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Reviving the Antianeira [Open and recruiting!] Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Das Tor

Romantic Enabler

PostPosted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 1:33 am
An all-female pride

A while ago, Truth.Be.Told and I approached Bluefire about us taking on reviving the Antianeira, and we're finally getting around to it!

Things needing done
Make a copy of the Antianeira symbol
Get a new BG suiting the pride's new home

IC Owners
Truth.Be.Told [Aella], Das Tor [Daelote]

OOC Owners
PostPosted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 1:34 am
Pridal history

The Antianeira had fallen. Or so one might think.

The pride had never been large. They started with Kiuma and her little family, seeking to establish a safe haven where they could be free of males. The fledgling pride struck up an alliance with another pride, started by a lioness they'd sheltered once, and time went on. Eventually...Kiuma fell to the claws of invaders, and male usurpers took the throne, driving the Heir, Hippolyta, out. The Antianeira were enslaved...but it did not last. Eventually, Hippolyta returned, and the usurpers ousted from the lands.

Time passed, and all was peaceful, even when one of Hippolyta's daughters, Zaramama'Drogo, stepped up to the throne and her mother stepped down into the role of a counselor.

And then plague came. Insidious, the disease was, and it drove the Antianeira from their home. Some found other places to call home, other safe havens and prides, or they took to rogue life.

Aella, one of Hippolyta's daughters by a male named Asper, had a different idea. With the aide of the once-nanny Kannon and the former Master Huntress Dyl'ahn, Aella intends to rebuild the Antianeira as her Grandmother intended them to be, in a new home free from plague.

Das Tor

Romantic Enabler

Das Tor

Romantic Enabler

PostPosted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 1:37 am
Pride Info

Who are they?
The Antianeira are a pride of female felines that live without males in their day-to-day lives. Though the opinion on males differs from female to female, they all have grown up in or found this sanctuary, where males cannot touch them and they are protected from the cruelties of the outside world. Lionesses dominate here, though leopons can also hold high ranks as Queen Aella grew up with leopon sisters. Other felines are welcome, but cannot hold high ranks.

The pride will not tolerate males within its borders. The first queen, Kiuma, decided that and they've upheld it since. Males found inside the borders by the vigilant guard are chased out of the lands; usually with a bad beating, though worse is not beyond them, up to and including death. The young females are raised to believe that males are the weaker half of the species, at least in mind and emotion, though maybe not in body. They cannot be trusted and will bring pain to females eventually, intended or not.

Male cubs of the pride are seen differently. While not as bad as outsider males, since they were born from these females, they still can't be allowed to remain in the pride. To solve this problem, the cubs are kept till they are old enough to travel, then are found another home by the mother or a nanny if the mother is disinterested. This ensures they are taken care of and raised in a loving environment, better than the treatment they would have received if they had been kept.

Love and Mates
The females of the pride are encouraged to bond, or mate, with other females, as its believed they are the only ones truly worthy. As the pairing can't lead to cubs, there are little to no restrictions on who may mate to whom. With Queen Aella's reign came the acknowledgement that some matings are out of platonic love rather than romantic, and neither is greater than the other. What matters is that there is love.

Mating with outsiders is frowned on, unless the outsider is willing to join the pride. Pairings that wish to have cubs may choose to find a father that is similar in color or looks to one or both of the mated pair. Its not a rule though and only a matter of preference.

Growing up Antianeira
Children of the pride are raised to be strong, independent, courageous, and intelligent. The more a female proves herself to reach these ideals as a hunter, guard, or fighter, the higher her rank is considered in the pride. Two hunters may hold the same title, but if one is more skilled than the other, its expected that the other will defer to her.

Life starts normally, with play and learning, nannies to care for the young females while storytellers nurture their minds. At adolescence, the female takes on the title and job for which she is best suited, training in it till adulthood. At adulthood, she is initiated as a full member of the pride with the Tears of Blood ceremony. After that, she may live as she pleases, and if she should feel the need for it, may leave the pride for a period of time to find a father for a litter of cubs, called a Quest for Cubs.

When a female is too old to be relied on in a fight or to hunt, she is often assigned duties that are lighter and keep her by the dens, such as babysitting or storytelling. Younger females may also take this role if it suits them.

While there is no official religion in the pride, the pride overall does have something of one. Queen Kiuma brought to the pride the Circle of Life, in a way. The body, when it dies, returns to the earth to feed the grass, and the soul is free to go up into the heavens or become one with the world around them. Past Queens become stars, to guide the pride and watch over them from above. Queen Hippolyta brought the custom of erecting a small 'shrine' for females who have died, so that their spirit might have a place to rest and their descendants a place to leave tokens of remembrance. These are often simply small heaps of stones, usually heaped over some small token of the female the shrine is for, be it a bit of her bones or an item she cherished in life. Queen Hippolyta's consort, Ebere, was the first of the priestesses who chose to tend these, making sure other animals did not disturb them. The shrines can be anywhere that was special to the female it is for or her family who made it.

Customs & Rites
Tears of Blood
The first ceremony a young female will go through and probably the most important for her personally.

To bring the females born in the pride into adulthood, and also to initiate new members into the pride, everyone gathers to watch the new female receive two scars on her face. One on each cheek, they run from the bottom of her eye to her jaw, and are given by either her mother, her bonded, a female relation, one of the pride's rulers, or another female of her choice. Each pride member then turns to a partner and opens her scars, then the whole pride touches cheeks, mingling their blood and renewing their connections.

The ceremony serves to mark the lionesses as part of the pride. Even if she should leave, she is still considered part of it for the rest of her life. It also stands for:

~ taking pain for the good of the group.
~ being injured by another sister, and being able to forgive her, because she in turn has been injured, and has forgiven.
~ all the pain they have lived through, the blood like the tears they shed. By sharing their blood, they share the pain with their sisters

It's okay to assume that this ceremony has happened, since its difficult to get everyone together to rp it. It can be done in an rp with the queen of the pride if you like, but it's not required.

Quest for Cubs
When a lioness is ready, preferably after her adulthood ceremony, she goes out into the world to search for a male she considers fit to father her cubs. It's up to her who she chooses, but a strong or smart male is favored, and some may choose one with colors to match their mate or bonded.

There is no time limit on how long these quests take, and it wouldn't be a surprise if the female on the quest did a little exploring and learning along the way, in no hurry to become pregnant. It's even encouraged that the young females of the pride learn of the outside world, so they can better appreciate and participate in pride life.

Once pregnant, the female returns to the pride to give birth to her cubs.

Breeding is: OPEN
When breeding is open, you don't need permission to breed your female. There is no requirement for how you go about this breeding, as long as any male cubs that come of it are disposed of in a suitable fashion. The Aegnor Pride is preferred for dark cubs, the Coileani Draiochta for others, but other ways may be chosen by the mother. How you RP the quest is up to you. If you like, you can call the one RP with the father the quest, or string it out over a few RPs, it's entirely up to you.

Great Hunt
The opening to the Summer Solstice celebrations, the Great Hunt is where the rising stars among the huntresses prove their mettle as the chosen hunting group takes down prey that might be impossible for lesser lionesses. To participate is a great honor, and the feast brought home keeps the pride fed during the festivities.

Summer Solstice
Info to come

The lands of the Antianeira are not what they once where. Chased from their little haven by plague, the Antianeira have taken refuge in a wasteland oasis north and west of the Aegnor'hini. Queen Aella gained aide in finding this home by a demoness named Daelote, and with the aide of other Antianeira has turned it into a place to call 'home'.

The oasis has a river running through it, the same one that curves into the Aegnor'hini eventually. It widens out into a large pool that acts as the main gathering place for the pride, with a large, flat-topped boulder at one end that's used for when important information or speeches, etc must be shared. The rest of the oasis extends out around the pool, giving the small pride ample room to grow and plenty of small game, with larger game found migrating through the desert to lusher lands north. The area around the river itself is green, providing the pride with a little more ease in traveling outside their pridal lands. Dens are provided by the wasteland rock surrounding the oasis, holes in the rock providing dens to accommodate anywhere from a single lioness to a pair of mothers and their litter or litters.

The main leader of the pride. She is supposed to be the epitome of what 'Antianeira' is: strong, smart, with a love for her pride and her pride-sisters. A protector. [Lion/Leopon]

The Queen's partner and co-leader. [Lion/Leopon]

The female chosen to be Queen next. Can be born of the Queen or Consort. [Lion/Leopon]

The daughters of the Queen and Consort. When not needed for royal things, they are considered huntresses, unless they choose to take up another role. [Lion/Leopon]

Sisters or Aunts to the Queen. Title can be exchanged with Huntress or another title, if so desired. [Lion/Leopon]

Female cubs. They receive their true title at the tears-of-blood ceremony in adolescence. [All felines]

Those who hunt food and bring it back to share with the pride. [All felines]

Master Huntress
The lioness who has proven herself the most skilled among the huntresses. She helps to organize hunts, and leads the Great Hunt. [All felines]

In charge of watching over and protecting the main den area, as well as lending a paw where its needed. [All felines]

Elite Guard
In charge of protecting the royal family at all times. They can also be sent out of the lands on special missions by the queen. They are usually the more adventurous or skilled females. [Lion/Leopon]

In charge of patrolling the borders for outsiders. Females are welcomed in if they are peaceful and escorted to meet the King or Queen. Males are chased from the lands unless they are from ally prides. They may call for reinforcement from the guards if necessary. Scouts are interchangeable with huntresses at the current moment since there aren't enough for both. [All felines]

In charge of taking care of the pride's cubs while the mothers are busy. [All felines]

A single lioness with perhaps an apprentice who helps mothers give birth to their cubs. [Lion/Leopon]

Keeps the pride healthy, tending to injuries and other ailments. [All felines]

Those who are too old to hold their old position and have retired. Its a position of honor. [All felines]

Those who collect and remember the history of the pride and share it with everyone. They are in charge of teaching the youths of the pride. [All felines]

Master Storyteller
This is more a ceremonial role than a true one. Every Summer Solstice, this title is bestowed to the storyteller who proves to be the most skilled, and is held until the next Summer Solstice. [All felines]

The lioness(ess) in charge of spiritual matters for the pride. She is considered the most knowledgeable and is often sought out for advice, as she's the link between the pride and their dead, who linger to watch over them. She may also act as an adviser to the queen. No gods are specifically worshiped, but ancestors can be called on to guide and protect the pride. [Lion/Leopon]
PostPosted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 1:38 am
Pride Members

Aella - Truth.Be.Told

Daelote - Das Tor





Tarajia - Truth.Be.Told
Neema - ABVirus

Master Huntress
Dhyl'Ahn - NovaCracker


Elite Guard

Kadri - AstoriaFallen

Kannon - Das Tor



Dogo - Das Tor


Master Storyteller

Kahini - AstoriaFallen

Das Tor

Romantic Enabler

Das Tor

Romantic Enabler

PostPosted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 1:39 am

Want to join? Just fill out the form! Remember that this is an all female, feline pride!

[size=14][color=red][b]Have I got a woman for you![/b][/color][/size]
[size=11][b]SoA Name & Image:[/b] [url=imagelinkhere]Name here[/url]
[b]Reason for Joining:[/b]
[b]Brief Personality:[/b][/size]
PostPosted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 1:40 am

Das Tor

Romantic Enabler

Das Tor

Romantic Enabler

PostPosted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 1:44 am
This is still a thing! Folks are welcome to join us, new and old, former Antianeira members or fresh faces!  
PostPosted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 2:42 am

Anansi is now leader of the Indlovukati and would love to know that her family is still around. She would also love to form an alliance between prides and provide any help needed to get the Antianeira going again if you like. When you're ready to get rps done, Anansi can send over some sort of ambassador to live in the pride and help them rebuild?  

Big Hobbit

Astounding Loiterer


Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 7:15 pm
Das Tor

Nova Cracker
quoting you too since I know you can reach Das ^^

Have I got a woman for you!
SoA Name & Image:Kahini
User Image
Owner: AstoriaFallen
Rank: Priestess or even Elite Guard
Reason for Joining: Because I've been in love with this pride forever and she's one of the only females I can throw here. Not sure of a reason ICCLY beyond wanting to help them gain more members and what not. XD Plus she's larger than your average lioness due to her god blood. So she's strong. ^^
Brief Personality:

She is a seer, her dad is a God. I'd love for her to be a part of this. Do you think she could be a Priestess? She's currently wandering around the rougelands looking for a place. She's sort of a blank slate right now.  
PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 7:24 pm
Have I got a woman for you!
SoA Name & Image: Kadri
Owner: AstoriaFallen
Rank: Scout
Reason for Joining: I have no reason right now /shot
Brief Personality: She was part of the Rahala, they were travelers. She's a blank slate and a WIP as well lol.


Winter Wolf

Das Tor

Romantic Enabler

PostPosted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 6:13 am
This is still a thing if folks are interested!  
PostPosted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 6:41 am
I'm still interested in throwing my two girls in there  


Winter Wolf


PostPosted: Tue Nov 22, 2016 4:47 pm
Have I got a woman for you!
SoA Name & Image: Neema
Owner: ABVirus
Rank: Huntress
Reason for Joining: She wanted somewhere she could belong.
Brief Personality: Born with a natural wariness for males, Neema is immensely relieved to have found a pride that is accepting of all feline species without the pressure of any males leering at her.
PostPosted: Sat Nov 26, 2016 8:57 pm

Welcome aboard! Kahini is definitely welcome as a Priestess, and Kadri as a Scout!


Welcome! The pride will be happy to have Neema join the ranks as a huntress!  

Das Tor

Romantic Enabler

Das Tor

Romantic Enabler

PostPosted: Sat Dec 10, 2016 9:12 am
-pokes this up-  
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