glaring first at Dooley then down at the Jackal, Kaelyn all but ignored Dooley’s words -- she was upset, extremely upset.

“I think you broke him” Kaelyn all but spat the words out at Wessex, a rather unpleasant expression on her maw. If there was one thing Kaelyn absolutely hated, it was being made a fool of. She had hardened herself after that day came and went. After beating herself up for not realizing the clues about Dooley’s feelings and forcing away the anxiety and touch of sadness knowing she was being a burden – ALL OF THAT. Now she has to face him again.

“Is this what broken looks like?” Kaelyn all but snarled at Wessex, her tail flicking back and forth like mad. Her heart beating a mile a minute as her stomach twisted into knots due to the close proximity of Dooley and her own emotion attachment with him. She might have found someone she hated more than her father just now.

“Why are you two even here?!” Amber eyes quickly scanned for a way out, only to find there wasn’t any.

“LET ME OUT!" Shoving herself right into Dooley's face she all but bellowed, "NOW!!!”


Timid Conversationalist

Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 3:43 pm
Dooley looked down at Wessex and sighed "I already told her she shouldn't have done that." He lifts his head and looks at Kaelyn, his dopey grin melted away and he tilted his head. "No, I wont move." He tilts his chin downwards, burying his chin in his mane. He looked her deep in the eyes and rolled his shoulders. "Why do you let yourself get all bloody?" He raised a brow a little smile lifting one side of his face.

"She shouldnt have said it, but that doesn't make it not true Kaelyn. I know you have a goal, and I'm not gunna lie to you, I'm, afraid you're going to get yourself killed." He paused for a moment and let out a long sigh "Here's the thing though, I don't want you to have to do it alone. I Know I'm too soft for here but I joined to help you. Let me patch you up and spar with you so you wont get hurt every time and when you go and fight the pride members you'll be stronger and less likely to get yourself damaged in the process." He lifts his head and lifts a paw he gently turns her to one side and looks at her shoulder. "Let me help you, I won't ask for anything in return Kaelyn, I just want to see you happy, that's all."

Wessex tucked herself further behind Dooley. Every word Kaelyn said hit her like a lump of lead. She knew what she had said had been spur of the moment, she had chased Kaelyn off, because she thought that was what was best for Dooley. What she thought was best for Dooley was exactly the problem here. What she thought was best hadn't been the solution for her companion. "I'm sorry." She whispers a barely audible yip, keeping herself thoroughly hidden. "What I did was wrong... I just thought.. I thought it was the best for both of you."

PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 4:26 pm
Syrius Lionwing

“She shouldn’t have done that.”
Those words echoed in the lioness’ skull as she attempted to push past the large boulder of a lion. Each attempt she made was quickly blocked, stoking the flames of her temper more and more. If she had to resort to violence she would, it was absolutely bullshit that he thought he could so easily control her. Pulling her head back, she went for an all-out head-butt but stopped before completing the action.

So now not only was her blocking her road, he was mocking her on the blood spilled in battle. Shaking in furry, the lioness felt the dam of self-control holding her back break and a flood of emotions and violence come forth.

Before she knew it she was both crying and attacking Dooley; her actions not making much sense in the situation. In her eyes this was bullshit, he was bullshit, and everything was bullshit! LOVE WAS BULLSHIT!!!

Her paw slammed against something, “RIGHT NOW!” Again she swiped at something.

“Just leave.” She heaved, frustrated and tired. Her head was pounding as her heart ached, why she couldn’t just climb the ladder like she wanted to she had no idea. Love couldn’t interrupt her. Love couldn’t control her. “Please, go. Stop mocking me. I can take care of myself, I had before you and I have since we parted.”

Closing up, she felt her heart pounding in her chest and through her temples. She wanted to be sick, this wasn’t supposed to happen.

“I don’t need you. I don’t need love. I need to be strong.”


Timid Conversationalist

Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 4:41 pm
Dooley took the two hits, he kept himself steady, still as a rock. He knew if she truely wanted to she could all out fight him, but he wasn't sparring with her here, he was sitting, telling her the way it was going to be. He wouldn't, actually he couldn't take no for an answer. He felt the blood roll down his shoulders, she had struck him where she had before, before when she had cleaned his wounds, when he had acted like a child, when he had pouted instead of telling her how he felt. He wasn't going to allow her to run away from him again. "No." It was simple as that, he had one word for her and he refused to let her head butt and brawl and fight her way out of it.

"It is not weakness to ask for help Kaelyn, if I can keep you fitter than any of the other reavers you can become a captain and get your revenge, but if you continue this way, you'll just die out on your own with no one to care about you." He smiled gently and lifted a paw once again shifting her head so he could look at her shoulder. "If you leave that it will get infected. You know I can sort that for you with minimal effort on your part." He leaned forwards and licked the open wound on her shoulder. "I don't care what you say, I'm going to help you, even if you don't like it. I'm going to help you because I care about you. I care about you a lot."

"Plus, I already won my duel, I'm a freeborn now, so, well, you are stuck with me." He chuckles quietly returning his attention to her wound.

Wessex frowned and looked up at Dooley, Kaelyn never could hold back, his pale shoulders were turning red but rather than tending to his own wounds he was making sure that Kaelyn was okay? He really was a dummy. She sighed heavily but decided it was best to keep her mouth shut. She wan't helping and Kaelyn was so very mad at her.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 5:14 pm
Syrius Lionwing

Slowly looking up at the lion, Kaelyn’s eyes rested on the now bloody shoulder, her body unmoving as though she had allowed her mind to depart from her body for a while. Breathing in slow and rhythmically, Kaelyn finally let out a shaky sigh. He was already cleaning her wound at this point. Why didn’t he take care of himself? He was lecturing her about safety and yet there he was bleeding all over the place.

Before she even realized she had leaned over to clean the large males shoulder, guilt washing over hear along with embarrassment. Had she really thrown a huge fit like that? Especially when she could easily pay her debt to him back and remain friends.

…She wanted that right? To be close to him, to have him as someone to talk with and enjoy. That is what a friend was, right? Continuing to lap up the blood and clean the wound, Kaelyn listened to the large male speak. His voice was soothing to her ears and soon she found herself closing her eyes, perhaps even relaxing.

When she opened them again she moved away from him.

“…Seriously? Freeborn? You? What.” Son of a b***h, he was the same rank as her.


Timid Conversationalist

Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 5:31 pm
When she started to clean his shoulder he let out a pleased grumble. He would have cleaned that later, he knew that, her wound had been open for longer though. He felt her relax and he smiled. Good, he wasnt going to let her just slip away from under his nose again. He would keep her safe in any way he could if that meant taking a body shot or two, so be it. As long as she was happy that was all that mattered.

As she pulled away he was left with his tongue sticking out between his teeth, he was tempted to blow a raspberry at her, but this situation really didn't call for that so he licked his lips and raised a brow "Don't be so surprised, I may not be as skilled as you, but I can hold my own in a fight if I have to." He smiled at her. "This situation called for it so I joined the pride. Set up a comfortable den too, I'v no doubt you're sleeping on some rock floor some where so will you come back with me so I can clean your shoulder properly?"

He smiled gently, he wasnt going to move until she agreed to accompany him, he knew that he wouldn't be able to protect her all the time, even if he chose to become a reaver he wouldn't be able to walk beside her constantly. He'd already decided he woul let her follow her dream, he wouldn't stop her, he wouldn't hinder her or hold her back, but he would make sure that when she was home she was the most comfortable lioness in the world. He would take care of her in the best way he could.

Wessex peered around Dooley once again looking at the chocolate lioness. Well, the tension certainly drained from the air swiftly enough. Dooley was just so relaxed despite the fact that he had been scratched up. He was a big fool, even in her eyes but she knew that he would do what was best for himself. She would do her part and try to get along with the lioness. She wouldn't butt in any more, it wasnt her place and she knew, she knew deep down some where Kaelyn liked Dooley back even if she was too stubborn to admit it. Or at least, she hoped that was the case.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 26, 2017 10:37 am
Syrius Lionwing

Staring at Dooley’s tongue for a few seconds until it was finally returned to his mouth Kaelyn couldn’t help but wonder if perhaps Dooley had gotten in by a fluke. Maybe the reaver was drunk, it was definitely a plausible explanation. Amber eyes looked over at the merry few who had drunk far too much and stumbled about, then at another crew having a drunken spat.

“Are you sure the reaver wasn’t a drunk?” Her tone was blunt as she looked Dooley up and down, he didn’t have any marks on his body other than the ones she herself inflicted. It was suspicious, verrrrry suspicious.

Scowling at him, she absolutely was not sleeping on a pile of rocks as he had said, she actually did establish a small den for herself, a bit further from the rest of the pride members, but nothing too crazy remote nor drab. “I already have a den for myself as well, Dooley. As I said, I can take care of myself… Kind of like you can fight apparently.” Rolling her eyes Kaelyn decided the best place to look was up, a terrible decision she would soon find as the rain started to pour, drenching all in its wake.

Perhaps his den was closer that her own? Looking at both the jackal and the lion she shouted over the loud storm to them. “CAN WE GET OUT OF THE RAIN PLEASE?!”


Timid Conversationalist

Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Sun Feb 26, 2017 11:11 am

"He was a little hung over but a good fighter, name was uhhh, Tethys, yeh Tethys, nice guy." He grinned and looked at Kaelyn. He looked a little downcast when she said she already had a den but he let it slide. "I know you can look after yourself Kaelyn, I just want to help you."

When the torrent started the massive lion stayed still until she asked if they could go indoors. He nodded and finally got to his paws, leading the way to the dens he waited for her to enter before following her in. Dooley had managed to pile the floor of the large space with furs making it very comfortable. How he had managed to do this in a few days, well, he would never tell but he had made it perfect for Kaelyn.

Wessex slipped in behind Dooley and padded away from the two lions. She jumped on to a small ledge where a fur lay that was just for her. She shakes her fur out and settles herself to watch the two lions in the dim light of the den.  
PostPosted: Fri Mar 10, 2017 6:58 pm
Syrius Lionwing

Tethys… Why was that name familiar? Frowning, Kaelyn shook her head – Dooley was complaining about her attempting to get herself killed while he goes and duels a bloody drunk to get in. The irony of the situation could kill an elephant. Following Dooley and Wessex back to their den, Kaelyn paused briefly to give Wessex a cold glare before entering.

Upon arrival, Kaelyn stood quietly, allowing her eyes to adjust and wander the room. Wander they did.

Her den certainly wasn’t as polished as his she admitted to herself, her eyes resting on the pile of furs that were carefully laid out. The den looked warm and welcoming, it also seemed much larger than her own home. A touch of jealousy was apparent on her face. As much as Kaelyn hated to admit it, she secretly enjoyed having a posh, comfy home to curl up in.

Opening her mouth to say something, Kaelyn couldn’t seem to find the words – She just stood, dripping went, dumbfounded as to how Dooley managed to make his den so comfortable. Then it hit her.

“So… while I was out training with the pride members you were playing house?” Lifting a brown, a smirk started to curl itself around her maw. Kaelyn didn’t need to stretch her imagination in order to envision Dooley wandering around, collecting this and that to make his home perfect. He really was a softie.

Shaking her head, she stood beside him and pushed into his shoulder in an almost affectionate way. “This really is something.” Breaking out into a laugh Kaelyn wandered closer to the entrance of the den and shook her fur off, then padded past Dooley and flopped onto the furs he had laid out.

“This really is something, Dooley. You will be a fabulous wife I supposed. I am almost jealous.”


Timid Conversationalist

Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Sat Mar 11, 2017 3:08 am

Dooley chuckled quietly he could see she was pleased with his den. He wasn't even remotely offendded when she calle him a wife. He had done this for her, he knew she would be out fighting and getting herself hurt and he knew that if she came to him he would have to do some convincing to make her stay. "Yes I would make someone a very good wife." He chuckles and shakes off his fur before padding towards her, he settles himself down comfortably next to her he was a bit damp but he could feel the wet raising off his body with the warmth caused by multiple bodies in the enclosed space.

"You'll stay here won't you?" He raised a questioning brow, his deep blue eyes looking her over hopefully. "Let me look after you, like I used to. I promise I won't get in your way." He smiles hopefully and starts to groom her ears wicking away any excess rain drops from her fur.

Wessex hadn't missed the glare that Kaelyn shot her way but she wasn't about to be frightened of her, she knew Dooley would protect her even from Kaelyn. She had done what she felt was the right thing to do, nothing more, nothing less. She had been wrong of course but Dooley had forgiven her, it would take time probably but she hoped that kaelyn would eventually forgive her too.  
PostPosted: Sun Mar 12, 2017 11:33 am
Syrius Lionwing

Kaelyn was staring at Wessex when Dooley had asked her to stay with him. She could feel her heart beating faster inside of her chest and her stomach dance. Why was he making her so uncomfortable? It was a simple question, yet she felt like he was asking the world of her. Turning to face Dooley, her face felt hot, she couldn’t put thought into words. It was almost like she had been bewitched.

“Dooley, I...” Kaelyn couldn’t get words out, the rough tongue of the ex-firekin and his heavy warm breaths were fogging her mind. She had to get away from this, clear her mind and…

“I can’t. Not…. Not now.”

Picking herself up, Kaelyn moved to the other side of the den, next to Wessex. She wasn’t going to leave, not with the rain pouring. Come to think of it, when it rained her den tended to flood. Sighing, Kaelyn looked over at Dooley.

“I will stay the night but then I must go home.” She was firm with her words, she didn’t want him thinking they were something more than friends. Kaelyn needed her space, her ability to think, when she was around Dooley it was like some fog was enveloping her.


Timid Conversationalist

Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Tue Mar 14, 2017 12:23 pm
Dooley stays laying down, he crosses his forepaws and waits for her to complete her speech. Her sudden rise had left him with his tongue sticking out so after a few moments, knowing she would find it eternally annoying if he left it there he pulled it in and nodded. "As you wish, I just want you to be happy, I want you to be safe and comfortable. I won't do anything that makes you sad." He pats the furs next to him once again, he raises a brow. "At least some and lie down." He yawns a toothy yawn and drops his chin to his paws.

"No need to stand by the door way, it's perfectly comfortable over here." he closes his baby blue eyes for a moment, though he opens one almost immediately to look at her. "You'll catch a cold standing over there." He yawns again and rolls his broad shoulders moving a little so that he could lie more comfortably.

Wessex couldn't help but chuckle quietly. Dooley really had a way to say things that you couldn't be mad at, he had a way of saying things that made sense. Still, she shuffled backwards a little when Kaelyn moved closer to her sleeping spot. She knew of course that Kaelyn was still very annoyed with her.

[IC] Myrsky Syntynyt Lands

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