A young girl named Kiriko got sucked through space and time to end up in an alternate Chinese history. Due to her many unfamiliar features she is prized for her beauty. After managing to get away without being noticed too much, she finally gets caught by imperial guards and taken to the emperor. All she ever wanted was to go back home to her family. now she must live in the Emperor's Harem and find a way to get back to her home.
The Emperor is fairly young, but well past marrying age. He just does not seem to have a desire for concubines and wives, that is..... till he met her. unknowingly the emperor has several advisors who want the throne and the girl all to themselves. how will it go? what will happen? and will Kiriko get to go home?
A young girl named Kiriko got sucked through space and time to end up in an alternate Chinese history. Due to her many unfamiliar features she is prized for her beauty. After managing to get away without being noticed too much, she finally gets caught by imperial guards and taken to the emperor. All she ever wanted was to go back home to her family. now she must live in the Emperor's Harem and find a way to get back to her home.
The Emperor is fairly young, but well past marrying age. He just does not seem to have a desire for concubines and wives, that is..... till he met her. unknowingly the emperor has several advisors who want the throne and the girl all to themselves. how will it go? what will happen? and will Kiriko get to go home?