The story
A woman, innocent, pure of heart, and full of good magic has decided to visit Earth from some far away place. She lands in a farmer's field some place in the Cold North.
Will this farmer help the "common butterfly" visitor or will adventure of a different variety strike this beauty? The answers are up to you.
Who I play
The common butterfly.
How do you get involved?
Post to start (you start first), but be sure to post in 3rd person or in a clear detail that everyone knows what character your playing.
You can be an original character of your own design or someone from a video game, it doesn't matter to me.
Special rules
I want some drama for this, but nothing that breaks Gaia rules or Guild rules. This role-play is intended to being like a "create your own story" where if someone reads it just for the sake of something to do, they are engulfed in what is being played out.
The role-play will end if the following conditions are met:
1. Common Butterfly dies.
2. Any rule whether it be Gaia or guild is broken - just don't break the rules.
3. If this role-play remains inactive for 2 months in a row.
Why Not?
No rules, just Fun! Join today.