Accepted Profiles:
Water house:Gaia name: Sivlerwolf14
Character Name: Maverick Megami
Race: Mer
Magic house: Water
Bio&personality: Maverick has been in the school since he was a young boy. He found his talent with water magic at a very young age and his curiousity and desire to know more and delve further is what brought him to the school. As he grew so did his powers and desire to learn. Eventually he was awarded the Rank of Master by Leviathan as well as a retiring Master. He is patient, kind, serene, and eager to teach the new Novices coming in.
biggrin ieties
Gaia name: Forever_Hikaru
Character Name: Yui Kirigaya
Race: Fairy
Magic house: Water
Rank: Novice
Bio&personality: A new student going into the Water House. Yui was having trouble learning with her own kind so she was sent here. Everyone back home called her a failure, but her parents just believed she was a late bloomer and believed she had great power within her. Due to her predicament, she's mostly quiet, likes to keep to herself, and a bit disobedient at time, but she's not a bad kid.
Side: Deities
Gaia name: Snuggle89
Character Name: Erin
Race: Half breed fox Demon
Erin is highly sensitive about her ‘extremities’ and they are only mentioned at the speakers peril
Magic house: Water
Rank: Apprentice
Bio&personality: Erin was singled out as different from birth, not because of her elemental ability which she developed at a later age but because of the demonic features she had inherited from her mother. Ashamed by his weakness in falling for a demon the father was ecstatic to learn of his daughter’s elemental ability’s. The moment that Erin was accepted she was shipped off and to this day she has no contact with her father, feeling bitter towards his betrayal.
Ever since Erin arrived at the school she has been known as a hard-headed and stubborn student.
In life Erin’s main gaol is to be ‘normal’, she’s often in trouble for her lack of enthusiasm in learning, she is only still around due to excelling in offensive water use. She can be sweet and shy towards her fellow teachers but is seen by her teachers as a difficult and troublesome.
Fire HouseGaia name: Maya Freana
Character Name: Amaya Sharp
Race: Half-Human, Half-Elf
Magic house: Fire
Rank: Master
Bio&personality: Being half-human and half-elf, Amaya was always picked on as a child, even in the school. The fact that she had few friends and a large, cocky attitude drove Amaya to be the best in her class until she was granted the title of Master by Ifrit. After she became a Master and saw those that needed her help, Amaya cooled down a bit, though she is still known to have a firey attitude and occasionally be a little cocky.
Side: Deities
Gaia name: Pleione Asterodea
Character Name: Seraphina Hravart
Race: Human/Dragonkin
Magic house: Shadow/Fire
Rank: Master
Bio&personality: A quiet and shy girl having extraordinary power with fire magic. Her biological age is unknown though she has an appearance of a young woman. Seraphina can be timid and naive, at the same time she could be cold and fierce. Her whereabouts is unknown, except that she is a half blooded dragon. She is always seen with a mysterious red book (she usually drops it onto her feet) where she conjures fire magic and summoning fire spirits. No one can read that book, it is made for her only, parting with it makes her vulnerable to all kinds of magical attacks (be careful though because she still has something up her sleeves), she will also be unable to summon strong fire spirits to her aid (even though the book and herself is very difficult to seperate). She has infiltrated the fire house to be a new assistant teacher, no one knows why. She has sided with Diablos at a promise for a new and better world. She is a loner, in contact with only some people who sides with Diablos. The people of the university sees her as a gentle and kind person without knowing her true intentions, which is unclear to herself as well...
Side: Diablos
Gaia name: Okami Ameras
Character Name: True name unknown, called Ash
Race: Human
Appearance: Her eyes shift and change color depending on the lighting and her mood.
Magic house: Fire
Rank: Somewhere between novice and apprentice
Bio&personality: A rare human to come to the school; she just arrived, yet seems to have a high connection with fire, that few others share. She was brought to the school when she was found in the remnants of a burning building, completely unharmed. She had no memory before waking up in the burning building, which was engulfed in a total inferno.
Side: DietiesGaia name: Tamwynne the elven
Character Name: Edward Faulkner
Race: Half-human, half-don't know
Magic house: Fire
Rank: Very much a Novice
Bio&personality: Ed is that one kid in high school that no matter what he does, he seems to screw it up. He's really sweet, and doesn't mean to cause people harm, but it just...happens. Like that one time that he accidentally set fire his crush's shirt...then blamed the bunsen burner because he didn't know what else to say. He's really smart though, just...not that articulate. His mom had Ed as a teenager, and the father never really seemed human. She suspects elf. Anyway, his mom sent him to the university to try and get control of this fire ability.
biggrin ieties
Earth HouseGaia name: Shabatha
Character Name: Attanita Niestonson
Race: Half-Nymph half Human
Magic house: Earth(Titan)
Rank: Master
Bio&personality: Being born half Nymph she had power over the same element her mother did. Being a Mountain Nymph she was naturally gifted, but entering the school she realized that she wasn't naturally gifted... But blessed by one of the Dieties themselves. She is very calm, but hard like the Earth. She is also very temperamental and enchanting by birth.
Side: Dieties
Gaia name: ArtificialFlavored Cheese
Character Name: Aizith
Race: Nymph
AizithMagic house: Earth
Rank: Apprentice
Bio&personality: Found as a small child at the bottom of a gigantic landslide, Aizith was taken to the University. She was raised in the House of Earth, and has quickly attained the ranks of Apprentice. Despite her cold and harsh appearence, she is actually a bubbly and hyperactive individual who loves being outside and sitting in nature. Although she tends to mostly manipulate the earth, she loves to interact with animals and nature in general.
Side: Dieties
Air HouseGaia name: wolf_with_a_dragon
Character Name: Jake Williams
Race: Elf
Magic house: Air
Rank: Master
Bio&personality: Jake became aware of his powers at the age of 5. He never saw much harm in them so he simply used them to enjoy himself and have fun. He enjoyed making makeshift gliders he could use to catch the wind he would manipulate and fly around. It wasn't until he was 17 that the school discovered him. When he found out they were able to help him hone his powers and make them stronger he gladly accepted and worked extremely hard until he was granted the rank of master. Now he uses all of his knowlege to help train the new generation of students attending the university. He tends to have a light natured attitude and can always be seen wearing a smile. He is very patient with the students he teaches and always, always, always does his best to take time out of his day to help those who he sees are struggling or who ask him for assistance in their lessons. The motto he lives by, and tries hard to teach his students, is "A skilled person practices until he gets it right, a master practices until he never gets it wrong."
Side: Dieties
Gaia name: IchigoK25
Character Name: Xavier Landel
Race: Human
Magic house: Air
Rank: Apprentice
Bio&personality: Xavier has been in the school for a while. he started to show promise of magic using when he was very young and was invited to the school. He Uses Air Magic and is one of the Best in his house. He is a little trickster at some times but when its time for business he is very calmed collected and ready to go. He hopes that he can be appointed Master Rank By Roc one day.
Side: Dieties
Gaia name: Shabatha
Character Name: Cassandra Artentin
Race: Elf
Magic house: Air
Rank: Novice
Bio&personality: She only just became aware of her powers. That she had any at all surprised her. She wasn't the one that stuff usually happened too. It was normally the more popular or the richer. But when she was able to keep the wind at bay while the other kids could not, she was summoned to the school. She is quiet and reserved, believing she is of lesser need than others.
Side: Dieties