Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2014 4:38 pm
Quiz Clearly I am a teenage male.
Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2014 7:55 pm
1. You are male. 2. You are currently in your mid fifties, still working hard and enjoying every minute of it. 3. You are starting to go bald, but you don't care about it as much as you thought you would when you were younger. You still have your good looks, your gray eyes and your sense of humor. 4. You have a beautiful loving family, great life-long friends, even the doctor is happy with your annual check up! 5. Things are generally good, and you just wish they'll stay that way for much, much longer. If this is accurate, then I need to buy this (and also stop dating girls half my age):
Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 10:32 am
Female, Mid-30s
1. You are female. Yes, that's true.
2. You are currently in your mid thirties. I'm actually in the mid-20s range.
3. You have a great job that you don't necessarily appreciate as much as you should. You do, however, appreciate the great life partner that you have and your caring friends. I actually appreciate both of my jobs. Without them, I wouldn't be able to do as much during cons as I would have in the past before I started working. I am currently single, so I don't have a life partner... but yes, I do appreciate my friends.
4. You have short blonde hair, gray eyes and a naturally tan skin tone. I have long, golden blond hair; forest green eyes, and currently I'm a bit more white. If you catch me during the summer time, I might have the natural tan skintone because I've tanned from the sunlight.
5. You have 2 kids. Currently thinking whether or not to have a third one. I don't have any kids.
Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 3:37 pm
1. You are male. 2. You are still a teenager, but won't be one for very much longer. 3. You're in college and are already worried about finding the perfect job that will be both fulfilling and will pay well. Your future worries you more than you'd like to admit. 4. You have beautiful, silky brown hair and big eyes. 5. You know that if you'd only believe in yourself more, things would be much easier for you. Yet you still doubt your instincts more than you should, instead of trusting them every time.
This is what I get for saying the ballpit looks fun.
Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 7:21 pm
Quote: Male, Mid-50's1. You are male. 2. You are currently in your mid fifties, still working hard and enjoying every minute of it. 3. You are starting to go bald, but you don't care about it as much as you thought you would when you were younger. You still have your good looks, your gray eyes and your sense of humor. 4. You have a beautiful loving family, great life-long friends, even the doctor is happy with your annual check up! 5. Things are generally good, and you just wish they'll stay that way for much, much longer. Yup, this obvs me, you guys. rofl Don'tcha know the whole college girl thing must've been a grandiose act of catfishing all this time! LOL
Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 8:24 am
Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 11:39 am
All the males in their fifties raise their hands up!
Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 6:38 pm
1.you are male. HOLY CRAP THEY MUST BE PSYCHIC! 2. You are in your mid 30s. Actually guys, I'm 20 soon to be 21...but still. You know my gender, you're totally psychic. 3.You are married and just became a parent. You are experiencing exciting days, and more are on the way, but through it all you remain calm, strong and deeply caring. Funny that you say that considering that I said I was single... I'm starting to doubt your psychic powers. 4.you have short hair-partly gray brown eyes and a fit body. Well, you're right for all but the grey hair part. 5.you decided long ago that your kids must have a better childhood than you had. You know you'll do anything to make sure of that. kind of hard to beat my childhood actually. and, again, I have no kids. I have drawn the conclusion that you guys are not psychic but instead are...PHONIES! Zphal actually, I said the ball pit looked like fun too.
Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2015 1:57 am
1. You are female. (yes) 2. You are currently in your twenties, you are single, dating at nights and balancing a promising career during the day. (yes) 3. You are smart, calculated, funny and imaginative. (I guess?) 4. You have black hair, dark eyes a cute nose. (dark hair yes, dark eyes no) 5. You own a pet. (I guess I could call him mine)
Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2015 10:38 pm
Don't Forget to Love
1. You are female. Yes
2. You are currently in your twenties, you are single, dating at nights and balancing a promising career during the day. In my 20's, single, not dating at nights, just graduated and looking for work.
3. You are smart, calculated, funny and imaginative. I doubt it. :c
4. You have black hair, dark eyes a cute nose. Tan/gold hair, grey eyes, not so cute nose u.u
5. You own a pet. Yes
... Not bad, quiz. ♡
I'll Always be Your Vanilla
Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2015 1:15 pm
Quote: 1. You are female. 2. You are currently in your twenties, you are single, dating at nights and balancing a promising career during the day. 3. You are smart, calculated, funny and imaginative. 4. You have black hair, dark eyes a cute nose. 5. You own a pet. Hmmmmmm. Well, some of it is right. Some of it is, completely wrong.
Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 4:15 pm
This is so hilariously off. It's true I'm in college and worried about my future. And I have brown hair and sort of big eyes But I'm 22, female, and rarely doubt my instincts.
Male, late teens. Here is our best guess at who you are: 1. You are male. 2. You are still a teenager, but won't be one for very much longer. 3. You're in college and are already worried about finding the perfect job that will be both fulfilling and will pay well. Your future worries you more than you'd like to admit. 4. You have beautiful, silky brown hair and big eyes. 5. You know that if you'd only believe in yourself more, things would be much easier for you. Yet you still doubt your instincts more than you should, instead of trusting them every time.