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Tianxia Empire

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 9:01 pm
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Welcome to the Community Thread! This thread has many purposes. It mostly takes care of the most interactive aspects of the pride. In this thread you will find joining, breeding, rank change and religion information, as well as a few other fun features! Here you will also find the master members list.

This thread can also be used freely for asking questions, looking for RP partners, plots and even arranged marriages! So yes, this also means that you are free to post here.

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 9:02 pm
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Here is where we tell you how to join Tianxia! The secret is filling out the form below and posting it in this thread. It also helps if you read some of the information in the information thread!

For the most part, we will let you choose whatever House/Rank you want. However, sometimes we may recommend something different if your SoA seems to fit elsewhere better! Also, applications to the Center House will more often than not be redirected, as that House is supposed to be small.

If your SoA is accepted you will be quoted, as well as if we have any notes/questions.

Please note that right now just about anyone can join the pride quite easily, as it is still growing. In the future, it may become more difficult!

Restricted Names
The following names are exclusive to specific families of the Tianxian ruling houses or other prominent families and may not be used in either their common or proper names without connection to the associated family.
This restriction is not retroactive and any member of the pride prior to October 18th, 2022 will not be asked to change their name.

Lóng Family - The ruling family of the Center. Founded with the birth of Empress Ting Lan and Emperor Miàndùi Tiaozhàn's children. The name is used in the proper name.
Zhōng Family - The ruling family of the West. Founded by Lord Zhōng Xióngwei and Zhōng Rén. The name is used in the proper name.
Mila Family - The ruling family of the East. Founded by Lord Yi Min. The name is used in the common name.
Shòujiè Family - A prominent family of the North. Founded with the birth of Duke Shan and Duchess Shen Xue's children. The name is used in the proper name.
Shān Family - A prominent family of the North. Founded by the goddess of Mountains, Shan Furen. The name is used in the common and proper names.

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[b]SoA's Name:[/b] Your SoA's common name
[b]Proper Name:[/b] to join, your SoA must have his or her very own proper name! See the pride information thread to find out what that's all about.
[b]House Desired:[/b] North, South, West or East, or, less likely, Center
[b]Desired Rank:[/b] keep in mind requirements and whatnot, please. If you don't know, just ask for a recommendation.
[b]Why do you wanna join?[/b] we wanna know~
[b]Are Any cubs or juveniles joining with this SoA?[/b] Yes/no
[b]Names, images and owners:[/b] Please include both the common and the proper name for each cub/juvenile, as well as the images and owners!

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Tianxia Empire

Tianxia Empire

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 9:02 pm
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Breeding is currently: Open!

There are three situations breeding can be in Tianxia.
Open – No need to ask for permission or anything. Breeding will be like this most of the time. But if you would be so kind, please post the parents and the cubs here once they arrive, please! <3
Restricted – Ask for permission first. It would probably be easy to get permission. If breedings are ever in this situation, it is most likely because of some plot! We'll probably leave a note, specifying the reason. No form is needed, just post the couple you'd like to breed, and any other notes you might think of. You will be quoted with an OK!
Closed – This will probably never happen, and if it does it probably won't stay that way for long. But if breeding is closed, no one is supposed to be having babies in Tianxia. <3

As you can probably tell, breeding is pretty straightforward here, and we will try to avoid restricting it in any way unless it is for the plot. However, to help us keep up with things, like members and whatnot, we ask that you please post the names and owners of the babies once they arrive, and are named. No form is needed!

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 9:02 pm
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Rank changes are currently closed!
I am in the process fo completely revamping the rank requirements to make them more even throughout the Houses and to have better inclusion of games and prompts.

Here is where you can post for your SoA to change ranks, or houses. If you want a rank for your SoA that can only be obtained in a specific house, but is currently unavailable in that House, you can get around that by applying for a House and a Rank change at the same time. The IC assumption is, once they reached the desired rank, they moved to the other house to work there, where they were needed.

Please use the form below! You can only post for your own SoA.

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[b]SoA Names:[/b] Common name / proper name
[b]SoA's current House:[/b]
[b]Are you changing Houses?[/b] Yes/No
[b]If so, to which one?[/b] Center/North/South/West/East
[b]Is your SoA changing Ranks?[/b] Yes/No
[b]If so, to which one?[/b]
[b]Via:[/b] Is your SoA gaining ranks through RP, through points, a combination of the two or via a special event
[b]Requirements met:[/b] Here is where you prove you've met the requirements for the rank! If you're going by points, just ignore this, we will just check your SoA's Point Tally. If you're going by a combination of points/RP, post only the RP links.
[b]Any other notes:[/b]

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Is your SoA missing from the memberlist, or is their info out of date? Please post about it here! Here is where you will post to get mates and children added (if we didn't go ahead and do that). <3

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[b]What is wrong?[/b] My SoA isn't on the memberlist/my SoA wants everyone to know he/she is in LURVE/stuff like that
[b]Are names missing?[/b] Yes/no
[b]Names and Owners:[/b] (if you answered yes to the previous question!)
[b]Are pictures missing?[/b] Yes/no!
[b]Link:[/b] (this is where you put the link, if yes!!)

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Tianxia Empire

Tianxia Empire

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 9:03 pm
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Being a pride where social life is rather a big deal, it is only natural that people start talking about each other.

This is a little fun-section of the subforum. Here, anyone can add rumors! The fun thing about rumors is they can be true or false, and they can be plausible or ridiculous. Really, rumors don't always have to make sense at all, they can claim someone is secretly a dragon.

To add a rumor, simply post here using the form at the bottom of the post, what it is about and where people might hear it, or who might hear it. Some rumors may circulate in a specific House, or among members of a profession, or class. Please do not make up rumors about other people's characters if they are unaware as that can spoil the fun for everyone! We will check up on things if you post about SoA that aren't yours, so you may just want to get the other parties to come post and let us know they're aware beforehand.

Once a rumor is in this post, anyone within the 'target audience' can reference and talk about it in RP, add on, or whatever. In the end, this is just stuff SoA can talk about, if they feel like a little gossip!

Rumor: One of the Duchesses in the West House, Zhong Zǐsè, is often seen about with Yujin, and some say they're having an love affair.
Circulation: Middle/low class members of the West House.

Rumor: Empress Ting Lan wants to conquer the whole world!
Circulation: EVERYWHERE.

Rumor: There is a monster lurking in the North House territory!
Circulation: North House especially, maybe middle/low class in other Houses.

Rumor: The Crown Prince of Tianxia was injured in an accident. He might have been horribly disfigured and crippled and never able to rule! Maybe it was an assassination attempt?
Circulation: Everywhere, especially middle/low class.


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[size=14][b]Hey! I've got some juicy gossip![/b][/size]
[b]I'm listening![/b] What is the rumor, basically? Try to be brief!
[b]Where does this rumor circulate?[/b] Who is the target audience? Who talks about this, who might hear it?

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 9:03 pm

Strictly speaking, Tianxia has no religion. There is no widespread belief system within the pride, or even one the Royal Family currently supports. However, this isn't to say there isn't religion within the pride!

Tianxia is a new pride made up of lions (and others) coming from all over, who carry with them their own beliefs. The leaders of the pride are willing to respect that, and as such, there is possibility to find all kinds of religion in Tianxia. Believers of any sort are allowed to organize and join to practice as they wish, so long as not in a disruptive manner. This means no religion that condones and strives to cause harm to members, or damage the lands. So this means as long as no one is starting riots, or persecuting each other or just being generally unpleasant, everyone is free to worship what they wish.

And this means anyone can start a religion as well! Because it is more fun to play with friends, this section of the guild is dedicated to providing an index of religions found in Tianxia. There are a few rules for having a religion listed here, as if only one character follows said religion there really isn't much of a point. Members are free to try to make their religion better known, but it is generally frowned upon to be pushy or impolite about it.

So one of the rules is, you need other followers! For each religion there has to be at least eight members, and they can't all be closely related. There are also two ranks related to religion in the pride, monks and priests.

Monks are members who practice religious asceticism, and they live either alone or with other monks, surviving mostly self-sufficiently. Typically benevolent and peaceful, monks tend to live rather isolated from the rest of the pride, though they are still accepted as full members. Since they do no harm, the Royal Family does not mind that they do not work, and some find them rather nice to have around. To start a religion with monks, at least 2/3rds of the followers must be monks.

Priests are a little different. Priest is the rank title given only to the 'leader' or a religion, independent of what the religion refers to the leader(s) as. All other members of the religion have other ranks and work normally, while priests themselves are either self-sufficient, or are helped along by supporters. To start a religion with priests, there need to be 7 followers for every priest.

"Priest" and "monk" are the only official ranks relating to religion, and they are the only ones that can get certed now. This doesn't mean that, within a religious group, there might not be other denominations! Members are free to have their own special titles for their religious leaders, or themselves.

And what about gods? Even though the Royal Family doesn't explicitly follow any specific religion, they recognize that gods do exist and float about, and they respect their power. Some gods are even supported by the Royal Family, or the families of Lords and Ladies! Tianxia is happy to become involved with gods in a mutually beneficial way, and will support them and exchange favors as they see fit. Gods may be valued as protectors of the pride, or helpful in other ways.

Gods that chose to attach themselves to the pride or a House are very well treated, respected, becoming celebrated symbols of power, greatness and nobility. It wouldn't even be strange for religions to develop and popularize based on involvement with gods.

Gods may even join as full members! They do not need to take up any actual title, though some are called Guardians, and others choose a rank they find fitting.

In the future, Tianxia may become more religious!

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Existing Religions

The Cardinal Beasts
Priests and Monks exist for this religion and both can be found tending the temples of the beasts.

The Cardinal Beasts are forces of nature, less-so gods, and are revered by Tianxia are legendary beasts that have protected these lands since before the arrival of the pride's founders. They represent each of the four directions and the central position, with each taking a powerful form of an animal unseen, but yet known to the pride. The Azure Serpent represents the East, the Vermillion Bird represents the South, the White Tiger represents the West, the Black Tortoise represents the North, and the Golden Qilin represents the Center. Each of these colors and animals is commonly seen painted or shown in some way within their corresponding House, typically within the accessories chosen to wear by House members.

Five temples exist throughout Tianxia, located within the center of each House in a prime, easily reachable location except the one located in the Central House, which is secluded away for use by the imperial family. These temples vary in appearance but are designed to represent the members of their host House.

Although traditionally a lion-dominated pride, the Cardinal Beasts allow any to serve them and as such, allow any to join in their reverence.

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Below is the form used to add a religion to this thread. You may note it doe not allow for a lot of detail, for the sake of saving on space. However, you are welcome to start your own thread here in this subforum where you can put all the information you want! Just be sure to mark it as OOC. It will not get stickied, but it will be linked in this post if you wish it. You can do whatever you want with the religion thread, but we ask that you do not make more than one.

Once your religion is listed here, anyone can join it, if they want to. Keep that in mind! The only way you can restrict your religion is by species or gender.

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[b][color=blue]A New Religion![/color][/b]
[b]Name of Religion:[/b]
[b]Type of Religion:[/b] Priests or monks?
[b]Basic Outline:[/b] Keep it short! One paragraph, or two if they are very small.
[b]Members:[/b] If it is a priest-type religion, there needs to be at least one priest. There should never be more than 1 priest for every 7 followers, while there can be less. For monks, at least 2/3rds of the members need to be monks, while other members are considered believes and supporters. Please list both names of your SoA, as well as rank and owner. For priests and monks, this will double as a rank change post!
[b]Species/Gender restrictions:[/b]
[b]Founded by:[/b] Username of people involved in getting this religion started.
[b]Link:[/b] optional link, if you have a thread for your religion.

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This is a form used to join in on any religion listed here.

[b][color=green]I'm a believer![/color][/b]
[b]I believe in:[/b] The religion you are joining goes here!
[b]SoA's names:[/b]
[b]Rank:[/b] SoA's rank. If your SoA is becoming a monk no permission is needed, but keep in mind the lifestyle attached to the rank. If your SoA is becoming a priest, get permission from who started the religion. Of course, your SoA doesn't have to become either, and just maintain its normal rank.

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Tianxia Empire

Tianxia Empire

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 9:03 pm
Member Showcases

In the interest of providing a richer RP environment, one feature we're including in this here guild is the 'member showcase' section! That is made up of the next few posts, but you might be wondering what they are.

Well, rather than ask every single member of the pride to send us a personality blurb for their SoA, we thought we'd make it optional. But the point of the member showcase here isn't only that. When you add your SoA here, you are, in essence, giving people permission to use them. Not RP them, of course!

SoA showcased here in the member showcase are fair game to be referenced in RP. This means anyone can mention your SoA in RP, by name of job or what have you. This gives the opportunity for people to treat Tianxia as more of a community, and stick little things into their posts if they want, or give their SoA something to talk about. Not to mention, it can be pretty fun to see people talking about your SoA in their RPs!

So in these schowcase blurbs, you should only give information anyone can know. You can provide little things about your SoA that might be known around their House or the pride, like how most people would perceive them (grumpy, cheerful, melancholic), or what your SoA may have done for someone, or be known for. If your SoA is a doctor, for example, people can say he or she fixed them up once when they were injured!

There is only so much we can explain in words, and hope not to be confusing. Feel free to check out the posts and showcases below, organized by House. And if you wish to have your SoA added, please fill out the form in this post! If you wish to have it removed, just post here and let us know. Likewise, if you'd like to update information, just post here and let us know! Tell us which section you're editing, for which SoA, and what do remove/add in.

Note: The showcases are organized in alphabetical order by the SoA's common name.

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[b]SoA Names:[/b] Common name / proper name
[b]Played by:[/b] you!
[b]Rank:[/b] Assuming everyone knows your SoA's rank! If not, just leave a note here saying it isn't common knowledge.
[b]Known:[/b] Is your SoA known throughout the pride, just in their House, or just among colleagues (hunters, for example)? Keep classes and ranks in mind for this!
[b]Personality:[/b] How might others in the pride perceive the SoA?
[b]Maybe he/she...:[/b] Is your SoA likely to do favors? What sorts? Maybe he helped someone out with a hunt, or she played a prank on someone.
[b]Other:[/b] other things people might know. Is your SoA's birth place common knowledge, or their being a seer, for example?
[b]Things no one should know:[/b] Because a lot of people know things through OOC means, it might be a bummer if people assume they can post things that are secret. Note things here that people definitely shouldn't know about your SoA.

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 9:03 pm
Center House Showcase

Here are members of the Center House you may know!

SoA Names: Ahali'bagawa / Wei Gang
Played by: wooga Paes
Rank: Emperor (former, retired)
Known: Throughout the pride.
Personality: He's confident and stubborn, doesn't tend to waste his time with nonsense. Despite a somewhat hot temper, he's an intelligent lion who knows how to keep his manners and talk pretty. He doesn't toss around his rank, but seems to expect everyone to know him anyways.
Maybe he/she...: was seen around in social events. He might have exchanged a few words with your SoA, probably a simple hello-goodbye sort of thing.
Other: Ahali is well known as the founder of the pride. He is known to have come from the Motoujamii, and probably lots of silly stories can be made up about him, he's never shown he cares to stop it. Stories about him would usually involve battles and fighting. He's a very large lion.
Things no one should know: During his time as a rogue he was totally a very bad, reckless guy who did very, reckless bad things.

SoA Names: Ari / Ting Lan
Played by: wooga Paes
Rank: Empress
Known: Throughout the pride.
Personality: Despite being a little haughty, it is noticeable that she does care about what the pride thinks of her. She is polite and occasionally kind, if not always willing to waste her time. Ting Lan is rather formal, and may come off as cold and calculating. She has an air of someone who typically gets what she wants.
Maybe he/she...: is the Empress. Everyone knows the Empress! She is likely to be seen moving between Houses, meeting with other members of royalty/nobility, making announcements, that sort of thing. She is likely to exchange a few polite words.
Other: She has five cubs with her mate, the Emperor Miandui Tiaozhan from the pridelands. Her eldest son, Long Fengwei is the Heir of Tianxia.
Things no one should know: Surprisingly enough, she has a rather warm, childish, silly side that pretty much only her mate and cubs know.

SoA Names: Pupitar / Jian
Played by: wooga Paes
Rank: Royal Guard
Known: Throughout the pride.
Personality: She's not good at starting up conversation, and seems rather focused on her job. She's rough around the edges, and it is hard to see her as smart.
Maybe he/she...: As the Empress' personal bodyguard, she is mostly known for that, following Ting Lan around. She may have glared at someone for approaching the Empress when they shouldn't. She is a good sparring partner, often seeking out distractions while the Empress is meeting someone at another House.
Other: She is big and brutish, but surprisingly good at hiding herself and staying out of sight. Her common name isn't really well known.
Things no one should know: Nothing in particular!


Tianxia Empire

Tianxia Empire

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 9:03 pm
North House Showcase

Here are members of the North House you may know!

SoA Names: Hashmal / Xun'lin
Played by: PhiferWolf
Rank: Lord of the North
Known: He is the Lord of the North, so many should know him.
Personality: He is extremely kind, tactful, and respectful to many. However, he will take his business seriously if questioned about his methods.
Maybe he/she...: He will likely do favors if it doesn't require him to leave his House for extended periods of time. However, he has done pranks if his younger brother, Dohzou, manages to egg him toward it.
Other: He was not initially the crowned heir of the North. He had a former arranged mate, whom returned to her home pride.
Things no one should know: NA

SoA Names: Kito / Shan
Played by: wooga Paes
Rank: Duke
Known: Anyone in the North House, by high-ranking pride members, and maybe by name of anyone in the pride, but not very well.
Personality: People may know him as polite enough, but he seems to choose his words carefully when asked a question, and so might be perceived as a little awkward. He smiled easily, and seems to mean well. He doesn't apparently think highly of himself because of his rank, though he's obviously a lion comfortable with his situation in life.
Maybe he/she...: Shan is always willing to help people out with their training, perhaps he was seen about in some important event, accompanying his family, meeting with other members of royalty.
Other: People would know he is married to a duchess from the West House, Asli (Shen Xue). He glares at other males when she's around.
Things no one should know: People may notice Shan is a little cautious with his words. That is because he is a compulsive liar, and has to think things over to keep this bad habit in check. Him being a compulsive liar is not common knowledge!

SoA Names: Moto'Vianzio / Sheng Kou
Played by: PhiferWolf
Rank: Lord (former, retired), Brigadier
Known: As a former lord, he is known by many as a "monster".
Personality: Very hostile, demands order and obedience and simply will not tolerate weakness within his presence. Easily angered. However, he is very proud and strong and will jump to his House's defense and its members. He does care, he does!
Maybe he/she...: He will guide others through the mountain pass that leads into the back of the North House as it is a treacherous venture to those unfamiliar with it.
Other: He is particularly known for his very short, explosive tempers. He is a firekin just like the former Emperor.
Things no one should know: NA

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 9:04 pm
South House Showcase

Here are members of the South House you may know!


Tianxia Empire

Tianxia Empire

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 9:04 pm
West House Showcase

Here are members of the West House you may know!

SoA Names: Kaa / Yujin
Played by: wooga Paes
Rank: Hunter
Known: Around the middle class West House
Personality: He's a charming smooth-talker, much better at talking his way out of situations than fighting. So yeah, more of a lover indeed! Yujin likes him some flirting. He is easily seen as a little lazy, irresponsible and reckless, apparently just riding out life and relaxing. He does the bare-minimum.
Maybe he/she...: is your food-provider, being a hunter and all. Yujin is likely to turn away long laborious tasks by making excuses, but is the sort to sit and chat for a while. As a kid he was prone to a bit of light pranking. He can sometimes be seen with Zhong Zǐsè, a West House duchess. He is good friends with Ping, and they are often seen together. He is prone to flirting with the ladies, as well as being chased off and roughed up (but not beaten to a pulp!) by their mates.
Other: Rumor has it he snuck out without warning everyone for a couple weeks, and almost got himself exiled!
Things no one should know: Only his good friend knows he actually had a fling while out exploring the world. No one in the pride knows it produced cubs.

SoA Names: Pindua Rangi / Ping
Played by: wooga Paes
Rank: Guard
Known: Among middle class members of the West House, mostly other guards and hunters.
Personality: He is hard working, pleasant, friendly, a little boyish. Cheerful and playful. Easily baffled or surprised, but hard to scare.
Maybe he/she...: helped your SoA out in a hunt, or gave pointers on sparring, or asked for pointers on sparring, helped with heavy lifting, that sort of thing. He may be seen around with his best friend, Yujin.
Other: He'll rather freely mention he wants to become a part of the Royal Guard, someday.
Things no one should know: Nothing exceptional

SoA Names: Zumaridi / Mingyu
Played by: wooga Paes
Rank: Nanny
Known: She's a common sight in the West House, even if she doesn't get around too much anymore.
Personality: A kind lioness, she may initially come off as a little impatient with adults... but extremely tolerant of cubs. Mingyu adores kids! She gets along with them well and can be pretty motherly. She's wise, and there is some remnant of humor in her.
Maybe he/she...: babysat your SoA's cubs, or babysat your SoA when he/she was a kid. Mingyu is also willing to help teach kids basic things, like hunting, tell bedtime stories, or show newcomers around.
Other: Mingyu is noticeably up there in age. It is known she has two sons and two daughters in the pride. Because she joined the pride already rather old, she isn't very accustomed to her proper name, and will likely still introduce herself as Zumaridi, and/or take a while to answer to Mingyu.
Things no one should know: She doesn't talk about having been mated before, or anything about prior families and/or prides. No one, including her, knows she is a seer.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 9:04 pm
East House showcase

Here are members of the East House you may know!

SoA Names: Bohlale Mila // Xiao
Played by: F a y t h - x
Rank: Duke
Known: East and some what in the North house, mostly among warriors and teachers.
Personality: In his younger days Xiao was moody, proud, disrespectful, always seeking praise and acknowledgement. He seldom got as much as he craved, being part of a large family 'n all. This frustrated him, and he spent much of his adolescence angry and resentful - a royal grumpy guss - acting out for attention. In a fit of young rebellion he spent some time in the North House as he was intrigued by the militaristic training and lifestyle. He partook in fighting lessons and training, while also holding to the East-House's focus on wisdom. Together this began to mold him into a better lion.
Since becoming an adult he has learned he doesn't necessarily need acknowledgement of the things he does or praise, and has become a much more kind and empathetic lion. Though he still has some issues to work through, he is far more composed and receptive, even a little more laid back. He's still proud, but much better when it comes to humility.
Maybe he...: Is likely to visit the North House to keep up with his fighting skills. Maybe he has sparred with you, or was once your student? Maybe you were childhood acquaintances and was treated badly by him and still think he's a meany-pants?
Other: He is known to be easy to provoke in to a challenge.
Things no one should know: His past is pretty much an open book.

Tianxia Empire

Tianxia Empire

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 9:04 pm
PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 9:04 pm

Tianxia Empire

Tianxia Empire

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 9:04 pm
[IC] Tianxia Lands

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