Considering the popularity of Pokemon Go lately, I'm surprised there hasn't been a topic created here in Why Not yet to discuss it. Especially in the actual Pokemon sub-forum of all places. ((Yeah, we apparently have one, lol.))
I don't play it myself. The other day I was bored at my Grandma's and thought I would try it out, just for the heck of it... only to find out my cell phone isn't compatible with the app. Not that big of a deal. I hardly have time to play most of the other games I do have ((i.e. Sailor Moon Drops)).
So... for all of you Pokemon Go trainers:
- What team are you on - Instinct, Mystic, or Valor?
- What is your favorite Pokemon you've got so far?
- What Pokemon are you questing to catch?
- Any strange places you've found Pokemon at?