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Reply [IC] Myrsky Syntynyt Lands
[PRP] What kind of a future lays before us. [FIN]

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Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 8:28 pm
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The black and purple cub padded along their prides lands with thoughts of what her future would hold on her mind. She had her mind set on the rank of captain. Sure she was too young to do anything about it now, but she already knew the route she had to go in order to obtain her goal. Her brother would help her get there too. She as certain the pair of them would make great captains one day. Right now though she was just out scouting the other cubs, mainly to see who her competition was going to be.

Her golden gaze flashed slightly as her tail whipped back and forth, the white puff of fur disturbing the settled dust upon the ground. Her siblings and her had the opportunity to meet two males from one of the other families but she was more than interested in the other families cubs too.

She honestly just wanted to size up the competition, perhaps scope out a potential future mate. Though honestly she was too young to think THAT far ahead, but it was there in the back of her mind.
PostPosted: Mon Apr 04, 2016 2:56 am
Mikael padded along, dark ears tipped backwards as he sighed, shaking his head to dislodge his fow-coloured fringe from in front of his eyes. He had got into yet another fight and was not looking forward to telling his mother about it. He wouldn't usually, but the blood still dripping from his pale belly fluff made it hard to hide what had happened this time.

Grumbling to himself he paused and tried to reach the wound behind his elbow but .. couldn't... quite. Wincing as his neck strained with the motion he gave up and resumed his walk. This time it had been three cubs who had attacked him, where as last time only two had tried and had failed, much to their surprise and substantial pain. He may be the son of a priestess and a reaver and not some famous Captain, but Ulfric was a great fighter and his mom was no one's punching bag. In fact she had taught him some of the trickier combat moves that had saved him from being even more beaten up than he was currently. “..And all because of my markings”. He grumbled to himself, pausing to peer down into a puddle of water, eyeing his own reflection. The highly distinctive stripes around his eyes were an exact match for many of the pride's members, revealing his connection to the old warlord Aesir. Aesir had in fact been his grandfather, for all the good it did him. It seemed that by inheriting the face markings, he had also inherited the hatred of a small section of the pride still loyal to the previous warlord, and Aesir's rival Njal. The traditionalist lion's followers clearly still felt some anger at their leader's loss and seemed intent on taking it out on him. Even though Njal had been beaten by Ruzski, whom had hardly been Aesir's friend. He wondered if it was something to do with the current warlord's familiarity with Aesir's daughter Kazul that made the Njalrians -as Mikael thought of them as- consider his family related to the current warlord.

Rolling his eyes he stepped over the puddle and continued on his trek. He wasn’t truly heading anywhere in particular, but he didn’t want to go home just yet, so he was... wandering.



Allied Recalibrator


Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Mon Apr 04, 2016 7:27 pm
The smell of iron was strong in the air and that meant only one thing. Blood. Perhaps someone had gotten into a gruesome battle of strengths and she had missed it! With a slight grumble she picked up her pace a little bit in hopes to catch a sight of whomever it was that had been sparing. It wasn't long before she spotted a small blood trail and decided to follow it. It wasn't someone she knew and she was curious as to what had transpired. She caught the smell of 3 others as well and this parked her curiosity a great deal.

Glowing orange eyes kept an eye out for drops of blood as her nose led the way towards the owner of the bleeding wounds and she spotted a dark cub with copper markings not to far ahead. She realized he was the owner to the blood trail and she padded up behind him but kept her distance in case he turned and took a swipe at her. She may be young but she was smart and quick on her feet. "Hey, what happened to you?" She asked him rather bluntly as she circled around to the front so he could see her better.

Her tail whipped back and forth slightly as she looked at him. She didn't recognize him or his markings. What family was he from? She was well aware more than just his blood had been spilled but where was his partner? Or was the situation something else altogether? "You may call me Valka. What is your name?" She almost demanded of him, her voice was light and stern but not forceful by any manner.

Do you have skype or aim? Anupama2006@aol.com (or just Anupama2006) is my Aim and ambermaidens is my skype
PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 11:30 am
The battered and bleeding cub was well aware that someone was following him, but it certainly wasn't one of his tormentors so he ignored them. Or at least he did until the female stepped round in front of him and blocked his way. Coming to a halt he looked at her. He didn't recognise her, though she had a somewhat familiar marking on her back, those wings were very like the ones's Aesir had possessed, according to his mother. They turned up in the Ex-Warlord's bloodline every so often, though not as much as his own face marks it seemed. He had heard a lion with the same marking had caused a stir at a big gathering I the pride recently, he and another male had fought over a lioness. He had heard it had been incredibly violent, but he wasn't sure of the wing-marked lion had won or not.

Shaking his head to dislodge his wandering thoughts he forced himself to focus on her again, realising he hadn't answered her abrupt question. Evidently the pain of his wound was distracting him more than he had thought. "Just a fight." He replied, lifting his paw off the ground as his wound throbbed. It felt like every breath made it pulse, and walking was becoming harder to do the longer he waited. "I'm Mikael." He looked her over again, trying to recognise her but eventually he shook his head. "You didn't happen to see three male Cubs near here did you?" He asked, glancing back over his shoulder with a narrow-eyed stare. "I wouldn't be surprised if they were following me."

Poked you in Skype, I don't have AIM any more.


Allied Recalibrator


Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 6:59 pm
She watched him for a moment as he seemed to be lost in thought for a moment and finally answered her. Just a fight? That's all she was going to get? "Well I hope the other guy looks worse." She said trying to get a little more out of him without blatantly asking him what happened. She listened as he introduced himself and seemed somewhat distracted. The more she looked at him the more she realized his wounds looked semi serious. She glanced behind her and hadn't recalled seeing anyone else. "I haven't seen anyone around but you.." She said looking at him.

"Do you need any help at all?" She figured she should at least ask. Besides, if she ever wanted to spar with this cub he'd have to be in top condition or it wouldn't be a fair fight in her opinion. She was bossy at times but she had rules she liked to follow, especially when it came to sparring. She wouldn't spar against an opponent that couldn't give their all. She'd feel as though she were being cheated out of a fair fight.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2016 4:56 am
"Three." He replied, correcting her. "There were three of them." His flank suddenly rippled as the sliced muscle contracted with a spike of pain, making Mikael wince. Though he continued to speak. "But yes, I cut two of them up pretty bad." Flexing his toes in an attempt to ease the pain from his wound -moving his whole leg just made it hurt more but he felt the need to move something- he nodded slowly. "Good." He didn't want to see those particular cubs again. Ever. Or at least not while he was injured and alone.

Her offer surprised him, and he blinked at her for a moment. Stretching his paw back to the ground he realised that it hurt even more now, the tear in his side stiffening the muscles about it and making his whole body ache. The pain spiked down his front leg when he tried to put his weight on it, causing him to flinch, and then lift it again quickly. "If you don't mind... I'd... " He paused, somewhat self conscious, but then he finally finished.. "I'd appreciate it." He needed to get home, so his mother could fix the wound. He couldn't abide the idea of those bullies leaving him with a pernament limp and ruining his chance at being a reaver. So if accepting help from a girl he didn't know was what he had to do in order to get revenge later on. Then that was what would happen...



Allied Recalibrator


Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2016 5:33 pm
Three? Her fur bristled slightly. What kind of honor is there in outnumbering someone? That was just cowardly. She was pleased to hear that he had marked up two of them pretty good. "I'm pleased to hear you were able to hold your own against them." She said looking him over with a hidden grimace. He was pretty awful looking, though she had seen worse. She watched the way he gingerly put weight upon his one paw and realized that he was in rough shape.

She listened as he hesitantly accepted her offer for assistance and didn't blame him for it. She'd of done the exact same thing. She realized he wasn't going to be able to walk on his own much longer. "If you don't mind, you can lean on me for support." She said moving closer to him so that he could put his weight against her and they walk to his den together. Or at least to a healer. "Where do we need to go? Your den or find a healer?" She asked him.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 7:26 am
He watched her expression shifting as she looked him over. Clearly she was a thinker, and was thinking pretty hard right about then. All he really cared about was getting home, and having his wound tended to by his mom. As she moved up beside him and offered her assistance, he nodded slightly, carefully leaning into her shoulder. He was a boy, and she was a girl, he didn't want to shove her over by accident. Once confident she could help support his weight he started forwards, keeping his paw off the ground entirely now and using her to keep his balance as he hop-walked along.

"My den. Mom is a priestess, she will know what to do." He replied, glancing at her as they made their unsteady way along the path. "What are you doing all the way out here?" He asked after a while. He didn’t mind the silence, but talking may distract him from the pain under his leg. And anyway, Ember's den really was way out on the edge of the pride, backed by the higher peeks that often held snow all year round. She claimed it was quieter out there, and that having to walk that far made sure that any of her clients actually wanted to talk to her, rather than waste her time and gape at the 'fey spirit lioness'.



Allied Recalibrator


Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Fri Apr 22, 2016 1:33 pm
She listened as he wanted to go back to his den and to his mother. She made sure to walk slow enough that he wouldn't be rushing along with his injuries but at the same time she didn't want to go too slow that it would take them forever to get to his den. At the mention of why she was out here she glanced over towards him. "Just wandering around really.." She said as they moved along. She really didn't have a real reason for being out here, she just liked to get away from everyone sometimes and this was the place to do it.

"That's cool that your mom is a Priestess, my mother is a Reaver." She said just trying to make a little small talk while they walked. She wondered why he was out here. "Why were you out here?" She wondered if he had just been walking around when the fight happened or if he had come out here to fight. Either way she supposed it really didn't matter. The two of them were out here together now and she was helping him get home. "Do you have any siblings?" She knew it was random but it was something to talk about.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2016 6:53 am
Despite his focus being on walking without putting too much of his weight onto her, he tilted an ear towards her as she spoke, paying attention. After all, his mother had told him to always pay attention when he was being addressed, and even when he wasn't. One could learn much just by listeing to those around him. Wincing as he stumbled slightly he huffed out a tight breath. "What's your mother's name? Mine might know her.." He offered, after all Ember saw many lions in her role as a Priestess, he could very well have met her, though he was certain he would have remembered Valka if he had met her before. And since he didn't, he assumed he hadn't.

He glanced at her, awkwardly because of his poition mostly leaning on her, before facing forwards once mroe as he didn't want to trip and land on his face. "I was out exploring. I do that, between training sessions." He offered, resisting the urge to look at her as he spoke. He had been taught to look at someone when he spoke at them, it was polite after all. Now not looking at her was difficult, only the pain in his side kept him facing front. The last thing he wanted was to hurt himself more by falling. "Lots, I got four sisters and two brothers." He replied. "You?"



Allied Recalibrator


Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2016 10:13 am
She hoped his injuries weren't so serious that he'd have a permanent limp, though from the looks of things most of them were superficial and would heal just fine. Though she wasn't the most knowledgeable in the area but she had been in a few scraps with her siblings before and she had healed up alright. She was sure he just looked a lot worse than his injuries portrayed. "Her name is Anika." She said as they walked along together. She did her best to help keep him balanced and to keep him from putting too much weight on his injured side.

"Who do you train with?" She asked curiously, did his mother train him at all she wondered? She liked to explore a bit herself, which was why she found herself out here helping him back to his den currently. Good things for that right? "That is quite the litter, I have three sisters and two brothers.... At least the ones that share the same dad." She said trying to remember how many other siblings she had that were much older than they were. She hadn't even met them all yet! "Maybe we can spar sometime, when you're recovered?" She wouldn't mind doing some sparring with someone she didn't share genes with. It would be nice to test her skills on someone else and see what she might be able to learn.

PostPosted: Fri May 20, 2016 4:46 am
"Anika hu.." He replied thoughtfully, sifting through his memory for any bells. Though ignoreing the pain of his body made thinking difficult, he finally nodded, the movement very nearly tripping them both up. "I know of her. Don't know how though.... " Was she the one that had trained under Ragnvard? It infuriated him that he couldn't pin down the ethereal memory into something more solid and detailed. Eventually he gave up trying to capture the illusive whisp of thought and turne dhis attention on her next question. That at least was far easier to answer.

"Mom of course, plus Captain Lucivar and Captain Svana, as well as most of their reavers. Kizuka and 'Izzah seem to be competeing for 'meanest trainer' though." He grumbled, refering to one of Ragnvard's reavers and an Outlander who apparently had come from a pride even more violent and bloodthirsty than the vikings, though he wasn't sure just how much to beleive... her tales were wild. His grumbling was mostly for show however. The tall black viking lioness and the bad-tempered Outlander had certainly advanced his training at a rapid rate despite their harsh manners. He still lost to Hakon, though only barely since meeting the two females, the big white cub was younger than him but being God-blooded he was hugely big and powerful, but Mikael had been shrinking the gap in strength between them rapidly and had given Hakon a good fight the last time the two boys had wrestled.

"Thats almost as many as me." He replied, glancing her way again. "At least of my own litter. I don't know how many cubs Dad has had before us... " He hadn't really cared to find out either, it wasn't like half-siblings were unusual in the pride. In fact if he would have been more surprised if he didn't have any. Almost shrugging but remembering his injury just in time he looked up ahead and sighed with relief, spotting the entrance to his mother's cave up ahead. Nodding he chuckled. "Come see me in a few days, we can fight then. Maybe I can even persuade Captain Lucivar or Captain Svana to train you too." He couldn't help but boast a little, being trained by not one but two captains was something he felt particularly proud of. It didn't even matter that Lucivar would train almost anyone who asked. He could ask two Captains for favours for his new friend, and he was sure that fact would impress Valka.



Allied Recalibrator


Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 7:04 pm
I think we're done with this <3 Sorry for the double quote

As the two of them hobbled along she gave him a small smile. "It's okay, the pride is pretty large." There were so many members it was possible you didn't get a chance to meet everyone. It was possible he had seen her and just never knew her name. She listened as he listed off the different names and mentioned that their father had other kids as well. It seemed that both their parents had other litters with different lions. "It seems we have more in common than we thought." There was some humor in her voice.

As they neared the entrance she allowed herself to pull away to see if he could make the rest of the way on his own. "I'll be sure to come back in a few days!" She said a little excitedly about sparring with him and perhaps one of the other Captains. She was a little envious that he had such training available to him. "Whenever you're better we're going to have to spar so we can see who's the better fighter." She said with a sly grin.

With that she turned tail and trod off back home.  
PostPosted: Fri Jul 29, 2016 1:24 am
The pain from his wound was quite distracting now, and he found himself loosing focus on their conversation. With effort he kept walking after she pulled away, determined to not look any more weak in front of her than he already had. Nodding as she spoke he managed to flash her a toothy grin despite the pain. "I'll be waiting for you!" He wanted to add a jest, a challange to redeem his honour in her eyes, but truly he felt so very sore now that his mind couldn't come up with anything fast enough. And before he knew it, she was gone, her rump vanishing round the corner of the trail.

Turning he limped into his mother's den.



Allied Recalibrator

[IC] Myrsky Syntynyt Lands

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