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[META] The Hlare's Call (Feb-Mar 2017) Goto Page: 1 2 3 ... 4 6 7 8 9 [>] [»|]

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Baharimtoto Pride

PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 4:39 am
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The Hlare's Call
A Bahari'mtoto Meta Plot

Start Date:
End Date:

This metaplot will be open to everyone - this means that rogues, other prides, preybeasts and non-lined critters may participate!
PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 4:42 am

The Bahari'mtoto have remained a peaceful pride, protected by forces that few can explain or understand. While no one can quite place their paw on it, it seems the favour of the gods truly is with them. No other pride could survive so long and without strife when they were so vulnerable.

Thus it should come to no surprise to anyone that the Bahari King was counting down the days until someone would take an interest. He had anticipated an unpleasant encounter, one of great danger, and while he had almost gotten that he had been graced with something significantly more diplomatic. The Viking Captain that had landed on their doorstep had come with a request, and a series of reassurances, in exchange for assistance with something he was attempting to do.

With these reassurances in place the Bahari king allowed his warband access to their lands, but it came with a warning. If they stepped out of line they would be removed by force.

So far, things have been going well (hurray)!

The Hlare have been working well alongside the priestesses that have been escorted to the territory and the exchange of ideas and expertise has been exceedingly useful. However it was only a matter of time before both Priestesses and Bahari'mtoto Alchemists summoned their respective leaders to discuss their needs.

...Only to have those leaders leave the dens with a shopping list filled with items that there was no chance of them recovering without considerable help.

Thus it was with a mighty series of roars that both individuals called out to their respective subordinates.

A series of orders were issued to the Stormborn, they were challenged to find as much of it as possible to prove they were the better side!

The Bahari'mtoto King simply implored his already generous pride to assist in helping the Hlare with their research. He didn't need to prove his side were the better half in their own lands, but perhaps he wasn't entirely adverse to a bit of friendly competition...


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You will see a lot of foreign faces wandering about during this meta, however these are a number of characters that will be present and you are more than welcome to approach.

The Stormborn present here are a key part of this meta, and this is the perfect opportunity to help them, or to regard them with suspicion!


Baharimtoto Pride

Baharimtoto Pride

PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 4:43 am

The Bahari'mtoto King and Stormborn Captain require your aid!

But which side will you pick?

This is a friendly competition set between the Ram and Tethys to hopefully lighten the mood and help to reassure the Bahari'mtoto that on this occasion the Stormborn mean no harm.

You may pick whichever side you would like (there will be no hard feelings), but you may only choose one. Once you have picked a side there's no going back until the victor is declared. This is all in good fun so no dirty tricks. *Waggles eyebrows*

    1. You can roll as much as you want.
    2. You must wait until someone has posted after you before you attempt to roll again.
    3. The post must be RP'd, so no emote spamming.

How to Play:
    If you side with Tethys: Roll one 10-sided Dice
    If you side with Ram: Roll random number between 1-10

    When you find something, bring it back to either leader, they'll tally up what you've found! (And yes you can keep track of what you find and drop it off in bulk if you would like).

    And your score...
    1-2: You find nothing! (0pts)
    3-4: You find a strand of herbal root. (2pts)
    5-6: You find a large bundle of herbal root. (4pts)
    7-8: You find a starfish. (6pts)
    9-10: You find the jackpot! (10pts)

Prize Pool:
    The team with the most points at the end will be entered in to a raffle to win this lovely boy!

    User Image

    He's an older Wild Dog, and his parents are Dharuba and Bashasha. You'll be given all of his previous stages as well!

    He may do whatever you would like him to meaning he is free to roam wherever you choose to take him!

PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 4:45 am
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Baharimtoto Pride

Baharimtoto Pride

PostPosted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 4:33 am
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He had the list, by god did he have it. Dione had practically driven him nuts with her nagging. He would have happily admitted that Kluna had also caused a suitably large headache, but he was only prepared to receive the ire of one priestess for the time being. When he was ready for a world of hurt he would irritate the second, and then see how the rest of his day played out. To be honest, irritating them both now was probably safer as they couldn't retaliate with as much enthusiasm... But they had memories like elephants and he knew it would come back to haunt him.

Thus he had merely memorised the list, tuned out his darling sibling (and by extension Kluna's) nagging, and strode off to locate his war band and all those who might be able to help.

...He had not been anticipating that he would bump in to the Bahari king who was doing much the same activity as he was!

"Tethys?" the ruler addressed him first, recognising the expression of one that was most assuredly wandering about with considerable purpose. If he didn't know any better, he would assume that there had been a co-ordinated 'assault' by all beings alchemist. No sooner had he stepped out of his den for the morning than multiple Hlare had flocked to him. They had even sounded like chattering birds as he attempted to wake up and it was only after he had silenced them all that he had finally been able to make sense of it.

They'd wanted bits and pieces.User Image

Herbs, rocks, weird nonsense from the water. However some of it would require considerable searching. They had also highlighted that the Priestesses were going to ask the band to help too... But as this was Bahari land, the locals would obviously know where to find the things easier, right? Well that was the theory any way. He'd promptly dismissed them with reassurances that he would call the pride together - but it seemed that Tethys had a similar thing in mind.

"I got saddled with a long list of requirements," Tethys confessed and shook his head. "They need a lot of stuff I've never even heard of but I got some descriptions so I've got that going for me, which is nice -" he conceded, though he looked a tad bemused.

"We appear to have the same task then," Ram confirmed and raised both eyebrows. "Join me? I was going to bring everyone together to brief them, perhaps it would be easier if we killed both birds with one stone."

"That isn't very pacifist of you," Tethys observed as he fell in to step with the lion.

"The majority might be pacifists, I'm more of a pragmatist," the king pointed out with a smirk.

Thus they moved on and it wasn't long before Ram passed along messages for various other Bahari to run about and collect their fellow pride members. Tethys though? Well he had other ideas...

"OI! VACATIONS OVER RIGHT NOW GET YOUR ASSES OVER HERE!" He roared, loud enough for everyone nearby to hear. He shrugged at Ram's raised brow, sometimes tact wasn't the answer. "They're heavy sleepers," he explained.

"Uh huh."

...Ram didn't seem to buy it.
PostPosted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 1:38 pm
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They were away from the pride once more, out amongst unfamiliar lands where the coastal air was both familiar and yet different. The sea less salty, the lions different and the sand more golden. She felt alive and was one of the first to arrive at Tethys' call. His loud declarations brought a smile across her skull-marked face as she prepared to hear out his orders. She had made it her job to be close by so that she might be punctual.

Deciding to remain standing, she paused to glance about her as more gathered nearby. Some faces she knew well. Others she did not. The Bahari folk were different from the Stormborn for all that they lived on the coast.

Coming up behind her were two brothers, their fur curled in such a way that they were almost endearing. Xochipepe gave a small snort of amusement and turned back to her captain.

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Dagr had practically dragged his brother across to where they were being summoned. He was the brash one, full of fire and energy that had him standing out in his family. His brother, Kari, was far more like the rest of his kin, being gentle and kind and just a little bit timid.

"I'm not so sure about these strangers," Kari murmured under his breath.

"Be quiet!" Dagr warned, "do you want them to hear you? Something interesting is about to happen and all you can do is shoot them suspicious looks."

Kari frowned, curling his toes into the dirt and setting his jaw. Was it so wrong to be wary? They knew little about these strangers and yet...Ram and this other one stood together, side by side, as if friends. He gave a low huff and sat.

Dagr, meanwhile, tried to catch Xochipepe's eye and failed, deciding instead to cast a look around at the strangers.

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Tömörbaatar was there, too, hanging back amongst the shadows where he watched and waited silently. He had spent little time in the Nergui's new home before heading back out into rogue lands. There was much to see. New neighbours to discover. New territories to map. Besides, he'd never done too well lingering in one place for long. He was a wanderer at heart returning to his homeland only when there was something of use to report...or a female to claim.

Thankfully, with his current mate being the Kaar Oma he did not have to worry too much about someone trying to claim her whilst he was away. Most feared her too much for that.

He blinked slowly and turned his eyes across the faces of those gathering. This was going to be interesting. He could tell that already.


Fuzzy Kitten


Fashionable Mage

PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2017 12:07 am
User ImageAs much as she would have loved to continue her and her adopted niece's rare chance to just enjoy a special day playing in the sun, she didn't feel that it would be right to at least go investigate what the unusual summoning had been about.

Pausing in her slow walk towards the main township Ume tilted her head back towards the sounds of loud splashing in the surf besides her. "Yukio, come along now. I promise there will be plenty of time for that later."

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Her aunt's voice was one of the only things that could manage to get the large ball of fluff to stop dead in her tracks and pay attention. Peering up from her antics of chasing the small bottom-feeding crustaceans floating in and out with the surf. "Aww, can't I have five more minutes?"

Chuckling softly she shook her head. Of course she was going to try to bribe every which way to gain a little more time and stall her. Motioning with her paw for the cub to come back to her side. "No, I'm afraid not. We have some place to be."

Despite large pout and slumped shoulders she didn't ignore her aunt's silent command to come back, puttering herself over to cuddle up close to her side as they entered the main area of the gathering. "Not even two more minutes?" Couldn't hurt to try, right?

Rolling her eyes Ume calmly sat herself down among the outer circles of the crowd, tugging her darling niece to rest between her legs so she could keep track of her among the large number of bodies. "If you go out and play in the surf some more then who ever shall be my hero and be my eyes?! I hear there's quite the reward planned for whoever takes up the challenge." Sighing dramatically she lifted a paw against her heart, using the other one to wave off the cub. "Go on then, I suppose I will just have to make due."

"Noooo! I can do it! I'll be the best pair of eyes ever!" She cried out. Straightening her back she proudly stared out in the crowd, taking her duty very seriously. Watching all the new people filtering in with interest, looking out for anything that might be interesting to report back.
PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2017 9:03 am
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There was much turmoil in the pride at the moment and Nahodha'kota had come down to observe. Unlike a lot of lions in the pride he hadn't grown to adulthood here and though he had spent most of his life in the Bahari'mtoto he was a guard for a reason, he was careful. Many thought he was simply large in stature and brash in nature but he was probably the oldest lion present, his dark mane now showed streaks of gray. Age had not slowed the giant black creature though so when he lumbered down on to the sands and took a seat he did so with purpose. His gaze flicked across the creatures before him, those he knew, his pride mates, the king, the one who had come from the stormborn, and the gaggle of others that milled about, faces he didn't know. He didn't like not knowing but he would simply persevere in this instance, he would sit and observe what was going on and learn the faces that milled past in the crowed.

"Great-Grandfather!" A voice called from behind him and the dark male twirled his shadowed mane to smile at one of the many children that had come from his and Khepri's line. "Good morrow to ye lassy are ye here to join tha fun?"

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Nuzhah padded up to her oldest surviving relative and brushed under his chin. She was not as large as him, this due in part to the fact that she was fourth generation and the firekin and giant blood from 'Kota had long been watered down but she still had some bearing and the knowledge of generations born at sea. "Yes GG" she smiles settling herself next to him. "Isn't it exciting seeing all of these faces every where?" She murrs, she had been taught by her father to be careful of rogues and taught by her family to fight but Nuzhah was, as always an optimist and the new comers were an exciteing if alien concept to her. She was excited to get going, this search would be amazing the other Hlare were all so excited to search.

"Aye Lassy." Nahodha'kota chuckled a deep rumbling laugh at his nickname. "Just don't ye be gettin' in to no brawls wit these ere strangers. I know ye be tough like your great gran' mammy but even she knew when not to fight. You run' 'long an ave fun now lass." He smiles giving her an encouraging nudge.

"Yes GG!" She giggles bouncing to her paws, muscleing in to the crowed ready to see what was going on.  

Syrius Lionwing

Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2017 1:06 pm
User Image A message had been fluttering about the pride from the King himself in regards to aiding the pride members known as the Hlare. Though she wouldn't admit it, she hadn't been brushing up on her knowledge of the pride and instead spent every waking minute simply basking in the sun, enjoying the coast or chattering about nothing of importance with whomever would lend an ear or offer her a story. Blasaz listened to everything with the intent to bring some of the stories home, but often found herself losing the story by the end of the day - this didn't worry or disappoint her, quite the opposite. She took the whole thing as a sign that perhaps this little vacation was doing the trick. Unfortunately she wished that she could say the same for her daughter.
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Krisis hadn't provided details, but she had said enough to get her Mother off of her back. Not that Blasaz had worried, but she had wondered briefly. "I'm fine Mom." The green goddess stated to her mother who had pestered with a short number of questions in regards to the ordeal that had occurred. "Are you sure?" Blasaz inquired one final time, noting the debris that still littered some of her daughters normally pristine pelt. Under scrutiny Krisis tried to brush away some mud that had hardened over time unfortunately, so the brushing motion did very little to help her clear away evidence. "Yes. I'm fine." This time Krisis responded with a grumble.

"What was all of that shouting about?" She asked after a few moments of silence allowed her the freedom to do so, had Krisis really been paying attention the shout likely would have been more familiar. Instead she and Blasaz combined weren't entirely sure, though within moments of taking the time to find the source of the yell they were lead to a very familiar face. "Tethys?" Both pairs of red-orange eyes widened at the sight of the pale lion, he'd been traveling they both knew - his name was only spoken once though, by Krisis. Both goddesses could only assume that his shout had to also do with the message fluttering about from the king, which also meant that the lion with Tethys was likely the leader - Ram.

"Good day." Blasaz said to Ram, discontinuing her words with Tethys as she turned to the formality of properly greeting the leader of a pride that had played host to her. She was very happy with her stay thus far and though this wasn't the time to discuss that she made a mental note to make a personal meeting with him to tell him as such.

Epine de Rose
PostPosted: Sun Feb 05, 2017 9:56 pm
User Image [She is an adult, too lazy to find the image at the moment]

The young adult approached a little cautiously. She wasn't entire familiar with the members of the Viking pride and she was extremely curious about them though. Blinking as she approached she listened to the whispers and mutters among some of the members that had already begun to gather. There were also faces from other prides it would seem and she took a seat near the back, close enough to hear but far enough away that she could observe everyone. She was familiar with Zephyr and Ram, but beyond that she wasn't exactly kosher. She was very curious about these vikings though, especially since her father used to be a Pirate. It's almost the same thing, right?  



Winter Wolf

Epine de Rose

PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2017 4:39 am

Mysses Greenie

Syrius Lionwing



(I will be throwing consistently more people in to the meta so don't worry if you need someone to RP with! Just make sure to specify who you're talking to somehow the first time you address them so I know who I'm supposed to use! <3

Btw you can all start rolling now. =P )

Were there enough people here?

There seemed to be enough here and the pair of lions exchanged glances as if to confirm this. Ram could recognise a fair few individuals in the crowd, and much to Tethys's surprise he could recognise a fair few who weren't even in his band. His impish grin was noticeable whenever he spotted both Blasaz and Krisis. It was a damn small world if he dared say so himself!

"Friends of yours?" Ram murmured with a raised brow, one that Tethys responded to with a wave of his paw.

"I have a lot of friends," he replied and nodded his approval towards Xochi who always seemed to make a point of being there before the rest. Unsurprisingly, the vast majority of her fellow Stormborn were slowly but surely waddling their way in. He knew that look and could surmise that a few of them might have imbibed and been just a touch hungover this morning. He'd have no sympathy for them. "Do me a favour and make sure the kids are as loud as we can possibly manage," he added to Ram with a smirk.

"So benevolent," Ram chuckled and finally returned his attention to the crowd. He chose to smile reassuringly towards the pair of twins, while one seemed to embrace their visitors, the other seemed more uncertain. Similarly it seemed that the grandfather and his granddaughter followed much the same stance; while Nuzhah seemed welcoming, Nahodha was understandably more cautious. Ram couldn't blame the lion, he had seen much after all and knew that it was wise to tread carefully when things weren't so certain.

At least, based on Pili's reaction, the general consensus was 'quietly optimisitc' and 'curious' rather than hostile.

"All right, so -" Ram began and took a seat, raising a paw to motion towards a number of the Hlare who had gathered. A number of them held some of the herbs, minerals and other oddities that needed to be found. They were to be used as examples for anyone who wasn't sure of exactly what they were looking for.

"As you know we have some visitors with us and we're currently in need of some assistance. The Hlare have indicated that they need a lot of things and this has been reinforced by our visitors' priestesses," he paused and Tethys gave a wry smile.

...Somewhere in the crowd knowing chuckles could be heard from several of the band.

"In order to get what we need, we're going to need more than just a few paws so I was rather hoping you could all free up some of your day to do some light gardening," Ram finished for the time being and gave Tethys a nod; the Stormborn Captain finally stepped forward.

"All right so here's the deal," he smirked and eyed the Bahari, the stormborn and the other new faces alike. "I'm gonna level with you all in saying that the Stormborn are better at finding this kinda treasure than the rest of you so we're gonna give you a head start -"

"Excuse me?" Ram interjected with feigned offence. "We live here I think we know exactly where to find these things," he pointed out.

"Is that so?" Tethys challenged and raised a brow.

"How about a friendly wager?" Ram retorted and allowed a sly smile to curl onto his lips. "Side that brings back the most wins; they get to claim they're the best and the other must admit defeat," he added. Tethys glanced briefly at the crowd and then gave a nod; seemingly in agreement.

"Fine, but let's make this more interesting," Tethys smirked and threw out his paws towards the crowd. "Rather than just cutting us all down the middle, how about we mix it up a little. Anyone can pick any side -"

"What you mean I can kick the captain's a**?" challenged one of the stormborn from somewhere in the back.

"Mate you aren't going to kick my a**, this side is winning -" Tethys retorted.

"That's what you think," the same voice replied, causing Ram to laugh.

"Fine, fine," the blue male conceded and nodded towards those gathered. "You can select whichever side you choose. The winning side will get bragging rights - We'll call them -"

"TEAM CAP!" Tethys interjected, resulting in a 'really?' expression from the king. "And uh...uh..."

"You didn't think that through did you?"

"Well you need a more interesting title, Team-Cap and Team-Surf, pick aside and let's move!"

Ram merely shook his head, sometimes it was better not to argue...
AstoriaFallen rolled 1 10-sided dice: 2 Total: 2 (1-10)
PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2017 9:33 am
This was getting curiouser and curiouser by the minute and she watched as they talked among themselves. So this is going to be a sort of scavenger hunt it would seem.

With sides no a less!

Just to make things interesting she stood up and approached with a smile. "I would like to choose the side of Team Cap." She wanted to learn more about them and figured siding on their team she'd be able to at least hear a thing or two.

She recalled the items they were looking for and began her little journey to do so and so far nothing was calling to her just yet!  



Winter Wolf

Syrius Lionwing generated a random number between 1 and 10 ... 8!

Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2017 11:15 am
Nahodha'kota chuckled quietly. It seemed there was much banter going on between the young king and the captain. He found it amusing but he wasn't here to join in he was just here to watch. He looked a little down the beach and spotted Nuzhah bouncing around ready to go. This sort of game was for the young, he would at least watch over proceedings make sure there was no arguments. He could break up scuffles if he needed to.

"Ohh yay!" Nuzhah jumped to her paws, her tail flickering happily. She could have gone to the opposing team, she felt a little sorry for them they were at a disadvantage but she wanted to show everyone what a Hlare, even a young one such as herself could do. "I'll go on team Surf." She grins bouncing off to find the items they were looking for.  
AstoriaFallen rolled 1 10-sided dice: 2 Total: 2 (1-10)
PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2017 11:49 am
Others were starting their search to find items and it seemed they were turning up some luck with that. Giving a small frown she knew she was better at finding things than this. Heading towards the tide pools she set her sights to the ground, hopeful that she might catch a glimpse of something necessary.

Yet again her attempts to scrounge up something to bring to the vikings was mute. Digging in some of the pools she moved some of the stones within their midst hoping to dislodge something eventually.  



Winter Wolf

Syrius Lionwing generated a random number between 1 and 10 ... 4!

Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Tue Feb 07, 2017 2:55 am
"Ohh starfish." The young Hlare giggled happily. She had of course brought her bag made of some old netting to this party so she slipped the creature in to it and hoppped off to continue her search. This would be fun, it was a scavenger hunt and she pretty much knew the best places to scavenger. She'd lived on these shores her whole life after all!

Nahodha'kota watched as the youngsters charged off to start their search and after a few moments he got to his paws and walked towards Ram and Tethys. "Mornin'" he nods his head his dark eyes flicking between the two. "Seems the young' uns are enjoyin' tha hunt."  
[IC] Bahari'mtoto Lands

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