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[PRP] and so they arrive! (Liviyathan / chev / pombuka) Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 12:33 pm
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It had started early on. The feelings around her swollen belly were, well, weird, she felt tired and uncomfortable. It was different from her recent feeling of being uncomfortable, that of course had become part and parcel of pregnancy, as she got bigger she got slower, she couldn't do her job, and all she had really been doing was lazing about like a lazy lump. Chev had moved in to her den with her and though he wasn't really a fully fledged member of the pride yet he was getting there and it felt wonderful having someone there with her.

She had been coming in to wakefulness for about an hour before she sprang awake with a pain that ran it seemed all the way down her spine. "Chev?" She blinked owlishly in to the darkened den. "Chev, I need a Pombuka." She let out a deep gasping breath nudging at the rainbow maned male "Chev, its time Chev pleaseeee go and find me a Pombuka!"

((Just quoting you all to let you know your cubs are born (yay!) You can post if you like after your cub is born or if you have a Pombuka/ Hlare / Mwani in the pride please feel free to 'pop in'. I will set up a proper orp for a family RP once I'v finished this one but feel free to interact with other pride folks, just keep in mind they wont be able to go near the water / too far from their mothers den unsupervised!

Oh and in case I haven't said this yet Cheveyo is the cubs step father but Liviyathan will tell the cubs he is their dad, that won't stop rumours about them though because she knew she was pregnant before she got together with Chev!

And now all that's written enjoy your pretties!




Peppermint Coffee

PostPosted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 12:44 pm
While he hadn't exactly joined the pride just yet he had stuck around to get to know them more and get a better understanding of it's history and it's members. As time went on it became more and more noticeable that Livy was getting bigger and bigger, clearly signs of the life within her body. The thought made him smile because he was going to be a father. Well, he was already a father but wasn't aware of it as Anga hadn't really tracked him down just yet to inform him of that information.

Nothing would dampen his mood and he stood by his word to claim them as his own. While he wasn't a pride member yet he vowed himself to her and that was pretty much the only big thing they were concerned about. Apparently they didn't like casual flings. He could understand that but you have to make mistakes sometimes right? Even he had a casual fling or two in his younger days.

It was part of growing up and learning.

Currently he was laying in Livy's den with her extremely large self and quite enjoying life. However she began to hyperventilate almost and he figured it was time, that and she made a note for him to go track down a Pombuka. "I'll go find one and be back in two shakes of a lions tail my love." He said nuzzling her face warmly before dashing from the den.

While he was still new to faces and names there was one in particular he was familiar with. At least looks wise. He had made a note to try and remember who a majority of them were for when this happened. Her name started with an A hadn't it? Thrumming it around in his head he set for looking for one of the Pombuka's he was familiar with and then finally saw her. "AFINA!" He realized he had almost shouted it, but he had remembered her name almost as instantly when he had seen her. "Are you busy? Livy is going into labor and we are in need of your assistance." He said to her with a hopeful look on his face.

Syrius Lionwing


Winter Wolf

Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 12:58 pm
Liviyathan was so glad he was there. While pains shot through her body he was calm and level headed, she returned his nuzzle as he bounded off to find her a Pombuka. She knew he had been working hard to learn who everyone was in the pride and she was so very grateful for that. He was such a wonderful mate. She wasnt really sure if she had thought of him like that before and she almost told his vanishing rump such until a pain once again shot through her, she decided she would tell him when he got back, right now all she could do was breath and wait, hopefully she could wait.

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The deep blue lioness was busy lounging around in the sun, which was a regular occurrence when there weren't too many pomboo around in the pride. of course she knew new life would be coming soon, the dark ex rogue was getting bigger and bigger by the day and Afina predicted a big litter from her. It would be hard she knew, it was always hard the first time.

At the sound of her name she rolled on to her belly and smiled at the gray lion with the rainbow mane. He and liviyathan had taken up residence together and she knew that had sort of quietened some of the nay-sayers in the pride. Although she herself was old blood she didnt see the point in being prejudiced against young lives, they had done no wrong, their mother hadn't either really, one night of indescression was hardly something to be angry about, plus the king had okayed it, the old traditionalists just needed to be silent and enjoy the new little lives that would soon grace their sands. "Hello Cheveyo." She smiled a calm smile and got to her paws. "Lead the way my friend lets go and help your lady."

PostPosted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 1:09 pm
Syrius Lionwing

He was pleased she wasn't otherwise occupied, he wasn't sure there were too many births happening right now? He had heard that the King and Queen had not only adopted some cubs but also had some of their own recently. Which he thought was quite nice of them. It just go'd to show that even they were capable of taking on responsibilities thrust upon them unexpectedly.

He gave her a reassured smile and motioned with his head for her to follow. "We're actually not too far away. If you'll follow me please." He said happy he had located her rather quickly, he had almost worried he might have to look all over the pride before finding someone.

Seemed fate was with them this day.

"She's in there." He said as they came to the den. He figured he should stay out since having three grown adults would be a bit much for that den. "Livy, Afina is here, she's coming down to help you." He said reassuringly towards the black and sea colored female. "Everything is going to be okay."  


Winter Wolf

Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 1:26 pm
Liviyathan lifted her head at the arriving pair. Afina, yes she knew this female, she mainly knew because of how large her family was. She forced a smile in greeting but couldn't find the words to give a proper hello.

Afina ducked her head in to the den and smiled at the dark female. She herself had been through this particular process twice so she knew it could be completely terrifying when you didn't know what you were doing. "Alright lady, take a deep breath. This is a natural process and I know it hurts like you've been kicked in the stomach by a wilderbeast but we'll get through this okay?"

The dark lioness nodded in agreement. It did feel exactly as Afina suggested and when the next pain came she cried out painfully. "Ow.." She manages looking to Afina for help.

"You're okay, next time you feel that, just push okay? You just concentrate on pushing and I'll see to the rest."

The sea marked female once again nodded obediently. She wasnt sure she had ever been this obedient. She looked to the entrance of the den, their den, she had to start thinking of it like that, it wasnt hers any more, they were about to be a family, this den was their den. With a growl and a push her mind went blank before she looked down and saw Afina cleaning a little dark ball of fluff.

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"You have a boy." Afina smiled cleaning the water socked boy up. "Keep going we will be there soon enough."

"Chev, we have a son." Liviyathan breathed going back to silence as she concentrated on the next contraction.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 1:34 pm
Syrius Lionwing

User Image The little bundle of fur wasn't exactly sure what was going on, mainly that it was a lot of bright and not warm anymore. Mewing slightly once he was all clean he snuggled against the warm body of whom he biologically recognized as mother and began to feed quite happily.

Chev sat outside rather patiently, even though he was growing impatient! He wanted to know that everything was going okay and make sure she was alright. He knew she might want some water all of this so he quickly grabbed the rather large shell he had found a few days ago and went to one of the fresh water springs and collected some of the water and brought it back and set it down next to him.

It wasn't long before they called out a son had been born! He wondered how many more there could be, but so far a son! He was quite excited. "You're doing great!" He called down into the den trying to be reassuring.  


Winter Wolf

Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 2:14 pm


She heard Chev moving around outside, she was curious what he was doing, at least for a moment, she wanted to see him but the feeling of the little cub against her side brought her back to stark reality. She wasn't done yet, only one had been born and she could tell by the continued contractions and the movement she had felt over the last few weeks that she wasn't carrying only one little bundle. She felt so very proud of the little dark cub with his watery paws, she licked his fur as he began to drink. The pains once again drew in and she had to turn her attention away from the dark cub to once again push.

Afina pulled the next cub towards her, once again a boy, his coat was as black as his mothers but his back seemed to harbour strange flipper like markings. She smiled "I think you have a boy turtle."

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Liviyathan looked surprised at the lionesses words but upon looking at the cub she couldn't help but laugh a little, he did look like a little turtle. Unfortunately this moment was interrupted by the pain, it seemed this coub did not want to give her a reprieve or wait and so a third cub was born.

Once again the blue lioness pulled the cub towards her, she groomed the little girl until she breathed "And a second turtle." She smiled "And your first daughter it would seem."

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The tiny female wiggled impatiently as she joined her brothers, wriggling between them she forcibly settled between them and drank deeply. She wasnt sure what exactly had happened, it was cold and scary out here but the familiar voice of her mother calmed her and she soon settled happily.  
PostPosted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 2:34 pm
Syrius Lionwing

The little black bundle became aware there were others now with him and he felt somewhat protective of his little spot. He had been there first, this was his spot. However it became apparent they didn't want his spot so he went back to eating.

Cheveyo listened patiently outside the den like an anxious cub, his head was resting on his paws and his eyes peered down into the den as he listened to Afina say a boy and then a girl were born! This was so exciting! Three! Three cubs! "Three?" Such great news! Three little bundles of joy, little did he know there will still 4 more to come.  


Winter Wolf

Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 2:57 pm
She was starting to feel tired, three had come so quickly, yet the contractions in her abdomen didnt seem to be stopping. Clearly there was a reason her waistline had exploded and it was nothing to do with the extra food she had been consuming, she was having a big litter. The doubts of if she could be a good mother once again danced through her mind but she knew she would have no choice, at this point they were coming, they were here, she had to be strong and she had Chev, she had chev.

With that thought in mind she once again pushed.

"And here I thought you would only be bringing cool colours in to the pride Liviyathan." She chuckles pulling the little female with the fiery belly to her. "So beautiful these children. She looked at the dark female and smiled quietly. "I know you're tired my dear but you can rest soon, I promise." She placed the little fire bellied female beside the exhausted mother and waited patiently. This wasnt over yet, she just hoped the first time mother would be able to cope.

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Liviyathan looked at the dark cub with her bright coloured markings and smiled. "She reminds me of a sunset." She whispers unable to say much more than that her throat was dry and she was exhausted, how many more was she having?


PostPosted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 3:12 pm
Syrius Lionwing

The little turtle boy sat listless for a few moments, the shock of being deported from his mother's womb and her warmth causing considerable damage to his overall being. Blind and now rather cold, the newborn let out his first shrieking cry, beckoning help from his mother or siblings or anyone really. A few seconds later he cried out again, moving his head side to side as tiny paws cautiously wobbled forward.  


Timid Conversationalist


Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 3:16 pm
Syrius Lionwing


The little black and blue boy became suddenly aware there were more and more siblings around him now and while he couldn't yet open his eyes he could just feel them and smell them. How many more would be pressed against him? While it was warm, it felt crowded.

Cheveyo could hear them talking in the den and listened as another girl was born and apparently she had some brighter colors than the rest. He couldn't wait to see them!  
PostPosted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 3:32 pm
Liviyathan gave a slow breath and released a painful cry, she was really starting to tire but she knew she just had to get through this, she would soon be able to sleep, she would be able to sleep right? She looked at the beautiful little bundles at her side mewling and squirming. They all looked so wonderful and healthy.

She felt the next contraction and pushed hard hoping maybe this would be the last.

Another dark cub had entered the world and Afina cleaned the little female her blue paws were so tiny and soft, she spotted the little turtle on one of her paws and laughed gently "It seems turtles are a theme here." She whispers placing the cub next to her siblings.

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The dark lioness looked at the cub, she gave an exhausted nod, the blue female was right, there seemed to be an abundance of turtles in this litter, it made her smile, the uniqueness of it, however once again she was not to be given a breath and she pushed giving birth to another dark girl this one seemed to have her own colouration and nothing else. A little mini version of herself.

Afina cooed lightly at the tiny cub. "That's two more girls Chev if you are keeping count. We have six." She smiled at liviyathan inserting the youngest cub in next to its siblings. "I think, you may be done my dear."

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The little female turtle shiverred unhappily at all of the jostling she was receiving. Her mother did not sound happy to her tiny ears and all of the mewling and shifting around her was making her most displeased, she was trying to eat here! Nudging her closest siblings she tried to squeeze closer to their mothers stomach. She was hungry and it was so noisey.




Peppermint Coffee

Syrius Lionwing


PostPosted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 3:56 pm
Syrius Lionwing


The dark female with the sea turtle marking on her paw gave a mewling cry of protest at her birth. She didn't appreciate the sudden situation she found herself in after the rough treatment. The turtle marked paw took an awkward swipe at the adult who picked her up to deposit her next to her mother's belly. The scent of milk quickly distracted her from trying to reign terror upon the one who dared pick her up. She gave a tiny growl as she tried to shove in among her siblings already there and claim a spot for herself. Her growl was not much in ferociousness yet, but one day it would become a fierce roar.  
PostPosted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 4:13 pm
Syrius Lionwing

He wasn't going to come in until after Afina cleared out and gave the okay. It was far too crowded as it was. So six cubs so far! It was insane how many there were. "That's incredible!" He said cheerfully hearing the news of all the cubs.

The little black and blue boy grumbled to himself a little as more siblings took up residence alongside him and he scooted towards the side so he was out of the way since he was done eating.  


Winter Wolf

Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Thu Feb 16, 2017 2:06 am
Liviyathan gave a deep sigh of relief, for a brief moment she thought yes, this was it, no more were coming, six, it was a big litter for her first time but she could cope, right? When the pain suddenly struck her her brow creased. Another? She was so tired already though!

With one final push she gave birth to the brightest cub in the litter.

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Afina pulled the last, and smallest cub from his mother and cleane him roughly, she felt his little lungs take a breath and she gave a nod. Looking at the dark lioness before her she gave a smile "And seven. Now, you're done." The blue lioness gently nudged the oldest cub away from his mothers milk and placed the youngest in his place. "If you feed him here he will gain weight quickly and be the same weight as the others in no time. You'll have to alternate okay?" She smiles and gets to her paws, stretching her limbs the blue lioness headed for the entrance. "You can go in now, she's exhausted but your family is healthy." She smiles, she had nothing but respect for the rainbow maned male, taking on a family that wasn't really his. "Come call on us if you need anything, right now, water, food and sleep will be the best thing for all of them.

The dark lioness looked down at the seventh cub, he was indeed smaller than his siblings, by quite the amount, she nodded to afina listening to her words carefully, feed him at the top and he would gain weight faster and catch up to his siblings. She nodded, she hoped that was true. He was so beautiful, they all were. She spent a moment admiring her litter, she was tired and she could feel her eyes drooping but she wanted to see Chev before she slept. She nuzzled at the whole litter, her eldest son had been displaced to make way for her youngest and she already felt worried about that, how did she decide who to move to feed the seventh cub? She could only feed six at once. These thoughts all danced through her head as she waited for Chev to come in. "Seven." She breathed a heavy sigh, she had seven children, seven little bundles of beautiful fluff. "We have seven children Chev." She mumbled a quiet proud smile rising on her lips, they were just so perfect.

The most colourful cub squirmed in to place latching on to his mother and drinking, the little bundles all asround him made him feel safe and warm and the delightful comforting scent of his mother made him squeek happily, he had no idea what was happening but this wasnt to bad.
[IC] Bahari'mtoto Lands

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